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Found 4 results

  1. I apologize if this may be a stupid question. I've recently been looking into getting defaults removed from my Credit Report, one method I come across was sending letters to the relevant creditors stating I never received a letter warning of a default, and asking for them to provide evidence of this within 28 days, if they are unable to, then hopefully resulting in the Default being removed. Would this method be wise to try even if the default was issued with a debt that was in conjunction with a Debt Relief Order? Thank you
  2. Hi all, Hoping somebody may be able to shed some light on my question.. I have a judgment against an individual. I have come to realise his name is misspelt on the judgment. Have been advised by the court to make a formal application to correct this using an N244 form 'Notice Application'. My question really is regarding what court fee I am supposed to pay. Ive read the official fee guide but it doesn't make it very clear regarding this type of application. Any thoughts? Ive already emailed the courts to ask but thought somebody may have the answer on here. Thanks in advance
  3. Hi I wonder if anyone can help. I suffer from acute anxiety which has led me to be quite agoraphobic. Last year I found a company called the Linden Method online. They are a British based company ran by a man called Charles Linden. At the time I was unemployed and money was very strained. I had a good look at their site and it made a lot of claims for being able to cure me of my Agoraphobia. Now I didn't enter into this lightly, I carried out a lot of research to check the validity of this company including contacting people that had claimed to have had success after buying it on Amazon. I also done extensive web research and their claims had be quantified by mainstream media like Daybreak and the Daily Mail (I know not the most intelligent of mediums but none the less) and celebrity endorsement from the likes of Jody Kidd and Gok Wan (again I know!!). What sold it to me was the money back guarantee that came with it. This is what is says on their website: www.thelindenmethod.co.uk "MY PERSONAL ANXIETY RECOVERY ASSURANCE If you don't feel better within ONE WEEK... ...I will personally give you 90 minutes of my time FREE OF CHARGE to make it happen! Your anxiety should switch off quickly using my Method, so if it doesn't, I will tell you directly and personally how to make it happen, because there will be something you are doing incorrectly. Then if it still doesn't work, you can get a full refund, if that's what you want! Read more Charles Linden" They have a personal support team who give you support over the phone. The method is based on Nine Pillars which they say you must follow to the letter. Now this wasn't easy and it took me the best part of 12 months to get myself to follow all of the pillars but I had no success. So I asked them what I should do. They told me they would extend my membership by three months and see if I could get the 'method.' When the three months were up I was still agoraphobic so I emailed them and asked for my money back. They said that the money back guarantee only lasts 12 months and I was out of that period. I emailed them to say that at no point had they made me aware that by extending my membership would that take away my money back guarantee and that I felt that they had acted unfairly and that also they were making claims that they could not substantiate. They have ignored all of my correspondence. This program cost me over £100 and I feel cheated. Please can anyone help me. These people are making money out of other peoples misery...but then perhaps that was my own desperate fault Thanks G
  4. We have a HP agreement with Close Finance for a vehicle that we took out in September last year. Payments are up to date and done by DD on the 26th of every month. We would like to change to Standing Order paying every 4 weeks to coincide with my motability payment. In essence within two months, we would be ahead with our payments. It would make it easier to manage our money as we have to hold onto the instalment amount for up to a month at times. The T &Cs state "You must pay the following amounts; £20 if we agree to change your payment method, £20 if we agree to change your payment due date, etc Rest does not apply in these circumstances as it relate to arrears. IMHO only the one £20 fee should apply for changing the payment method. We are not asking to change the payment date as payment will be made prior to the payment date. If we request their bank details to set up the Standing Order, can they refuse and insist on the DD? Is there anything in statute that prevents us paying by another method or them rejecting another method?
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