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  1. Im sitting here staring at the screen thinking where can I start. I have been on an emotional roller-coaster ride with this company for the past few months, the other day I decided to get off and say enough is enough. Talk talk may dazzle you with great prices and good deals, but in my own opinion, once they have you and your money and you run into a problem it becomes a whole new story. Im going on how I was treated by them. This is the problem I am having with them. I apologise now for its lengthiness. I had been a customer of talk talk for over a year, no real problems, good speeds on the BB and cost was very low on the telephone. The only problem I ever had was an over eager salesperson trying to sell me an 18 month contract when my year contract had run out. He became quite aggressive when I turned him down, so placed a complaint and it was fairly dealt with and I was happy to carry on with a rolling contract with them. I am glad I made this decision as you will see. In the early part of the year, my daughter wanted to get broadband, no one would accept her as she didnt have a bank account that would accept Direct debits. We discussed this with talk talk and they suggested that my daughter could pay for an account using my bank details and when she had changed banks she would have this monthly payment transferred from my bank to hers. Seemed simple enough, that was until my daughter got her first bill. She noticed it was in my name. Unfortunately I wasnt about to call them and get this rectified and they would not speak to my daughter as it was not in her name. This was talk talk's first mistake. We decided to leave things as they were as I wasnt about that much to get it sorted out. Didnt think it was that much of a problem, Oh how wrong I was!!! Daughter wanted to get two mobiles with talk talk, its called onetel. So she contacted Talk talk, This is where I get confused. They spoke to her and set it up and put it motion a change of ownership so that the account would be passed to her and payments would be coming out of her account. They didnt once ask if it was me they were talking too, not a problem as It was my daughter who was setting up a new account. BUT!!! Money started coming out of my account for the mobiles???? I phoned them up and asked what was going on, they couldnt talk to me because it was my daughters account. So Daughter phones them, cant talk to her because it is my account??!!?? Im fuming at this stage, because money is coming out of my account for something I have not ordered and Im blaming my daughter that its her fault. which it isnt of course, but I was so frustrated about it all. amidst all this daughter finds out that she has been charged for 3 phones, she gets this sorted and explains that because of their almighty cock up, they are going to give us both free lines for a month. i didnt get it by the way. Well after a few hours My daughter speaks with some one else who wants to help, however only if they can talk to me, so daughter call me on her mobile and says will you give me permission to talk on behalf of you. I said yes, the sales person heard this and daughter was able to change things over. Well thats what we thought. The following month payment for the mobiles yet again go out of my account. I call them again and after about half an hour trying to explain the circumstances and im getting pushed from pillar to post I get told the accounts are all in my name???!!!??? No record of change of ownership, no record of me giving permission, nothing, just that I have been credited for the 3rd mobile of £60, asked what account was that paid into. He came back and said he couldnt tell me because it was covered by data protection. I asked where was it delivered too, he said he could tell me because of data protection. So I have this account in my name and couldnt get details on it because it was information covered by data protection. If any one can make any sense out of that then please explain it to me. So I told him that if this account is in my name then they can cancel it. He said he would straight away, I made it very clear to him that under no circumstances should money for this mobile be taken from my bank. He assured me it wouldnt. So daughter yet again had to do another change of circumstances to get her mobiles reconnected. So fingers crossed this should now be sorted. Just to let you all know, I have never had any conformation with regards to these phones, even though I am the main account holder and payment is coming from my account, I have never been given any details of payment etc. neither has my daughter. However I was unable to cancel the DD with my bank at that time so basically hands were tied and payments went out. Right, the next month comes around and again money has come out of my account, by this time I am sick and tired of it all. I spend the next two days going round in circles, finally get it escalated to the CEO department, what ever that is and get told that the accounts are all in my name and I am liable for all three, they accuse my daughter of pretending to be me so that she can get these mobiles, I am made to feel that I have colluded with my daughter for some reason or another. If I cancel the mobile phones again them i will be liable for the cancellation fee's on mobiles and broadband. (my daughters) I informed her that I want the mobiles taken out of my name but she was adamant that I had to pay the cancellation fee. So i told her to escalate my complaint. Well I spoke to another person from the CEO, office. and he wasnt any help either. I told him I have cancelled everything even my own account, I gave 28 days notice for it to be cancelled. I was told I would have to pay a cancellation fee on my account but.... I was on a rolling contract and could cancel any time. Im so glad I did that. Any way I had had enough of these people and told them that after that day I do not want anything more to do with them and I was going to take it further with the Ombudsman, which is where I am at now. The CEO person called my daughter and finally got the account in her name, new contract everything hunky dory and now I havnt a thing to worry about, DD are now cancelled, I am Talk talk free. Apart from the complaint that is being sent to the Ombudsman. 24 hours later they cut one of the mobiles off???!!! this was for an upgrade. Daughter call CEO guy and requested that the mobile be put back on, he said its too late as there is a sim card that has been sent out for this upgrade.?? You would think that they would wait until the sim had been delivered before they cut off the service?? but talk talk dont do that. They like to leave you high and dry. Daughter told them switch it back on or cancel it, they couldnt switch it back on so daughter told him to cancel, CEO did there and then. and told her it was tough. Now thats the CEO office!!! Now hopefully daughter wont have to pay for cancellation as it is a new contract and has a certain amount of time to cancel. Now I could be wrong here, I hope Im not. If any one knows then please let me know. Thanks for for reading, sorry its so long
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