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Found 3 results

  1. I was driving in Hungary last summer and paid to drive on the motorway like i did the year before, i then received a letter from Euro Carparks EPC stating that i had been fine £54 but it was not clear what it was for t hey sent me picture photos, I tried to telephone them put after several attempts gave up because no one answered i email them and they took a couple for weeks to reply they said I had not paid the correct toll for my vehicle, I paid the fine and then received a letter stating that it had gone up to £185. because i had paid the fine i ignored one month late I get another letter stating that I had paid no fine and owed £185 and that it had to be paid by the 28th March, I emailed them and sent a recorded letter as advised to do by CAB. and again I waited a week until I received an email stating that I now owe £127. and I quote on this email it said ''Please note that any further communication which does not contain new pertinent information or evidence will not be entertained or replied to. Where do I stand do I pay it and put it down to experience or where do I stand if i don't pay it.
  2. 4 years ago I paid for storage for a car I was working on. It was £100 a month for secure storage and I could work on the car there. To cut a very long story as short as possible: the arrangement from the beginning was strange and I had a feeling it was heading in a bad direction but I didn't have a lot of options. I did sign some basic paperwork about what I would pay to keep it there and insure it myself etc. but I think I left that in the car and I don't have it now. After 10 months I moved abroad to Hungary but wanted to keep the car there while trying to sell it and my friend had a key to access and help me to sell it. Around this time the owner of the storage facility emailed me to say the car had been moved to a different part of the facility, I replied to acknowledge that. It became apparent that it was impossible to sell the car in it's current state for the money I wanted but I could have sold it for less. I was considering my options and I tried to contact the owner of the storage facility to see what I could do, maybe offer the car as payment for what I owed so far (at that point I owed about £900 but he wanted the next years money upfront too. I couldn't get hold of him, left phone messages and sent emails (to same address he had emailed me on). This was around this time in 2011 (2 years ago) and I made several more attempts up until April 2012 to make contact but had no response. By this time I just assumed the car was worth a couple of thousand, that's probably less than the owner was after so I just wrote off the car in my head, thinking he would sell the car to get his money. I still have my UK mobile phone for various reasons and today I received a phone call from the owner of the storage facility saying I owe him six grand! And he is taking it to a solicitor if I don't pay and I believe him. He said the car has now been left to the elements for 2 years and is worth maybe £800. He wanted me to email him saying he could take ownership of the car and give a forwarding address because I am guessing there is a chance some mail got returned to him that he sent to my old UK address (a rented house I lived in for a year or 2 until 2010). I emailed him but I didn't give any address, I just stated that I had tried to contact him and he had made no effort to contact me until now, despite the fact he clearly had my phone number (because he called me on it today) and he had my email address that he emailed me to say he was moving the car in September 2011. I did a little research and found out they can't get a CCJ if I am not resident in the UK and if they get one using my old address I can get it overturned. However I am in the EU and the rest is rather vague on what his solicitor can do. What should I do? Can they chase me for this money? I am more than broke, I am living with friends and recently couldn't afford to come back to the UK for a funeral which was devastating. I can't afford my own solicitor to fight this. I don't know what to do. Part of me just thinks they don't know where I am so they won't get far and would they want to try that hard for £6k they won't get? But part of me is worried this will catch up with me and with interest and charges I will owe £10k+. Or if they try to send me bankrupt? Help.
  3. Hi everyone, I read about other EU countries but does anyone particular knows whats the deal in Hungary? Are they pressing the same towards people who left personal loan behind and started to live in Hungary, or something else applies?? THX
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