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Found 14 results

  1. Hazard perception test now features more weather conditions READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/hazard-perception-test-now-features-more-weather-conditions
  2. Some of the weather headlines from across the world. Any comments,views articles put them here.Is the Climate getting out of control The latest news and comment on natural disasters and extreme weather https://www.theguardian.com/world/natural-disasters https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/extreme-weather Disruption of ocean circulation is thought to be driven by global warming, and could lead to sea level rise and extreme events like storms https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/gulf-stream-current-climate-change-ocean-temperature-ice-age-global-weather-a8300896.html 13 people killed as flash flooding hits Aude, southwest France overnight in Aude, leaving people stranded on rooftops. https://news.sky.com/story/five-people-killed-as-flash-flooding-hits-aude-southwest-france-11526297 -Bad weather in the Aude: in Narbonne-plage. Where is Narbonne-Plage https://www.france-voyage.com/tourism/narbonne-plage-2113.htm Video a little further down in the article. Two wounded and much material damage. On the sidelines of the floods, the Mediterranean coast was hit by a strong wind and a big swell on Monday. https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Ffrance3-regions.francetvinfo.fr%2Foccitanie%2Faude%2Fintemperies-aude-mini-tornade-narbonne-plage-1559016.html&edit-text= Well is the Climate changing.What do you think and what can be done about it. Someone out there knows or wants to say something,write something. Well write it down now here,release the pressure. Now when i was a kid winters were winters:sad: and summer,mm better go,enough said. Your turn. Bye Tawnyowl
  3. Well there i was Tawnyowl just roosting in the canopy of a local tree. The sun was shining a gentle breeze blowing from the South. Everything was as it should be. As usual from time to time i checked the weather forums when horror,the headlines:!: I nearly fell from my roost. Not that you'd know it if you're in Northern England or Scotland, but it's been a stormy 24 hours. The thunderstorms have brought over 13,000 lightning strikes across southern Britain and the Channel, with more to come through the remainder of the long weekend and into next week. https://www.netweather.tv/weather-forecasts/news/8933-stormy-uk-weather-13000-lightning-strikes-and-more-to-come so you can see what may be heading your way.Then i will continue. https://www.lightningmaps.org/?lang=en#x=;m=sat;r=0;t=2;s=0;o=0;b=;n=0; Where was i up to,oh yes.As far as i know we are still in Spring but nearing Summer. Looking around over the last few weeks i have seen due to many reasons the possibilities of a summer like 1976. If you were around this was a summer to remember,i hope i have the year right. It was blistering hot for many weeks. Bacardi and Coke etc. Tunes like I Recall a Gypsy Woman,well i do not recall much of that summer it must have been the Bacardi was a tune around along with Dont go breaking my heart-Elton John-Kiki Dee along with the Bee Gees-You Should Be Dancing tunes like those. Well just thought i would pop in start a thread on summer 2018. See what develops as the summer goes by,and of course it keeps me rambling away about something. Some of you must have been woken by the thunder and lightning for sure. Go on tell us what it has been like where you are. And of course recollections of summers gone by. Old Tawnyowl,off to my roost to remember years of summers gone by. Charge your quills dip in ink and let a memory of yours free. Or a pencil or pen if no quills available. Bye. Tawnyowl.
  4. Well i have never seen anything like it. I have been watching the weather models like a hawk.For a week or so. Not one of them is sure what is going to happen. I watched one weather presenter very experienced guy,even say so on the BBC. However one thing seems to becoming clearer,it is not going to be like last year.All the Atlantic storms rolling in one after another. This could be a winter to remember. I enjoy the storms as being a beachcomber this is when i collect many things from the shoreline. But understand it is hell for others. Latest is that we could have a winter like we have not had for quite a while. But this is just beginning to surface far away from our shores. Amazing what can affect our tiny island. The weather models at the moment are very good entertainment. So what else is there to say. Well i have bought a sleigh and a snow shovel.And put a small bet on snow for Christmas. Also have my barbecue and leopard skin bikini nearby just in case. What do you think is going to happen this winter. This is where i hang out in winter just in case you want to check things out. If you are a weather lover read a few pages back,perhaps a week if you have time,strap yourself in and enjoy the banter. And the weather models.A right old battle taking place. Check out how disappointed some get when the cold suggestions evaporate but then get excited as things change again. https://www.netweather.tv/forum/topic/86580-model-output-discussions-06z-041116/?page=176
  5. The weather and how it affects us here in Great Britain. I must admit having worked in construction and now roaming the beaches each day collecting driftwood i tend to keep one eye on the weather forecasts and one eye on the stormy seas and the other eye on what i am collecting. This winter the Atlantic has in my mind spoilt the fun for those of us who could be called coldies. Snow has been forecast week after week only to be blasted out of the way by the jet stream and its warmer air. However for the first time this winter models are suggesting and seemingly agreeing at the moment for a dumping of snow for many places even the South towards next weekend. Could change but the first time things seem to point this way. Well i will leave that bit now,forecasting has been very tricky this winter, a few degrees out and everything goes pear shaped.And has.And makes you look stupid when you warn all the neighbours get your sledge out,best bearskin coat and huskies ready for action.Only to find you need your boat instead. Or tea shirts and shorts and barbeque as it is balmy. Now when i was a kid winters were winters,icicles hanging from the gutters of the house,sometimes a foot long or more.About 30 centimetres for you youngsters out there. You went out of the house very carefully,tending not to slam doors. In case a avalanche of snow landed on your head sliding of the roof. or worse.Snow lay for weeks,and this was on low ground not elevation. Frost on the ground and in my house on the inside of the windows never mind outside. Used to write names and draw on it first thing in the morning. As you breathed out the breath used to freeze as you exhaled landing on the floor with a tinkle as it broke into pieces. Enough of that,why have i written this.Well i am sure some of you are coldies,looking out sometimes when it snows, Perhaps watching the lamp post light to see the snow drifting by. Enjoying the countryside and towns when things are suddenly transformed into a winter wonderland. Have you ever been caught out by the weather as i did late Autumn. On the Shoreline,nice enough ,all of a sudden no place to hide,spotted the sky darkening.wind got up and hailstorm from hell arrived,all in minutes. Horizontal wind and ice pellets that stung worse than the pea shooter my brother used to fire at me when a kid. Have you ever been caught in a weather event ,perhaps the thunderstorm,lightning from hell, a blizzard,seen a unusual event. Are you a coldy hoping for some snow before winter fades away.Or looking forward to the first real warm day of spring soon. Next weekend perhaps.
  6. I have lost all my personalised settings, favourite places in the MSN weather app. I read somewhere that deleting cookies may have had something to do with it. I have uninstalled>reboot>reinstall but without success.
  7. Cold Weather Payment It's that time of year, you can check by postcode if your getting one here. http://pensions.direct.gov.uk/en/col...yment/home.asp You may get a Cold Weather Payment if you’re getting certain benefits. Payments are made when your local temperature is either recorded as, or forecast to be, an average of zero degrees Celsius or below over 7 consecutive days. You’ll get a payment of £25 for each 7 day period of very cold weather between 1 November and 31 March. It’s paid into the same bank or building society account as your benefit payments. You don’t need to apply. If you’re eligible to get a Cold Weather Payment, you’ll be paid it automatically. Eligibility You may get Cold Weather Payments if you’re getting: Pension Credit Income Support income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance income-related Employment and Support Allowance Universal Credit https://www.gov.uk/cold-weather-payment/overview
  8. Hi We recently bought a plastic garden storage unit from shedstore. (can't post link as too few posts) They desribed it as " suitable for both indoor or outdoor use, garage or patio." The box it came it stated "Weather proof for outdoor use" However, the doors only touch at the top and bottom and there is a 4mm gap in the middle that lets rain in (the doors would need to overlap to be rainproof) We contacted shedstore (by email) who then contacted their supplier. They suggested that we add some additional door seals and they stated that the product is not waterproof! We do not think that we should have to make adjustments and that the cabinet should be fit-for-purpose as supplied. Also, the box clearly states "Weather proof for outdoor use". Shedstore are now ignoring our emails. Can anyone suggest how we should proceed please ? Many thanks in advance, H
  9. I have been attempting to do research on cold weather policies for canvassing employees. The company I work for has only been around for just over a year. As of now, they have not had a weather policy to protect their workers from being unable to work in unsafe weather conditions. I work in Minnesota, and our crew has missed 10 days in the last month alone due to to the subzero, unsafe conditions we are facing. The company has been receptive to our request for a policy to be enacted, ie, providing us alternate ways to work indoors (malls, etc), or half-day pay. I am wondering if any one knows of any weather policies provided by similar employers, what they entail and what, if any, compensation is offered? Thanks all!
  10. If you missed the news today so far today, read this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24690552 http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/radar/ Anyone remember Michael Fish weather forecast in October 1987.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24689376 I was stuck on Surbiton station for about 4 hours and trees on the line,No power,roads blocked. Can you remember where you was in October 1987 and the great storms ? Be safe.....
  11. Hi there, I live in Bradford, West Yorkshire. My Incapacity benefit claim was transferred to Employment and Support Allowance (WRA) in October 2012. I know 2 other people who are on ESA who have received 4 cold weather payments this year but they are on the income related side of this benefit. After speaking to the DWP, their stance is that although other people on those other claims receive exactly the same amount of money, I do not qualify for any cold weather payments. The extra money that they do pay me as part of contribution based ESA is gobbled up by Rent and Council Tax shortfalls because of the level of income I have at the moment. Now doesn't this just sound crazy, I earn the same as those that qualify, the councils force me to pay a shortfall because my level of income, and yet I don't qualify for cold weather payments. If anything I actually earn less than those other people, and with mounting fuel usage this year because of cold weather I'm in even more financial hardship than I need to be. Does anybody know of a way that I might be able to get these payments? Is there some sort of department or complaint that can be raised in relation to this? Any help would be great, thanks.
  12. Has any one received cold weather payment this year?
  13. Morning, I don't know if this has been answerd but just wondering has the goverment axed cold weather payments? I am on Jobseekers and just wondering if they haven't will I get 1? as I live alone in my flat and I am 26 and if I get 1 I can put more on my gas
  14. online photo sharing Better safe than sorry.... oh no, wait.... :oops:
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