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Found 3 results

  1. Hi I bought a 16 month old Corsa with 3900 miles on the clock on Tuesday. Within 4 hours of owning it the car began veering to the left. I took it back to the garage the next morning, and they said that they had resolved the issue. I took it for a drive and the car then veered to the right. I took it back and said it wasn't fixed and I didn't want to keep the car as it wasn't safe to drive (I had only owned it for 17 hours at this point). They said it HAD been fixed and the technician had taken it for a test drive. I handed the keys back and said I no longer wanted the car. They had a senior technician take it for a test drive and when he came back he checked it up on the ramps and said that the problem wasn't with the tracking as the lasers were 100% accurate, but they would need to take the vehicle in to examine it. Again I said I didn't want to keep the car and they said I would need to inform the sales department. I handed both keys back to the sales team and said I WOULD NOT keep the car. They didn't have any courtesy cars, but managed to arrange a demo to be loaned to me. I was there for 5 hours that morning. Today I had a phonecall from them to say they had fixed the problem with the tracking! (I was told that the problem wasn't the tracking and they weren't sure what was causing it) I was also told to hand back the demo vehicle. I have spoken to citizen advice who advised to hand in a letter rejecting the vehicle, which I did this morning (funny how suddenly the car was "fixed" a few hours later). They have since informed me to hand back the courtesy car as it is not a legal obligation to provide me with one. I am doing this in the morning. The manager has said he is rejecting my rejection letter, refusing to refund the cost of the car (8k), and also refusing to give me back my 2 cars that I traded in by saying he "doesn't know where they are and that they may be in the garage getting repaired or somewhere" My problem is that I have no car, 8k in debt and I work in the community and my father is in hospital 100 miles away so I desperately need a vehicle. WHAT DO I DO??? COURT ACTION??
  2. Hi All, Hoping someone can please take the time to offer us some advice. After a long series of attempted repairs and a dangerous incident involving the car coming very close to flames while stuck in the severn crossing toll booths i finally rejected a car and left it at the dealers premises. I have informed the dealer by letter of my rejection and he has recieved this letter (sent recorded delivery). I just got back from work today and the dealer has had the car towed back to my house while my wife was out and parked it on the street. It is a fairly long story that is best explained by reading the letter that i sent to the dealer when i rejected the car. If anyone has some spare time and would like to help out and have a quick read of the letter I would be very grateful. The letter is attached. What options would i have now the car is back outside my house (it is taxed and legal for a few more months but the neighbours will be annoyed as it is already tight for parking *rolly eyes*). Can we force the dealer to accept the car back on his premises? Have we left ourselves with any chance of winning a county court claim as we have had the car repaired ourselves? By the way, although i described 'the severn crossing incident' in a fairly dry manner in the letter above i would like to assure you all that watching a 20 stone man trying to launch himself out of the opposite passenger door of a car and then getting his foot stuck in the steering wheel and receiving a gearstick up his bottom may have been quite amusing to some. On a contrasting note, the panic in my childrens faces as they were stuck in the back of a car that was quickly filling with smoke is not something that i will forget easily and i intend to take this cowardly dealer for all that i can. He is refusing to speak to us as he says my wife is 'not being nice to him' (he actually said that. she was being perfectly reasonable by the way). A cursory glance into his history has already uncovered a number of dissolved companies and car dealerships that he has owned in the last 10 years as well as similar stories on review websites relating to these now dissolved dealerships. Please help. Sorry for posting such a wall of text.
  3. Hi, im new to forums, i hope you can help. 6 days ago i bought a 1999 ford focus estate from a dealer for £870, mileage 160,000, my husband test drove it, it seemd fine, until the car warmed up then a couple of problems appeared, he noticed the clutch slipping slightly and the steering was juddering a little (on way home) he didnt use the car again until yesterday, to and from work, same problems didnt appear until car warmed up, but this time it was worse, he did some A road, motorway and about town driving and he said clutch was constantly slipping, i contacted dealer, i told him i would take to a local garage to get it checked, they confirmed our worst fears that the clutch could go at anytime and it would cost £532 to fix problem. i contacted dealer, he said he proberly get it done cheaper and that he expected us to pay, i said we couldnt afford to do that, i quoted the sale of goods act at him, then he offered to pay £100 towards the cost and that he wanted us to drive the car back 11 miles away and he would get his garage man to do it, well what if the clutch goes on the way back to him, surely his car is not fit for purpose, so isnt it down to him to pay for as we wouldnt have bought it if we realised it had a problem. we are not so worried about the juddering steering wheel but the clutch is too much. Please can you help!
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