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Found 18 results

  1. 1 Date of the infringement 24/7/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 27/7/18 3 Date received 31/7/18 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Y 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up n/a 7 Who is the parking company? Parking Eye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Morrisons Aldershot For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under.IAS Mrs deeds went to the cinema with some friends, the cinema is in a complex with Morrisons, and various restaurants, so she parked in the car park. Mrs deeds and friends arrived early, went for food and drinks and then watched the film, spending 4 hours & 10 minutes in the car park (all the time using the retailers who are part of the complex. The PCN states there is a maximum parking time of 4 hours, which given the film lasted 1 hour and 54 minutes doesn't leave a massive amount of time for food and drinks before/after. Do we have any possible chance of contesting this?
  2. A long story! My brother was accosted whilst in a Morrison’s supermarket & accused of shoplifting,on 12th March 2018 (since this, I witnessed at least 4 people doing the same thing as my brother) We made an in store complaint in a record book as no manager present, I then complained via their website & email & also to the Liverpool Echo over his treatment as my brother is a very ill man due to pancreatic cancer, Morrison’s supermarkets Plc have stated to a reporter with the Liverpool Echo " They have said that your brother is a known shoplifter to the store and on the second occasion was caught with four bottles of champagne." its stated that he was caught by the store undercover security team & photographed! It took over a week before anyone from Morrisons called us & this after me sending about 4 email requests for information , I was met with constant refusals On the day this was alleged to have happened, he was home all day ill as the previous day he had chemotherapy for advanced pancreatic cancer, We also have a letter from the district nurse who visits him every day to recharge his driver who states its physically impossible for him to carry 4 bottles of champagne! I have now completed the Subject Data Access request form and we look forward to receiving a full written apology from Morrison’s Plc Its virtually impossible to get to speak to the hierarchy at Morrison’s does anyone have any advice please
  3. Hi, I've received a PCN today from Euro Car Parks as my car was parked at their York store for 3 hours 31 minutes a few days ago, time limit is 3 hours. Yes, the car was there for that length of time, though I will not be stating here or anywhere else who was driving the car at the time (there are several people it could potentially be). The driver of the car did do shopping there during the visit, but did also do a few other things in and around the site of the car park during that time. I'm not sure yet if receipts are available to back this up, although 2 of the potential drivers share a "Morrisons More" loyalty card which will show purchases registered during that time period. The letter I have (as keeper) is "demanding" £85, or £50 if paid within 14 days. The letter shows 2 photographs of my registration plate, with typed text below stating the entry and exit times. I've searched the forum for similar Morrisons time period exceeded messages and most are old enough for me not to be sure if they contain the best current advice, so would be grateful if anyone here could give the best course of action I should take please. I have an address/email address for Morrisons head office customer services if I need to go down that route (any set text available for making the best case direct to Morrisons?). If its relevant, I've seen some messages here giving differing views on which associations Euro Car Parks belongs to. This letter clearly shows them claiming to be members of the BPA if that helps? Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello, 1 Date of the infringement - 20/05/2016 2 Date on the NTK - 25/05/2016 3 Date received - 31/05/2016 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? - YES 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - YES, two photos of my car as I am entering and leaving the car park 6 Have you appealed? No Have you had a response? No 7 Who is the parking company? ParkingEye For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. - YES, they operate under BPA The car park is FREE. The maximum stay is 1 hours 30 minutes. I have stayed 2 hours 30 minutes. They are asking me to pay a charge of £85, which is reduced to £50 if I pay within 14 days. Would you be able to walk me through the process of cancelling this? I have read some similar threads, but I am unsure if they are still relevant today - May, 2016. This is what I found in a different thread: [old letter removed - dx] Thank you!
  5. Hi, I'm new to this site. I hope you can advice me a little. I received a parking charge notice that I think is unfair. I will lay out some of the background details to help understand the issue. Please let me know if more information is needed. 1. Morrisons opened in June 2014 in a multi storey complex, part morrisons and part travellodge. The car park is managed by Euro Car Parks. 2. Initially Morrisons offered around 3 hours free parking. Before parking there, we checked with Morrisons staff this was correct and read the signs put up by Euro Car Parks. They were scattered randomly and not particulary large. The signs at the time were vague and stated Morrisons customers could park for a period of time, the actual number of hours was left blank at the time. 3. With this knowledge, we have been parking there on and off there without re-reading the signs any further. We do not stay over three hours. 3. In early June I overheard some other customers mention that Morrisons had changed their parking times. I then went to read the ECP notice and it looked very similar apart from now the blank was filled in with a two hour limit. It was a very small ammendement, and I saw no other notices, no large notification of change of policy or change of parking times, when entering the car park, or or at the pedestrian exit doors, or inside morrisons. i immediately reduced my parking times to comply. 4. In June 15, a "notice to keeper letter" letter was sent to my address stating I had parked longer than the maximum period and parking charge was £85 as I hadn't paid in time. The date of alleged infringement was 16 May. The notice was from Euro Car parks. I believe this is the first letter they sent me. I was away from home and did not see it until early July. Looking at other websites the info was to ignore it. I also was very annoyed and thought it was unfair as there was no notification of changes of policy that I had read entering the car park or the shop. 5. At the beginning of August I got a call from my family home saying they received a letter from Debt Recovery plus. The letter is quite threatening but carefully worded. It states they are acting for the creditor to recover an unpaid debt. They said they as there was no response from the registered keeper address they have used other means to trace my current address - i.e. family home. 6. As I don't want my family to be tainted with this issue, earlier this morning I sent an appeal to Euro Car Parks directly. I used my registered keeper address. I did not divulge who the driver is, but requested they cancel the charge as there change of policy was not clearly stated. I have not contacted Debt recovery plus nor made any mention of them to Europarks. 7. The notice to keeper stated the breach being "Your vehicle was parked longer than the maximum period allowed". It does not state what that time was, nor does it provide any other evidence of the breach. I have asked they send me some evedence that my car was there on May 15. I would like to know what I should be doing from now on. a. Do you think that the situation is unfair? b. Do I have a case to appeal to anyone further? c. Does appealing to supermarkets to cancel the charge work? I do shop at Morrisons but small amounts - is there a price limit before they revoke parking charges? d. What other information can Debt Recovery plus actually use to try and trace me further - is this legal....and is it common? e. To what extent do private car parking websites look at websites like this, and take further action based upon comments here. I think i will be fairly traceable from the detailed background. In this case can the thread be private until the case is closed? - I am new here remember! f. In addition, I would like to know if the policy is changed by the parking authority what effort should the parking authority make to ensure customers are aware of the changes. I have a sneaky feeling they may say we put a sign up a week before...............but If i was not at the car park that week how would I know. All advice is greatly appreciated.
  6. The Court case amounted to little more than a rubber stamping exercise by the Judge. All of PE's evidence was accepted without question and all of mine dismissed. "I never saw the signs".......... ..There's plenty says the Judge. "The PCN wasn't sent in time"....... .....On the balance of probabilities it was, etc etc. Only I know the truth. The way I see it Morrisons have unloaded the cost of solving their parking problems onto unwitting customers. How long will it be before you're charged for being in the store too long?
  7. I received an update to my Morrisons Match and More loyalty card this morning. Simply breathtaking! Essentially, the card that Morrisons introduced roughly a year ago to combat the hemorrhaging of customers to Lidl and Aldi by matching prices and rewarding shortfalls with points, no longer does this. Instead, loyal customers will receive 5 points for every £1 spent and a £5 voucher for every 5000 points earned. This equates to a .5% discount or £5 for every £1000 spent! Put another way I would have had to have spent £30,000 to acquire the £150 worth of vouchers I have 'earned' over the last year, under the old system. I think switching supermarkets might save me more than 0.5%! Is is skeptical to assume that Morrisons have calculated that they have successfully distracted most possible defecting shoppers for long enough to now not worry? Lets hope they're wrong,eh?
  8. Hi Two hours are allowed for shoppers to park in Morrison's car parks. After complaints, I believe some Morrison's supermarkets have told disabled customers to go to their Customer Service Desk to tell them they need more time to shop so Parking Eye won't ticket them. I can't understand why Parking Eye can't just allow Blue Badge holders more time instead of expecting disabled shoppers to go to the Customer Service desk. I've asked Parking Eye if they have it in the rules to give disabled people more time but they just keep saying that they do allow people more time. They don't actually answer my question. Is this legal under the DDA? Disabled people need more time especially if they visit the café as well as shopping. Is there anything that people can do to change this?
  9. Hi Everyone, I wondered if you could help me. Is there anything I can do about this? It is due to be paid today to get the discount to £60, although is wasn't even issued until almost a month after the car was parked there! The driver of the vehicle was dropping off an M+S employee, the store is located in the same precinct as Morrisons, and the driver waited in the car (worked from it) until leaving later. No written confirmation of M+S giving authorisation to park there is available. Am I right in thinking these are not enforceable? Many Thanks
  10. There have been a couple of mentions on this forum hinting that the relationship between PE and Morrisons a turned sour and that the new boss of the supermarket is trying to ditch the PPC. Does anyone have more information on this story? Thanks.
  11. Hi, I'm starting this thread to keep a track of my progress in fighting a small claims court notice I received today. Background: my local Morrisons handed control of their car park to ParkingEye about 5 years ago as it is a free car park but they found local office workers parking there all day - perfectly sensible. Unfortunately, this caught out a lot of locals who would go to Morrisons and then a few other shops on the local high street. This happened to my wife only a few months after PE took over. We recieved a fine in the post from them which I ignored (the advice at the time, about 2009). I also ignored the following 3 other letters and finally never heard anything again. In July of this year, my wife got caught again. We received the fines in the post again and I ignored them, unaware the standard advice on these had changed. PE have now referred it to the small claims court and, reading through this and other forums, it looks like it almost certainly will go to court. I have acknowledged the claim on MCOL, e-mailed Morrisons (not expecting much) and also mailed POPLA (but I think I'm too late to get them involved). Any other advice?
  12. Hello everyone. If I obscured too many details in the attachment please let me know and I'll reupload. How can I get rid of this charge? I was in the store's coffee shop working on my laptop, I have a bank statement showing the date and amount spent. It wasn't a huge amount, less than £10 because I wasn't shopping for groceries. I was just having coffee and some pastry/sandwich while working on my laptop. I shop at this store frequently, in fact it's the only store I go to shop for groceries. I spend loads at this place. So irritated to get this ticket... The lot wasn't even full! Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Hi, I request for somebody's attention in helping me out here. Yesterday, I received a PCN in the post for £85 (£50 if paid within 14 days) from PE with ANPR showing my number plate overstaying 39 minutes more than the prescribed 2hours max. stay at Morrisons. I did go to the car park on the mentioned date but there was a massive traffic jam because of Guy Fawkes night and it took me 45 minutes to get out of the parking lot, all the time standing in the jam. I have gone through the threads and almost all of them refer to the cases where there is no traffic jam causing delays. I have to reply back to them but I am confused whether to go the regular route (the standard reply templates on this website) and question their GPEOL or should I mention them the reason for delay as Traffic Jam and refute their claim. If in my response I am mentioning the reason for delay as traffic jam and referring to myself as the registered keeper would it be better to put it as..... "I have been informed by the driver about the delays due to traffic jam....." or would it be better to just say about the traffic jam directly without referring to the driver part (which may/may not highlight me as the driver)? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  14. HI,i just need some clarification on what step to take next please. ive read through various posts and the sticky on private land pcn etc,some say ignore, the sticky says do not ignore, i got a PCN from morrisons parking eye,it arrived today,dated 6 days after the alleged offence,the last time i received a PCN on private land (not morrisons) i never responded at all and eventually they gave up,is this still the way to go now ? any info would be much appreciated thanks for reading
  15. Hello, As I wrote in somebody elses' thread, [my apologies for that] I've been harassed by "PE" since January/February, for being a bit late back from shopping with two disabled people at "Morrisons" in Stone, Staffordshire, back in December. Anyway, as a result, all of my disabled people, who I ferry to and from the shops, decided to boycott "Morrisons", and, so far, their takings from us, as of today, 23 July 2013, [groceries, cafe and filling station], are down by £9477.18 I am partway through a letter to their CEO, to be sent "recorded, signed for", when I locate him/her, and an address. Now, the letter before action from "PE", states that, my "appeal" failed. I didn't send an appeal, not to "PE", or to Morrisons!! I did send a letter of complaint to Morrisons, [complaint, you should note, not appeal], in which I requested a copy of the document which gave "PE" permission to operate on Morrisons car park - no copy was received, although I did get a rather mealy mouthed reply about "providing receipts". What? after a few weeks, when I'd been away on holiday, and the majority of the receipts would not have been mine, anyway, they were issued to my disabled "charges" I wrote a further letter reminding them of "The Equality Act" So, if "PE" take me to court, and the first thing that I do is to demand the copy of my "appeal", they wouldn't be able to produce one - the only thing that they might be able to produce, would be my letters to Morrisons - would either of these actions cause their case to fail? Either on the grounds of their "consideration" of a non existant "appeal" letter, proving them to be liars, or by trying it on with a letter, patently not written to them, but passed on by Morrisons, and that would surely have Data Protection issues for both outfits? Comments and advice welcomed, please. Sam
  16. This post is just a reminder to read the timing on your Parking Eye ‘Parking Charge Notice’ Our tale of these companies in this regard is one of amazement! According to Parking Eye data, my daughter arrived at Morrisons carpark (Stratford) at 22:25:09, didn’t pay for the appropriate parking time etc etc and has now started to receive the automated paperwork as discussed on this forum So far from Parking Eye: Paper 1 Parking Charge Notice for £85 demand with £50 discount if paid within 14days Paper 2 Duplicate of £85 demand with £50 discount if paid within 14 days Paper 3 Reminder 29days have passed and £85 now due From DebtRecoveryPlusLtd: Paper 1 Demand for £135 Paper 2 Notice of intended court action for £135 AND if goes to court additional £15 court fee, £50 solicitor cost and 8% interest per annum Now here’s my reason for this post title... Should any of you ConsumerActionGroup members/readers get the above said paperwork from Parking Eye, check the timing! Look at this Parking Eye sign: In particular the wording: For use only whilst shopping in store Ignoring the argument of you could state in your defence: "you weren’t shopping" or "parked car to run across the road to another shop" etc etc this will be a very, very, very interesting court case I am looking forward to going to court with my daughter on this one because Morrison’s in Stratford closes 22:00hrs! (On the day in question, it opened 07:00 and closed 22:00) This means, (and I’m sure the judge will agree) that Parking Eye has broken their alleged contract with my daughter for issuing her with a charge that they had no right to issue! They state their parking tariff applys 24hours 7days a week Yes BUT... How can my daughter spend £5+ to get back a parking fee refund upon production of the refund portion of ticket when Morrison was closed AND their sign implies that drivers only need to Pay&Display if shopping in Morrisons Stratford? Makes me chuckle again and again So, if you, or anyone you know has been issued with a pretend Parking Charge Notice, check the timing on the paperwork and the time when the store closed because you just may have a case like ours where the timing part of the alleged parking contract is contradictory making it impossible for the alleged contract to be fulfilled by either party! Zoe PS Couldn't get the sign image to display any bigger Just trust me that the wording is there OR do a double take when next see a similar Parking Eye sign
  17. I have just been banned from Morrisons for 'shopping suspiciously' in the beers and wines section. I often go to the store, and most of the time I purchase goods. This occasion I didn't as I knew that what I was looking for was cheaper at the Coop around the corner. I was approached by the security guard as I was leaving. He asked me if I was carrying anything I didn't pay for. I protested and said I wasn't, and said he could search me. He said he didn't need to, instead instructing me not to return to the store. Again I protested, but politely asked why this was. He said he didn't like the way I was shopping, and that I was acting 'suspiciously'. I asked if I could appeal this; he seemed surprised, and responded with a long explanation about the process, ie. contacting head office. Clearly he was hoping this would seem to complex and I would just accept the store's verdict. What makes me angry the most, is that they have presumed I was going to steal something - hardly innocent until proven guilty. If I had taken something, I would of course accept I shouldn't be allowed to return. I have never taken anything. I know some of the staff and they would agree that I never would. What also makes me angry is that they now presumably have me on a 'rogue gallery', again criminalising my character. This itself is a breach of my privacy and my ban is a breach of my freedom as a consumer. I don't know what to do, I want to take this further. Does anyone want to advise me on what to do? I was thinking of heading to the Citizens Advice Bureau as a first stop - appealing to their head office seems like a wild goose chase, and obviously would end with them upholding the store's ban. Cheers, Alex B.
  18. Hi, Filled up with diesel from Morrisons in Aberdeen on 19th October and engine would not start following morning (it started for a couple of seconds then died). Has anyone else had a similar issue as I have seen similar problems previously? (Garage checked battery was ok and fuel filter was just replaced last week and receipt does say diesel!) TIA.
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