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  1. Hi Guys, hope you can shed some light on my options. I've hit a dead end with the credit card company I booked a cruise in feb 14 on the phone. a major reason why I chose that particular cruise liner was due to the facilities they provide for children. I went at great length with the booking person on what they provide and whether my child would be accepted. I knew that the policy of the cruise liner was that the child must be 3 and my child was going to be 3 weeks shy of the 3rd b'day. the booking person exact words were 'the policy is from 3 but given that she is potty trained and that she is so close to her 3rd birthday you should speak to the staff on board' As I know how americans (this was an American ship) are 'computer says no sort of people' I asked what would happen if my child is not accepted to the kids club and the booking person responded 'you will have to be present with your child '. this was not a problem for me as I had experienced another liner where the policy was 2 years and we simply had to be in the kids club whilst our child was entertained by the staff with the other children. within an hour of going on board and having visited the kids club it transpired that not only was our child not going to be accepted in the kids club but that our only 'option' was to stay in a separate room (away from the kids club) which is apparently designated for under 3's with staff not even allowed to enter that particular room! now, for those of you who think this is trivial, all the family was honestly looking forward to this cruise so that we can have a break from our child who, whilst lovely requires constant interaction and loves to interact with children CONSTANTLY. we really felt that this well earned holiday was completely ruined particularly when our daughter was constantly telling us 'lets go to the kids club' and we had to constantly tell her that it is closed. anyway, to cut a long story short we made a very strong complaint on board that very day and it took 4 days of arguing with them to finally get them to put in writing that there is no way she is going to be accepted based on their policy and that 'you were misinformed by your estate agent.' on my return I immediately put a formal complaint and the rep I spoke to (on booking) tried phoned to attempt to sweet talk me. I was having none of it and requested she puts everything in writing and explain why she told me one thing which transpired to be completely false. She told me that she will look into it and I even have a few e mails going to & fro to tell me that she's taking care of it and will get back to me (their policy 28 days). I waited patiently for them to reply to no avail. when I was (after about 1 month) that they were not going to address my complaint I made a section 75 claim with the credit card company. MBNA took it 'seriously' and spent 3 months investigating it (in that time they froze the interest on the balance) and giving me a call periodically telling me that they are still looking into it as the cruise company did not provide them with the required information. finally this week I received a letter from mbna stating that they have investigate the matter and ruled against a refund after the cruise company informed them that they had heard back my conversation at time of booking and that the cruise company are satisfied that the rep had informed me correctly about the facilities provided for children and that they are not willing to accept liability. Now I am quite lost as to my next step! It would definitely help receiving a copy of the recordings but I need to get this money back quick (£4.5K) and I can already see this taking for ever to get a resolution. I'm happy to go to court but should it be against mbna, or mbna & cruise company? and I would need to proof what was said in the conversation?! your informed insight and various opinions would be greatly appreciated. I hate it when big companies play games with people who save hard to spend their hard earned money!!! thanks in advance
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