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  1. I hope I've put this thread in the correct forum. After checking my bank account the other day, as I do, I saw that I had been debited for the amount of £69.99 by god knows who. A bit of background, I've taken out a few too many Payday loans recently (that's another story) and, of course, somewhere along the line, have had to put my details into a few websites. I confess I had been reckless, but I know for sure that I had not knowingly signed up on any site and given permission for the said amount to be taken out. Let's look at this logically. I needed money, I certainly wouldn't have paid nearly £70 for the pleasure of doing so. Especially when most payday loans are in the region of £100 anyway. Anyhoo, I contacted VISA card services as the name of the company that had taken the payment was not yet showing on my statement. They told me that it belonged to a company called "Enhance Financial Services". They also stated that they dealt with this particular issue of payments being taken by Enhance Financial Services on many occasions each week. "Give them a call on #" I was told. "They are generally good at giving refunds". I decided to do a little bit of research before I called them. I checked my email account and found two emails from "myloan" in my junk folder, dated 21st January 2012, the first thanking me for joining them and the second informing me that my "processing payment" had now been taken. What was odd though, was the login details they claimed I had signed up with. My login ID was my email address; fair enough. However, my Password with Myloan was my Postcode! I generally use a few passwords online, and my postcode certainly wouldn't be one of them. I had a snoop about on the net; google, companies house etc. and found that "Myloans", "Enhance Financial Services" and "Claims Angel" where all run from the same address, and that the Director was a certain "Michael Christian Ransom" (I kid you not!!). I called the number that VISA had given me and got through to Enhance Financial Services. I stated that their company had recently taken a debit from my bank. Instantly, before I had a chance to draw breath, the bloke on the other end said "well you would have agreed to the terms and conditions on our website". I told him I'd never heard of any of the companies that are based where he is and had not signed up with any of them. I'd checked the myloan site out before I had called him and it says in big letters how they charge £69.99 and I know for sure that 1. I had never been on that site and 2. even if I had I wouldn't have proceeded with any application, not for that price anyway. I then asked him his name as he hadn't had the decency to give it to me at the beginning of the call. I then asked him which site it was I had apparently signed up with and that I wanted them to email me proof of this. He became quite shirty and said "I can't tell you any of that. I will pass this on to our Fraud department who will email you in two to three days" And that was that. No real conversation, no taking of information, just that "I had accepted the terms and conditions". I checked in with my good friend, G**gle, again. I have found pages and pages of people complaining of exactly the same thing; of this company getting peoples details from god knows where and nicking money from their accounts. The more I thought about it, the more I began to think that my details have been given to them by some shifty payday loan site and they have just used my details to take this money. Please don't chastise me about how I should have been careful what sites I went on and what details I disclosed, I know that know. I just got carried away over the space of a few days and wasn't thinking clearly. They haven't yet replied, I think they are just ignoring me. I'm not willing to call them by phone again as it's a waste of time and more importantly, you can never easily prove what has been said on the phone. So I emailed them the following (for the attention of Mr. Ransom, of course!!!!): "Mr Ransom. Further to my conversation with your colleague the other day regarding the unauthorised charge that has been debited from my bank account by "MYLOAN, MACCLESFIELD", again, I will reiterate that I have never visited the said website "myloan". Having checked the Internet for more information, it would appear that your company is well known taking money from people who have had no contact with "myloan" in the first place. When I asked your colleague why I had been charged this amount, the reply was "you would have agreed to the terms and conditions when you signed up". An odd response to my initial question, but no doubt a response that you tell all of your staff to say to anybody questioning the said charge. Again I ask you quite simply, where exactly did I "sign up" in agreement to allow you to take £69.99 from my account? You refused to answer any of my questions on the phone the other day, merely stating that the matter would be passed on to your fraud department. That's a tremendous step to take when all you were asked were the details of the agreement that I apparently made. As I made you aware, I have spoken to VISA card services regarding this charge, they informed me that they are well aware of your company and deal with this issue time and time again. A Google search of your company hasn't exactly given me much information regarding your activities, merely reports and complaints about you having done this to many other people. I am again demanding the return of this fee you have fraudulently taken from me. If you do not comply with this lawful request then I will take further action. I feel that, from our conversation the other day and the lack of answers you gave me, you are merely stalling for time. Please be aware that I will not be letting this issue slide, certainly not for £69.99. A number of fraudulent activities were carried out using my card details this week (funnily enough, starting after you emailed me informing me that I had joined up with you - this email went to my junk folder) and one of those transactions was yours. Fortunately for me, you have been the most traceable of the lot. I expect to have my money refunded by the end of this week. All further correspondence from yourselves is to be in writing only, preferable email for sake of speed. This is to ensure clarity and to prevent any 'misunderstandings', which can not be ensured through solely verbal communication" The above email was sent to all three companies based at the same business address, with the same director, so not just sharing a boiler room between them. Now, I have a suspicion that these people will not get back to me at all. VISA said to get back to them if this was the case. I'm sure they'll carry out a chargeback if I state my case to them. So, that's it. This is one hell of a long post, I hope you didn't get bored halfway though. I'll keep you updated on the outcome. Lets see if Mr. Ransom continues to hold me to ransom!!".
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