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Found 15 results

  1. Hi, I have received a claim form from northampton bulk centre with asset collections as the claimant. The original loan was from lending stream who sold it to asset, I dont mind paying it but the amount has grown somewhat from the last dca who chased it and i cant afford to pay that much back. I have responded to the claim at moneyclaim. help needed please
  2. Hi, Long time lurker on this site. Now find that I need advice. Bought a SILVER Hyundai Getz for step daughter just over a week ago. Seemed OK on inspection and drives well. I was checking the fluid levels at the weekend and noticed that the underside of the bonnet is WHITE. I then had a good look around and the hatch at the back is WHITE on the inside, as is the boot floor. I am now very concerned that this car may have been in an accident. Why else would someone respray a low value car? My other concern is that I will have difficulty selling this on when we no longer need it. Do I have reason to reject the car? The dealer is part of the AA dealer network which I assumed would indicate a trustworthy dealer. Would I be able to complain to them? Opinions would be appreciated.
  3. In January I returned my daughter's Christmas present to the shop to be exchanged. I booked using Parcel2go and they in turn used myHermes as the courier. T he parcel was lost. My problem is this...I dropped the parcel at a drop off shop. I returned to the shop and they looked on the CCTV for me and it clearly shows my parcel being collected by the myHermes courier. The parcel was never scanned in not once. Parcel2go claim that they they have no liability due to their t's & c's. My understanding is that if the t's and c's are unreasonable then they can be held liable? They have offered me a refund to the value of the insurance that I took out (which is less than the true value). I am claiming the full value of the goods that they lost - this is purely because I know that the courier never once scanned the item. Had they followed their own procedure and still lost the item I would have accepted the insurance money. Surely they can't just do what they want with people's parcels and never be accountable? Advice please, I have sent a letter before action and they haven't moved so next stop is court action. Thanks in advance for helpful comments
  4. Hi everybody, I was caught in early November using my father's freedom Pass in the middle of my return journey (I used the Undeground zone 1- travelling to zone 4) I stayed with the lady Revenue inspector around 30 min and she took all the details needed against me in the court (is the station where you are going near your house, how tall I am, what I am wearing...). At the end: she gave me to read the following written in a small paper: “You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.” She took all the correct answers except how many times I have used the Pass. I said just once (and how stupid I was, I said...you have camera..something like that). Few days later I got a letter from TFL to explain/give comments. Thank you so much for your help through this forum, I read few threads and I responded back with an apology letter + my supported documents + offer to pay the reasonable costs. However I said "I have not done so before" in the letter. Few days later, I got another letter saying: " ............. ............... In relation to your actions you state "I have not done so before". I have analysed the recent travel usage on the Freedom Pass withdrawn from you. The pattern of usage would appear to indicate that the incident was not a one-off. This is of concern to TFL. As it currently stands TFL do not wish to accept your offer of a payment as a closure to the matter. I must point out that legal proceedings may still be taken against you. ..................... Firstname Lastname Investigator/prosecutor" OK, now it is true that I used same time and days on more occasions. but I did not confess that. Did they use CCTV to prove against me for the previous ones please? This is my first time I was caught, I regret my actions. I have a clean record so far and I am just now aware that what I have done is a very serious matter that leads to a criminal record, I really didn't know before. I am so scared and can't stop thinking about the matter. I am looking for a job but I can't concentrate properly, already graduated but got visa problems to start work before. I want to avoid criminal record please. I got that letter around 20 days ago but I didn't respond back, 1) do you know what shall I do please? Shall I contact the person dealing with my case, shall I be honest in everything? or shall I just wait for their response? 2) If the option is to contact the person dealing with my case, what shall i say to him/her please? I know I will be trembling answering any questions.. .i don't like to make my case worse as well. ..give some evidence against me. How long does it take for TFL to prosecute someone please? 3) Is it another big mistake to lie via correspondence. Shall I have to rectify my double mistake by calling the concerned person or via post (in case I need it later at court). I know credibility is important...well it is done now and what shall I do next please. I am really confused, as when contacting solicitors.. .some they said I have to wait for TFL response.. .some they said I have to react asap and try to settle out of court.. ..one he said I can not be your solicitor because I lied via correspondence (just frightening). I am very very sorry for my actions, I regret it and I didn't know the last bad consequences. I don't know the best thing to do and how and what to say. ..Is there any chance for my case to settle out of court please. Even though I am feeling that I am just waiting to get a summons to go to court. Thank you
  5. Good Evening Forum Once again i am being taken to court by a doorstep lender. I had a loan with them paid in full then took a small loan with them again which they failed to turn up and collect, The whole reason i took the loan as its convenient and i am a full time carer so don't really get out much to do anything so really handy them coming to my house. I have explained to the company the reason why payment was not made and they said it was my responsibility to make sure i got them money to them, I explained that its a doorstep loan and agent should of called, They wont admit they done anything wrong or restart the payments again considering everything. I received in the post a money claim for £175.00 - I have done the AOS already Particulars of claim is vague how can anyone possibly make a defence around its particulars these are exactly how its written also there is no solicitors costs so assume they are doing it themselves Particulars of Claim Defendant has defaulted on repayments of an unsecured loan with this company There is no dates, no reference numbers, account numbers this could be for a loan already paid off nothing is clear?? The deadline ends tomorrow, I have done the AOS so now have till the 18th May to submit defence Any advice on what i should do would be so much appreciated Regards PCR
  6. Hi all I have been having a lot of financial problems for the last few years, Things got on top of me, and I have let things slip. Well as I have said I am with British Gas, I recently looked at my on line account, and was horrified at the amount of charges. £413 in total. I investigated, to find out that they were for warrant fees, and Debt collection visits. All but 3 I was not aware of. So I challenged B G over this, I am pleased to say that I have now had just over £300 credited back to my accounts So please keep a check and challange everything it is worth doing. Leakie
  7. Hi, I was pressured into accepting two CCJ's as appearing in court would have been devastating, if it got that far. Is it possible to mount a new challenge against the debt as I am sure that there is no enforceable agreement? One was a Debenhams store card and the other was a Debenhams loan. Both were taken over by CL Finance. They are a millstone around my neck, in more than one manner. Thanks,
  8. Hi, I've got another question, if you don't mind, please. Recently I changed my JSA claim to another council (rapid reclaim, although no break in signing on). I had a liability order for unpaid council tax and a budgeting loan being deducted each week from my JSA. Both stopped being deducted when I changed council. I've now sorted the issue with the council tax, thanks to some of the advice received on here. But the DWP has also stopped taking my deductions for a budgeting loan I had in August. I owe the money and will pay it back, no question. But can "they" (DWP/COUNCIL) get a liability order and send bailiffs or add crazy fines for a budgeting loan? I have had 3+ years of hell dancing to the DWP tune, I've got a job at last starting next week and will sign off at my next signing. So I'm loathed to bring up the budgeting loan deductions, as I'll need every penny i can get to last me the month till my first pay day. BUT - if a budgeting loan qualifies for a liability order, etc, then I'll end up owing about £600 in fines with bailiffs, so best to not let sleeping dogs lie. Anyone know? Is it my responsibility to tell DWP that they stopped making deductions from my JSA even though I never stopped signing or changed my NI number, (and they've written to me on numerous occasions recently about other stuff, thus proving they have my new address, etc). Any advice really appreciated. I need the money in the short term, I will pay back the loan in the long term - but any excuse to play these people at their own game and be as troublesome as possible gives me a warm feeling that money can't buy!
  9. Hi Guys, I unfortunately caved into the Harlands group ridiculous admin fees and paid them £50 for missing one direct debit. (£25 late fee and £25 for cancelling the direct debit.) I know I shouldn't have paid late, that's my fault. After reading a lot of the threads it appears that I could have possibly been done over by them. Is there any way I could possibly get these fees back? Thanks!
  10. Am I right in understanding that they would need to serve a notice to quit, and once expired they can seek an eviction order? Or is there something I'm missing? Thanks in advance
  11. Would it be likely to be placed on the WP for a 2nd time i.e. 4 years.? Work programme 2 years>6 month post work programme support>employed temporary for X months>back to JSA for 3-6 months> Work programme for another 2 years?
  12. hi well got a letter back from cabot said it would take them 40 days to reply now as there 12 days are up i have sent the second letter to them that was a long one to write its says they should reply within 14 days if i dont here nothing back by then what do i do then
  13. Hi Just wondered if a loan account falls into arrears and goes into a DMP, whether the PPI payment is still included on the debt or is taken off?. I have a 2 loans that ended up being paid off via a DMP. Admittedly I do not have all the paperwork as I couldn't cope with the amount of debt at the time but on the paperwork I have it doesn't seem to have been cancelled. I am looking to claim back PPI but I'm not sure if I only paid it until the account went into a DMP or if the entire cost of the loan and PPI was sent to a debt recovery agency.
  14. The words 'responsible lending' I find a con. I know the amount of debt I am in is my own fault but the last year I have started up payment plans with them and tried to get myself back on track. I have 3 that I use still, WDA which this month I paid off in full and then had to reapply because it is a huge amount. Now I am having trouble with Quid Market. They gave me a PDL when I probably shouldn't have been accepted but it was a massive help none the less. Last month, I was going to pay off my loan in full so I didn't respond to any of the defferal messages and thought it would be dealt with. As I thought it had been dealt with and as I recieved a tiny bonus as well last month, I splashed out on my boyfriends birthday present before realising I may have over spent so I would apply for my QM loan due to me. When I went on my account area, it looked like it was saying my account was outstanding but I owed nothing, so I emailed their customer services and said you've made an error and I wish to reapply. They then said ohh no there was a fault so we didn't take the payment but out fault we will hold off and take payment at the end of the month. one hour later, I had my banks fraud squad on the phone for all these attempts to take money off my card. They told me the name of the company and because they were authorised card payments, there was little they could do. Fuming, I called QM to ask what they were playing at as they had admitted it was their fault. They refunded my money, which sat in uncleared funds for over a day until I called and demanded it back right now as i would probably get penalised and it was them who emptied my account. The end of the month comes along and with me starting a new job soon, I thought i should defer this loan and save a bit. I didn't get an email from them, so i emailed customer services and got no response. Payday comes around and they take full payment, bang on time. I thought OK, I'll just have to reapply for one, and as my WDA loan had been wiped by that one, I went to apply for it there and then. I sent through my details, as per, and they asked if they could have my new work details as I had explained I needed to change my paydate, I said I hadn't had them confirmed but I was still at my current place for the time being. Then I got a decline from them. Wasn't too panicked at first because, they had done this before and someone had 'ticked' the wrong box apparently. Anyway, I called and got through to possibly one of the most condescending idiots ever. He said they have a system and apparently the amount I pay out now is over that and therefore it would be irresponsible for them to lend to me. I said I've never not paid them back on time, where he then said I had last month, I said I could send them every email I had which they took all the blame. I said you didnt even send me a note that it was due, he said we did, we sent 5 and then ratteled off dates in July, I said I got those, I mean where were the ones in August. He then kept saying because you defaulted and we didn't charge you...I had to keep reminding him that I didn't default it was their fault. He said no no no, they were nice enough not t charge me, I said you admitted it was your fault. Anyway he gpes on to say he doesn't like turning customers away but they have to be responsible. It is my own fault but now, with 3 weeks until payday, I have nothing. Last year, I admitted to my mum I was in trouble and she helped me but we fell out massively and didn't speak for 3 months. I've just got a new job, I get to finally move up in the world and now I'm in a horrible position so I can't be happy about it. If I go to my mum again, it will be 100th handout probably and shes a single woman, 2 kids, I am an adult, who is useless. I am trying and I know it is my fault, but I have a new boyfriend who I'm scared will chuck me if he knows about this and also run the risk of falling out with my mum again. I've no one else to turn to and of course, the lure of applying for more PDL's to try and get myself back on track is failing as no one is willing to lend to me. I doubt there is anything else I can do besides see the dissapointment in my mums eyes again. My niece is having her first birthday party this weekend and I can't afford to get there let along buy her a present. I hate that everytime I think something is going right, something like this happens and it never seems to end. Advice or just understanding would be really welcome. I feel so alone when it comes to debt and no one understands. S
  15. Second account with these guys that I apparently owe money on. This time £207.74 and I had already sent them a statute barred letter a couple of weeks back, but they have today come back with a claim that the Terms of the Limitation Act do not apply to this debt as a CCJ was made back 25/10/2003. Surely the fact this CCJ was done almost 9 years ago means they can't still chase this? CCJ or not? There is no record of this on my credit files either. What should I tell these fools? Seems like everyday they are trying it on lately. As always, I thank you in advance for your help.
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