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  1. I wrote this for insuranceguy since he said he offers help , but I cannot PM him because I do not have 15 posts . This is my first . Maybe someone can PM him with this link for me , or offer any advice at all . Thank you very much , kind and concerned citizens . I do not have a thread . I just was researching about my case , which I have an attorney representing me supposedly anyway , and I see that you offer advice . I hope that you can help from here , without a thread and if I need one , I guess I could compose one , but I have no idea where it would go . so I will start here if I may ? I am traveling down a 2 way street with traffic on both sides . This street is named Poplar . This street has no stops for me whatsoever , and there is a red light ahead , about 1/4 of a mile . Along this street , there is crossing traffic , by means of a stop sign . However , I have the right away , and the crossing traffic , who has the stop signs , need to yield to me and proceed after I pass , or before , if it's safe . So again I have no stops whatsoever . So I am traveling down this street and I am coming up to a car who wishes to cross across Poplar , the street that I am on . She is traveling north from south and I am traveling east to west . The person driving this vehicle is only paying attention to the cars to the right of her . As I am nearing closer to her , I still notice that she has not looked left yet but by this time I need to focus on my own driving and not hers . So I proceed forward , at around 25 MPH the speed limit , and as I am almost parallel with her I hear my passenger yell watch out ! I instantly look to the right and I see her coming right for us , and gut instinct , we are going to get hit . If I would have stopped at this moment she would have hit us , it was already set in stone , I was getting hit no matter what I tried , but gut instinct , to try to avoid the accident I intended to go on the wrong side of the road to give the this driver time to see me and to stop . However , I had oncoming traffic so I could only make it a few feet into the middle of the street while stopping . If I would have proceeded to go straight and not veer into the middle of the street , she would have ripped the whole side of my car , rather than just hitting the front , so my actions did give her some time to notice me before she hit us and this street that she is crossing is not just straight across . She had to drive at a right angle , to continue crossing onto her same street , Elm . So she was so busy with only looking toward the right , in the direction that she was heading , that she never noticed that I was on the side of her and had she would have looked left , she could have avoided this whole accident . It was not safe for her to proceed , as per the police report putting her at fault . She had to wait for me to cross first , then proceed . So she proceed without looking left thus smashing into me . And this all happened in a matter of split seconds by the way . So I get to the middle of the street and stop . I have no where to go , speeding up wont help , and she's already heading straight for me . So by the time she finally stops paying attention to the cars on the right , she finally looks straight onto the street which she is aiming for Elm , while after already into the intersection and she finally sees me stopped in the middle of the street and slams right into me . Again , in a matter of split seconds . So in a nutshell . I'm driving eastbound on a street with no stops for me whatsoever , I totally have the right a way , and a driver wishing to cross my lane of traffic does so without looking left to make sure there are no cars or pedestrians , thus making it not safe for her to proceed and by doing so she crashes right into the front side of me . I got a lawyer and I had to speak to their adjuster , and I didn't even know what an adjuster was before this , no accidents in my life , but the adjuster was rude , was rushing me throughout my answers and was trying to confuse me into saying things that just didn't happen . So to me this phone call was BS to begin with , which she recorded by the way , because my attorneys helper , said it was fine to do so . Also at the scene of the accident , the first thing the other driver said is , where were you ? Because she never saw me , because she never looked left ! And I tried to explain to her , I was just driving down the street and you never looked left , and she tries to say well then it was your fault . You must have been speeding . So I said yeah right [problem]mer , I have my 71 year old grandmother with me , oxygen in the vehicle and a lapdog which my grandmother was holding . So I driving very defensively , which is why I was noticing her to begin . If I would have been alone , I would have not paid so much attention to her . But so anyway , I instinctively called 911 who came to scene , took both of our statements , and placed her at fault . Well when she contacts her insurance , she decides to change up her story , and she tells them that I was behind her , which is absurd . I am traveling east to west and she is traveling from south to north . At no time was I ever behind her . She was crossing my lane of traffic , she has a stop and I have none . So I had the right a away . I had no reason to stop , until I saw her coming straight for us . So my attorney and her adjuster says they need to wait for the police report and when they finally get it , it shows that she is indeed at fault . She basically failed to make sure that the intersection was safe before crossing . She never looked left , and again , had she would have , then she would have never went and we would not be here . So anyway I get an email from my attorneys helper that based on the recorded call between her adjuster and myself , their insurance came to the conclusion that because I saw the accident , I'm at 30% fault . Which is bogus . I only saw the accident 1 to 2 split seconds at most before it happened , but the adjuster took my words and twisted them around to make it seem like I was watching her the whole time until she plowed into me . Which just wasn't so . I eventually had to take my eyes off of her to pay attention to my own driving and then is when she gunned it , darting across the street , slamming into me and if it wasn't for my passenger yelling watch out ! I would have never even seen her coming . So yes as I was traveling down the street , I was observing her because I sensed something odd about her and as I got closer she still haven't looked left but I figure eventually she would , because everyone has to . I mean this is the freaken law right ? So I stopped paying attention to her , paying attention to my own driving and the other drivers around me , putting her behind me , because I cant be driving for everyone else . And I guess I was almost just pretty much parallel with her and my passenger yells watch out . I look right see her coming for us , try to go on the wrong side of the street but cannot due to oncoming traffic , so I slam on my brakes in the middle of the street . I look to the right and within nanoseconds she slams into us . So again police place her at fault for not giving the right a away to motorists who are on the street which she is crossing . But my recorded conversation , taken out of context twisted and mangled by their adjuster , says I am at 30% at fault since I saw the accident happen . I mean seriously wtf ? Everyone saw the accident happen . My passenger first , then me second and then finally the other driver third . So their bogus claim has no merit by my understandings , but this so called recorded phone call somehow proves , to their insurance , that I could have avoided the accident , since I saw it happen . Which is pure bull feed . So my attorneys helper says their insurance deems me at fault and wants to do a 30:70 . 30 me and 70 her , but I know for a fact this is 100% her fault as so did the police say the same and wrote in the report . This insurance adjuster had just twisted my words around to make up a story which doesn't even exist to get this 30:70 . More bonus for her right ? So I'm waiting on a recorded copy from my attorney to listen to the tape because during the recording , they weren't letting me finish my statements . Either my attorneys helper would tell me to stop speaking or the adjuster would ask a question and then before I was even finished she was ask another and yet another and then she was like , "well you already said yes" and she yelled at me when she said this and I was like , wait a freken second , that is not what I meant . And she responds , like a freken child , "but you already said yes , but you already said yes , but you already said yes!" So this recording from their insurance adjuster for their insurance is not reported accurately , of what actually happened and which basically goes against the police report . So what do you think ? I mean , I told my attorneys helper , I will not accept any fault at all . There was nothing I could do and yeah I was paying attention to her as I was coming toward her , because sometimes people will dash in front of you and try to cross the street in a rush . Which is actually what she did do , to avoid oncoming traffic from the right hand side , but since she never looked left she dashed straight into me . However , I never saw her leave the stop sign . My attention was by then , off of her and on to the other traffic , and again it wasn't until my passenger said watch out , that I actually looked right and saw her coming for me . So again they said because I saw the accident I'm 30% at fault which is straight out fraud , I feel . There was nothing I could do . She was coming straight for me so I just stopped toward the middle of the street and braced for impact . Any ideas sir InsuranceGuy ? And I’ve been dealing with my attorneys helper this whole time , so I haven't actually spoken to any attorney at all . She's the one handling my case , in if she comes back with the conclusion and says well sorry Rob , that-is-that , it's gonna be 30:70 , then what can I do ? Who can I report this to ? My other friend said the BAR , and I've already read online to file a complaint with something to do with the automotive insurance regulatory system , but I'm not sure exactly where or with who . But from your insight , if the adjuster is basing her claims on not facts but the fiction of twisting my words around until she gets a story in her mind where I am too at fault , is what she is doing - then how do I go about getting this overthrown ? It's a false statement on her behalf which she is trying to use against me and I refuse to be a victim . I'd also like to file for fraud or an additional police report if possible . And InsuranceGuy , I’m a totally honest person . If I was partially or totally at fault , I would just come out and admit it . We have insurance and hey I'm not gonna waste anybodies time , but the point of the matter is I wasn't at fault . I'm just driving down the street and get hit from the side by someone who failed to see me , because she never looked left , and tried to dart across my street , to continue onto hers , thereby gravely injuring my 71 year old grandmother who was my passenger , amongst myself . Any ideas please Mr. InsuranceGuy , anything you need let me know . Need me to post this into a forum if you could just point me into the correct place to post I will . Thank you so very much in advance , =) And anything you need . Just advise . Robert Reinaga from CA . P.S. Sorry for any typos , I've already reread this like 3 times and I have the hugest headache in the world . So when I feel better , I will reread and correct any errors . Thank you .
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