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Found 3 results

  1. Knowhow Coverplan is the worst company I have EVER dealt with. I bought an expensive computer in PC world as I am currently a PhD student. It was approx 1200 euro and covered it with them. It was stolen in Athens in June. I filled in the documents and had a police report etc etc and sent it all in. Weeks later I had heard nothing and contacted them. After a long wait I got a guy who said it had been processed and they had sent me a cheque but that it could take TWENTY EIGHT days to arrive. 28 days to get from England to Ireland ??? I was very specific with him about whether it was a cheque or voucher as I said I would but a new laptop now if it was a cheque as I needed it for my studies but I would be forced to wait if it was a voucher. 28 days later still no cheque - so two weeks after that again - today the 25th August - 3 months after it was stolen I rang them again. I was put on hold for over 30 minutes after which I was told there was a "glitch" in their system and I had been sent nothing. They then told me they would give me a voucher number over the phone - no cheque. A voucher is obviously of no use to me now as I have already bought the laptop. All I was told was that the guy I was dealing with shouldnt have told me he had sent a cheque as they dont do things that way. Somehow he cant be traced as he has "conveniently" deleted his login details for the conversation ! I asked to be put through to the customer complaints department whereon the person put me through to the general services department who cant deal with complaints ! He then transferred me back to the coverplan people who I had been originally talking to, but after 30 minutes no one answered the phone and it cut me off. How does a company like this manage to get away with this type of thing ? How does PC World continue to use a company like this ? Obviously a voucher for 1100 euro is no use to me as a student now that I have replaced the laptop - it looks like my only recourse is to contact my solicitor a nd sue them to have them refund me the money rather than give me a useless voucher.
  2. Hi everyone, i have signed up to this forum because i am at the end of my mental state and needed some advise and from what i have read on here this is a great community with excellent help for those that need it and that person is me ! We purchased Coverplan on our laptop and have been paying the direct debit for months, we were rusing out of the house for a business meeting and "smash" the laptop went down the stairs and was in a very bad way, this was aweful because i had all our images on there and the thing wouldnt turn on and was in a mess. So, i called Knowhow who told me the unit would be being picked up and that they estimated i would get the unit back within 7 working days, if they could not fix the unit by the 42 day which was April 19th i would be entitled to a write off. Well after Knowhow ringing me almost everday to report the unit was waiting on several parts the 42nd day arrived on the 19th of April and i telephones them to ask when i would be getting the write of confirmed. I was talking to a Richard who assused me the unit would take 3 days to be written of and on my notes he had argued with another rep that said i was not under a 42 day policy when it states that i am when you ring them up and give them my details !? This went on for almost a week and after speaking to a Mrs Catherine Crapper who is a manager she also assured me it would be written of, then out of the blue a phone call with a gentleman asking for my email address so he could send the voucher code to go and get my new laptop and this is were it went horrible ! I was contacted last week by a guy from Knowhow that started the conversation with the following "Mr ******* im calling to tell you that there is no way i writing this laptop of so you have no chance sir" .................I was gobsmacked and amazed as he followed that by saying "we have unlimited time to repair your laptop" i asked what would happen if i was still waiting at Christ,as and he said "Thats your problem sir" Can someone help me here ? Its been over 50 days and its still not fixed and we have been told they do not know of they can get the parts to fix it ! I need my laptop for business and i am currently grounded when it comes to using a laptop because of them. The worst customer service call centre i have ever delt with in my entire life ! Regards David
  3. We bought a Toshiba laptop about 5 years ago from Currys. At the time we took out their coverplan. The computer malfunctioned but we phoned them and they said we were not covered. We continued making the payments for 5 years. The computer became unusable and Currys had an offer on of £50 off a new laptop for a trade in of one that was not physically damaged and that would switch on. We phoned them again and asked if we were covered to repair the laptop. They said there was no cover so we traded it in for an HP laptop and paid the balance of £299 for it. It then transpired that we were still paying £7.99 per month and had been doing so for 5 years. We wrote to them and asked them for a full refund of the payments we had made over the 5 years and a refund of the £299 we paid for the unnecessary purchase of the new laptop which we would not have bought if we had had the Toshiba repaired under the terms of the cover. They have offered us £100, not the £778.40 we wanted back from them. These big companies have got us little people over a barrel there doesn’t seem to be any negotiation with them. HELP! PLEASE!
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