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  1. Hi Newbie here and I am hoping you guys can point me in the right direction. I've been lurking on here for a few days trying to find out various tips and information regarding my problem. I got into trouble after loosing my job in 2009. I had a lot of debt and couldn't make payments anymore. Entered into an iva in late 2010, made about 5 payments and then lost my new job and had to cancel the iva. I just cancelled my direct debit to the iva and never got in contact with them again. They eventually officially cancelled my iva in spring 2013 and started to get letters from various dcas regarding my individual debts that were in my iva. I paid a couple of credit cards off via dcas with a reduced f and f and got that in writing. But there is one particular debt that hasnt raised its head much. It was for a loan originally with Northern rock which I'm pretty sure was taken out pre 2007. Now I heard nothing about this until about spring 2017. I received a letter from a dca (can't remember who) so I stupidly phoned them up. I said I don't recall this debt so I need some sort of proof of claim. They then left me alone until Cabot sent me a letter in summer 2017. Letter and phone calls ignored, it then went quiet until last weekend when it's being passed to ruthbridge. I presume, because I've not made a payment since originally defaulting, the statute barred clock would start from when my IVA officially finished?? I've only 2 or 3 months to go before it's 6 years from that date so do I just ignore for now? Thanks in advance guys.
  2. Hi, I think I'm in a similar situation. I recently received a letter from Cabot saying that they had bought an account that I held with LLOYDS TSB - Credit Card. The first letter was dated 19th November 2015. Subsequently I have received two additional letters the last being, I imagine, the same as above (parksey78), just a form wanting pesrsonal details and income/ outgoings. I genuinely have no knowledge of this account and I was therefore about to send the template letter regarding 'no knowledge' when I came across a similar thread suggesting that it maybe better to wait. I have two questions, the first is should I wait until I get something more substantial from Cabot as you have advised elsewhere and two what is the reason why you would suggest not sending the 'no knowledge' letter at this stage? Is it simply to avoid entering into any form of dialogue with them? Thanks in advance.
  3. Sorry guys, i took the lazy approach and ignored everything again. I have received nothing for a long time and then suddenly a letter from Cabot saying they are passing my debt to Ruthbridge, a debt collection agency. In the same envelope (is money too tight to post 2 letters?) A letter from Ruthbridge saying to contact them. I had a message on my answerphone.. This is a call for (silence) Please contact us using your reference. Thats it. I googled the number to see Ruthbridge mentioned. This is a Citi card debt with the last payment in 2006. So long past being statute barred. Its time to move on now and put a stop to these letters dragging up a period i would rather forget. Will they stop or will they write forever? Thank you. PS i know i am a pain the the bottom and so lazy when it comes to dealing with these people but its time to do something. (if possible) PS. Do i phone, email or write to them? Thanks
  4. My husband received a letter from this shower on Friday morning, telling him that he owed over £7k on a current account with HFC Bank. To the very best of his knowledge, he's never had any sort of account with HFC - is a "prove it" letter in order to start with? We intend telling them that he denies it is his debt, in any case. Thank you all so much. Catherine Just adding to my own post - I have looked again at the letter from Ruthbridge - it accompanies one from the lovely Cabot Financial, which is telling my husband that, as they have not come to a mutual agreement with him to repay "his" debt, they are passing it on to Ruthbridge. There is no account number given for this alleged current account with HFC Bank, only a reference number from Ruthbridge. I'm inclined to think that this is a phishing exercise - he's never had anything from Cabot about anything. Thank you again. Catherine.
  5. Hi, I received a letter from Ruthbridge over a DLC debt which has been assigned to them, this is very old although payments were being made to dlc through a dmc in 2011. I received this letter threatening to make me bankrupt! I decided to send a CCA request to them and have just received a reply today returning my postal order. This states 'we write further to your recent correspondence requesting information with regard to our reasons for contacting you. We take note of the points you have raised in your correspondence, however we must advise we are not in a position to reply with your request at this stage as we are required to verify information we have been provided with yourself for the purposes of data protection in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We would appreciate it if you would contact our offices so that we can complete the necessary verification and address and further queries you may have with regards to this matter' Obviously it is a trick to try and get me to call them, but where does this leave me with the CCA request bearing in mind they returned the p order? I should also point out that this debt is no where on my credit file and I think the original agreement must have been way back in about 2004/5, I doubt there is any chance they would have the original agreement. Thanks roadhog
  6. I have recently received two letters, with some made up reference number, saying "we know you are living at this address, contact us, or we may have to call you (good luck, we are ex dir). No reference to any debt, company or anything. I didn't realise this company were so horrendous until I read so many threads on this and other consumer forums. Any debts are now so statute barred that cobwebs are all over them. There was a small amount owing to black horse, but no payments or agreements have been made for over 15 years. Now, I suddenly get a couple of letters from Ruthbridge. I have put them in file 13 . Just where do they get their information from. I have taken out and paid off buy now pay later schemes from Curry's, one is settled and one is about to be settled, before the 6 months grace is up. My credit rating is excellent and there is not one thing that is negative on my credit report, no debts, just positives Banks etc are forever wanting me to take out credit cards with them, (which I decline). Do I simply ignore this bunch of pond life who hope to feed from people, through fear, I certainly have no intention of speaking to them.
  7. Seems a while since I heard anything from a DCA but a recent house move has set them off again. Two weeks ago I received a letter 'We are attempting to contact the above named in relation to a personal matter' from Ruthbridge. I ignored it as advised the last time a DCA contacted me. Today I have received another latter from the same company (appologies for using upper-case as they did): "YOU HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AS OUR CUSTOMER AT THE ADDRESS STATED ABOVE. PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY." It gave me 5 days to respond (letter dated 5 days ago) or an agent may telephone me. I am not their customer and I know Ruthbridge are a DCA I have just checked my credit record there is nothing on there with the exception of a loan which is current with no arrears. Last time I heard from a DCA about an old debt was over two years ago, Is there a way stop them calling before they actually do or should I await for them to call then write to them.
  8. I'll keep this concise but looking for some advice.. (not a poet) - debt defaulted december 2007 - about 85-90% certain last contact was May/June 2008 to try and arrange payment plan but never went through with it. tried to think of anything that suggests i was in contact after this but really cant think when/why that would be. - that last contact was through agency called ARC and last letter from them was July 2008. - debt then passed to cabot who sent several letters to me 2009 and 2010 once they had found new address. ignored. - nothing since and debt fell off credit report december 2013 as expected (6 years since default). this was the final debt - of very many - to fall off credit file so a big moment for me as this was a huge huge mess around 2007-2012. - nothing since and then i moved July 2014. - post recieved Jan 18th with one letter from cabot and one from ruthbridge essentially saying it has been passed to ruthbridge and they will contact within 7 days. (nothing as yet has followed) - credit file with experian shows nothing but my mortgage, phone contract and bank account, no ccjs and score is 999 --- From extensive research (forums etc..), i can see that this is highly likely to be statute barred for the simple reason that ruthbridge have it - though can only be that '85-90%' certain of the no contact but that might just be paranoia at the sitiation. i suffered from depression quite badly due to debt between that 2007-2012 period and have really turned my life around since. would be horrid to have to go back to all that in any way. What would you guys suggest i do based on all this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  9. I have received a letter from Ruthbridge Ltd asking me to pay a sum of just over £9000 which relates to a loan taken out with Black Horse in 2007 for c£30,000. Ruthbridge has supplied a copy of the CCA and a schedule of payments made on the debt right up to December 2012. The debt was originally defaulted on in 2008 and between 2008 and 2012 a nominal amount of £14 was paid monthly to the original creditor. At that point circumstances changed and that amount was not affordable. However recently I got a loan for a car from Black Horse, and this may have triggered the system that I could pay back some of the original debt. So two questions about the next stage really:- 1. The statement of payments sent by Ruthbridge from Black Horse shows a lump sum of £18000 paid off in 2008. I did not make that payment Should I ask Ruthbridge what that sum relates to? 2. I have no evidence of Ruthbridge now owning the debt. Should I ask for a deed of assignment from Black Horse to then (although I think the debt may have passed through other hands first)? I have not yet acknowledged the debt to Ruthbridge. Thanks
  10. Hi there; I have received a letter a week ago from this company stating i owe £2175.08 on behalf of another company dlc regarding a loan and thats all the information they have provided asking that i contact them i have trawled forums and seen how nasty this company can be i have checked my credit file through call credit and experian and there are no defaults , no ccjs no chasing for any debt on my account other than an arrangement to pay with natwest but that was for 350 that i paid back a couple years ago. the letter is in my name except my last name is spelt slightly incorrect and i have no knowledge of what or who this is about and the letter is only dated 03 september and no year on it and signed by ruthbridge ltd no actual name today i came home 17.09 and received another letter from them but i have not opened this I know not to speak to them over the phone but what do i do? if this is a debt of mine then it has to be over 6 years old and statutory barred as it does not appear on my credit file at all please help with what i should respond to and what i should respond via letter ( I was originally going to go to citizens advice but problem is i work monday to friday and cant take time off work to call them or actually get to the office in my city in the uk) regards
  11. Hi Everyone! With the lovely support on this site, i sent a CCA request on Monday to Ruthbridge who i have been paying a token payment of £1.00 for over a year and to Direct Legal and Collections prior to this. This is an old debt of MBNA going back as far as 2005 for £15,107.00. Today i recieved the postal order back, with the CCA letter stampted recieved and also a slip stating "account returned to our client Direct Legal and Collections", question is do i now send a CCA request to Direct Legal and Collections or wait to hear from them. i also have recieved the credit report and do not see anything relating to this debt on there. thanks!!!
  12. Early last year I received a letter from Ruthbridge on the 16th and they said roughly, they were trying to contact the named person on a personal matter, if I am the person named I should contact them immediately. If they didn't receive a response within 7 days they would have an agent telephone me. On the 24th I received another letter from them saying: We note you have failed to respond to mail directed to you. YOU HAVE BEEN TRACED AS LIVING AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY. If you have not established contact with this department within the next five days an agent may telephone you. I ignored the letters and I have not heard from them since! However this year I have recently been contacted by CCS and they say more or less the same thing, but I haven't received a second letter yet, but I know I probably will! Although I have some debts that I walked away from in the mid nineties, I thought by now they would be statute barred? Should I continue to ignore their letters and see what happens? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  13. This originates from Cabot Financial who tried to via CCS Collections to obtain £875 on their behalf, no client was listed. I wrote back making it very clear that I have no outstanding debts that have not been serviced and that if the alleged debt was mine which I know it is not then please provide the proof. After a couple of letters exchanged they admitted that it was an electronic request and they had not provided any paperwork. Now I have Ruthbridge on the case after £2625.70p owed to the Bank of Scotland?? I have never had any dealing financial or otherwise with the BoS or any associated company. Having read the background to Cabot Financial and Ruthbridge it seems both could best be described as chancers who chase statute barred debts and do have a habit of chasing anyone who might fit the bill to get some money. Is there anything I can do get these vultures to go away permanently?
  14. I am disputing the enforcability of my credit card agreement with MBNA, my understanding that whilst an agreement is in dispute lenders must stop processing your details and entering negative information on your credit file. MBNA have continued to do this despite me writing to them asking them to stop, they insist they can continue to do so on the basis that they believe it is enforcable. They appear to be disregarding the fact the agreement is in dispute. I want to make a formal complaint to the highest authority in the country and take them to task, who would this be and are there any letter templates for doing this. Any forum users in a similar position? Support, advice greatly received.
  15. Hi, Many months ago after being spammed with dozens of calls, texts, and emails, from Payday Express, I got them to agree to £200 in settlement of the entire debt. I insisted they put the words full and final in writing but I couldn't quite get them to do that, so the offer stalled. Now the debt has moved to Ruthbridge are they in any way obliged to honour the £200 PDE seemed willing to agree to? Ruthbridge are claiming closer to £800 from me.
  16. Hi, hope some1 can help, my husband has received a phone call today from this company about a debt with Barkley card which he is already paying to another company and has been for the las 2 or 3 yrs, he has told them this fact but they insist that they will take him to court if hr does not pay, he told them to take him to court if they wanted because hen the court herd that he as Leeds paying the debt to another company they would b laughed out of court and that he would then sue them for wot ever he could, they then told him they would continue to call him if he didn't comply. Can they actually claim u have to pay a debt that your leery paying??? Unbelievable !!!
  17. hi guys, well its started again ruthbridge have sent a letter to my BROTHERS address telling him I owe money to Barclays , this debt is now 17 years old , in that time I have had no contact with any d.c.a, , I could not give a stuff about them ,but now they are sending letters to family members (my sister inlaw panicked) I told them not to worry, but surley it can not be right fot them to send letters to family? (my other brother received one about 10 years ago) I
  18. Hi, Was wondering if any has had any experience with Ruthbridge or any other bottom feeding dca actually taking anyone to court? Are they all mouth and trousers or do they ever fulfil their threats? I have 4 year old debt now in their hands.
  19. I am looking for any advice regarding my debt issues. I left the UK almost 5 years ago to Live in Aus. On leaving I paid back all debts except a bank loan which I continued to repay for nearly 18 months. Due to financial stress I had no option but to use UK credit cards to pay for food, fees etc. I still managed to make repayments for these for about 18 months. In short I owe approx. 20k GB before any interest is added. I have never until last week received any correspondence regarding the non payment of this debt here in Aus. I was aware that a letter or 2 had been sent to my in laws house addressed chasing the money. These were returned to sender stating that I did not and have never lived at that address. Things have taken a real turn for the worse. My Mother in law died recently. Letters are still being sent to her most recently by Ruthbridge, now threatening court action, bailiffs etc. I have read how Ruthbridge use these scare tactics to illicit a response from the debtor. However the mail is now being opened by Brother in laws etc who in the midst of compiling accounts for probate are now scared that this will effect the execution of the will and think that the Bailiffs will be entitled to seize goods in my mother in laws house and even make claim the house itself. I wish to do the right thing by my family - all of which knew previously of our debt but had never been personally involved until now. What do I do? Selfishly I cant afford to or want to repay the debt. If there is no option to then I will. But being in a different country I am stuck as to what the best course of action should be for my immediate family on Aus and my extended family in UK. Any advise would be most helpful
  20. Hi all, I have read a number of the thread on Ruthbridge and could really use your advise on the best action in my particular case. Received first ever letter from Ruthbridge - It was addressed correctly to my name (unusal spelling), but contained no details about the alleged debt amount or alleged creditor. Just the general 'please call us' bit. There are 2 things I guess this could be related to: either a storecard for about £50 in 2001, or a disputed debt with the also totally dodgy gas/electric company Spark. If the latter then it is only about 2 years ago - I made a formal complaint/dispute to Spark at the time and received no reponse. At the time I was dealing with a different DCA, who were actually very reasonable and agreed that Spark's actions were illegal and I didn't owe anything. So - do I send a request for clarification of this so-called debt, or is it best to file it and ignore it? If they call me, I won't begiving them any info and guarantee I will have some fun with them. Thanks in advance.
  21. Friend of our came to me about a problem he's having. 3 Weeks ago he got a phishing letter from Ruthbridge asking him to call them, I told him not to, last week he got another letter with more information, it was for a Halifax Current account for more than £2.5k. Today he got another letter from Ruthbridge basically saying that if they don't hear from him in the next 14 days they may send an agent to his address. They thankfully doen't have his phone number. The so called debt as mentioned is a Halifax Current account. Last payment in 2000, last correspondence with Scotcall in Feb 2006. I have done him a Stat Barred Letter with the doorstep letter added and I have also done him a Section 10 letter too. Is there anything I've missed?
  22. I have received 2 letters from a company called RUTHBRIDGE which I gather from the Internet are some kind of Debt Collector. To begin with the name on the letter is not my name.The spelling is different. I was once in business as a sole proprietor.This business ceased trading in September 1997. I had mental health issues at the time and are on-going under the care of my GP. I am retired on a state pension. I rent from a housing association. My house was re-posessed by the bank in 1998. I do not owe any money to any person , business, bank or credit/store card companies except accounts which are up to date with payments due. How should I deal with this ? Can anyone offer advice with regard to this company and how to proceed. I cannot afford a solicitor. Thankyou in anticipation.
  23. Hi. Awhile ago thanks to the help I got here I was informed that my Yes Car Credit Agreement was Unenforceable due to missold PPI Insurance, I informed the then DCA involved Hillesden Security in which they replied in agreement saying they won't enforce the debt, but the debt is still owed etc etc etc. Anyway that's been going well for a good few years now, however This Month Ruthbridge has contacted me and unlike previous attempts from other DCA's ( Direct Auto Finance ) instead of the usual "Would you like to pay something?", They have demanded I pay, Threatened me with Bailiffs and also filling for Bankruptcy against me resulting in something called the Official Recivers Office to gain possession and control over goods or property. Is there a template letter I can send them? Informing them of their serious breach and to get them to stop any action like this? Thank you.
  24. Hi everyone, i have received a letter from ruthbridge yesterday asking me to contact them, so i contacted them not thinking much of it, it turns out they are asking for payment for a 6,000 loan from when i was young and stupid! which i made my last payment may 2007 but i have not made a payment since as i was not in a good place to at this point and nobody has contacted me until yesterday. apart from this i have no debts and was agreed a good morgage back in march of this year which i thought was the start of a whole new life. please can someone advise me of the best thing to do next? i have also check my credit report, experian show that my report was good 900+ with this debt not showing then i looked at checkmyfile which show it and the report was not as good.
  25. Hi all I am after a bit of advice /reassurance my dads received a letter from Ruthbirdge ltd today asking him to contact them to help them resolve an urgent matter first thing i always do with such matters is google the company name to see what comes up no surprise to me to find its yet another unscrupulous debt collector my dad had a letter from Active Capital earlier on this year about an old statute barred debt of mine (an old bank debt due to banks error of paying a DD id cancelled which i refused to pay time ran away with itself 9 years later a letter from active capital appears adressed to my dad) in this case i just sent a letter to them refusing to aknowledge the debt and informing them that if they tried to pursue the matter further i would contact the nessacery official bodys and that was that my dad has mental health/severe memory issues and is reliant on a support worker who manages all his affairs usually but he was ina panic on the phone and i decided id call theese people to find out what they wanted i explained dad could not communicate with them either in writing or by phone and wow the lady on the other end was really agressive and nasty i was shocked i dont want my dad to recieve anymore harassing letters or calls but considering they havent actually requested any amount of money as yet can i still go ahead and send a letter of denial ? Many thanks Paul
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