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Found 10 results

  1. I defaulted on a bridging loan and Receivers have been appointed. They have secured the property (changed the locks) and have asked me to book a time to remove my belongings (Torts Notice served). The property was and is my home and my only home but I have not lived there since taking out the bridging loan is because the loan was unregulated and I did not want to be in breach of the terms. However, it was never rented out; in fact, I never removed my belongings from the property. I have never desired to be landlord and the only reason for taking out the loan was to keep my home. This was declared to the lender from the very beginning; nonetheless, the product offered to me was an unregulated loan. As I was not eligible for a mortgage at the time and it was very unlikely that I would be by the end of the loan term, sale was my only option of exit strategy. This was a better option than having the property repossessed. The Receivers have said I must either remove my belongings or pay for storage. I have not abandoned my belongings or “left them behind”. I am in the process of remortgaging and they are aware of this, as I have kept them informed. The mortgage has been agreed subject to valuation which is due tomorrow. Can they force me to empty the property?
  2. Here's a new one, probably.... I went to a show on Tuesday. We placed our belongings in a void near our feet. Unbeknown to us there was a mechanism in the void and it damaged our belongings. The void was covered by a black curtain. I would like to claim for the damage, but I'm unsure if either: a) I was negligent in putting my belongings there, or b) The production company were negligent in leaving the void accessible or not having signage. I kind of feel that with the close proximity to the stage it was negligent to have the mechanism easily accessible and/or no warning. I spoke to Front of House at the interval and they agreed they would put a sign up. The belongings were our shopping, so we have a receipt. Photos of the proximity to the stage and the void. Thanks, Kris
  3. Hello, I home someone can help with this problem. Around December 2009, after finishing university I put some belongings in storage with Clockwork Removals in Edinburgh figuring I would have them transported once I started work again. About a year ago, I requested that they send my items over to France. Then we discovered that these items (six packing boxes) had been "misplaced" when they moved to new premises in Granton. I've been trying for a year to get my belongings returned or a refund (£65 x 12 months x 6 years = £5500 + value of belongings). Needless to say, Clockwork aren't cooperating. The first time, they asked if I could come up to their warehouse to help identify my belongings. Second time they said they had found my four chairs. Third time, they refuse to talk. It looks like I am having to go legal on this one?
  4. Pretty much as the title states, new policy in the handbook states we are no longer allowed keys, money, jackets (even worn) etc on the call floor and have been supplied with small lockers with repeating keys, no one is assigned a locker and its based on a trust system. The company is not accepting any liability for lost/damaged property and are sending people home AWOL if they don't take off their Jackets or putting Keys in the locker. Is this acceptable for the company to do this? It's a call centre Btw Cheers -EDIT- Right so apparently some guy got told to put his medicine in the locker downstairs or to leave and go home which caused a ruckus, policy has now been reviewed and some obvious conclusions came to (sick people need medicine and storing your house/car keys in a locker to then have a locker key on your person is a bit redundant) Only the jacket policy now- which I actually understand so all good:)
  5. I was employed for 6 1/2 years by a company in the UK but was permanently based overseas. Recently I was dismissed (im taking this to the tribunal) and they brought me back to the UK. I could only bring one case with me and had to leave the rest of my belongings in Europe. I asked for them to please get the rest of my stuff back home to me and they have refused. What can I do about this? thanks
  6. I started renting the property in 2008, AST tenancy UK. During that time my landlord issued 3 section 21's (every time I complained or asked for work to be done!) then changed his mind when I was given an eviction order. Rent was paid in full. Deposit was never protected, when I challenged this in court he refunded my deposit and re issued s21 I received an eviction notice and an eviction date for March, however, in February my landlord emailed me and stated that I could remain in the property (he had done this before). I found out on the day of the eviction that he had not cancelled the bailiff eviction and had to go to court with the emails I had received from him to try and stop it. Unfortunately he did not attend court and was not replying to anybody and there was nothing the judge could do to sop it because he was not there and I was evicted. He used a property management team and they were there when I was evicted. They could not contact my landlord and said that I would have to come back later in the week and remove my property, however, when I tried there was always some excuse as to why this guy could not make it (he was on holiday or had other work on).This went on for around 4 weeks with me constantly txting to arrange to collect my things. (txt's have been kept) Eventually he said that I was not allowed back in the property so his company could pack my stuff up and deliver it for £600. I asked if I could get my own people to do it but he said that I would still have to pay him to be there (a full days wages, which I think was £300, so I might as well use his company.) I agreed to this until I got a phone call from a former neighbour saying that people had been in my property and there were a number of bin bags outside in and around the bin and that passers by were going through them and she realised it was my belongings and not rubbish. Among the items she managed to save were my sons toys, medals, some of my jewellery and clothing. When I confronted the property management guy (I will call him Mr Z) he became very abusive and sent me txt's asking if he should just get rid of my belongings then. I called Shelter who advised that he had to give me access to my belongings and he could not charge for this, also that I could take my landlord to court for not protecting my deposit and to use this if he became difficult. After advising him of this he arranged for somebody to pack and collect my belongings (I personally think he over charged me but I just wanted my stuff back as it was now June). My things were delivered and put into storage. I have just returned from holiday and because I work away a lot I have just got the rest of my things out of storage only to find a number of things broken and missing. The broken things I am not that bothered about, at least they can be accounted for. Some semi valuable jewellery is missing but what has really angered me most is that my child's items are missing. Some sentimental items and some valuable and expensive items. My question is, can I do anything about this and will it cost me a fortune to take my landlord to court? I know that it is my word against Mr Z and his employees as to what was in the house but he would not give me access to my belongings which would have prevented this and he disposed of my belongings which he knew he was not allowed to do. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  7. my car was repossed by loans2go as previous owner had defaulted, i was gutted but i should have hpi,d before i bought it , gave the keys to loans2go agents when they called at my home, asked for my personal belongings from the car but was not allowed to enter the car as it "belonged" to loans2go, the agent said she would get my belongings for me, the agent passed me a bag from the boot containing car cleaning products, when i asked for my tax disc, cd player, engine (i bought the car without one in it), carpets cd,s etc, the agent said the cd belongs to the car ,yet i have the front of the cd player, as i had it put in, of the engine the agent said " stop going on and on the car belongs to us now". i have all receipts for engine, tax disc, the petrol i had just put in. i want my stuff back please please help if you can thanx
  8. I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I'm in a bit of a panic. I am claiming JSA but due to several health issues, one of which is stress which is being exacerbated by being out of work and all that it entails, I have been advised to claim ESA by both my doctor and an adviser at the Job Centre. I have an appointment to discuss it on my next signing day. However, today (or yesterday, as it is now), I received a letter from a Compliance Officer saying I had to go in the day before my signing day. As I was a little confused as to whether this was the same meeting that had been booked, I phoned the number on the letter. I was told that it had nothing to do with the meeting on my signing day, that it was a financial issue related to my account and that it would not be discussed on the phone. I cannot think what I have knowingly done wrong. I have been forced to sell some of my belongings to pay the bills because of the shortfall between my rent and housing benefit as well as keeping my car on the road (tax, insurance and MOT in a six week period), I would be totally stuck where I live (in the middle of nowhere) without my car. I used to have my own fiilmmaking business and reluctantly sold gear (including a pro video camera) worth about £2,000 over about a year and bought a cheaper camera with what was left. The only other thing that sticks out having been through my bank statements is a cash I paid into my account after Christmas which was money that friends had given me knowing my financial situation for Christmas. I was trembling after I spoke to the Compliance Officer but having looked at my bank statements I can't see anything I have done wrong. Am I allowed to sell my belongings to keep my head above water? Should I have declared it? I did tell my adviser just under a year ago that I had been forced to sell the tools of my trade which I thought was somehow not on but she said nothing. If I am sanctioned I will be truly screwed and I am sh*tting myself.
  9. I had been with my ex partner for 13 years and we had a joint mortgagetogether for 10 years. We were due to get married 10 months ago however he felt we wereincompatible and called the wedding off 8 weeks before the date. He made it very clear that he wanted to keep the house as we bought it fromhis parents so I moved out and stayed with a friend until the joint mortgagewas transferred into his sole name and 50% of the equity released to me.. On the whole the process was fairly amicable. I boxed up as much of mybelongings as I could and put into my parents garage. I told my Ex what otherthings I intended to take, mainly the pieces of furniture I had bought andkitchen equipment. He agreed with what I intended to take and kindly offeredfor me to leave them in the house until I get my own place. I kindly offered totemporally leave my kitchen things - things i had before we lived together andother items I inherited from my Nan (easily replaced but sentimental) for himto use, as I didn’t need them immediately as I was staying with a friend whichalso gave him the time to replace them. However he dragged out the process of transferring the equity saying hecouldn't afford the solicitors fees, he insisted that I pay for his solicitorout of my share of the equity otherwise I would have to wait months for him tosave up, I paid £500! I had to agree this with his solicitor before they wouldrelease the equity to me. Before he would sign the transfer of title deeds he requested that I wouldagree to pay his new mortgage set up fees of a further £268 and return allhouse keys to him. I had an offer accepted on a house and it was all waiting on me having thedeposit, so I verbally agreed that I would. I was trapped!! However I didn’t pay it as I felt it was black mail and I had already kindlypaid his previous fees that I didn’t have to do!!! Now I'm in my new home I contacted the Ex as planned to get my belongings,he's ignored all my calls and messages and refused to answer the door to me. Eventuallyhe sent a text saying I’ve had £xx K off him and that his solicitor has toldhim that now the house is in his sole name and that I have cashed the equitycheque I have no legal right to anything in the house. My mum managed to speak to him last night and he told her he was intentionallyignoring me and refusing to return my belongings because I didn’t give him the £268for his mortgage fee. I have credit card statements showing the items I bought in last 3 years,amounting to over £3k. I only have an actual receipt for one item of furniture. Do I have any hope of getting my things back? Any advise would be greatly appreciated
  10. hi i have just split up with my ex,i rent my own flat she was staying here most days a week and some at her mum.i am the only person on the tenecy agreement.we have had a bad break up i have dropped off all of her belonging at her mums.some furniture we went half's on.she is now saying because she has the receipts for some of the stuff we bought together she is going to phone the police with the receipts and have them removed.i have paid her half for these items.i have a basic bank account so she used her card.can she do this? what is the procedure? what are my rights? thank you in advance if anyone can give me some advice regards dan
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