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Found 4 results

  1. Hello. I received a letter from Marston Group in January 2018, saying I have outstanding amount that needs to be paid to Court. I made enquiry with them. I was informed I committed a traffic offence in Cheshire in January 2017, and I did not reply to any paperwork posted to me nor attend any Court hearing. I asked them which address did the prosecution post the paperwork to, they gave me an address that I lived in 3 years ago. I update my address with DVLA every time when I move house. This is clearly the prosecution’s fault of not updating their system. After delays caused by different departments, I finally made a statutory declaration in Magiatrates Court in June 2018, saying I did not receive any paperwork from prosecution in relation to the offence they were taking about. I was given a copy of my statutory declaration and a copy of the offence details on the day. I now receive a letter from Court, informing me a new trial date. The offences they were charging me are as follows: 1. Drove exceeding the speeding limit 2. Failed to give information relating to the identification of the driver. As you can see, I did not intend not to attend Court hearing previously. What is the likely outcome of my new trial?
  2. Hello good people I hope this is the right thread to post this query... I need assistance as to how to go about filing an appeal against the ET judgment i lost for ''unlawful dismissal''... ..This is an NHS matter ..the judge was bias. ..her written judgement even shows her helping the other side to clarify their case.. My question is... . in a situation where it can be easily be shown and proven that the accusations which led my suspension and later dismissal was NOT properly investigated ..can a judge still get away with using points of law like (Post Office v Foley and also HSBC v Madden (Iceland Frozen Foods v Jones BHS v Burchell case, As reasons for ruling against me?.. .I was under suspension for 6 months and virtually NO investigations was carried out. ..for exp..the main Charge nurse who leveled the accusation which led to my suspension was not questioned. .in fact she refused to give further statements. ..persons whom i identified as being involved in the situation were not questioned for 4months. ..it was only AFTER the appeal which was 7 months later that statements were sought from these people. ...and one of them claimed he was in Australia when i saw on FB that he still living in the UK... . I brought these facts up throughout the whole process ... and even in court and judge noted this. ..my Solicitor didn't really do much... there is so much more i can go into. .but this ET judge's decision and reasoning is the most ridiculous i have ever read... I was fired under capability rule... I dont know how to make heads or tails on this matter as it has been going on for a year. ..i do not want to waste money on consulting a barrister if i am going to get screwed around like my current solicitor did... thank you.. This is my first time on here and i will clarify if need be for anyone who can help.. .I am at a loss and i am willing to take this case far as i can.. .as i did nothing wrong ..i was ganged up on an bullied on the job. .then set up... I am from America and i am not familiar with UK employment laws... If need be.. .i can email the Judges decisions to anyone who wants to read..
  3. I have a date set for a tribunal hearing for unfair dismissal and have to submit what I am claiming for. I am self representing. My employer singled me out and called me in for every little thing to try and dismiss me for over 2 years after I raised a grievance because management had blackmailed me. On my ET1 there was no boxes to tick to say I had been victimized/discriminated against or harassed other than for racial/sexual/age etc which obviously wasn't the case as i didn't fall into any of these categories. I did put in the notes that I was singled out and punished over things every employee was doing and management ignored this fact. Now my question is can I claim for any damages because of this? Will the tribunal pick up on this and award me damages or do I just write off the way I have been treated and claim for loss of earnings etc
  4. Hi - I'll try to make this as concise as possible! My wife works as a nurse at a dental practice (mainly NHS patients). She returned to work this week after a weeks sick leave (not related to the disciplinary issue) and was called into a meeting with the practice manager immediately upon arrival. She was advised that she was expected to attend a meeting that lunchtime with one of the dentists regarding complaints made, which she did with some trepidation. She was informed that certain complaints had been made about her surgery whilst on sick leave, two of which she vehemently denies, the others (apart from one) she wasn't clear on, and the remainder she accepted there may have been an issue. This is the second time in as many months where the practice manager has gone down a disciplinary route (the first time informally), and my wife has told her boss that she feels she is being singled out/stabbed in the back. At the end of this preliminary meeting, nothing had been adequately resolved so she now has a "formal" disciplinary meeting this coming Monday and, although she has been told she can take a colleague in as a witness, the practice manager has decided to use the person who has made the "complaints" as her note taker and "impartial observer"! I have advised my wife that this is unacceptable (how can you ask the "accuser" to be impartial toward the "accused"?), so she should ask for a totally independent person to be in there. She has also been accused of health and safety breaches as part of this "disciplinary", but no proof has been provided, just the word of the complainant, which (I'm sure) is inadmissable. It is a commonly-held belief that my wife's boss has basically realised that she's "screwed up" her staffing and is trying to find a way to resolve it by using any means she can to reduce numbers, thinking my wife is an easy target. She doesn't want to lose her job, doesn't want to leave her job, but also doesn't want to have an official reprimand on her record just because someone is being bloody-minded. Are we right in assuming that : a) she can refuse to attend the meeting if the "impartial observer" is clearly NOT impartial b) demand to have "charges" removed as there is no proof provided (something she strongly denies doing, just hearsay) There are other concerns (validity of her contract, favouritism between staff, unfair pay scales, etc), but the immediate thing is this disciplinary. Many thanks for reading, and for any advice/help offered.
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