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  1. Hello everyone. Im new here, so I hope I am in the right place. I really dont know where to begin. I was paying my credit card off at a reduced rate until around 3 years ago when my debt was sold to Cabot who more than doubled my payments. It was too much for me to afford with no job, recently divorced and a young family to support. So I defaulted. Other than one letter from Cabot asking me for full payment of my debt, I have not received any further payment requests nor notifications of home visits during this time. I have lived at the same address for 6 years. I am in Northern Ireland. Last week I received a home visit from Resolve Call debt collection agency. He said I would have got a letter giving me 7 days notice of his call, but I honestly did not. He was very rude and really frightened me. He said various nasty things and made some threats of court action, bailiffs and being made homeless if I failed to pay in full. He also said that he will keep coming back until I pay up. I have been terrified to answer my door for almost a week. I really dont know what to do or where to go from here. I dont have the money to pay them and they wont listen to reason. I did query the account with him when he tried to push his way into my home by attempting to walk straight through me, but I did not admit to the debt. They want the full amount or they will take me to court. My original debt was for £15000 and with my previous payments it now stands at almost £9000. Any advice would be deeply appreciated.
  2. Location : Sandy Park Stadium, Exeter The penalty notice states that it was parked in a manner whereby the driver became liable for a parking charge. The notice states date was 02/04/2018 entry time 17:59 and exit time 19:31 total duration 01:32. Charge £80. The access road is shared to gym and Exeter chiefs Sandy Park stadium. It shows car leaving (doesn’t appear to be in car park itself) and shows car where I pulled up to pick him up (which arguably is adjacent to gym and in front of stadium but not in any parking bays itself) My husband entered the site at 17:59 to drop my 15 year old son off for his gym class at 6pm. He did not park in the car park itself e.g. designated parking bays as he pulled up to the kerb adjacent to the gym to simply unload/setting down a passenger e.g. my son. The engine was still running and you can see headlights are on from the Premier Parking ANPR Picture they provided. He then left the site immediately. I then entered the site around 19:30 (son's phone shows he phoned me at 19:29) to pick my son up at the same place. My son was waiting for me and again left the site immediately. I explained this to the Premier parking and asked them to check their cameras which would provide the evidence that the car wasn't parked for the period claimed and that my husband had just pulled over temporarily to set down/unload my son and then left immediately and I then entered with the same vehicle when I returned in the same car to pick son up. They didn't comment on this in the appeal. I can only assume they did not check their cameras for the car entering and leaving on 2 separate occasions between 17:59 and 19:31. They don’t have any evidence to refute my claim that either of us wasn't parked for the duration they state. They have taken the time from a first-in last-out’ basis which is incorrect. The parking ticket is therefore issued incorrectly. Unfortunately I didn’t see this forum or indeed watch the Watchdog programme on this until I had already appealed and lost to Premier and submitted a further appeal to POPLA. I am now waiting on Premiers response via POPLA. I used the explanation above! I realise now that it is too late. Is there any advice anyone can give me? I am sure that they will say that there is nothing on their cameras as it is not in their interest to do so. Do I have any recourse with regards ANRP being unreliable / flawed? Is there anything I should be saying back to POPLA to counteract? I have no evidence other that screenshot of son’s time when he entered the gym but doesn’t record time he left. I have a screen shot of his phone when he called me to pick him up. We live 2 miles away and the car was parked on our drive. I have checked for receipts, I have no tracker on car and don’t have CCTV at home and can’t show google map logging the journey and so I could only submit a picture to POPLA of where we pulled over. Perhaps I should have got son to write a witness statement … I didn’t see signs at the time (they are there I have subsequently checked) they mention a grace period of 15 minutes) I wasn’t paying attention to signs as we have dropped him off and picked him up in exactly the same place for the last 18months or so!
  3. Hi everybodyl, new on here and have a big problem with Brighthouse. I currently have 5 things with them up until recently could afford the weekly payment. 8 months ago found out wasnt really well and currently cannot work Going back to Brighthouse situation, I have explained this in a letter to head office and the store and asked if I could pay what I can. My original payment was 58 per week (so stupid of me to get to that) and I offer 25. I also asked them to send me a detailed breakdown of what I have left to pay on each product. I also said I wanted contact in writing and didn't want to speak to them. Since then which was 5 weeks ago I have around 5-10 calls a day and have had 8 home visits. In my letter I told them not to come on to my property and to stop ringing me. I asked vodafone to send me a breakdown of my calls and so far I have had 190 calls from them. I am so worried and can't get to sleep at night. I have a butterfly feeling all of the time which isn't good fir me at all. I really don't know what to do. I rang them to tell them to stop ringing and calling at my house and send written info on waht I need and they just state that I signed with them they can do what they want. I also asked if I could make the payment I offered by card there and then and they refused. I would really appreciate any help and so sorry for my story Thankyou
  4. I am a customer of Brighthouse where I was paying £46 per week which were reduced down to £30 per week because of loss of tax credits/child benefit. I ran into problems paying one week due to a demand for my council tax before I ended up in court so I couldn't pay Brighthouse the full £30 so paid half to them. since then I've paid my £30 each week but still owe them that £15. I'd find it really difficult to pay that 15 on top of the £30 so due to me only getting £110 per week now which is to keep me, my partner and daughter. I suggested if they could please take even 50p from yellow money until the £15 is paid but they have refused. today I paid my bill and they said you owe £130. how I owe that I do not understand as I only was behind by £15. upon getting home I've noticed they haven't even paid my bill and put that £30 I pay each Saturday into the yellow money. They have been to my door twice this week and constantly txt me 2 and 3 times a day even though I contacted customer services to have them stopped of which they did for a week but again they have statrted coming to my phone. Please advise on what I can do next as this is really starting to affect my health and depression. I have a partner who is due to have an operation I'm worried about then I've got these hammering on my door.
  5. I got divorced around 5 years ago and agreed to take over the house we both owned and move back in as it was too small for the ex wife and the children to live in. Around 4 years ago I took full custody of our 3 children but the house was only 2 bedrooms so I had to make some small alterations to split a bedroom to increase capacity. During this process I missed a mortgage payment as I was financially stretched with taking the children on full time unexpectedly. At the same time I had put in a PPI claim for £2500 with NRAM because of miss sold sickness insurance. NRAM admitted that it was miss sold but explained that as it was a joint mortgage they would only send me a cheque for half the money, I was not happy about this as this was my claim as 'I' was holding them fully accountable for the money I had paid for this insurance. It was not a claim from me and my ex wife it was a claim from me, I believed that they should pay me and if my ex wife ever decided to make a claim then that would be for her and the bank to argue but this was my claim. They refused to budge and sent a cheque for half the money owed and said that they would keep the rest or send it to the ex if she asked. At the same time they were demanding the missed payment from me so I asked them to pay themselves out of the other half of the money they owed me but again they refused so the missed payment remains. I have explained to them numerous times over the last 4 years that my money is that tight with raising my family alone that I can not afford to make any payment toward the arrears but that I was trying to decorate the house so that I could sell or be able to remortgage as at the moment there is not enough equity in the property for me to to anything with it but once I could sell or remortgage the arrears would be cleared unless they took it out of my PPI money. I paid £10 off my arreas in order for the outstanding amount to be slighty less than 1 month so that it would not be marked on my credit file. I assured them that I would never miss another payment which they were happy with and I have carried on paying every payment for the last 4 years without a problem. Around 9 months ago I had a letter stating that they were goingt to send a field agent to my home at a charge of £50 to discuss my account, I rang and explained that I did not need to see a field agent as I had explained the situation to them and that I had made every payment for the last 4 years. They told me they were sending a field agent whether I wanted one or not, they did not arrange a time and I was at work when he visited so I missed the visit and got charged £50 for the pleasure, this has continued every few months where they send me a letter stating another agent will visit, no mention of a day or time and another £50 being added each time. This has been causing me a great deal of stress as money is already tight and I have been doing all I can to make my mortgage payments every month so I should not be classed as a high risk customer, missing 1 payment in 11 years of being with them is not someone who i feel should be having field agent and field agent sent out to me adding unnecessary expense onto my already tight situation. So far NRAM have laughed off my complaints of their bullying and sneaky tactics of taking more money from me. This has had me so stressed and concerned that I wrote my last letter to them on the 2nd March complaining about the unecessary field agent visits and charges and followed that letter with a phone call complaining that I do not need anyone visiting my home and explaining that the arrears would be paid when I sold my home which I have been trying to do for a while. Following that conversation I suffered a sudden stroke on the 5th March (bearing in mind I am only 35 and healthy) that they believe could have resulted from being overly stressed, this being the only thing that I have been stressed about. Am I within my rights to take my complaint further and actually seek compensation for the unecessary stress that they have been putting me under due to the fact that they very nearly killed me because of the stress that their actions caused me? Any advice or opinions on the above would be appreciated. Sorry for it being so long...
  6. Hi, Hope someone can help. I have recently moved out of rented accommodation have received a phone call tonight from my previous landlords to advise bailiffs on behalf of Rossendales have attended the property. The Landlord advised I was no longer living there, my c/tax for that property has been paid in full however it appears this balance they are chasing is for monies from 2007 for around £800 and they mentioned to the landlord they also have a liability order from 2008 for this. My major concern is currently I am working away in Birmingham and living in a hotel being paid for by work for the next 12-18 months, however as an address for my bank etc I have put down my parents house whilst I am down here and I am worried the next step will be them turning up on their doorstep. As I currently don't have a permanent address I am unsure what the next step would be as I only go back every 3-4 weeks for a day or 2 to see family and friends I am happy to come to some sort of payment plan with Rossendales
  7. Hi. I'm seeking some advice for my grandson. I don't have all the details yet so I realise it will be hard to give a lot of advice at this stage until I learn more. What my grandson (who has just left my house in tears) says is that he had a £40 car parking charge, or fine. In short he didn't pay the fine. Says he forgot, but there's probably more to it than that. This has now escalated to bailiffs visiting his home demanding £600. I find this shocking, from a £40 fine! Anyway, I guess that is what happens when we do silly things and ignore fines. I don't know whether to feel sorry for him or give him a good kick up the butt! From what I can gather so far he offered to pay the bailiffs £150 a month, which they rejected. He says he showed them a budget sheet and says even £150 a month could be a struggle. The bailiffs say they will return some day this week to collect the £600, which he does not have in one go. What I'm wondering is there any way to place a hold on further bailiff action or visits via a court order or something similar and whether a court could accept the £150 a month offer even though the bailiffs have rejected this offer. I'm also wondering what things they could take. He only has basic things like a TV, some old furniture, household essentials like a cooker and fridge etc. Obviously it's very distressing for them and worrying for me. Thanks for any advice I can be given, I know there's not much to go on at the moment.
  8. Hello everyone, A couple of weeks ago I got a letter from Credit Solutions regarding a debt I have with Paypal and they gave me the usual B.S about arranging door step visits, County Court etc and I sent them this email ; Please be advised that I will only communicate with you in writing. I have noted your repeated attempts to contact me by telephone over the past few weeks and via letter and one door stop agent and these have been duly logged by time and date. Furthermore, should it be your intention to arrange another “doorstep call”, please be advised that under OFT rules, you can only visit me at my home if you make an appointment and I have no wish to make an appointment with you. There is only an implied license under English Common Law for people to be able to visit me on my property without express permission; the postman and people asking for directions etc (Armstrong v. Sheppard and Short Ltd [1959] 2 Q.B. per Lord Evershed M.R.). Therefore take note that I revoke license under Common Law for you, or your representatives to visit me at my property and if you do so, then you will be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action will be taken, including but not limited to, police attendance I got a letter back today saying the following ; In relation to your comments surrounding a door step visit, please be advised that you are not correct in your assertion that, under OFT rules, we can only call at your home if you agree to make an appointments. In law, our client is in a different position to a postman or a member of the public asking for directions. When you opened this account, you implicitly agreed that your client could communicated with you to discuss repayments. You do not have the contractual right to revoke that agreement until the 'loan' has been repaid. Does any one know what else I can say to them? plus his reply seems to be a template as it's not a loan.
  9. My dog has been taking tablets for 5 years now and the vet still insists on me taking her to the surgery every 3 months for a checkup. Surely if the tablets were going to cause any problems this would have shown up ages ago. Can the vet refuse to give me another 3 months supply if we do not attend the surgery? (My dog is now getting old, she is 17, and cannot walk that far, although she is generally well and enjoys her food, potters around the garden etc. I have no transport to take her so, after 5 years, is it still essential that I have to find a way to get her down to the vets again just to get her next lot of tablets?
  10. Going forward

    Home visits

    My sister is recovering from being hospitalised for 4 weeks in the cardiac unit. She cannot walk very far and has to use a zimmer frame to get to the bathroom. I have applied for PIP on her behalf and have filled out the ATOS form. She cannot travel on public transport so do ATOS do home visits. What normally happens if you cannot get to them as you cannot afford cab fare?
  11. I am posting this question for a friend of mine. Her son opened a hand delivered letter this morning - it was a WPO on his car against a county court order issued by Bristol County Court. He phoned the number and spoke to the bailiff and was told that he would need to prove that he is not the person who owes the debt. It turns out that the bailiff visited No 2 Acacia Avenue and not number 5 (road name changed!)!!!! The bailiff later phoned to say there had been an admin error. There was no apology what so ever. I have drafted (after phoning the court) a letter of complaint for her and just want to ensure I have some details correct - by writing a WPO on an asset of a third party has the bailiff done anything illegal? I assume that had he removed the car it would have been theft? Also on the basis that the WPO has the defendant's name and financial details on it is there a data protection case too? Any suggestions? Many thanks.....
  12. I got a parking ticket. Didn't get an NTO and awaited the Order for Recovery before completing the witness statement and sending the form off, in the SAME envelope as another witness statement for my sister (separate pcn). My sister received her cancelled Order for recovery back cancelled, but I received mine back revoked due to it being out of time?? So whilst im fighting this I have Newlyns on my case. They have charged me the following: March 29th 2013 £11.20 Letter HPI Check £20 5th April 11th April 2PM First Visit £57.00 April 17th 16:02 Visit 2 £39.00 April 23 17:51 Visit 3 £62.00 Now, we received the FIRST letter on the 11th April. This was put through the door but NO ATTEMPT to make contact was made as I was there at the time. On both of the other occasions I have also been there at the time of the call and NOBODY has attempted to make contact. In fact on the last two times not only was no contact made but nothing put through the door either. When I spoke to Newlyns on the 11th after getting the first letter I removed their implied right of access to my premises so i guess unless im mistaken, that they've shot themselves in the foot either way: If they've turned up they've committed trespass, if they didn't they've charged me for something that hasn't happened. Any advice on how i can go about clobbering these thieves? UKD.
  13. Hi Guys Any advice / help would be very much appreciated. A few weeks ago i returned home to find a hand posted brown envelope from a field representative from Scotcall asking me to phone him urgently on a mobile number. I have also had numerous phonecalls from Scotcall to my work mobile number which are becoming more frequent. As i didn't know what the debt was for or who for i ignored them. Tonight i was at work but my wife returned home from the weekly shop to be approached by a man from Scotcall asking for me, she explained that i wasn't in and didn't know when i'd be back. He once again left the same card and left. Am i right in thinking they are not allowed to do this, for one it was dark and my wife wasn't best pleasede to be approached by a big balding man wearing a high-vis jacket in an obvious attempt to look official. This time he had written the debt details on the card, its showing as £806.11 on a TOPMAN storecard which i had years ago (for my sins). This is an old debt that i stopped paying a few years back as with interest the debt just wasn't coming down. For example i think the original debt was for about £300, i paid £20 per month for over 2 years and a few years later the debt is now over £800. I appreciate that i stopped making payments but how i see it i've probably already paid back the original debt amount, its just the interest and lack of payments has now ramped up to a stupid amount. Where do i go from here ? Any help would be very much appreciated,
  14. Hi, Thank you for this forum. I've read some interesting stuff here but I haven't managed to find quite what I'm after, so here is my situation and a couple of questions. I moved into a property to rent with a couple of my friends, the landlord wants to sell this property and is asking that we let him or the estate agent show some potential buyers around. I'm ok with this in principle and will move out when the tenancy expires (this isn't a situation where he has surprised us with this and wants us out early). There is a term in our contract that he must give us 24 hours notice to show people around, but doesn't say that we can ever refuse. The problem is that I would rather be in the house to keep an eye on things when people are over. It would be fine if it was just the landlord, but bringing potential buyers is bringing strangers and people that I do not know into the house. There is nearly half a year left on our contract and already people are starting to come round and look at it (it takes a long time to sell a house I gather). So far I have been able to arrange for myself or one of my housemates to be in when people are visiting. Soon it will not be possible for someone to be in, like when we all have work and suchlike. It makes me extremely uncomfortable to have strangers coming round to the house, the landlord has promised to keep an eye on them but there is only one of him and sometimes multiple people visit at the same time (like as a family (sometimes with kids), or as two different parties coming to view at the same time). I fear that people might take something or look at my personal stuff. I believe that I am within my right to tell the landlord that I do not want people to come round if I am not in, despite the term in my contract that he can show interested applicants with 24 hours notice. Is that correct? To be honest, I didn't think I would have to endure six months of this. When I signed the contract I assumed, perhaps naively, that it would just be in the last month. Had I known it would be as much as this I probably wouldn't have signed or I would have tried to negotiate some other terms. Regardless of if I can tell the landlord that I don't want the people in my house when I am not here, I don't really want to do that. I don't want to upset him, he's a nice enough guy and is just trying to sell the house, it must be pretty tricky for him to do that while there are still people living there. Besides, we are still here for another six months, I don't want to start a war. So, with that in mind, am I allowed to install CCTV in the house? I wasn't thinking of anything drastic, just a web-cam or two trained on our valuables. It makes me ill to think about having lots of people coming round to the house and being nosy or risk them taking things. I've lots of valuable items, camera gear, computer accessories, spare mobiles, models, etc, etc that would be very easy to steal or accidentally break and having some coverage would make me feel better if I could watch it at work. Also, if something did happen and I caught it on camera, I wouldn't feel so bad about telling the landlord I want him to stop future visits. My housemates think I'm paranoid :/ What do you think? Thank you for your time
  15. Ok guys firstly i am a new Cagger and what a relief to find this site as it has empowered me somewhat into, at least, not feeling alone with Debt. I shall post soon regarding my actual debts and break them down in order to keep the correct thread format later. This question is regarding letters threatening Home door visits. I have read previous threads regarding resolvecall etc and how they have no rights and you can tell them to leave and i have no problem either ignoring their door rings or telling them to F**k Off but the problem is that due to circumstances i find myself staying with my parents and it IS THEIR door that is getting the hassle. (The debt was taken out here). resolvecall have already tried to visit 3 times (even leave a little card with number of visits...which i shall keep as evidence). One cheeky resolvecall guy was even spotted peering through a window. I dont like the idea of my parents being pestered (told them not to answer)but at the same time i dont want to send a strong letter that might give them cause to believe their visits are intimidating me. I will correspond "in writing" till the cows come home until i get the DEAL I WANT but how do i get the visits stopped. The latest is Metropolitan Collection who are saying "they WILL visit on xx/xx/xx...cheecky blighters even state between 8am and 9pm. Now im no genius but i know not many people can legally visit you at 9pm...duh. Guess it will be interesting to see if they call. Let the games begin ..i guess
  16. In 2002 I took out a loan with Lombard direct. This was over a period of 5 years and included PPI, which I am now trying to claim back as mis-sold. However I defaulted on repayments when I lost my job and eventually this was passed to a collection agency. I have been paying Intrum Justitia every month for several years and in February this year I had a letter offering a settlement figure, which was far too high and I couldn't afford it. I then decided to ask for a copy of my credit agreement and sent the letter as advised on this forum. this was on 1st March. They replied on 11th March to the effet that they would contact their clients and hold the matter in abeyance until they had further instructions. On 17th March Lombard sent a letter to me asking me to confirm my address and signature as I hadn't signed the request for a copy of my credit agreement. I did not reply. On 23rd March I had a letter from Arden Credit Management referring to a letter I had supposedly had from Lombard dated 8th March. (I never received this letter). the letter from Arden advised me that they were now taking over the account and asking me to fill in a form with personal and financial details. I did not fill in the form but sent a letter advising them that the account was currently in dispute with Intrum Justicia. On 1st april I received a letter from Lombard was was basically a Notice of Sums in Arrears provided in compliance with the Consumer Credit Act. they provided a telephone number for me to call. I haven't called and don't intend to. So now I'm not sure what to do next. Do I just ignore this latest statement from Lombard. I still feel that the request for a copy of my credit agreement has not been fulfilled. Any help or guidance would be most appreciated.
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