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Found 4 results

  1. I wonder if anyone can help? I received a PCN for parking in a disable bay at a private residential underground car park. I challenged this through both the appeal routes (parking operator and The IAS) based mainly on lack of clear signage at the bay. The ground markings are small and painted in red which were not visible while reversing in to the space and not visible once parked. There was a sign on a pillar however this was high up and to the side of the space and again not visible when reversing. My argument is that signage should have been directly behind the space in keeping with signs at other disabled bays in the car park. There was a perfectly pillar immediately behind the bay that a sign could have been attached to. I believe the current signage is unsatisfactory and amounts to "predatory tactics". What are people's thoughts? I also wonder what thoughts people have on on terms and conditions signage at the car park stating that the parking operator is a member of the BPA and appeals are heard by POPLAR when it transpires that they are not as they a new members of the IPC who use the IAS to hear appeals Does this incorrect signage have any baring on the arguments I can make at Court?
  2. Need some advice here as I have ran out of ideas. I am 11 months into a 24 month contract with O2, About 2 months ago my signal at home has gone from being average to non existent. I let this run for about a month until I contacted O2, the time I contacted O2 they happened to be doing work in my area, I explained this has been an on going thing not a 1 day event, they wouldn't listen and put it down to this work being done. I contacted them several times over a week and got the same reply. I then contacted the CEO, they called me straight away in fairness and said the same thing. A few days later O2 send me a text saying work has been completed but I still had no signal I contacted the CEO again who said wait another 24hrs, so I did and still no signal so I contacted them again and they avoided me and its been like that since. I lodged an official complaint and got an auto responder saying they would respond within 7 days, 7 days came and went no reply. I contacted customer services rather ****ed off at this stage, they transferred it to level 2 technical support who told me they would do an investigation and get back to me, of course they didn't so I contacted them again, they completed their investigation and told me I am in an area with very poor to no coverage, they told me there was nothing else they could do to help so sent me back to customer services to discuss my contract options, customer services said basically tough, signal is not guaranteed. I lodged another complaint 7 days came and went no reply, contacted the CEO again and no reply so that's where I'm at now being avoided with no signal. What do I do next?
  3. Hello, My teenage daughter has a £6.90 Three subscription with "unlimited free text messages". But this month I was shocked to receive a bill of nearly £40, including a charge of ~£30 for "text delivery confirmations". It turns out that, according to Three, texting is free - as long as the phone is set not to receive delivery confirmation. But if delivery confirmations are set to "allowed", Three will charge the customer 1.2p per confirmation. My daughter, then, sent more than 2,000 text messages last month. In my view, text delivery confirmation is an inherent element of the GSM text messaging service, and if texting is advertised as free/included, then networks have no basis to charge for "text delivery confirmation". In the GSM standard, text message transmission (incl. delivery confirmation) incurs virtually no cost to GSM networks (except for costs related to billing the customers for texting). Is there a way to challenge this, in my view unfair, charge? I don't really feel like paying £30 for "delivery confirmations".
  4. Hello, I paid for a holiday package for four people for a sum just over £20,000 - this was supposed to be a highly deluxe holiday, however turned out to be not as thought. In summary; £20,000 was agreed The tour operator added £1,500 a day before the holiday explaining that you would have to pay this or face cancellation I have evidence of the rooms we received in photograph and video form He has admitted various regulation failures on the PH/PTR 1992 He simply says he has the proof that he did book the hotels, however I know he did not pay for them or reserved them for someone else, he takes great confidence in this but never provided us reference numbers The reference numbers on the itinerary were his own, he justified this as saying he keeps the original information (again admitted in letter). I also took a picture of an email the hotel staff showed me, where he books a room a few hours before arrival, the email name is the same as the reference number on the itinerary, but none of the hotel codes meant anything on his itinerary. He put this down to their error, giving us below standard economy rooms, even though we were promised the top rooms, and then refuses to make up the difference in compensation. I gave him every opportunity to resolve our complaints but he simply said pay the 1500 or face court action, he has now issued a claim and his evidence is one paragraph of gobbledegook. I have now issued a counter claim for £10,000. Solicitors so far are asking for £3,000 on account, meaning they can't be bothered looking until they are guaranteed something, and one solicitor confirmed the case has prospects following the PTR and SoGA (Sales of Goods Act) for not taking due care. Trading Standards are assisting, though this is not conclusive at this time, and would not provide any benefit for the claim (as far as I know). So, does anyone have any tips or experience in dealing with this? This tour operator has acted very badly and really has abused us.
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