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  1. Good afternoon, everyone. Hopefully, I've remembered to add all the right details and posted in the correct place. My partner has recently been getting a lot of letters and "ring up and hang up" calls from Lowell Financial LTD. recently. It is due to two unpaid debts to Shop Direct and Capital One for £1,383 and £1,754 respectively. I know that both debts are younger than six years, but I don't have the exact dates to hand at the moment. These were obviously not the original amounts owed, but despite trying to contact the original creditors in the past, new interest has continued piling up as they seem disinterested in being helpful in any way. The reason I am writing here today instead of my partner is that I am her carer, and she is not capable of handling this issue herself. The debts were accrued during my fiancee's marriage to her ex-husband: a repugnantly abusive human being who is responsible for most of the collective £11,000+ debt under my partner's name. He spent many years bullying and coercing her into taking out loans and buying things from catalogues while forcing her to pay for the household bills and keeping every penny of his own income for his own pleasure. Not only is my partner mentally incapable of dealing with this situation due to her PTSD and longstanding mixed-anxiety-depressive disorder, but the constant harassment is triggering episodes and meltdowns I am really worried about her and want to understand if there is anything I can do to deal with this situation. We had a letter through the door today headed: "Assessing your accounts for legal action". I think I understand that this is just a fishing tactic, as Lowell has made endless calls to the house in order to find out whether or not she lives here, but they always hang up the moment I answer the phone (my fiancee never answers the phone herself because of her anxieties). Recently, I dealt with a collection agency for Street UK who were after £5,000 from me for a personal loan to start a business which I could no longer pay at all by explaining my situation absolutely to them. I lost my business and all my income as a result of my own abusive ex-partner, and I explained the catastrophic harm the continued harassment was doing to my mental health because of my own PTSD and my recently diagnosed comorbid avoidant/dependent personality disorder. Since then, they have stopped contacting me entirely. I feel as if they were more likely to be understanding, however, given that Street UK is in association with the DWP to help people start small businesses (not that I got more than a fraction of the help I was promised by the Jobcentre - but that's another story), and they can't be seen to be too grubby. Lowell, on the other hand, seems to possess no such scruples, given the various reports I read online. Sure, I know I should be mindful that nobody will speak very nicely of them, given that nobody likes paying debts, but the themes are too significant and consistent to ignore. We have tried securing a debt-relief-order for the household, but our car is still worth more than £1000, which makes things problematic since we are loath to sell it. It is, after all, costing us less to maintain than an old banger would, which would quickly run-up costs. We are worried, since we just don't have the wherewithal or the money to handle this situation, and are already mired in court cases against my own ex for domestic abuse and parental alienation (16 months no contact with my children and counting). Lowell's cruelty just feels like poverty-punishment at this point. We only recently had to shell out £100+ because our car's road tax ran out at the start of the month, and we had no choice but to wait and not use it until the end of the month when PIP came in. Surprise, surprise, some jobsworth just magically appeared to clamp our vehicle in the interim. We couldn't buy food or pay utility bills for this month, and I've had to negotiate with my utility company to accept late payments for the next two months without punishing us. So, yeah... sorry if this is in the wrong place or is too verbose - I get like that when I'm anxious. I should also probably add that we have contacted StepChange in the past, and were informed that there wasn't much they could do to help us at the time.
  2. Living with PTSD: Former military medic reveals how the battle goes on for veterans The first female RAF paramedic to work on the Afghan frontline, she now finds it impossible to step outside the front door of her Wigan home most days. She wets the bed and has recurring nightmares, in which she regularly finds herself back in Afghanistan surrounded by the horrors she has witnessed. Flt Lt Sanderson completed three tours of Afghanistan. During that time, she was routinely flown by helicopter into the heart of the fighting to care for military and civilian casualties. It was after the third tour that the impact on her mental health became clear - and in September last year, she was given a medical discharge. Please also watch the video as it gives you a better perspective Read More Here: http://www.itv.com/news/2015-03-09/living-with-ptsd-former-military-medic-reveals-how-the-battle-goes-on-for-veterans/
  3. my husband lost his job through redundancy around 13 years ago the we had what could only be called a life changing event and my husband had to stop his new business as he was diagnosed with PTSD. We ended up with £20,000 in debts as we had no money coming in. I raised what money I could and my husband manage to sell all his work equipment as he could no longer use it and after a few months we got the debts down to around £11,000, since we have had to survive on my husbands DLA and over the years he has got much worse and I have been told he is unlikely to recover, we have been paying what we can afford to Moorcroft DCA and Credit Securities DCA for over 12 years now, I am disabled and now with the government cuts and the council is now making us pay 25% of our council tax, that means that the few pounds we gave to the DCAs has now gone my husband cant leave the house very often and because of his condition cannot talk to people or use the phone, When Moorcroft called the other night my husband completely lost control and shouted F*** off at the collector and slammed the door in his face. a few minutes later a scribble on the back of an envelope said my husband was being taken to court with no signature etc as we have tried our best to pay these debts regularly but now through no fault of our own we have lost the ability to pay them, my husband has been in a worse condition since and I don't know what to do or where to turn as I can see things escalating.
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