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  1. I parked this morning in one of the local private parking. I purchased the ticket however it fell off the display when door was shut. Me being stupid didn't check before leaving the parking. When I came back, a PCN was waiting for me. Can any one please advise what are the chances of my appeal being successful? My ticket has my reg, time and date. I'd rather take an expert advise rather then appealing straight away. Any feedback is welcome. thanks in advance.
  2. Hi Guys, Really hoping someone can help me with this as have read several forums now and I'm really confused/worried on what I should do next. I'll give an overview of what's happened and have also answered the questions suggested in other threads below.. .if someone could please help me with this I'd be really grateful: A few weeks ago on 2nd June I parked on what I thought was a side street, there were double yellow lines on the main road and the double yellow lines stopped at the entrance of the side street. There was an office on the left to where I parked which had a gated entrance and a sign attached saying "Private Property" which looks like the area beyond the gate is private. On the left hand side of the road there were also yellow hazard/no parking cones. On the right hand side (the side that I parked on) there were no cones and no signs either. There were also no signs at the entrance of the street which is why I believed it to be a public road. On the right hand side a few yards from the road there is a warehouse type building with "Private Property" signs on its wall, between the wall and the road there is a wooden barrier and between the barrier and the warehouse wall there is an area for cars to park which looks like a private car park for the warehouse which gives the impression that the private property signs are for this area. I parked here for 15 minutes upon my return found a sticker stuck to my drivers side mirror, telling me I've been issued a fine and to contact the number provided for parking advice. I called the number and it put me through to Leeds City Council who then confirmed they had issued no fine. I threw the sticker away assuming it was someone trying to scare monger. A week later I received the attached CPM Letter 1. The letter says I was being charged for not Displaying a Valid Permit but it wasn't clear that you had to display a permit to park on this street and the photos they've taken are at a weird angle. I then looked this up online and sent a letter back to them which was recommended on one of the forums I read, please see attached Letter sent to UKCPM. I have received a letter back and I now don't know what to do next, please see the attachment CPM Letter 2. They haven't answered any of my questions and refer me to a website to review the photos they took online. The information on this is slightly different as online it says the time of issue is 14:29 but the 1st PCN letter says 14:00. 14:29 is definitely not correct as I was back at my car by 14:20. On their signs and 2nd letter to me they've referred to being members of BPA but in the first letter they've referred to IPC. On the BPA site they don't appear to be members. Please can someone advise me on what I should do next, this has never happened to me before : '( I hope I've given enough information. I have some photos of the street where I parked which I'll post below. For tickets received through the post (Notice to Keeper) please answer the following questions: 1 Date of the infringement – 02/06/2016 2 Date on the NTK – 08/06/2016 3 Date received – 13/06/2016 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? - NO 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? – YES – please see letter attached (CPM Letter 1) 6 Have you appealed? Have you had a response? I’ve not appealed but I have sent a letter requesting more information and received a reply, please see attachments Letter sent to UKCPM and CPM Letter 2 7 Who is the parking company? – UK Car Park Management (CPM) 8 For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS – YES its IAS 9 If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here – no further correspondence as yet. Attached are photos of the entrance to the side street where I parked and different views of where I parked. Attached is another photo showing the entrance to the side street from the main road, Private Property sign, warehouse, the land that looks like a private car park outside the warehouse next to the side street and the gated entrance with the sign on the gate. I hope these photos help. CPM Letter 2.pdf CPM Letter 1.pdf Letter sent to UK Car Park Management June 2016.pdf Pics 1.pdf
  3. Hi, I have a strange question, and hope someone familiar with debt collection procedures / DPA 1998 are able to assist. I am disabled, living with elderly parents. My father has never been in debt, and would absolutely freak out of he knew I still owed Tesco Bank a considerable amount of money. I am in comms with them regarding token payment on debt, its been over 10 years of intermittent token payments, DCAs etc but recently I keep receiving letters from their recoveries department but with the fact it is the recoveries department clearly showing on the front of the envelope. A few years ago I thought I read that DCA's etc needed to be more discreet when addressing people who owe money. Luckily I have stopped my father seeing these envelopes but if he does see one my relationship with the family will suffer tremendously. How can I ask Tesco Bank to be more respectful in there posting of Debt letters? Are they breaking any Date Protection Issues by showing recoveries department on the letter? Thanks Me_too TESCO PRINT.pdf
  4. Hi all, I haven't been on here for a while but thought I would put this on here in hope of some advice. My father who is the owner/keeper of the car that received the PCN and my mother who are both holders of Blue Badges and in their late 70's/mid 80's. I was the one responsible for parking in the disable bay which as far as I am concerned had a perfect right to do so, but inadvertently forgot to put the badge on display due to having to physically lift a mobility scooter out of the car and help my mother into it. My father in a panic over this PCN started to fret about finding the £100 to pay it. I told him not to pay and write and tell them what happened and to give the details of the Blue Badges. As you have probably guessed they still want their pound of flesh. I have now received a letter telling me I can appeal to IAS. Any help will be greatly appreciated. WIDYCHI
  5. The heading says it all. My partner has a blue badge and we have a disabled parking space right outside our house. Sadly we forgot to replace the badge on the dashboard after using the car yesterday and were given a ticket. Other than throwing ourself to the mercy and kindness of the authorities is there any way of avoiding the ticket. It is a local Council ticket and they were the ones who issued the blue badge and placed the disabled space for my partner when she was registered as being disabled.
  6. Hi My girlfriend parked in a UKPC car park with free parking but didn't notice you needed a ticket. UKPC have issued a Notice To Keeper for £100. I always used to ignore these but I gather the advice is not to. She has until 22nd October to pay or appeal. Please advise - I've been told multiple things about the uselessness (or not) of the appeals process. Can anyone help, especially given it was free parking for (I think) up to three hours, which makes a £100 'fine' particularly ludicrous. Many thanks
  7. I was in a hurry and genuinely scratched out the wrong number on a parking voucher in error. (I work for the NHS and was ruinning late for an urgent appointment!) I scratched 13:30 instead of 13:00. The fine was issued at 13:15. It was issued in the London borough of Richmond. Any hope of winning an appeal?
  8. I received a fine this morning for not displaying a valid tax disc. My tax ran out last month and I renewed it online (a week later than I should have, but payment was backdated). I didn't receive the new tax disc in the post in the 2 weeks after I renewed, unfortunately I have since moved address and honestly the fact I hadn't got the tax disc completely slipped my mind, what with the stresses of moving to a new area and starting a new job. I fully accept that I wasn't displaying a tax disc and so probably should have got the fine, but I was wondering if anyone else has had similar circumstances and contested it? I should have had the tax disc in the post within 5 days but they didn't send it, and I haven't had anything re-directed in the post- so possibility they never sent it, or it got lost in the post, or have I left it too late to go down that route? Thanks for your help!
  9. Hi, back at the start of April I somehow lost my tax disc, or it was nicked. I applied for a replacement ASAP but I had to carry on driving my car as it is a vital part of my job, and was told if I couldnt come to work they would find somebody else to do my job for me. I got pulled one night and got an on the spot fine for 'failing to exhibit valid excise licence ve10), the copper told me the DVLA can impose a fine of upto £1000 but probably wouldnt do anything. The next morning my tax disc arrived in the post. A couple weeks down the line I get a letter from the police rescinding their ticket and about a week after I get a letter from the DVLA saying they are charging me £258 for an out of court settlement and if I didnt respond by today I would automatically get summoned to court However in their letter the registration plate they gave was xxxxxx, mine is xxxxxxx, can I use this to get them off my back? I dont really know if I have a leg to stand on or whether I can fight them or should I just give up and pay the fine before this snowballs into something else? Also helpfully I managed to put the DVLA letter in the washing machine. Any comments will be greatly appreciated...
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