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  1. Hi All, Firstly, this isn't strictly a PCN issue but it is related to one, so I'm not sure if this the appropriate forum and please let me know if not. My vehicle was clamped on 30th June and I discovered this and spoke to the bailiff on 1st July. I've submitted TE7 & TE9 forms to TEC so this should all be resolved this afternoon. However, I am going to make several complaints about the bailiff's actions as he was not only extremely rude and unprofessional when dealing with me, but also probably broke the law. Some background info: I called the bailiff (MO) on Sunday afternoon (01/07) but he didn't answer; he then called me at 10pm Sunday evening to discuss. During this conversation he told me the vehicle in question had been clamped previously and I had cut it off, telling me that because of this the vehicle would be towed immediately if I didn't pay the outstanding balance. When I contested this and asked for info his response was along the lines of "I dunno, that's just what the system says" and refused to give any further evidence. I was pretty incensed by the accusation so told him it was utterly false (exact words) and he hung up on me, refusing to answer again. Today I called him to get the PCN number then did my relevant homework and called him back to let him know I'd submitted forms with TEC and he should hear from the issuing authority by the end of the day. I asked him to give me his full name and registration details so I could submit a complaint about his behaviour last night and he outright refused, saying he didn't have to. When I told him he was legally obligated to give me his information he got increasingly angry and doubled down. He said he would show his certificate when releasing the vehicle but would not give details to me - to which I responded by saying we both know that will never happen as he will most likely quietly remove the clamp and then be gone. I eventually gave up with no information. I checked his name on the immobilisation certificate then checked the Certified Bailiff Register and found his full name and the court / company he's registered with, so am going to submit my complaints there first. My most serious complaint is that his attempt to extort me into payment by claiming I had removed a previous clamp (let me just state - I hadn't) is a violation of The Fraud Act 2006 Section 2 and his refusal to provide any evidence for this, despite it being "on his system" is also a violation of Section 3. So my question is this: who do I report this to and how? I'm currently drafting a complaint to Hertford County Court (where MO is registered) with all of this included, but would like to take this much, much further so he never attempts this stuff again. Having never submitted any kind of criminal charges before I have no idea where to start.
  2. Submit your evidence to assist Carillion investigation READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/submit-your-evidence-to-assist-carillion-investigation
  3. Claim date is 07/01/2013, intend to defend, when does it have to be returned and can it be done on line?
  4. Last week thurs (17th Jan 2013), a bunch of Bailiff guys came into the flat that I am staying in to clear things out of the flat as they have court orders that the landlord had actually sold the place 2 years ago and she does not have the rights to rent it out due to this. My flatmates had called the police and when the police had arrived and had confirmed about this as well (as the Bailiff have court letters to show the policeman). Due to this, I have contacted the landlord that I've paid to and she had promised to return the 6 weeks deposit (a total of £1275) that I've paid to on 21st Jan 2013. I have waited till that day itself and had text her many times. At the end of the day till now I have only received a back a total of £220. I have texted her and to inform her that I am giving her till 26th Jan 2013 to get back my deposit or else I will be heading to the county court which the court will ask for one to three times the deposit due to the reason that she did not register my deposit under the government's deposit scheme. I had seek advices from Shelter and the Citizen Advice Bureau and I am preparing the N208 claim form. My problem is that, the adviser from Shelter had said that I will need to have the current address of the Landlord else I will not be able to enforce the claim. I am not sure what should I do now as the landlord just said you can go to the court if you want and I can't find her current address at all (had tried 192.com, seaching online, yellow pages, etc). Really need some help as I can't move into a new place too without my deposit.
  5. Hi, so i will try to summarize my issue. I had to move back to italy suddenly for some major family problems, with the big hope of coming back to london as soon as everything is sorted out. I was checking online my bank account every now and then to see if everything was ok when i discovered some transaction i never done. i called Barclays asking to have my card blocked and i explained the whole situation. i've been told there was no way i could get my money back because i was overseas so i had to come to a local branch. i spent over £250 just to come over and have everything sorted out and transfer some money from my barclays account to my italian bank account. So i went to the king's cross branch and i spoke with the manager, who, very kindly, took care of my situation: i asked for a refund and compiled few forms with my details (i have copies with me now). i asked for a new debit card to be issued to my italian address or ANY ohter way to access my online banking to manage my money. i asked to transfer some money from my account to my italian account (got a copy of the transfer aswell). After few days i received an email from the branch manager saying that the transfer was cancelled because the money was on my savings account and i had to transfer the money from that account to my current account first so they could transfer them oversea. Of course, in order to do that, i needed to login online... . and of course, in order to login online, i need a debit card. So he told me to call 00441604614812 because they needed to speak with me. I called that number and after more than 30 minutes talking on the phone dealing with someone with no clue about his job, i got nowhere: No way for me to access my account online, No new debit card can be issued to an oversea address, I can't transfer my money on the phone (of course), I already spent more than 250 pounds coming over to London just to sort everything out and around 20 more pounds on the international call. I tried to submit a complain on their website but I keep getting an error. Ii've absolutely no clue on what to do next. I simply need to transfer some money from my deposit account and from my current account to my italian bank account. What should I do? THank You
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