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Found 9 results

  1. Hello Guys, Just after some advice regarding the housing element of Universal Credit. Its a complicated tale so ill just post the bare bones and if you need any more info i can certainly provide it. I was due my payment of UC today, this was my first payment after waiting the 6 weeks odd time it takes to process ect. No payment was received so contacted them and told they do not have a copy of tenancy agreement. (This has been an ongoing farce as its been posted twice and handed in at the job centre three times which apparently they can see on there system its been given in but they have not received it) Adviser stated they will send payment of personal element of UC payment and housing will be by Friday paid in as long as i go to the local office and have them email it too her, notes would be left on system to say this to office staff Went to office, told they don't do scanning, only photocopy andd post, after much back and forth agreed to email it over. Payment of personal element of UC PAID in ac ! Halfway there! Called back again to see if document has been received and has the housing element now or shortly be released for payment ? Told she "could see that it had been sent again but couldn't see actual doc on system" Quizzed adviser further as to why she couldn't see it on system and if this would effect the payment time? Adviser went away came back and said "It could take up to ten working days to process it, she cant see it as the dept it goes to has different system, she does not deal with housing element and there is no number for claimants to call to find this out" I now find myself in the situation of not knowing when payment will be, how much payment will be, if the relevant department has actually received copy of the requested doc and nobody at the service centre seems able to access a system that could give them the info. Could be paid today tomorrow or any point in the next two weeks based on them not loosing the tenancy agreement AGAIN! Has anyone had any experience with this or can point me in any place as to get some more solid info. Thanks so much and sorry for the rather long undoubtedly tedious post. Any more info / clarification/ what not, please just say!
  2. Hi there, I have recently sold a property which was mortgaged on the well known Together product. I financial advisor advised that I delink and retain the surplus as a deposit towards the purchase of a new property (currently renting at present due to relocation). The apr on the unsecured element has jumped to over 12%. While this was not unexpected, this is a huge amount, and with the remaining term of 25 years, I will be paying in excess of £100k on an original £30k unsecured element. To me, there must be a case of mis-selling here. I know there have been moves to challenge all this, with nram actions groups etc, but it seems to have gound to a halt. Question is - has anyone successfully challenged the crippling t's &c's of this hike in apr? Is this something worth pursuing. Its late at night, so I can elaborate more on my specific circumstances during the wekl. However, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  3. Hello everyone, Recently claimed PIP and was awarded standard daily rate with no enhancements. I was thereafter informed that I should tell the Tax Credit office to check if I was claiming the correct amount now that I am getting PIP, so I did. The lady on the phone just took the details of the date the award started and told me I would hear within a few weeks. So I had a quick google to see if I could find anyone else's experience of claiming the extra element, and came across the rules for claiming it: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20140109143644/http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/taxcredits/tc956.pdf So it all seems pretty straightforward, but my query is regarding "Condition 2". The list of descriptions where "at least one" must apply is clear, BUT how does the Tax Credit assessor/reviewer know which one(s) apply to me? I guess they'll look at the report from the PIP "consultation", but out of the 8 descriptors, only half were actually tested (and two others would have been "informally observed" I'm guessing), and the other two weren't tested at all. I certainly couldn't do two of the ones tested on the day, and I cannot do one of the ones NOT tested. I have no idea what the report actually says (still waiting, I wanted a copy for my records) but how can Tax Credits make a decision on Condition 2 if they don't have all the info? (either because the PIP consultant didn't include it, or she mistyped, or she made an error, or I just wasn't tested for that.) Or am I overthinking this, and they will award the element anyway because of the PIP award? Thanks
  4. Cliffs: Just awarded ESA WRAG, 12 month prognosis; mental health. Hope to be ready for work in about a year. Don't think i could cope with full time work straight off. Part-time hours for the first year back seems like the best idea. To get WTC working less than 30 hours a week you have to have been on a relevant benefit (ESA-check). You also need to fulfill the criteria for the work disadvantage test. Parts that may apply to me: 16. You have a mental illness for which you receive regular treatment under the supervision of a medically qualified person. or 19. Due to mental disability you ...or are unable to form normal social relationships. "HM Revenue and Customs may ask you to nominate a professional involved in your care who can confirm how your disability affects you - for example, an occupational therapist, community or district nurse or doctor." So my question is how likely is it that based on evidence from my therapist and/or GP that i will satisfy either of these criteria? Would it help to send evidence along with my application form when the time arrives? Ultimately i do want to get back into work and don't have any sense of entitlement; i honestly believe that my chances of making a full recovery would be greatly enhanced if i could take things at a pace i can manage after suffering through some very dark times in the recent past. It would be a great help if i could get some financial support whilst i get back on my feet and look towards getting a place of my own once i secure full time employment.
  5. Hi, thought I would come back to this forum for advice because everyone was so helpful in the past. Basically I am in reciept of working tax credit and getting the disability element of this as well. I have been recieving this since roughly last august. However with renewals due very soon, will I continue to recieve this or will it be stopped? I'm not sure what the qualifying conditions would be even though I have read through these they don't make a great deal of sense. What or who makes the decision to review or stop this part of WTC? I know that one of the reasons I got in back in august 2012 was because I had been recieving ESA contribution and council/housing benefit but this entitlement has obviously now stopped. thanks for any help.
  6. Hi there, I am looking for some advice, I have just started work again after a long period (years) of claiming IB/ESA and DLA. I also was receiving CTC. I have phoned the HMRC and I qualify for the disabled element of WTC due to DLA award. I have also notified DLA of a change in circumstances. My question is - if when DLA get back to me - and they say I am no longer entitled to DLA - obviously this will stop the disabled element. Can I then claim because of time spent on ESA? Can't I just do that now? I received DLA for mental health issues - which have not entirely gone - but I am coping with them now, which is why DLA may end - but I will still be disabled for the purpose of WTC
  7. I saw this thread over on Rightsnet today regarding how the working disabled/sick will fair under Universal Credit, and it looks like the phrase 'very badly' comes to mind. http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/4375/ I went and downloaded these new regulations and the CAB's report on them and unless I've got it wrong it seems to indicate that someone claiming the disabled element on UC can only do so If they work below 16 hours/and/or earn less then £99 per week and If you want to work longer hours and earn more you will only be able to do so If you're also claiming DLA/PIP as well. How on earth is that fair? Also by the looks of it a claimant will also be subject to medical assessments every year (so yet more money for bloody ATOS then) which I don't believe you had to do under the old WTC system and If you fail one then no more extra help/money for you. You can download a fuller explanation of whats to come and the CAB's response to all this over here.. http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/holes_safety_net.htm Have I got this right? If so this is going to have the most horrendous impact on a section of people already finding it hard to get by.
  8. Please can someone advise if I am entitled to the disabilty element of tax credits if esa has been in place for one month or do I have to wait until next year.
  9. Would really appreciate any advice. I started work Dec 2011 after being on incapacity benefit for 5yrs due to cancer. I know I am very fortunate to be in employment. I have been in receivership of the 50+ element working tax credit. I earn £1303pm before tax-take home pay is 1,057.00. Tax credits is £202pm. I am not whinging but I have absolutely nothing left after I pay my mortgage plus bills. I have no children living at home. I have now been informed that the 50+ TC has been discontinued. I would appreciate any assistance. I cannot down size as I live in a flat.. My work is local and I have no fares to pay. Many Thanks
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