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  1. I think I may have been scammed .Yesterday I filled out a survey for Lidl, the usual questions how did you find the checkout process etc After I had filled it out it said congratulations you have won a prize, so I followed the link filled out my name & address etc then it said I had to pay for delivery £4.99, this is when alarm bells should have rung but it showed supposedly feedback for the product, so I decided to go ahead and give my debit card details, idiot I know. After the thank you etc I checked my email inbox & it states that I will sent further goods & will be charged monthly which I do not want & it showed a cancellation link which I followed I tried to cancel but they want £28.00 for the goods or I have to pay return postage. I am worried that even if I do return the goods they still have my card details?? Please help I have had two strokes & this stress is not helping, I feel so stupid now. Any help or advice will be very much appreciated Hilary
  2. im baffled and shocked that this claim has just been struck out and can only imagine that the judge (case was heard without a hearing) that they were having a bad day or it was their first day doing the job. just now ive received a judgement of order thats stated my claim has been struck out pursuant to CPR 3.4(2)(a) in that it discloses no reasonable grounds for bringing the claim. in short my claim was becxuase the buyer of an item i was seller lied to ebay and paypal and stated the item was faulty. in short i proved it wasnt faulty and also proved that their defense was full of lies and gave evidence showing. not only did they lie to ebay/paypal but also in their defense. and somehow my claim has been struck out. since the order doesnt state how to get it going again and also doesnt explain what aside,vary or stayed means or what i form i need to fil in . im at a loss and ive been given only 7 days to apply. im guessing its the n244 form? but other than that i havent a clue how to get this case going again .
  3. Hello, I am going to copy the letter that I have spent all day preparing, to send back to HMRC after I received a tax credit letter stating that they need to check my tax credit claim. I know that I have been stupid. I shouldn't have posted the claim form at the end of Sept when i had already signed up to uni and had already decided to just work for the playgroup. I kept meaning to ring them and tell them I no longer wanted to claim it but just kept letting myself get distracted by other matters. I then got a phone call about a week ago and was told that they wanted to check some information about my work. I agreed and stupidly just said yes when she asked if i was still acting in cleaning, gardening and clerical work. I have only been doing clerical work this year and only for one customer after receiving the letter and panicking that i am going to go to prison i went online and found this place and although it has reassured me that i probably wont go to prison i am still past myself with worry that they will carry out a full investigation and i will lose my job. I cannot have a criminal conviction with my work. I have not at any point earned enough money to pay tax or NI on my income. Please would someone take the time to read my letter and tell me whether you think i will be prosecuted please, thank you in advance, any advice will be gratefully received. Dear Sir or Madam, Stupidity and ignorance are no excuse for the mistakes I have made but in an attempt to be as transparent as possible I am setting out some information that will help you understand how I have come to be in the position that I am in with regards to tax credits. I previously worked as a teaching assistant in the early year’s sector in primary schools in *******. I worked in the sector for 14 years. When new leadership came into the school and my contract hours were cut I decided to leave and to attempt to be self employed. (April/2014) I started off doing craft fairs and selling hand- made items through fairs and word of mouth. However there was very little money in the type of field I had tried to enter and it was obvious that I wasn’t going to make any real money in the process. The profits were too low compared to the outlay. I began a cleaning job to increase my income and started looking for other work I was contacted by ****** playgroup in the September of 2014 and asked to work as a consultant in order to help them to improve when they received a ‘requires improvement’ judgement from Ofsted. I sincerely believed that the work I was doing, as most of it was done from home and other parts were going in to deliver training, constituted self employment. The income received from this work was declared in my self assessment declaration that was processed by my tax accountant. The workload increased over the next year to the point where I was working almost solely for them but still growing vegetables and making occasional commission pieces for people. By now I wasn’t cleaning the holiday cottage on a regular basis but had some work cleaning cottages on a as needs basis. Again all of my income was declared. I moved from my previous home that was a smallholding in Sept of 2015. From there, on an honesty box principle, I used to sell vegetables and eggs from my chickens. When I moved the new garden wasn’t ready to do that from but I have been working on it in the hope of having it ready for next year to continue to do the same. However, having now looked into the matter I understand that this sort of attempt to make money is not really considered to be attempting to make a profit on a self employment basis. Therefore, I shall not be doing this again. I was asked to be a permanent member of staff from Sept 2016 by the playgroup I had been working with, with 12 hours of that being in the setting and doing 8 hours a week admin at home. I thought I would remain partly self employed and part employed. ********* playgroup operates for 15 hours a week and is staffed by part time staff and volunteers. They were PAYE exempt as no-one earned over £112 per week due to the low operating hours and low wage at the time of £7 an hour. This was increased to £8.20 an hour when the new minimum hourly rate came in in April 2016. After receiving your letter I have done what I should have done ages ago and found out some more information about what constitutes self employment and have realised that in fact I would be regarded as an employee and not self employed due to receiving holiday pay etc since April. Also that the sale of produce from my garden does not really amount to attempting to make a profit. I should have sought advice earlier but just carried on assuming that as long as I declared my income that would be alright. When I was asked to become a permanent member of staff I fully intended to make up my hours from the 20 at the playgroup to 30 through acquiring 10 extra hours in the form of cleaning work or more clerical work, but casual work is very hard to come by in my area at present. Also in the meantime I decided to go to university in order to improve my qualifications in the hope that in the future I might gain a full time better paid job. The course is full time and I soon realised that I wasn’t going to be able to meet the commitment required of the course and the 20 hours a week at the playgroup and take on extra work. I realise that I should have contacted you immediately and withdrawn my claim for working tax credits and I have no excuse for it except to admit that I allowed other things to seem more pressing. It is only since considering my position that I have realised that my status as a self employed person is incorrect and I can only sincerely apologise for my error. I of course wish to cease the application for the working tax credits as I accept that with my current working hours I am not entitled to them and apologise further for not contacting you sooner. I am in the process of engaging a new tax accountant and hopefully will be able to get my tax status sorted out with HMRC. Because of my new understanding of my employment status we will be setting up a PAYE scheme at the playgroup with this accountant to sort out what needs to be done about my payments since April and to avoid any further confusion. To clarify my working hours for this tax year I have set out my income from the playgroup in a table below. I hope that this clarifies matters regarding my income so far this year and my probable income for 2016/2017, although should I be prosecuted over this matter my employment will cease as I am expected to have a clean DBS as I work in the children’s workforce. Please let me know what else I can do to get this matter sorted out. In the meantime I hope I have included everything I can to answer the information that was requested in the letter dated OCT.16 from HMRC. I know that I shouldn’t have sent in the claim for tax credits as I was becoming increasingly aware that I would have to focus on the work at playgroup and doing my degree and nothing else as I was going to struggle to fit anything else in. I have been stupid and not sought proper advice about matters that were important and should have been prioritised. I am begging you to consider the fact that the working tax credits and child tax credits received in regards to my daughter until the end of August 2016 were received in good faith as I was working an average of approximately 18 hours a week, however if this money is considered to be an overpayment, then I will of course pay it back. And also that I have asked for the new claim to be withdrawn and have not received any money in regards to this claim. Started trading as a sole trader 19/04/2014 2014/2015 profit account £2043 Doing craft shows, commissions and cleaning holiday cottages. 2015/2016 profit account £4707 commissions and cleaning holiday cottages, also selling a small amount of produce from my garden and working as a consultant for ****** Playgroup. From April 2016 working for ******** approx 18 hours a week Playgroup operates for 15 hours a week term time only (39 weeks a year). Term time 20 hours @ £8.20 per hour pw £6396 39 wks 780 hours Holiday pay 20 hours @ £8.20 per hour pw £ 820 5 wks 100 hours Admin pay 5 hours @ £8.20 per hour pw £ 246 6 wks 30 Outside term time 2 weeks unpaid. £7462 910 hours per year. For a full year a total of 910 hour. 910/52 weeks = 17.5hours per week. £7462 pa/12 = £621.83 As you will be able to see from my bank statements this is the amount that has been paid in monthly. Total wages were worked out and paid monthly to make cash flow for playgroup easier. I have enclosed my bank statements and the slips I receive from playgroup to show I have been paid. I have included a set of copies of the bank statements with notes next to the debits and credits listed to show what the amounts are for although most of them are referenced in such a way that they are self explanatory. I have considered myself to be covered by the insurance that the playgroup has and have included a copy of their policy although I haven’t sent the original as this does not belong to me, if you require the original please let me know and I will ask for permission to send it to you. I don’t have a mortgage and I don’t have business vehicle insurance as I don’t use the vehicle for anything other than commuting. The work I do as far as I am aware does not require any licensing or regulations. I have included my most recent profit and loss accounts. I don’t have a business plan and am afraid I have to admit I never had, I just hoped I would make enough money to get by on until something better came along. I hope I have covered everything; once again I apologise and hope that this matter can be sorted out
  4. In the first instance, don’t delay…but whatever you do….don’t rush into issuing an injunction (more on this in my second post). Why has my car been taken? In most cases, the vehicle would have been taken because it had been identified by a bailiff using ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) in relation to unpaid penalty charge notices owed by the previous owner. Why this happens is because the warrant carries upon it the vehicle registration number of the vehicle involved in the parking contravention. Will the bailiff company give me my car back? Unfortunately, without documentary evidence being provided to support the sale, the vehicle will be unlikely to be released. Why is this? Bailiff companies frequently come across cases where a vehicle has ‘allegedly' been 'sold’ in order to assist the ‘real owner’ evade payment of their parking debts. In other words, it can be fairly common for 'sales’ to be ‘bogus’. It is vehicle owners such as these, that are to blame for genuine purchasers being required to provide so much documentary evidence. What do I need to do? In the first instance, ask a question on the bailiff section of the forum. If your car has been taken, you will need to contact the enforcement company as soon as possible to make a Part 85 Claim . This claim must be submitted within 7 days . Almost all companies will ask you to provide the following five items as evidence. Most of the larger companies have their own set Questionnaires. V5c Log Book If the purchase was a recent one, this document can be difficult to provide as it can take up to 4 weeks for the new V5c to be processed by DVLA. If this document is not available, you should provide the tear off New Keeper supplement from the Log Book. Proof of Purchase. If payment for the vehicle purchase had been made by bank transfer, this is ideal. If payment had been made by cash….this can be problematic. Most enforcement companies will request evidence by way of a bank statement showing cash being withdrawn a few days before the purchase. You will also be required to provide a copy of the sales receipt. How the purchase came about. If the car was purchased via eBay, Gumtree, Auto Trader or a garage etc, then a copy of the advert and receipt will be required. If the purchase has been via a friend or relative, this can be problematical. Once again, please post a question on the forum. Copy of vehicle insurance. This will be one of the most important documents. It is a criminal offence to keep a vehicle on a public highway without insurance and all enforcement companies will require some evidence that the new owner has obtained insurance within a day or so of the purchase. If the vehicle is not kept on a highway, evidence of SORN registration should be provided. Evidence that road fund licence has been purchased. Most new vehicle owners will tax their vehicle online with DVLA and will either make a one off payment or monthly instalments. A copy of the bank statement evidencing that road fund licence was obtained around the time of the purchase will need to be provided.
  5. Hello, I am in pretty desperate need of advice! I rented a unit to use as a photography studio around 18 month ago. When I looked at the unit, there were a few leaks, which the landlord said he would repair, but never did. I carried on paying rent, but not using the unit as a studio, more of a storage space, as the leaks prevented me from having my equipment set up. Fast forward to December (my dad was incredibly ill and passed away in the August of last year, so all of the unit leaking and not being able to use it went right to the back of my mind) the landlord gave me a polite reminder that my rent is due. I, again, politely reminded him that the unit leaks and nothing has been done about the leaks since I'd been there. He apologised and told me that I wouldn't be paying any rent until he'd repaired the leaks. I then spoke to the landlord in July, him asking what was happening etc. and whereabouts the leaks are etc. so he could get them fixed. I explained that I don't use it etc. and most of my work involves me working away (or I use my garage as a small studio) and I wouldn't be back until mid August. I then start getting messages from the landlord saying that I'm owing the full missing months of rent, from the last time I paid in December. I received a letter the other day from a debt collector company saying that I owe the landlord £4248, which is the 10 months rent (£400/m) plus a late payment fee. The guy was friendly enough and I explained the entire situation and he appreciated that I as clearly not trying to rip them off etc. He said that as it's a commercial property, the fact the landlord told me not to pay until he'd fixed the leaks was completely irrelevant unfortunately. The unit still leaks next to the 3-phase 415V main fuseboard, so as far as I'm concerned, it's a death trap and I could never have clients into the building etc. He said that even though the landlord had said that (not paying rent etc.), I was still responsible and if anything, should have had the roof repaired and taken it out of the rent. Where do I stand? The chap I spoke to said the amount may be negotiable, but to be frank, I feel that I shouldn't have been paying full rent for the period that I was, let alone for the period that he told me not to pay through. I fully appreciate that although the guy I spoke to was very friendly etc., but is obviously working for the landlord and not myself, so there is going to be an issue of him biasing towards their interests and not my own. There's just no way I could afford to pay that figure, it's hard enough working as a freelance photographer at the best of times, let alone paying rent on a unit that's been unusable since I got it. Where do I stand? If anybody has anything impartial to say, that'd be great and thanks in advance. Sorry for long post.
  6. So I was nightshift last night and woke up this afternoon to a letter from scott and co telling me that a summary warrant has been granted against me for unpaid council tax, thing is I don't have any unpaid council tax. I did have a small amount last year but that was paid off months ago. I called the council in a rage who told me there was no one available to speak to me but that my account was showing as up to date and they couldn't understand how this had happened, i could wait 45 mins (!) on hold or call back later. So I called back later and they have recalled it from the sheriff officers but are refusing to take the 10% court fee off it. The council are claiming there have been two late payments on the account and this is why this has happened, the first in April which I accept as I went on holiday and forgot to pay it before i left (i pay with a swipe card) so the payment was a week late, they claim a second late payment in june which i dispute but cannot prove, they say it was paid on the 4th rather than the 1st, surely even if that is true it falls within the seven days they give you to catch up with a late payment? I dont understand why if this allegedly happened in june am I just hearing about it now? Why didn't I get my second reminder letter from the council? How can a summary warrant be granted against someone whose account is up to date? and is there anything I can do about it? I am not happy about paying the extra 10% at all but at least they have recalled it from Scott and Co so I wont need to deal with them. Is it even worth fighting them on it or should I just pay the 10% extra and forget about it. Also they assure me this will not affect the mortgage I am hoping to get in the next few months, the bank have already told me I can have the mortgage I am just saving the deposit, please tell me they are right?
  7. Hello folk, On the 22nd of August I received an email from extra energy sending me my "final" electricity bill, which included a £25 fee for exiting the tariff before it expired. I called Extra Energy and they told me that my supply had been taken over by British Gas and that I should speak to them about it. The operator at Extra Energy wasn't very helpful although I did tell him that I did not want to change supplier. Reality is I would not be a BG customer even if they were the cheapest in the market, I had a very bad experience with them in the 90s and there is no way I would ever consider them again. Since I did not ask to be supplied by British gas, not even knowing what tariff I am on, as I have not yet received any correspondence form them, would I be in my rights not to pay their bill if they sent me one? Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to have free electricity, in fact I have opened a separate savings account and instructed my bank to transfer £70.00 every month to it, just in case I get a nasty surprise. With Extra Energy my tariff was Bright fixed price January 2017, which is less expensive than BG standard, so if I do get a bill from BG can I recalculate the figures using EE's rates? Last but not least, can I sue BG for taking over the suplly without my say so? Thank you in advance for any advice.
  8. Hi, I rent some therapy rooms and book via an online system. These rooms are billed at £15 p/h and I make payments via PayPal. The booking system is quite bad and lets you mark rooms as paid (without paying) and can cancel and re-arrange appointments without notifying the owners of the therapy rooms. The owners stipulate that if you do not pay for a room on the exact date it is booked the a £50 fine will be added. They also stipulate that if you do not ask permission before re-arranging or cancelling an appointment a £50 fine will be added. This is not a signed contract, just simply an email they sent out last year. In the last week I have received numerous emails requesting amounts in regards to fines for rearranging or cancelling appointments from April 15 - April 16. Email One: Requested £400 Email Two: Requested £1400 Email Three: £400 Email Four £1400 Email Five: £3500 with a PayPal invoice attached Email Six: They have changed it to £7500 In truth, I probably have rearranged many clients without notifying them before hand, however I have always paid for the room used. The amount they are requesting is solely for fines. Is this possible? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. There is no way I could even give them this money if I even had it. Thanks in advance!
  9. Dear all A current AST comes to an end on a property on the 17th August. When my agent enquired whether the tenants would like to renew, they told him they were splitting up. On this basis my agent advised issuing a S21 as he was concerned about affordability. The tenants are an unmarried couple with three children. One of the current tenants (male) is now starting treatment for a serious condition and now the partner of the sick tenant has texted me offering me 6 months rent upfront to stay when the AST ends as she says that they are working on getting back together and don't want the stress of moving. There is a guarantor already in place for this AST plus 6 months deposit. I am tempted to accept this as it will avoid a void period. Is there anything to be concerned about? I know Johnson V Old has ended concerns about registering rent upfront as a deposit. If I accept this, should a new 6 month agreement be put in place (as my agent suggested)? Or should I let it go on to a monthly rolling tenancy? What about the notice period and serving a S21 when the 6 months draws to an end? The female tenant apparently told my agent 3 weeks ago when we sent the S21 that she would stay on regardless (seems to have backed down on this though) - so I am slightly worried about her volatility. It would have meant I would have had to get a possession order. My agent's renewal charge is 4 %. Would you expect that a 6 month renewal means that I would pay 4 % on the 6 months rent? Sorry if this post is confusing. I guess I am asking if anybody thinks it might be a bad idea to let them stay on after the threat of staying after the AST expires. Obviously they still might if the council advises them to stay and the 6 months upfront would mean this potential disaster is abated but what are the issues after the 6 months elapse? Thanks in advance for any advice
  10. Hi I have several defaults for various amounts totalling approx. £5000. For whatever reason I didn't pay my bills for several months and am now in a position to begin tackling this mess. I can probably pay off all of the debt in around nine months settling several smaller accounts within three months. Lots of the debts have been sold on to various debt collection agencies. They're offering me various discounts to write off part of the debt which I am open to for obvious reasons. However I am also keen to begin the process of rebuilding my credit rating ASAP and am wondering whether it is better to settle in full for this reason? I've also read that if you only settle partially, the remainder of the debt can be sold on which is concerning. If I decide to offer a partial settlement which is then accepted, how do I avoid that scenario? Thanks
  11. My PPI has been upheld and I will be getting a refund. Long story I fell behind a few years back and eventually the debt was sold on to another company. Could I ask who should the cheque me made out too myself or the "other" company?????? I was hoping to use the repayment to try and negotiate the debt to be written off??? Any advice please
  12. When it comes to bailiff enforcement, it is very rare indeed for a bailiff to seize goods within a property. In fact, household items are taken in less than 0.1% of cases. By far the most popular item to seize is a motor vehicle. Typically, a vehicle would raise significantly more than 'household' goods and more importantly, a vehicle would normally be easy to locate (either on the debtors driveway or outside of the property) making seizure and removal a lot simpler. If a vehicle has been taken, and the debtor considers that the vehicle should be 'exempt' (for instance, the vehicle may be subject to finance or the debtor considers that it is 'necessary' for self employment etc), then the solution is to submit a simple 'Part 85' claim to the enforcement company. In many cases, a vehicle may have been seized in relation to a previous owner's debt. If so, the new owner (and not the debtor) would be required to submit a simple 'Part 85' claim. In the past two weeks, there have been reports of three instances where debtors have failed to follow the proper procedure....and in each case...the debtor has found himself in a much worse situation (and in once case, could have been facing a charge of perjury). Case One: The debtor complained on social media that her vehicle had been clamped by a bailiff. The debt was hers and the vehicle was registered in her name. The debt was around £400. The advice that she was given on 'social media' was to 'transfer' the vehicle to her husband !! This is a extremely foolish step to take given that the regulations specifically state that goods become 'bound' from the date on which the Notice of Enforcement is sent. This regulation was put in place to stop debtors selling their goods to evade bailiff enforcement. On ‘social media’ she was introduced to a known ‘bailiff baiter’ who offered to speak to the bailiff. The call was terminated by the enforcement agent. The outcome was that her car was taken. This step added an additional 'sale' stage fee of £110 to her debt. The lady then spent the next few days trying to convince the enforcement company that the vehicle 'belonged' to her husband. She was advised that if the car really did belong to her husband that he (and not her) would need to submit a 'Part 85' claim and that, as part of the claim he would be required to provide the following: Evidence of the date that he acquired the vehicle. Evidence of the how he paid for the 'purchase' (bank transfer, cash etc). Evidence that he purchased road fund licence. Evidence that he insured the vehicle. Given that the 'sale' to the husband was 'bogus', the husband could not truthfully submit a 'Part 85' Claim. The debtor contacted me as the enforcement company had advised her that the debt had increased to almost £700 to include storage fees. She paid the full amount to recover her vehicle.
  13. Last Wednesday, completely out of the blue I was called to a meeting at my HO and told that due to restructuring my job is at risk, the company produced a settlement offer and has given me a week to think about it (unlike 10 days as in ACAS guidelines) They refuse to announce the nature of the restructuring, just that I don't fit within it and if I decline the offer then I have been told in no uncertain terms that I will be made redundant and end up with less money than they are offering. Although I don't know (and probably never will) I am almost certain based on noises from the past few months that the restructuring involves paying off half the people that do my job, and then replacing the job of the remaining people with a new one with a bigger remit to cover the loss of those of us that are gone, and they are doing this entirely arbitrarily without any due process or allowing me to reapply for the new job. Given that there are already a small number of people doing this bigger remit job, and they have always said I would be suitable to do this if the opportunity gave up, I believe I am being constructively dismissed, and they are relying on the fact that I won't be able to claim that if I accept the offer. A few hours after the meeting I sent an email to the people that were in the meeting (my line manager and her line manager) asking firstly for an extension of time to consider the offer, secondly for a fuller explanation as to what is going on and why I won't fit into the restructure, and thirdly asking if they will revise the sum offered. I did stress that I had not made any decisions and nothing in the email was intended to constitute a decision or limit my options. That evening I got an off the record phone call from my line manager stating that I shouldn't have done that, I should have just taken the money and because I am seen to be arguing with them they might now just withdraw the offer and make me redundant. Can they do that? I thought if the offer is open then it remains open until the window closes or I accept/decline it. Negotiation and asking for an explanation is surely not declining it? I also don't think they would be that stupid, because if I stay I will get to see what they are doing and retain all my employment rights including the right to take them to a tribunal. I ask because I have now been offered another (better) job and if they want me gone I'm just happy to take the money at this point!
  14. Hi Today I became the victim of a mobile phone fraud. A reputable courier delivered a package to me. When I opened it, there was a new Apple iPhone and a sim card in there that I didn't order. It had been sent from E 2 Save mobile (a subsidiary company of the Carphone Warehouse) so I decided to call them to inform them of their error. The operative said his name was Mohammad and asked me for the 'customer lead' number, which I gave him from the invoice that was in the package. He then started to quiz me on personal details saying that he couldn't arrange a return unless I told him things like 'who I bank with'. Of course, I refused and he said that he was trying to help me. My answer was that he was wrong, I was trying to help him! in the end he said that he would be able to get it picked up by DPD, the company that delivered the phone in the first place. This is a company I use often and know how they work. Ok I said. Then I got a text message saying that DPD would pick the phone up between 9:00 and 17:00 tomorrow. DPD always give you a time within an hour slot. After this I got very suspicious and called my bank to let them know what had happened. They checked everything on my accounts and there was nothing untoward. Then I checked my credit file to find four searched on the date of the invoice that turned up in the package, all from communication providers. The invoice says that 1p was paid at the point of sale with a visa card. My credit cards are all with Master Card, but my debit cards are Visa.
  15. I have received 3 recovery letters from Indigo Car Parking (also known as PCN Admin, ZZPS) in respect of recovery of a parking ticket that has been cancelled. Every time I receive a new letter, I respond with the email confirming cancellation, but the letters keep coming. Does anyone known what I can do to stop this nonsense?
  16. I have recently received a letter from Rossendales stating that I was overpaid working tax credit a few year ago and they demand the cash back asap. I spoke to HMRC 2 year ago about this and they said they would send me out an invoice each month so I could pay it back that way. I did suggest they just change my tax code and take it from my wages but they said they only do this as a last option. My question is can Rossendales mark my credit file? What rights do they have? I have tried to contact HMRC over this matter but not managed to get through up until now. I want to pay the money back but dont want to deal with Rossendales.
  17. End of March I received a letter from the hmrc telling me I was overpaid working tax credits by almost £200. Fair enough! They stated I would receive a letter shortly with instructions how to repay the amount. It's almost end of April and I've received nothing yet. Should I worry? I wouldn't want them to contact me later asking me to pay up fines or penalties. Should I make the first move? Or is it normal procedure? Thanks
  18. Yesterday, a most extraordinary report was given on a social media site regarding a hearing at Luton Crown Court that concluded yesterday with both defendants being cleared of theft and false representation. The report itself (written by a McKenzie Friend) is utterly astonishing and frankly; resembles a poorly written fairy story. As regular posters on here will know, I am passionate about providing accurate information and with this in mind (and in response to the many messages that I have received since yesterday), I will give accurate facts on the background to this case (which sadly, yet again demonstrates appalling bad behaviour by a debtor attempting to evade payment of a penalty charge notice).
  19. The MOD has updated its information on Support for Veterans on 7th April 2016 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/support-for-war-veterans
  20. I have been at the same company since it started 3 years ago. I have been presented with around three contracts, all of which I refused to sign due to mistakes in the badly written contracts (out of date law references, conflicting information etc). I have heard that if you continue to work more than 30 days and receive regular payments, then you automatically accept the contract. How does this work for someone like me that has expressively and with reason rejected the contract?
  21. Does anyone know if a bailiff can levy goods when the original debt has been paid? The debt was paid to the council in full, and now the council and bailiff company are saying tough, you need to pay the fees of £310 which is more than the debt was for. I know the usual advice of not letting them in and stuff but i can't find a definitive answer on whether they can levy if it's only their fees owing. As far as I am concerned, I paid the Liability Order in full.
  22. Hi, I am new to this forum and new to legal terms and I am confused with what happened in court today. Someone please help me understand? Here is the story. I received an attachment of earnings order for a default judgement I knew nothing about. I enquired and found out that Lowell had applied to court a few months earlier and got the default judgement as I did not get any paperwork. Further, I had written them with CCA request but they never replied I thought that it is over and done with. I applied to local court to set aside the judgement with a witness statement and defence where I explained to court about their dirty tricks and made up evidence etc. I sent all of those documents to Lowell as well so that they could put their side of story in court. what I did not understand was that a day later, they wrote to me with a signed draft order accepting to set aside the default judgment, withdrawing their AoE order application, and paying me court fees, then asking the court for permission to reply to my defence I thought that was a trap I went to court the next day, where I thought that the case would have been heard and judge making a decision. that was not the case, and Lowell hired a local solicitor to put to court the things they said in their letter, judge said to me that was easy and struck out the judgement and AoE order, then set a date for next hearing. I am very confused have two questions; 1. Why the Lowell accepted to set aside judgement and AoE order? 2. Why the judge set another hearing to hear the case when he had already quashed the judgment? I hope someone could answer the above two question. Thanks
  23. Hi can anyone advise me if I will be fined. I declared my car off the road when the tax run out as we only use one car so its been sat outside my house for a while untaxed, I have been meaning to scrap it and spoke with a scrapyard a couple of times who said they would come and pick it up but they never turned up, someone on the street must have reported it to the dvla now and it has been clamped today. I don't want the car, I rung the car tax enforcement company that has taken the car and told them, she said if you don't want it don't pay the release fee and it will go to the pound you will be sent a disclaimer sign and return the disclaimer declaring you don't want it and it will be destroyed with no costs. I don't trust this , will I get fined of the dvla?, I don't want this to cost me money.
  24. My employer is telling me I need to go to see the doctor (I agree due to stress related migraines). He is also saying I need to show them a note to say I am fit for work, as in his own words (in email), he doesn't feel I am fit to work. 1. Do doctors even issue a fit to work note after a couple of half day absences? 2. If my employer is telling me he thinks I am unfit to work, should I be going to work? (He thinks I should ) 3. Can my employer force me to present a fit to work note from my doctor? Thanks
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