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Found 2 results

  1. Is it possible I can get some urgent advice please. My fault, I had an argument with a solicitor over her bill. She told me that the original issue I consulted her over would be straight forward and require no more than £1400 of work. I had to pay up front, but at the end of the case, which I lost, she presented me with a further bill of £567.67 for sundries. To cut a long story short, I sent her a letter asking for clarification and a breakdown of the costs, which she failed to provide. I made a complaint to the Law Society about the Solicitor and was a bit shocked a few weeks later to find her starring in the local paper after she had been found guilty by the Society of charging for work she had not done. The firm is a one man band and despite letters to and fro county court papers were presented. I went to court and lost, but my belligerence saw me stupidly digging my heals in.I know it was wrong at the time and now, but we all have those moments in life? I heard no more from her and today two big gorillas knocked the door. They were High Court Sheriffs. They saw my 16 year old son and asked to come in. He refused to let them in and they told him who they were and that they can enter the house if they wanted to as they were not normal bailiffs. My son said that the next door neighbour was outside and could hear everything. The bailiff said he did not want to embarrass me more than is necessary and asked if he could come in. Again my Son said no, and said that they should give him a phone number for me to contact them. They gave him two A4 sheets, with their number on the back of it. Now he took it off them (at no point did they enter the house or were any doors or windows unlocked, my son opened and closed the window when they spoke). The Sheriff said he had served him with papers form 55 - Notice of Seizure. I got back with the wife as I was at hospital at the time due to having fallen from breaking my arm (again) to find the paperwork. Can I ask, if they can take walking possession as per their form; Form 55 - Notice of Seizure? Apart from the judgement I have had no further correspondence (I know that is not the claimants problem, just asking should they have written to me or done anything further) I live in Coventry and the Solicitor has gone to the Croydon District Registry Queens Bench. Why not the local court in Coventry or Birmingham? I have not signed the walking possession agreement, but it states if I don't pay they can break in? The fees are unreal. The judgement is for £ 567.67 They have added Judgement Costs £ 162.00 Execution Costs £ 111.75 Interest @8% £ 16.95 Sheriffs Fees £ 550.76 VAT: £ 110.15 Total Levy £1,519.28 I know this is secondary to the above but I do not actually own anything in the house. Our mortgage is joint and my car is supplied via my DLA. I am quite severely disabled and unable to work due to my disability, living off income support and ESA/DLA. The house was originally the wife's until we got married five years ago and she put my name on the mortgage in case anything happened to her. All the fixtures and fittings belong to her from before. I do not have a bank account. I used to own a car which I sold 14 months ago and used the money for my Motability car IP as it needed adjustments. Theyasked if I had a car and my son said I have a motability one. They said they will clamp the car when they come back if they cannot get enough money from the house until they can verify the ownership of the vehicle. I have to go to three different hospitals every week, not counting the accident yesterday that required another visit today. I have a lot of medical issues presently, I am being treated for severe depression, I rake a concoction of tablets totalling 36 daily, plus Fentanyl patches and oramorph for extra pain. Can someone please advise. Can they do as they claim? Are the charges right? They are more than the original debt. Help please?
  2. Hi all, Some 10 - 12 years ago I was in a whole heap of bother but I have worked hard to clear my feet by doing repayment plans with DCAs and by settling some by offering a full and final settlement figure. My crdeit rating is still very poor according to Experian BUT I am getting there and have had 1 CCJ in the past which has now been off my file for 2 years Anyway the real point of this post The other night I was out as was my hubby and his pal was dog sitting, 2 guys came to door and said something along the lines of they were officers of the court and had official court papers to serve me (they quoted my maiden name - been married 3 months) Hubbys pal heard the words court and official and got in a tiz and said I didnt live here and he had no idea who i was. They were very polite non threatening and left. We came home and he explained what had happened we called local criminal and civil court and they had nothing for my name or address, Experian shows 1 late payment recently (due to a change of bank accounts) and 1 default in 2006 to Capquest (no idea what for or who capquest are but have read about them on here I can only assume that was for a TMobile contract I contested at the time as it was an ex who ran up a huge bill - but that is another story) So at the minute I have no idea if these guys were sheriff officers? Who they were acting for? Any time limits that now be ticking away? or how to find any of this out. Can anyone help me please, if the debt is mine I will try to arrange a payment plan and hope they will accomodate that but I am now worried that they will take further action without me knowing. The only other possibility I can think of was a contested local authority parking ticket which I contested at the time (although I did not recieve any notification my complaint had been upheld the disabled bay in question was burnt off - the whiite lines were removed 2 weeks after I sent my letter of dispute) Please can someone tell me what I can do as I lay awake most of the night worrying and I have been down that road before to the point it made me very ill - but thats enough of the sob story!! Any advice greatly appreciated. It may be worth mentioning that although I have moved houses over the last 12 years I have not moved out of range of the courts I contacted yesterday and I assume action is taken in the court local to me? Any help appreciated greatly Thanks
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