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Found 4 results

  1. I have been insured by Endsleigh car insurance for many years. Never had any problems - but reality is that you only really get to know your insurer in times of trouble. In October 2015, a false allegation was made against me by a third party. The third party claims that I have crushed into their vehicle and darted off without stopping. The third party claims that they have CCTV of me - and there is even a rumour that this CCTV was handed to the third party by the police themselves. Very curious, because on the day of the alleged incident I was overseas on a business trip. One would think that I can easily prove my innocence, right? I have a stamped passport showing I left the country before the incident and arrived after the incident; on the day of the incident I used my credit card in a foreign country; on the day of the incident I made and received calls on my mobile phone, clearly showing that my location was overseas; my vehicle was parked in the airport car parks before the incident and was collected after the incident; the car parks have written to confirm that in this type of car park you do not have to submit your car keys - therefore the only pair of keys was with me. Despite all of the above, my insurer sent an engineer to assess my vehicle. The engineer could not find any damage consistent with the allegation. Yet, several months on, as I write this on April 2016, I am still being treated by my insurer as though I am guilty of a crime. The case is ongoing, and my insurer has now written to me saying that I have lost my 8 years of no claims discounts - despite the fact that case is ongoing, and despite my overwhelming evidence. The third party has been challenged to show us the CCTV. They can't, or they won't, and Endsleigh keep "reminding" this third party to give us the CCTV. Not once did they think that in the absence of the CCTV being sent to us they should close the case. Most incredible of all is that when I made a complaint to Endsleigh, it took them half a day only - just HALF A DAY - to find against my complaint and to send me a leaflet with the Ombudsman details. Brilliant show Endsleigh - expert box ticking on your behalf. If only you were THAT quick with everything else that you do. Months and months have passed since you have found against my complaint, and you are still scratching your chins wondering what you can do next to prove me guilty. You have seen all my evidence - there is no chance in the world that I could have been, or my car could have been, involved in the alleged incident. How can you still have this as an ongoing case, and how in the world did you only need half a day to find against my complaint? What's even more impressive is that when the allegation was first made against me, Endsleigh did not bother to tell me. They started working on a case against me, recording details that the third party sent to them, but they did not call me or message me to tell me. Two weeks after the allegation I found out when the third party sent me a letter to say they are making a claim through my insurance and there's nothing I can do about it - this is just for "information purposes". At that point I rang Endsleigh, they told me that they tried to contact me leaving "a voicemail and a message". I did not receive a missed call, a voice mail or a message. In any case, does it even matter that they tried to contact me, IF indeed they did? I was under the impression that their contractual obligation is to ACTUALLY contact me, not to try to (and fail) at contacting me. At least if you could prove that you have sent a message to me, or an email, I could put it down to just bad luck for not hearing from you. But this isn't the case at all is it? Shame on you Endsleigh. You stole my no claims discount over nothing. I am dealing with an insurer who has no sense of urgency and no sense of justice. I will have a new born in 2 months and clearly I have better things to worry about - I guess I should just move on to another insurer, lose my discounts, and accept the fact that people in your line of business are the judge, jury and executioner of us poor motorists.
  2. Hi, I am the main driver on an insurance policy for my car. I have recently met with an accident (which was my fault) for which I will be filing a claim with the insurance company. A detail on my proposal document has caused me concern that my insurance might be rendered invalid – and hence I am looking for advice regarding the same. I have recently moved to a new house and hence wanted to change my address on V5c document before filing the claim. I realised the V5c document in not on my name and on my husband’s name instead. Even though my husband is a named driver on the car’s insurance policy, the proposal document for the insurance policy lists ‘Proposer’ as the ‘Vehicle Registered to’ section. Now I am quite worried. Will this make our claim complicated or even rejected? My husband and I were married and living in the same address at the time of applying for this insurance – would that make me a joint ‘keeper’ of the car legally speaking? Should we change the name on V5c document to my name while we are changing the address on it now anyway? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
  3. Hi Apologies in advance if this is too long!!! I visited a fast food restaurant at breakfast time and was asked to park up and wait for my order. The vehicle to my left parked on the white line edging their space so there was little space between our two vehicles. A member of staff for the restaurant delivered my food, then went to the minibus to my right to take food. I started to reverse out my space extremely slowly due to the close proximity of car to my left, I saw the staff member walk behind my vehicle, and as I had moved about 1 metre she walked along the left side of my vehicle (and in my parking space!) to deliver food to the car parked to my left. As the space was very small, my wing mirror clipped her extremely slowly. She made a very dramatic noise, I waited for her (she continued serving the food to the vehicle on my left). I would down ,my window to ask if she was ok (even though I believe it was her own fault for walking in the parking space of a moving vehicle), out of politeness and because I know we live in a 'no win no fee' claim culture I wanted to make sure she was ok. Obviously walking into a wing mirror wouldnt be the most pleasant experience and I was literally doing about 3-5 miles an hour at the most, out of a tight space. I triple checked she was ok, and she told me she was fine as she carried on doing her job, as it wasnt an accident in my opinion i thought nothing more until I received a notice of intended prosecution (driving without due care and attention and also driving without consideratio) 2 weeks later. I called the police to check this was the incident in question (I told them there was no 'accident' of sorts. Traffic police told me to send my side of events with the driver disclosure, and then posted me an official police statement to fill out and return myself. I did this and eventually received a letter back to advise me they had considered the details and were taking no further action. I advised my car insurance and incase she made a claim they sent an independent person to inspect my vehicle for damage (there is none!) and an independent investigator to take a statement, who alsi took me to the scene to show him where and what happened, plus he went and measured up and had to compile a report to return to my insurance detailing what his findings were and who he thought was to blame. My insurance said I needed to forward any solicitors letters if any arrived. None did so I thought she hadnt pursued the case because the police didnt. I wrote to her employers (multi national fast food chain) and was advised by them they knew nothing at all about it at all other than her writing it in the accident book on the day, they did not know I had been reported to the police. They also advised me that she carried on working on the day of the incident but then took a day or two sick off later. They also advise they did not provide her with cctv or my car registration details so she must have written these down as I drove away! they believe she did not tell them as if she doesnt get a pay out from my insurance she will pursue them, as her employers, for compensation as she was doing her job at the time. Four months has now passed and I thought nothing more until I received my car insurance renewal. After never having any points and having 17 years (unprotected, stupid, I know!) no claims, my insurance has more than doubled due to my no claims being dropped down to three years. When I called them they advised me that they did now receive a civil claim but havent reviewed the case notes yet, or even the report from the independant investigator they sent, but the claims handler on the phone advised that as my incident involved a pedestrian they are more than likely to pay out some form of personal injury compensation so they will not probably be reinstating my no claims bonus. I advised them that it was not my fault and she was not following health and safety or the marked walkways on the car park (the investigator commented on this when I had to show him the scene as the same lady was working). I believe she is definitely making a false insurance claim and deifinitely will not have suffered any injury. Even if it was my fault and I had hit her because of bad driving, i do not think she would even have a bruise left at the speed I was travelling. Does anyone have any advice? Her employer advised that as it is a personal matter they cannot even ask her about it. I was considering asking them if they have cctv as there was a witness in the vehicle to my left, and also was wondering if there is anyone I can contact to make a complaint about this insurance claim? Or if anyone had any advice of what else I could do, or if I should write and provide my insurance with any additional details about my conversation with her employers or anything else I can do to help my case. My insurer said although they can dispute the claim and fight my case the probability is they are not likely to, but i want to make sure I do everything I can to prevent someone damaging my insurance and driving record through no fault of my own! Any advice or comments would be appreciated! Thanks.
  4. Hello, could you please give me your view on following situation: My wife hit parked car in our street. Minor damage - few scratches on that BMW 5's bumper. She left her details under the wiper for owners to come back. They have and, over few weeks, their bumper got fixed / replaced and insurance companies (I thought) have settled the issue financially. Only now, three months after the accident I received a claim asking me to pay crazy money (almost 3k) for the rent of their courtesy car. When I spoke to them with that claim in hand, they said they were offered a courtesy car in the garage, as it was included in their coverage. It took - for some reason - long 12 days until they got their car back. It looks like my insurance company has paid for the repair only - as I believe any 3rd party insurance does. And their insurance refuses to pay for the courtesy car, or is now trying to get that money from me. I had no idea they were using courtesy car up until now. And feel no responsibility for whatever are the terms of their insurance contract. In addition, 12 days to fix the bumper seems bizarre to me. Anyone has a similar experience or advice? thank you very much.
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