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  1. Apparently I owe WDA some money. I don't recall the loan, but it was from a time (2012 or 2013) that I had lots of pay day loans. I have paid off or resolved all of them apart from these prats who out of the blue around 6 months ago started calling me. Likely it was £100-£300 (lol) When I answer I refuse to give them any personal details "go through data protection" and say I don't know who they are. If I owe them money then send me a letter. But they don't. I mean they don't have my current address but where I lived at the time my friend lives there still so I can get any letters addressed to me there as far as I know. I was told early on to check my credit file if I don't recognise the debt but I don't see anything on there. I have told them I will report them to the FCA if they continue to call but I haven't done this. Should I? Thanks for any advice!
  2. I had a letter from Moriarty saying they were acting on behalf of MMF who had *bought* a debt from WDA in 2012. I told them I had made a complaint to FOS re WDA and was waiting an outcome, which I had. Yesterday, I got home to 2 letters one from WDA who said that since some of the payday loans were from 2008-2011 they could not look at the interest and charges on them but did offer a payment of in total £382 as final settlement, which brings me to the 2nd letter from Moriarty who now say they have been in discussion with MMF and they are willing to take a payment of .. yep, £382 to settle the debt from 09/12. They have never registered this debt on any credit files and I know they cant know as its out of the timescale. Do you have any suggestions, if I take the settlement from WDA will I have to pay it straight to Moriarty, surely this proves they are all in cahoots as if we didn't know already. Does anyone have any advice for me please. Thanks
  3. Hello, I am not familiar with the current legislation regarding payday loans so advice on a letter structure would be appreciated. Background: A few years ago now I was a compulsive gambler and borrowed from any lender that would give me the cash . I managed to rack up £50k's of debt and at the time didn't have a secure job. Two years ago after a lot of hard work on myself, help from family and a years worth of councelling, I have not gambled, I've got a permanent job paying a decentish wage , I've paid off nearly all my debts. one of those who I hadn't yet paid was from a company named wageday advance for£650. They have since I ignored their threatening letters passed it onto Moorcroft who wrote me a lovely letter saying they will come to visit me at my house in the near future for a chat about it. firstly I have absolutely no desire at all to chat to them about it in my house. Is there a template to say I do not want them to come to my house? Secondly. They mention a reduced offer as settlement, but didn't say an amount. Now, I have been on a quest to be debt free since I stopped gambling, and paid back the main people. But I guess I left the payday loans to last simply because I do have quite an angst against them - they do prey on the vulnerable soley for profit and to the severe detriment of the borroweer. Don't get me wrong, I take full responsibility for my debts and what I did and have paid some VERY heavy prices - however, lending at whatever it was 3000%+ without doing any checks to someone who is essentially not well is in my mind criminal! However, my mind doesn't really come into play here, it's what the law says that counts. Is there any legislation about responsible lending that these companies should have adhered too? Can you even fight them on these grounds? What would be a reasonable lump sum final offer for a £650 debt? If I did just want to get rid of it? Thank you so much for reading.
  4. Hi So I had a wda loan back in 2011 all paid off on time. In late 2014 they reset up the direct debit and charged me £120. Called bank to cancel direct debits. Have been chasing wda for money back. Cab have advised I can do a direct debit indemnity but due to time passed bank needs their originator id number. Does anyone know what it is?
  5. Hey hoping someone can give me some advice. I got myself into a stupid situation taking payday loans out. At the time I didn't feel that I had a right to complain and felt really embarrassed about it all. Now I have paid everything back I decided to email wageday advance to raise my grievance. The situation with this company was for three years I took 6 loans out consistently by rolling over between 4-8 times per loan. It was just so easy as they would text me a few times a month offering the extensions and stupidly I did. After initially raising the complaint I then managed to login to the old account and it said I still owed them £300 even though it was settled with a third party a year ago. I called to enquiry and they would only let me speak to collections, so I got a settlement notice to prove I had paid and added this to the complaint. 7 weeks on they have provided me with a resolution agreeing that rolling over 8 times wouldn't have helped financially and have offered to pay me back for 3 rollovers plus 0.8%. I really wasn't expecting to get any offer but don't feel that rolling over for 4 months at a time is any better than 8. They have also updated my details so I don't owe them anything but completely ignored the stress it put me under getting the settlement notice. If I accept there offer can I still refer it to the FOS or should I just decline. If it is declined by FOS could I end up with nothing? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Hi, I have been a sporadic user of payday lenders, primarily WDA for about 6 years now. Anyway, my latest borrowing was £750... a repayment of £937.50. Now I won't trouble you with the usual sob stories, I accept ultimately this is my own fault but... This level of repayment is too much for me, indeed it is >50% of my income. In the first instance, I have contacted my bank. They said "unusually", in their words, it is a Direct Debit set up, not a CPA, so I can (and have) cancelled it by myself...I simply can't afford to have that amount of money to come off in a given month. Where I need help...what should I do next? I intended to write to WDA, inform them I have cancelled, advise of change of circumstances (with budget sheet) and offer some sort of repayment plan? Does this sound right? Can I insist they do not attempt to use a CPA, add further interest, etc.? Also, what is the lowest £ value or % of my available funds would they likely accept as a minimum? I'm not looking to blame the Lender but my living costs have spiked due to higher work related expenses and childcare recently so I would really like to stop the rot. Many thanks for your help!
  7. Hi, I had arranged a repayment plan with WDA. However, I was paid late and missed the deadline. I contacted them telling them this and that I fully intend to make the next payment as planned and carry on with the plan. They sent me a statement and they had in the meantime added £300 to my account! I replied saying I will now not continue with the plan until the balance is reverted to what we agreed in the payment plan! They didn't reply. And today is payday and they have somehow without my knowledge or agreement have set up a direct debit and taken money out of my account - for the agreed sum, but I don't want to pay them anything until I can confirm that the balance is what it was originally! Is it too late to get this payment reversed back into my account? What should I do next? WDA aren't responding. I had 2 months ago banned them from taking money out of my account with my bank but obviously this must have expired! Any help would be great] Thanks
  8. Hello. I just want to say, I don't dispute my loan with WDA (well kinda, they did give me a loan when I couldn't afford to pay it back). I know I owe them money, I just disbute how much I owe them. I took out a loan with WDA for £385 (with interest total owed was £518) last year, I was unable to pay it back and was put on a payment plan. In the summer this year I could no longer stick with the payment plan and WDA refused me another payment plan. Since july this year I have not made any payments to them. while I was on a payment plan they froze my interest. My balance was £350 at this point. Last month I got emails from ardent DCA asking me to pay up, they are asking me for £515. I have told them my balance was £350 but they are telling me WDA has added £165 interest for no payment since 31/05/13. They claim to have put a *Daily Interest applied £2.75 charge onto the balance but that doesn't even add up to £165. Also on the statement of account letter that WDA provided me with last month it says "Default Date: 29/06/2012" so how can they default me and then add interest? Or freeze my interest and then re-add interest? Ardent DCA told me they will accept £360 in Full and final settlement of this account, if I don't pay and want a payment plan split into 3 months it will be on £515. How is that legal? I refused and today I got a letter from moon beevers solicitors, please advise me guys; 14 november 2013 Ref;xxxx Re; wage day advance We act for the above named, having been instructed by its collection agents. Debt & revenue services, whom we understand attempted to contact you regarding the det you owe wage day advance in the sum of £515. You will appreciate that you are contracually bound to make payment and our client cannot continue to tolerate non-payment of that which is due. If you are experiencing genuine financial difficulty, then we urge you to contact debt and revenue services to explain your circumstances and agree to a payment plan which you are able to manage and maintain. In the absence of such contact by you and/or payment in full within 14 days of the date of this letter, then it is our clients current intention to issue county court proceedings against you for the sum of £515 in addition to legal costs and any interest due. Such proceedings will be issued out of northampton county court and served upon you by post. If proceedings are issued and you fail to sere a legitimate defence our client will request the court to enter a judgment against you in its favour. If any judgment so awarded remains unpaid it will be subject of enforcement action without further notice. For the avoidance of doubt and so that you are fully aware of our clients intentions, we feel it only fair to inform you that out clients preferred methid of enforcement in your case is to apply to the court for an attachment of earnings order. This means the court will be requested to order your employer to decuct monies from your wages in payment of your debt and legal costs etc, subject to a protected earning rate. This matter has now reached critical stage, but not to late to resolve the matter. Contact debt and revenue service. Yours faithfully, xx
  9. Hello. I just want to say, I don't dispute my loan with WDA. I know I owe them money, I just disbute how much I owe them. I took out a loan with WDA for £385 (with interest total owed was £518) last year, I was unable to pay it back and was put on a payment plan. In the summer this year I could no longer stick with the payment plan and WDA refused me another payment plan. Since july this year I have not made any payments to them. while I was on a payment plan they froze my interest. My balance was £350 at this point. Last month I got emails from ardent DCA asking me to pay up, they are asking me for £515. I have told them my balance was £350 but they are telling me WDA has added £165 interest for no payment since 31/05/13. They claim to have put a *Daily Interest applied £2.75 charge onto the balance but that doesn't even add up to £165. Also on the statement of account letter that WDA provided me with last month it says "Default Date: 29/06/2012" so how can they default me and then add interest? Or freeze my interest and then re-add interest? Ardent DCA told me they will accept £360 in full and final settlement of this account, if I don't pay and want a payment plan split into 3 months it will be on £515. How is that legal? Anyway, I refused and today I got a letter from moon beevers solicitors, please advise me guys; 14 november 2013 Ref;xxxx Re; wage day advance We act for the above named, having been instructed by its collection agents. Debt & revenue services, whom we understand attempted to contact you regarding the det you owe wage day advance in the sum of £515. You will appreciate that you are contracually bound to make payment and our client cannot continue to tolerate non-payment of that which is due. If you are experiencing genuine financial difficulty, then we urge you to contact debt and revenue services to explain your circumstances and agree to a payment plan which you are able to manage and maintain. In the absence of such contact by you and/or payment in full within 14 days of the date of this letter, then it is our clients current intention to issue county court proceedings against you for the sum of £515 in addition to legal costs and any interest due. Such proceedings will be issued out of northampton county court and served upon you by post. If proceedings are issued and you fail to sere a legitimate defence our client will request the court to enter a judgment against you in its favour. If any judgment so awarded remains unpaid it will be subject of enforcement action without further notice. For the avoidance of doubt and so that you are fully aware of our clients intentions, we feel it only fair to inform you that out clients preferred methid of enforcement in your case is to apply to the court for an attachment of earnings order. This means the court will be requested to order your employer to decuct monies from your wages in payment of your debt and legal costs etc, subject to a protected earning rate. This matter has now reached critical stage, but not to late to resolve the matter. Contact debt and revenue service. Yours faithfully, xx
  10. Hi I had a loan for £100 with Wageday Advance back in June 2011 - I cleared the account and nothing further until October 2011 where I received an email claiming my account had been passed to Motormile. I emailed Wageday Advance who said it was sent in error and to disregard and heard nothing until yesterday morning when I received a letter through my door from Equidebt wanting £101 for Motormile?! I don't have an account with them and luckily kept all the emails sent - has this happened to anyone else? What can I do?
  11. Hi All, Received an email today from WDA saying the following: Dear Harry Account Transferred to Debt Recovery Agency Your account is now being handled by Debt Revenue Services who are acting on our behalf. All future communication should be made with Debt Revenue Services and any queries sent to Wage Day Advance will be passed onto them to deal with. We recommend that you contact them without delay to prevent any further action to your account. --------- The amount that WDA have said i now owe is £590.10 although in reality it should be £408.50 (Included in that figure is original loan + 1 months interest) What is my first port of call now? Thanks for your help
  12. I took out a loan with wage day advance and fell into financial difficulty and after alot of texts and emails, I arranged to pay them £20 per month (owed £197). I paid the agreed amount on 19th of this month, then I found out today that I had £64 missing from my account. I contacted my bank and they told me that wage day advance went into my account on a previous authorisation and first took £44, then two amounts of £10, all in two days without my permission. I am fuming and have asked the bank to cancel my debit card and re-issue another one so they do not have my card details. I have also now cancelled the standing order that I previously set up with them as they in effect 'stole' money from my account. Can I report them to the Financial Services Ombudsman for this as I did not agree for them to take any money from my account.
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