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Found 3 results

  1. hi there would love it if someone could advise me on my bailiff problem i had a payment agreement set up with jacobs bailiff company but due to my mum passing away and my mind else were i missed a payment in jan 2013 i then called them up to make a double payment to bring the arears on the account up date. I was told i couldnt because it had gone out to a bailiff jxxxxn cxxxxy and i would now have to sort it out with him which i did i contacted him and we agreed to another plan for me to pay £50 a month a week later he contacted me saying the bailiff company refused it because previous agreements had been broken but they were only broke because i was unemployed and just couldnt afford it at the time i then contacted the company who again rufused to take any payment saying i could only pay the debt off in full at this point the debt was £630 i then gave them my phone number to give to the bailiff at the end of feb 2013 because the cost of phone calls to an 0845 number where costing a bit to much money and awaited contact no contact came until i received a letter in april 2013 telling the amount i owed was now £820 i dont dispute the original amout amount of £630 which has now been paid direct to the council and has cleared debt but there is still £192 in charges. which i dispute because i think they are unlawful. i have asked for a breakdown of the charges which they have sent to me here are the charges why they were charged and dates. 8th march 2012 bailiff pxxxe fxxxxxn Fee £24.50 9th march 2012 bailiff pxxxe fxxxn Fee £18.00 these charges were already added to the account in the £630 then on the 2nd april 2013 bailiff dxxxn hxxxxxxxxn called to my property they charged me a £48 levy fee which was done on my vehicle in my absence i was in at the time because i was off work with a broken arm there was no knock at my door he also charged me £120 for attending with a van and £24.50 SCH 5 HEAD when he done this nothing was posted to inform me he had been and that my vehicle had been levied. my car was still outside my house so i was non the wiser this had been done he then called back on the 8th april but again i was in at the time there was no knock and again and no letter posted telling me he had called and my car was left outside my house. i think charging me £192 for 1 visit on the 2nd april 2013 is very expensive i would be grateful for any help thanks warren
  2. I woke up to knocks at the door early in the morning. I opened the window and two men on my drive said they were court Sheriffs and that they had a high court writ. I have made an application to court to have the judgement set aside as i was not correctly served and have not been able to defend myself. I am waiting to hear back on that and also a stay of the writ. Meanwhile i am expecting the bailiffs to return. The bailiffs kept telling me that i had to let them in and if i did not the would call a locksmith, this is on their first visit. I spoke to them from a window and told them i would not be letting them in until i had got legal advice. They sat in their car for nearly 2 hours, saying it was going to cost me, until i managed to get through to a solicitor. Whilst on the phone to solicitor they handed me a pink sheet through the window. On there it says that the car on the drive, registered to me and all goods in the demise property.I did put them on notice that although the said car was registered to me it was part of my late mothers estate that i am administrator to and have sent them documents to prove this matter. Now i would appreciate it if someone could explain is that pink sheet what you call a levy? Does the car have to remain on the drive although the estate solicitors have advised the bailiffs that it is Estate property. Also does that mean all goods in my house are levied although the bailiffs have not been in my house or know what i have her? I never signed anything, pink sheet was handed to me and bailiffs got in their car and left.
  3. Hi, I had a bailiff knock on my door yesterday morning regarding council tax arrears. The debt is in joint names (me and oh) The OH originally set up a payment plan in September paying £250 up front with an agreement to pay £100 a month from then on. At the time we knew £100 a month was going to be very hard but the bailiff co. refused to take any less and my OH said she felt a bit bullied into the £100. Fast forward to now, we have missed the December payment, hence the visit yesterday. He knocked on the door and handed me the Notice of seizure of goods and inventory. On that the fees are listed as follows.. Arrears due to authority £1034.69 Fees £18 Levy fee £53.25 Attendance Charges £125 He also listed on inventory a car that was on my drive, the car is registered to me but I am not the legal owner (the legal owner has said he is prepared to make a declaration of ownership for me) He knocked on the door about 9:30 yesterday and said he would be back "From 7pm tonight" (last night) My questions, Are these fees correct? (from what I've read I dont think they are) If the car has been levied on, how long do I have to prove I am not the legal owner? (because its going to be hard to get the sworn declaration quickly as the owner is working) I have emailed (and going to post) asking for a complete breakdown of fees (using a letter I found on here) I also got onto the Debt helpline yesterday, they suggested going through a budget plan and offering a payment scheme that was more reasonable, they suggested £20 a month after going through it with me. I phoned the Bailiff who flat out refused and just kept saying he will proceed with action against me. Since he didnt turn up last night I have made a payment using their online payment facility of £30 to show that I am not refusing to pay. Sorry if thats all a bit longwinded, just need to get it all off my chest.
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