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Found 3 results

  1. On the 24th June 2015, I was part of a group of 17 family members that went on holiday through Thomas Cook to Tunisia Unfortunately, during our time in Tunisia the ISIS terrorist attack took place, which meant our holiday was cut short and we had to return home early. We had only enjoyed 2 days in Tunisia; and we returned home on the third day (28th June). On the morning of the 28th of June we were informed that due to the terror attack taking place, Thomas Cook would be sending out 10 rescue flights for UK tourists to return home. As we feared for our safety, and felt our lives were at risk; we decided the best thing to do would be to catch one of the rescue flights home. As mentioned earlier, we were a group of 17 people, however it must be noted that 10 of the group were in fact children that we had a responsibility for. Therefore, as well as keeping ourselves safe, we felt that it was imperative that we put the safety of our children first and return home at the earliest opportunity. Our holiday had been ruined; but we were confident that Thomas Cook would look after us, and compensate us for the experience we suffered. However, much to our disappointment, Thomas Cook contacted me on the 17th July 2015 and informed me that they would not be paying any compensation; but instead, were offering a ‘good will gesture’ which meant we would only be getting money back for the days we did not spend in our accommodation. My original holiday booking for 2 adults, and 3 children totalled £1527.96p. Yet Thomas Cook have offered me £436.56 back, (wait for it…) ‘in travel vouchers’, (and the best yet…) that need to be used by July 2016! Thomas Cook customer relations have told me that there is nothing I can do to appeal against this decision, and under no circumstances would they be offering the insult of £436.56 back in cash either. The most the lady could advise was for me to contact ABTA (which I have and have had no joy). I kindly told the lady from customer relations that I would not be accepting there so called ‘good will gesture’ of holiday vouchers, and simply told her that I would take this matter as far as possible until Thomas Cook offer me a full refund in cash; or at least in holiday vouchers so I can book another holiday for my family! The worst thing is that following the terror attack at the museum in Tunis in March, we as a family decided we no longer wanted to fly to Tunisia as we felt that our safety was under major threat. After researching the Government web site, it advised that if we were concerned about threats of terrorism in a country we would be visiting, we should seek advice from our Travel Operator, which we did. We expressed our concerns to Thomas Cook who did not show any concern or thought for our safety. We were told that the Foreign Travel Office had not advised against travel to Tunisia, and any amendments to holiday bookings done free of charge would be at the Tour Operators discretion. Although this was the case, our travel agents contacted Thomas Cook’s Head Office who clearly stated that we could not change our holiday free of charge. We were strongly advised that if we wanted to make amendments to our travel arrangements, we would have to pay a minimum of £150 per head, and we were told that this cost could total up to £500 per person depending on what changes needed to be made. For this reason, we felt as though we were being forced to go to a country wrapped up in terrorism as we simply couldn’t afford to pay amendment charges for 17 people. This was still the case after strongly emphasising our views and concerns as to why we did not want to travel to Tunisia.For this reason we feel that Thomas Cook did not act responsibly and that our health and safety was disregarded. Thomas Cook and the Foreign Office were aware of the high risk of terrorist attacks within Tunisia and still chose to send British tourists over there, resulting in 30 British Citizens losing their lives. Those same people that lost their lives may well have been in my same position, but like us were forced into a holiday they no longer wanted to partake in! I feel nothing but let down by Thomas Cook. They have in no way done us any justice as customers and in fact have robbed me of over £1000 pounds for a 2 day holiday to Tunisia that was cut short due to circumstances out of my control. Had Thomas Cook considered our fears in the first place, we wouldn’t be in the situation that we are in now. Furthermore, Thomas Cook could have given some consideration to the matter and at least offered another holiday for the same price we paid, if they do not want to give us a cash refund. How can they justify not compensating us, yet those people that were not in Tunisia at the time, but had a holiday booked to go there, have been offered a full refund, or a chance to amend their holidays free of charge, due to the Foreign Travel Office advising against travel two weeks after our holiday. Surely if the Foreign Travel Office have deemed Tunisia as too dangerous to visit following the events, then that must justify our decision to return home from our holiday early through fear of our safety!! What I am trying to do, is attract as many people as possible that are currently in the same situation as me. On the day we returned home, there were hundreds of people at the airport that were also returning home early due to fear for their safety. It would be useful if I could round up these people by bringing this issue to media attention, and maybe… just maybe… Thomas COOK (Potentially Defamatory remark edited - SS) will pull their fingers out and refund us our money that they have TAKEN I’m sure Thomas Cook profit by millions each year, so why not offer us compensation when they can clearly afford to do so. If anyone has any advice, or can signpost me to someone or somewhere that can help, please please do so. I refuse to accept this lying down!
  2. I have and am having a nightmare with holiday on line operator and need some help. I booked a holiday on line with teletext holidays to Tunisia. Leaving 19.7.15 Then the slaughter in Sousse on 26th June made me want to cancelled my trip. I was taking my two children 15&17away. They would not be allowed by their mother to go and they were scared The contact to the online agents were a nightmare,finally got through, to be told I couldn't cancel as theFO had not declared the destination unsafe and that the only alternative was to rebook to another destination. And quickly as it had to be done within the 14 days of the departure or forfeit all money paid. This would be done without penalties or charges, It now transpired that the on line agent was advising me that I had to make these rearrangements myself as it was my own personal booking.?????? 14 telephone calls and hours of music by musak, later I was getting desperate, no airlines had flights available, I had been booked with Thomson fly and they couldnt or wouldn't help,I'm suddenly trying to be a travel agent "!!!.b Insisted in talking to a supervisor at teletext holidays, they again said they would help but I had to do everything as they were not travel agents only booking on my behalf. So I refused to accept that argument and insisted they re arrange , which they did but at considerably more cost. Only got confirmation on the 8th July and no baggage had been booked, so I then had to get Thomson fly to add bags and pay for them and seat allocations another 400 quid. That same night at 9.00 pm a note was posted on teletext holidays stating that the Foreign Office had declared Tunisia unsafe for travelling and recommended all brits return. Would I be within my rights to request a complete refund,as all subsequent actions were forced on me by there original refusal to cancel the holiday.
  3. Foreign Office advises against all but essential travel to Tunisia The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has today changed its travel advice to Tunisia to advise against all but essential travel for the time being. FCO travel advice has highlighted for some time the high threat from terrorism in Tunisia, but the evolving security situation since the attack almost two weeks ago means the decision has been taken to advise against all but essential travel to Tunisia. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/foreign-office-advises-against-all-but-essential-travel-to-tunisia
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