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Found 6 results

  1. Hello all. We came across CAG through Google searches about Everest and their cowboy antics, as we have suffered pretty badly at their hands over the past 3 years or so and thought you may be interested in our experience of Everest. They were so bad that we ended up creating a website detailing everything that has happened to us, but in a nutshell we experienced heavy leaks (one was like someone pouring a cup of water down the inside of the window), and water pooling near electrical outlets. If that wasn't bad enough, 2 glass roof panels (the inside sheet on each) separately crashed down on us, narrowly missing me as I leapt out the way. Everest refused or were utterly unable to put matters right and after the second panel collapse we were advised by our lawyer to get a replacement roof fitted for our safety's sake. This (and damaged items in the roof collapses) cost us £8k but Everest were unwilling to pay for it, and can not be sued due to the clever way they construct their "company" in Jersey (where we live). Even a lawyer we employed couldn't find a way to sue them to recover the costs. Needless to say, their support was non-existent throughout and sadly our so-called "Trading Standards" department don't want to know, claiming their remit is "Weights and Measures" (is this normal in Trading Standards on the UK mainland?). Having tried every avenue possible, we have now resorted to putting a large sign on our house advertising our website which has much more info - if you are interested please PM/email me and I can send the link to you. It makes for some pretty damning reading. Thanks for reading, any advice would be most welcome. I am off to post some helpful info (I hope) in the computer section as I am a self-employed IT Consultant by trade! Tim Clayton.
  2. Please help through a builder carrying out an extension we purchased on his recommendation French window door approx. £4000, 2 years ago, we gave him the money to purchase these, 3 weeks ago doors came of their runners we tried to contact company they had closed, builder says it is not his responsibility and that's that, double glazing company installed door/windows. Is this true? is there anything we can do or approach, any advice greatly appreciated as I am severely disabled and have limited income.
  3. Hi,I will make this brief. I am in dispute with a Glazing company. It has now been tracked to my local court.I have submitted a defence the claimant hasn't responded to this within the time period laid down.We are to supply any witness statements and evidence. The dispute arises that they fitted the wrong item as ordered and damaged on installation, and took 6 months to complete which should have taken 1 day.I incurred extra trade and other costs due to this fact.I have paid deducting these figures, I am being pursued for the balance. For completeness and assist the Judge which point of consumer law would assist my case. Thanks
  4. Beer garden is probably the best place for this question as most of you will think I'm drunk when asking it....but I know as much about double glazing as I do about gas boilers and that's nowt! So, here goes and please don't laugh if my ignorance is obvious.... We just replaced in the last few weeks, single glazed wooden bedroom windows with UPVC Double glazing......., in fact all the upstairs are now double glazed. We have a conservatory on the ground floor which is double glazed too. My previous home had DG throughout. When I get up in the morning now I see the bedroom windows covered in condensation - On the outside -, not between the void, not on the inside pane, but on the outside like dew has settled on them. Never had this before in my previous place, didn't happen on the single glazing, doesn't happen to the conservatory which is facing the same direction as the bedroom windows. We've not had the central heating on (yet) although I suggest it is obviously warmer inside than out. Am I so doodle-ally to be so dumb into thinking this shouldn't be happening or is this something I should expect as the temperatures drop for Autumn and this is actually Nature working in its finest mode? It's just odd to wake up to see condensation on windows like I did as a kid with metal framed single glazed windows in the 50's and despite having DG in the last house, we only ever saw condensation on the windows when the seal went between the glass panes. But that was on the inside of the double glazing not on the outside. Am I having a belated vacant Friday 13th moment or is there someone who can tell me there's something amiss with these windows? I know the car gets dew on, but that I thought was somewhat different and it's not Double glazed...Am I crazy or what? Any help proving my sanity most gratefully received.... A1
  5. Hi I've just had new double glazing fitted to a conservatory, which is backed by a sloping up lawn. When I cut the grass, a small stone must have been thrown from the mower and hit one of the windows and the outside glass has craked all over. I know the stone would only have been small as I check the lawn before cutting, because of the proximity to the windows. The windows are kite marked. There is an impact mark about a quarter of the way into the window and about 6 inches from the top of the frame. Before I contact the company that installed them, I wanted to check if the windows should have withstood this damage - as I thought they should have. Thank you
  6. We recently had a new conservatory installed and the structure was completed on the 12th December 2012. Since completion we have had a problem with a small but persistent leak. The conservatory has a double patio door with the fixed panel of each door adjoining a dwarf wall with a window above, however on both sides when it rains the concrete beneath the fixed panel in the corner adjacent to the dwarf wall develops a damp patch. The customer services repair guy has now visited on five seperate occasions to fix the fault the most recent one being last Wednesday when he removed all the glazing and announced that the original fitters had drilled holes in the frame and then not used them and these holes were the problem. Unfortunately this hasn't entirely rectified the problem and we are still getting damp patches appearing. We are currently retaining the final 10% of the cost of the conservatory in order to keep the company 'interested' and have no intention of paying them until the problem is resolved. Where do I stand with regard to their inability to fix the problem? I am about to call them again and expect that they will once again send around customer service guy with his never ending supply of silicone sealant. Regards, Jason.
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