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Found 1 result

  1. I can't get legal advice. This is an issue of human rights and a matter of public interest and concern. How can a member of the public not get legal help wherever he goes? I really need help! I am at the end of my tether. Exhausted and at breaking point. I have no energy left. What I have experienced has been horrendous. Every agency which claims to uphold the public interest, has let me down. It shouldn't be happening; not to anyone. I am fighting wars on several fronts, involving the former Bradford & Bingley building society, the legal profession, the Community Legal Service, the Financial Ombudsman Service, the Citizens Advice Bureau and NatWest bank. On top of this I am trying to get an inquest reopened into my father's death in 1970, because the original inquest was a complete sham and new evidence suggests a criminal element attributed to the death. At the same time two evil solicitors conspired against my family and robbed my mother of a house, insurance money and savings, leaving her homeless and broke with three children after my father's death. It is the most ruthless and incalculable act of wickedness I have ever encountered of people held in such a trusted and respected professional position. My life is mired in so many problems now that, without the appropriate help and support, I am just sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss. I have been struggling for four years with one problem after another. I have been passed from pillar to post, up and down, all around and there and back again. Nothing gets resolved. I am met with disappointment at every turn. It has not been a case of not helping myself. Helping myself is all I have done. I have used up all available resources to get matters resolved, but I have been badly let down by the system. I am unable in the first instance to obtain legal help. I have approached a significant many solicitors but none will assist. The reason is unknown to me, other than the fact I am pursuing two solicitors for fraud, and for that reason it appears I have been blackballed by the legal profession. I took the fraud case to the Law Society, the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the former Legal Services Ombudsman, but all they did was obstruct my complaint and attempt to shut it down. Matters were never resolved by the regulators, and my complaint became so mired in needless complexity that it turned into a complaint about a complaint about a complaint about a complaint. The regulators just wanted to grind me down until I gave up. I believe my name is now on a central database 'blacklist', as no solicitor in any part of the UK will assist me in any way shape or form, regardless of the problem. I have contacted up to 300 firms. How can so many apparently unconnected legal firms behave like this? It's all highly suspect. If the blacklist exists, it's an outrage of injustice and needs to be exposed! My trust in the legal profession is now dead. I took my case to the Citizens Advice Bureau. I explained to them that I couldn't get legal advice and therefore needed their intervention. I was astonished when they, too, turned me down. I went through their complaints process arguing that, as matter of human rights and of public interest and concern, the bureau should ascertain why a member of the public cannot get legal help no matter where he goes. The bureau failed in its procedural policy to put me in touch with a solicitor. They closed down my complaint and matters still remain unresolved. I took both my cases against Bradford & Bingley and NatWest to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Both were rejected. The ombudsman let them off the hook, even after I provided overwhelming evidence of wrong-doing, which NatWest have admitted. NatWest have destroyed my business and left me £20,500 in debt, yet I cannot legally hold them to account or have them pay damages, because I can't get legal advice in the first instance. The ombudsman simply ignored the obvious facts before him. The Financial Ombudsman Service has exposed itself as a dysfunctional body that serves the interests of the banks, not the public. I have completely lost trust and confidence in the legal profession, the Citizens Advice Bureau, the Financial Ombudsman Service, the Community Legal Service and practically every conceivable public body you care to mention. There is a systemic and malevolent culture of protectionism operating at every turn and in every organisation it seems - corruption everywhere! Does anyone have a moral conscience anymore?
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