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  1. Hi everybody. Hopefully, you knowledgable people can help me, I'm about to set off into the unknown with the unscrupulous people at T.B.I Finacial services, their dreaded mortgage department. I'm really sorry, this is a little bit long and convaluted. A few years ago, myself and my partner took out finance with HFC bank for a double glazing loan to get the windows in the house sorted. In a nutshell, we defaulted on payment and due to the fact I lost my job, the debt went all the way to judgement which ended up being about £2,100. As silly people sometimes do, I ignored the problem hoping it would go away, but it's snowballed, Then these TBI people got involved and thinking ignoring them they would go away, they eventualy went after the house and got a final charging order. What worries me, is that the interest they are slapping on is wiping out the £30.00 a month I agreed to pay them and then I stopped for a couple of months to try and sort this out but wasn't sure how to go about it. I questioned the steep interest that had been added to the debt after judgement and the guy emphatically told me that they are within their right to charge interest after judgement as it was contractural, and the debt has spiralled to £5,500. TBI have threatened to escalate the order if I don't continue to pay them. The person I spoke to was very rude, and said to me, "don't even think about taking us on" you can't afford it! So, I'm back to paying their £30.00 a month (and they also say they are doing me a favour letting me pay such a low amount). I just feel like they have me by the short and curlies, I'll be paying them for the next 20 years at this rate. Please can someone help me, this whole thing is just getting ridiculous. I have (yesterday) sent a template letter requesting that they send to me, a copy of the original credit agreement although I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that when I get it. I'm trying to sort this out on my own because I don't earn a lot of money and can only just meet my mortgage commitments each month, so I'm feeling around in the dark. I've been inspired to ask this site for advice because of the horror stories I've read on the internet about TBI and the unauthodox methods they use. I'm trying to manage this problem now, albeit I have left it late, but I really need some guidance on the correct procedures/steps to take. Thank you in anticipation of any help your members can give me. Just one more thing, IVA and personal bankruptcy is not an option, I do not want to even consider that. Thanks
  2. Universal credit CCJ passed onto Paragon, 15 years on and I owe more than the CCJ Hi all, I really could do with some advice and hopefully direction on this matter as I am yet another unfortunate who has had interest reinstated by Paragon. Previously Universal Credit. Having read numerous parts of the Consumer credit act 1974 I think I may just e able to stand up to them and hopefully help others reading this site also. Typically I am concerned that I am reading it with a bias eye and what have found will get blown straight out of the water by Paragon. Here is my story I will try to give you as much detail without boring you so please stick with it. My story I took out a loan with Universal Credit in 1994 for £8,000 to try and consolidate a few other debts I already had, they had an interest rate of 39.9% PA but at the time it seemed like a good idea to consolidate what debts I could. In 1995 after a change in circumstances I fell behind with this and about 3 other debts. This resulted in me having a few CCJ’s entered against me. Universal Credit accepted a monthly payment of £50 and entered a Judgement against me for £10,141 to be paid back at £50 per month with no end date. To my knowledge I have all the letters ever sent to me including Paragons welcome letter in 1998 etc etc and no mention of interest at all. They have asked me to increase payments which I happily did as I believed that I was chipping away at the debt slowly but surely and as with other CCJ’s it was just a matter of time and I would be all paid up. In August 2008 Paragon sent me a letter to advise me of my “current financial position” which was £12,895.45 in debt, as you can imagine I was puzzled, I rang them and they said they couldn’t comment on when interest was reinstated just that it had been and that I should write to them. I did and asked how after paying approx £8,000 back I could still be so much in debt? All I got back was a letter saying that they had been attempting to contact me and that I should call them? (they also had the cheek to charge me £10 for the letter) I did and was told verbally that I had indeed almost paid the debt off but they still wouldn’t comment on any interest. They suggested that if I increased the payments further it would help me to clear it quicker, so I increased them to £100 per month still in a blind hope that it was coming to an end. Last month I had another statement saying that I owed £12,595.33 which means that by paying them £2,400 over the last two years I have decreased my debt by £400. I again rang up on the 21st September and asked to speak to a manager to sort this out as I believe I have paid the full amount easily by now. They again said that they couldn’t comment but this time to my surprise they said that they would pass it up to their management and that I would receive a letter within a few days clarifying my situation. 1st October and no letter so I rang up again, still no answer as my case account was still under review. A few more days and I had a letter charging me £20 for me phoning them so I rang up again and was told that it was an error and they had the phone call logged but didn’t know it was incoming, they told me that now it was in the hands of their solicitors and that they would contact me in a couple of weeks. Last week I received a letter stating that my balance was £12,600.04 and enclosed was a copy of the original credit agreement. It looks genuine enough but on the back is a box stating “Conditions” and they have highlighted in the miscellaneous section a paragraph stating: (a)If the company obtains judgment against either or both of the Customer(s) in respect of any monies payable under this Agreement then interested on the amount of the judgement will be payable y the Customer(s) at the rate in force on the loan immediately before judgement. I like to think of myself as honest although arguably stupid in the past I have paid off all my other debts but this one is now 15 / 16 years old and I just don’t ever see there being and end to this. I have been reading all the other posts across the forums and wasn’t holding out much hope in putting up a fight but it just seems to be that adding interest back on at some point after the judgement is just unfair? They have still not after me asking a couple of times yet told me when the interest was reinstated. I think this is where I may be able to put up a fight? The details On the bottom on my CCJ there is a box saying “take notice” and there is says in brackets (including interest*) and at the bottom the star refers to: *If Judgement is for more than £5000 the plaintiff may be entitled to interest Please note that this does say MAY be entitled After reading “The County Courts (Interest on Judgment Debts) Order 1991” It states that…… The general rule 2.—(1) Subject to the following provisions of this Order, every judgmentdebt under a relevant judgment shall, to the extent that it remainsunsatisfied, carry interest under this Order from the date on which therelevant judgment was given. (2) In the case of a judgment or order for the payment of a judgmentdebt, other than costs, the amount of which has to be determined at alater date, the judgment debt shall carry interest from that later date. (3) Interest shall not be payable under this Order where the relevantjudgment— (a)is given in proceedings to recover money due under an agreementregulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974(1); This is my first point which I think I might have a case not to pay the interest the full article is here:(sorry can't add links but if you email me i will happily sent them to you) So whilst I realise that this is the general rule and not set in stone anywhere I started reading the Consumer credit act 1974 Which my agreement states it is regulated by and that signing it legally binds me by it’s terms, this is where I found this little gem: (sorry can't add links but if you email me i will happily sent them to you) 130A Interest payable on judgment debts etc. (1)If the creditor or owner under a regulated agreement wants to be able to recover from the debtor or hirer post-judgment interest in connection with a sum that is required to be paid under a judgment given in relation to the agreement (the ‘judgment sum’), he— (a)after the giving of that judgment, shall give the debtor or hirer a notice under this section (the ‘first required notice’); and (b)after the giving of the first required notice, shall give the debtor or hirer further notices under this section at intervals of not more than six months. (2)The debtor or hirer shall have no liability to pay post-judgment interest in connection with the judgment sum to the extent that the interest is calculated by reference to a period occurring before the day on which he is given the first required notice. (3)If the creditor or owner fails to give the debtor or hirer a notice under this section within the period of six months beginning with the day after the day on which such a notice was last given to the debtor or hirer, the debtor or hirer shall have no liability to pay post-judgment interest in connection with the judgment sum to the extent that the interest is calculated by reference to the whole or to a part of the period which— (a)begins immediately after the end of that period of six months; and (b)ends at the end of the day on which the notice is given to the debtor or hirer. (4)The debtor or hirer shall have no liability to pay any sum in connection with the preparation or the giving to him of a notice under this section. (5)A notice under this section may be incorporated in a statement or other notice which the creditor or owner gives the debtor or hirer in relation to the agreement by virtue of another provision of this Act. (6)Regulations may make provision about the form and content of notices under this section. (7)This section does not apply in relation to post-judgment interest which is required to be paid by virtue of any of the following— (a)section 4 of the Administration of Justice (Scotland) Act 1972; (b)Article 127 of the Judgments Enforcement (Northern Ireland) Order 1981; ©section 74 of the County Courts Act 1984. (8)This section does not apply in relation to a non-commercial agreement or to a small agreement. (9)In this section ‘post-judgment interest’ means interest to the extent calculated by reference to a period occurring after the giving of the judgment under which the judgment sum is required to be paid. My Plea for Guidance In short I have had no notice whatsoever of them reinstating interest and the first statement I received was some 13 years after the Judgement! I hope this is enough information for one of you kind souls to be able to guide me in what my next move is, I am currently still paying the £100 per month as I’m afraid of what might happen if I stopped. Please help. Robbie
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