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  1. In December my carry on bag was lost/stolen whilst queuing to board a flight overseas. It contained just about everything important, laptop, camera, clothes, sunglasses,makeup the lot. As terrible and distressful this was I knew i had travel insurance to cover me for up to £2k of personal possessions. So i thought! I submitted my claim at the beginning of January. When you submit the claim they take 10 days to respond and tell you if they need further info,this has happened twice, meaning that today 20/2/19 still battling with this. "Please note that your insurance policy has a limit of £150.00 in total for unreceipted items. Therefore, as you have only been able to provide a receipt for the trainers of £73.97, our maximum liability for your claim will be £223.97. This will be paid into your nominated bank account within the next 5 days working days. This has been paid as a gesture of goodwill based on the report you provided as it still does not give all of the necessary information. We suggest you contact the airline for further compensation as they are responsible for the loss, we trust this clarifies our position". I called them and said I was very disappointed with this, as there was nothing for the laptop (It says they will cover upto £500 - the laptop was a gift from my late partner and i sent them receipt which was address to me). I also clarfied that the airline were not responsible and provided documentation accordingly. I.e lost and found reports comcluding item not found. I have missed my mortgage payment as have had to replace my laptop (as i cannot work without it) - they are taking so long to come back to me. Also I purchase essential items on arrival and they have not covered them either. They are not covering the majority of items in my bag basically. They have suggested i contact them via the complaints procedure. I am so annoyed, I took out this cover for peace of mind and it was hardly worth it. For the amount of time its taken to get the claim together, I should have just worked more hours doing my job and i would have basically been better off. Does anyone that is familiar with insurance policies know if it is acceptable to time they take to respond to these things, if i complain today (for them not covering the laptop and essential purchases which were receipted) they will probably take another 10 days to respond!
  2. Hi All Jut after bit of advice. I recently lost my pandora bracelet and 8 charms on holiday. I made a claim when I returned on my travel insurance. Limit for a single item was £300. My claim for the bracelet and charms was £490.00. They will only pay £300 as they say it was 1 item. Would you say this was correct? Charms were all bought separately over a period of a couple of years.
  3. Hi all, just wondering if anyone can give me any advice on this situation. I bought a pram online from a company in Bristol at the end of June. It was £593 for a bundle which included the pram frame/pushchair, carrycot, and car seat which was a maxi cosi upgrade which accounted for £99 of the price. The baby was born mid July. Opened the pram to find that the frame was scratched. There were a few big scratched and a LOT of little scratches, as if someone had brushed sandpaper over the frame chrome finish frame. Before knowing this we had used the car seat to bring the baby home. The particular pram comes in black but also comes with a colour pack of the buyers choice. I contacted the company and was told that the scratches were 'manufacturing marks' and I could either take a partial refund of £50 of send the pram back to them and they would then send it to the manufacturer for investigation. I wasn't offered a replacement. I contacted the manufacturer myself and they told me that their products are not supplied with any scratches or marks as a result of manufacturing. I went back to the company I bought the pram from and explained this. After several emails which went ignored I emailed them again to say that I had been advised I am entitled to either a refund or replacement and that I would like a replacement. The gentleman at the pram shop then phoned and denied ignoring the emails and that he thought that the manufacturer was dealing with it which was obviously a lie. He arranged to pick the frame, carrycot and pushchair seat up which all had marks/ scratches and agreed to replace them. All the above so far took about 2.5/3 months. He send DPD to pick up the items about a month ago and we heard nothing. Gave it a few days and had to contact them again, same gentleman who then lied to say he sent an email re th pram after he received it which he didn't. He then said that he has looked at the other prams he has of the same model and they're all scratched/marked so would rather give a refund. He then said that he needs to send for the rest of the items. He will refund minus the price of the car seat as it had been used. Initially this was fine but I have priced it up and to buy it separately would leave me out of pocket as it was bought as a bundle. If I keep the car seat I am left unable to buy a bundle which will leave me out of pocket. In addition, the colour pack is now discontinued and cannot be purchased in a bundle, I would have to buy the colour pack separately which is almost £100. I contacted him again and was told that he would refund the cost minus 99 for the car seat. I explained about the colour pack and my inability now to buy a bundle, and asked if I might be able to keep colour pack as a good will gesture as I have been without a pram for 4 months and he said that he will do it at cost price. Can someone tell me where I stand on this. I would rather send the whole lot back including the car seat and have nothing more to do with this company. I can buy the carseat cheaper online which might allow me to break even buying everything individually. I suppose what I am asking is, do I have the right to return the carseat and have a full refund as it was purchased as a bundle and he is either unwilling/unable to supply me with the main part of the bundle in a satisfactory condition?
  4. Jail for travel agent who failed to explain missing thousands READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/jail-for-travel-agent-who-failed-to-explain-missing-thousands https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/former-travelogue-travel-agent-boss-15327351
  5. Hi to all! I have read some very helpful advices from the similar story thread like mine. I am wondering if anyone could ever help me as well with my situation This Saturday, when I was about to go to London to visit my 90 year old friend ( more like my second Father). I was so stress because I have not sleep that much for the whole week and stress out because my son who is 8 months old has been having temperature the whole week. all set...my husband told me to take his ticket. At first I said no but because I was rushing I just took the travel ticket in the end. Off I go to the station rushing to catch the train. When I got into the train the first thing I did was writing the things I have to do for the coming week. Booking my son's GP appointment, view my son's nursery, contact my manager about my maternity leave. And everything else. Then the inspector asked for my ticket. I was so stupid to gave her my husband's ticket thinking it was mine. So the inspector asked for my Ticket ID and obviously it won't match. When she asked me about my ticket and me thinking not to put my husbands into trouble, I said that I have my own weekly travel card and that card was beside my Husband's travel card and mistakenly took his instead of mine. But none of them was true, I just made it up because I do not know what to do and people are looking at me like a criminal. I have been in this country for 10 years and never been in this situation. When the inspector asked me about my reasons, I said I was on a rushed and I do not intend to take my husband's ticket. Which is true apart from the sentence when I said I have my own travel ticket. My husband went to the ticket office on Potters bar (GreatNorthern Railway) to ask if he could ever get his card back. But they didn't give it back instead he paid for another £300 for his travel card. They also asked for the reason about his ticket and all he said is that " My wife took my travel card by mistake and by the time she was on a train the ticket inspector took the travel card". It is indeed a mistake to take his travel card in the first place. I have called the customer service today asking what shall I do. But they cannot give me a straight answer. I am applying for my license and I do not want any records just because of my stupidity. I am so stress right now and I have no idea when the letter is coming so that i will know what to do next. I have read some thread here with a great result and I am hoping mine would be the same. I do not know if they will I prove to them that it is not my intention to use my husbands travel card. It was just a bad week for me and very stressful sleepless nights because of my son. But how would they understand my situation and what shall I do to prove them I am very sorry and it won't happen again. Should I email them before I received the letter from them or just wait? Please help me, I am not from this country but I have been living here for 10 years. I have never thought of being in this situation. Thank you in advance for those of you who would take time to read my story.
  6. It's obvious that the government is making it so difficult with benefits they are hoping that everyone will just give up claiming but I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or head butt the wall with this situation and just wondering if anyone has had similar problems because apparently the people in front and behind me in the cashiers queue had the same issue!! Had a medical appointment in London yesterday for my ongoing vertigo issue and am on UC at the moment (although haven't received anything as yet due to my last pay packet back in July!). However I can't remember where but someone told me as I am on UC I could claim back my travel expenses. The UC helpline (term used loosely) advised me that I could claim through the JCP but on contacting my Work Coach (again term used loosely) she advised me I couldn't claim through them but I could claim direct with the NHS. I called the NHS and that was correct but I had to take my proof of purchase, appointment letter and UC Reward Letter to the cashier at the hospital. Obviously I know unlike JSA where you get a letter stating you are receiving JSA you don't get the same thing with UC because the Council were complaining about that when I claimed Council Tax Benefit and the girl at the Council said it was all a bit of a shambles. So I called the UC helpline again and after half an hour trying to explain to an automated message that all I wanted was advice from and advisor I finally got through. The advisor told me that the statement on the dashboard was all I needed although all 4 pages of it seemed excessive and somewhat personal considering it states that I was awarded a massive UC total of £0 due to my wage the previous month of £xyz!! Queued for 25 minutes at the cashier’s desk at the hospital with all the documents and finally when I got to the window she wouldn't approve it stating that she needed a JSA Award Letter. I politely explained that in my part of the country and more than likely most of it by now including London there is no such thing as JSA and award letters anymore, (I may be wrong) and that the UC Office had said this statement would suffice. She wasn't for turning though and kept pointing to a clearly out of date note on the wall stating a JSA Award letter was required. I tried my best to keep calm and explained again that all is done online now and this is it, all I can offer. Eventually she took my number and said her supervisor would ring on Monday but keep my train tickets, which is fortunate I got a receipt because the machine eats the tickets once used!! As I left the guy behind said "Well we are buggered as well then" as he held up his UC Statement print out. When I got home I called the UC Helpline but was told they didn't deal with travel and I had to speak to my work coach and could only offer me an appointment next Wednesday!! I asked for a phone appointment because it seems a bit pointless taking up a walk in just for one question! I said that the previous UC advisor had informed me that a UC Statement would be ok but was curtly told that the UC advisor couldn't advise on that so didn't know why they had! I then rang the number for my Job Centre and went through merely to a switchboard who told me that my JCP was closed on Fridays. So we search for work for 35 hours a week and they work 4 days?!?! She however told me that the JCP can't help on that so I should contact UC Helpline!! I replied that the UC Helpline say they don't deal with that the JCP does and she said they didn't know why they advised me of that as they were wrong. After telling her I suspect she may be getting a few more calls from others with the same query I gave up at that point!!! So has anyone had any luck with claiming expenses of any kind with merely a UC Statement?! It seems impossible. The hospital say they need a letter that doesn't exist anymore, UC say it's down to the JCP to advise and the JCP say it's down to UC credit to advise. A system clearly created by a buffoon with no brain, sense or intelligence!!
  7. Hi all, New here and after some advice. I booked a package holiday through Olympic Holidays in April with flights operated by TUI. Our (2 of us) return flight (Corfu-Gatwick) was delayed due to a faulty aircraft having been sent back to Gatwick on it's way out to Corfu. This resulted in a 13 hour delay. Due to work commitments, we needed to be back home much earlier than this so unfortunately had to pay for new flights that were operated by Thomas Cook, plus €110 in baggage charges. The total came to around £400 after conversion (flights were £155 each). Before I start the long compensation process and so that I go about this in the correct way, I was looking for advice on: 1) Do I claim through Olympic or TUI? 2)Am I entitled to the standardised compensation package, or 3)Because I didn't take the scheduled flight, do TUI/Olympic have to pay me for the flights that I bought due to their delay, or: 4) Are they liable to pay for the flight that we didn't take due to the delay? I have a feeling Olympic/TUI will try passing me on like a hot potato so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jacob
  8. Can insurers take the excess twice for the 1 claim? I have queried a settled claim and the insurers have decided to pay me a 2nd payment but deducted the excess again. I thought they could only take it once.
  9. Hello, I’m desperately seeking help regard a claim with my travel insurance. Here is my situation: - Policy: Economy Light (attached) - Insure and Go is the insurance company - Incident while abroad: Money and travel documents stolen from inside our hotel room in Lyon, France, on the 1st night of the trip (22nd December 2017). Unfortunately they were not in the hotel safe. - Travel plans: The trip was originally organized in 2 parts: o 1 week in France: starting in Lyon (where the theft happened) and going to the south of France (Nice, Marseille and Perpignan) o 1 week in Morocco: Departure from Perpignan to Marrakesh and flying from Marrakesh back to London Luton. - Consequences of the incident: Cancellation of hotels in south of France (as we had to go to Paris instead in order to sort new passports) and complete cancellation of the Morocco trip as we couldn’t get passports in time. Extra accommodation and tickets to get home to the UK from Paris (1 week earlier as we missed the holidays in Morocco). - Claims I made: o Section I3: Passport and Travel documents: Seeking for payment to replace the documents (£100 each) o Section I2 - Personal money: Seeking for payment of the U$450 stolen o Section J - Cancelling and cutting short your holiday: Seeking for compensation of having cut my trip short because of the passports being stolen - Response from the Insurance: o Section I3: Passport and Travel documents: They agreed to pay but under this section it’s saying it includes all the extra expenses incurred in order to replace the passports (£100 doesn’t even cover the costs of the new passports, let alone all the extra expenses!!) o Section I2 - Personal money: They are saying there is an exclusion for this: (4. Cash or passports that you do not carry with you on your person (unless they are held in a locked safety deposit box).)"- so I guess I won’t be able to get this money back. o Section J - Cancelling and cutting short your holiday: They are saying that passports being stolen is not in policy as a reason to cut the trip short (which for me is more than absurd as without a passport you cannot travel!). But I don’t see it in the exclusions. They are saying that only these reasons are covered: "Travel and accommodation expenses that you have paid or have agreed to pay under a contract and which you cannot get back, including any local prepaid excursions, tours or activities, if it is necessary and you cannot avoid cancelling or cutting short your trip; and reasonable extra travel costs if it is necessary and you cannot avoid cutting short your trip." I really feel that passports being stolen affect the trip and in my case made me miss flights and my trip and accommodation in Morocco. - Costs incurred: Amongst hotels we missed, extra accommodation in Paris, flights missed and extra ticket to get back to the UK we spent over 2,000 euros! Is there anything I can do to get any compensation under Section J (or any other section that apply better to my situation)??? I’m considering to raise this with the Travel Ombudsman, but not sure how to approach. Please help.. this has ruined my Christmas and my 2 weeks holidays and I’m trying to get a sensible response from the Insurance, but so far I only got “rejections” of my claims. I would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions you can give me! Travel Insurance Policy.pdf
  10. Hello, all Today I received an intention to prosecute from Thamleslink railway in relation to an incident some weeks ago. To provide some background, I was having a pretty forgetful few days... I left my coat & gloves on the train, forget my suit when attending a wedding and in relation to this post, I forget to get a train ticket. For context, I was extremely sleep deprived as I recently became a father for the first time and was under a ton of pressure. At around 6am, I arrived at my train station late for my train which I was under pressure to make as I had a job interview (the company I work for has been recently bought so I don't have job security & I have bought a new house). I use carnet tickets where I fill in the ticket with the appropriate date. I had forgotten to pick up a new blank ticket that morning and proceeded to use an old ticket unintentionally to enter the barriers and board the train (I didnt check). I suddenly realised the mistake I had made and in my panic, I changed the date of the old ticket to the day of travel. I appreciate this is an error of judgement but in my haze of sleep deprivation and panic, I made a bad choice. A revenue inspector asked me to produce my ticket, which I did and he accused me of changing the dates. I attempted to explain myself and convince him it wasn't premeditated but he informed me of rights and took my details. I admitted my mistake to the officer and admitted to changing the dates. This is my first caution and I am now obviously worried about the outcome (fine, criminal record, prison sentence etc). I am obviously happy to pay a fine as I did a bad thing but I dont want to lose my job over this. I have tickets to prove I had a blank ticket at home and have never done this before. My offences are listed as; - Altering a ticket with intent - entering a train for the purpose of travelling without a ticket Any advice on how I should respond to the prosecution letter and guidance on what penalty they could impose would be appreciated. Thank you so much.
  11. Hello, My sister has had a incident with my travel card. When she was exiting the station a travel officer caught her using my card. She admitted to the travel officer that she had used her husbands travel card as she did not know it was mine. She had also informed him that he did not know her taking it. She admitted to using it, and gave all her personal information. He informed her that she would recieve a letter and now we have recieved that letter. The letter states that she was reported 26th of October 2017 failing to produce a valid ticket, pass or photocard for the journey. The facts of the incident are being considered and they are advising that legal proceedings may be taken against her . In order for them to deal with our case correctly they want us to fill out the form on the reverse side. We do not wish for her to be prosecuted and she has never been convicted before regarding anything. I have not sent her appeal yet but I would like some advice before i send it This is what I wrote in her appeal: Dear Sir / Madam I would like to inform you that all these years I have been living in the UK, I have never been part of such an incident as well as I have never been a part of any criminal activity and most certainly never fare dodged. I feel so ashamed and depressed because of my ignorant decision. It was not something I neither planned nor did intentionally; rather it was more in the heat of the moment. It has been a very stressful period for me and my husband since he is working full time and I am on maternity leave alone with toddler and baby during the days. I literally have one free day a week when my husband has a rest day from his job, which lately I have been spending on gathering necessities for my children and relatives regarding our travel in November. Therefore when I was to enter the station I notice that I am not carrying my own pocket book and I had already reached the entrance. There was a long queue behind me stressing me so I panicked and used the card that was in the pocket book which I thought initially was my husbands. After this whole incident I feel even more stressed, distraught sad but mostly ashamed. I have had so much trouble sleeping and I barely have enough energy to take care of my kids. I am so afraid of what will happen to me. I will co-operate with you to the fullest and you have my guarantee that this will never be repeated. I would like to make you aware that there is no excuse for what I did and I am ready to pay the maximum fine for my mistake. I wish one day in the near future to return to work and continue my job search after starting a family, and a conviction would destroy my chances of finding a decent job to support and help provide for my family. I beg and wish for you to have some understanding of my current situation and we can find our way towards a settlement. If anyone can please read this through and advise me what I need to add and if there is someway we can settle this without her getting convicted? If there is someone out there with similar experience and can inform us what our next step should be and what we should be prepared for I would appericate it so much I would appericate it My sister is so stressed out right now. Thank you very much I have updated my appeal and added a few things: Dear Sir / Madam I would like to inform you that all these years I have been living in the UK, I have never been part of such an incident as well as I have never been a part of any criminal activity and most certainly never fare dodged. I feel so ashamed and depressed because of my ignorant decision. It was not something I neither planned nor did intentionally; rather it was more in the heat of the moment. It has been a very stressful period for me and my husband since he is working full time and I am on maternity leave alone with toddler and baby during the days. I literally have one free day a week when my husband has a rest day from his job, which lately I have been spending on gathering necessities for my children and relatives regarding our travel in November. I left my apartment in such a rush and quickly picked up my keys, my purse and what i thought was my pocket book from the kitchen table, since I was already late for my vaccine appointment, when I was to enter the station I notice that I am not carrying my own pocket book and I had already reached the entrance. Since I did not have my own card and I know that i could pay for my ticket due to that I did not have my bank card or any cash with me since they were in my pocket book. I was not thinking clearly and I was already so stressed since i left home so late and knew I had to be home so early. All I could think of was coming home to my children that I had left with my husband so he would babysit them while I am away for my appointment. I knew I had to be home early since he had a night shift the same day. There was a long queue behind me stressing me so I panicked and used the card that was in the pocket book which I thought initially was my husbands. After this whole incident I feel even more stressed, distraught sad but mostly ashamed. I have had so much trouble sleeping and I barely have enough energy to take care of my kids. I am so afraid of what will happen to me. I will co-operate with you to the fullest and you have my guarantee that this will never be repeated. I would like to make you aware that there is no excuse for what I did and I am ready to pay the maximum fine for my mistake. I wish one day in the near future to return to work and continue my job search after starting a family, and a conviction would destroy my chances of finding a decent job to support and help provide for my family. I beg and wish for you to have some understanding of my current situation and we can find our way towards a settlement.
  12. We booked a holiday with a well known travel agent in our region with monarch and were due to go early November. As a relative works for this company we received a little more discount. When Monarch collapsed we were told that we would have to pay again and could not receive a refund. After a lot of angry words we changed our holiday to the same hotel flying with another company and from a different airport and paid the full amount again. We were told we would have to wait for the caa claim form to arrive and then make a claim as we received the extra discount and it was company policy that a refund couldn't be given to 'staff bookings' although this is not stated in the company handbook. I would not have minded paying the difference between the original cost and the new cost but having spoken to others and reading of others who had the simple task of changing or getting a refund, I would like to know my rights in this case. My contract is with the travel agent who are just not bothered. Unfortunately I paid for the holiday on a debit card and have been unable to get a charge back through my bank. Any advice will be appreciated as I can not see why I have to wait to receive my money back when others didn't.
  13. Hi All. I wonder if anyone has encountered a similar situation. I booked some tickets for flights with Arik airlines on the 9th Feb. Arik have since suspended all flights from the UK since they are in financial trouble. After contacting travel trolley numerous times, I have been told that i cannot get a refund until they hear back from Arik airlines. So far, all their queries to Arik have gone unattended (so they say). I booked these tickets with a visa debit card. Where do i stand in terms of a refund? The thing about this all is that i need the money back so i can re book those tickets with another airline, and i am due to travel in April. What is the best way around this??
  14. Does a UK passport holder need at least six months left on there passport in order to travel ?.
  15. If i normally get to work in 3 minutes but i am told to go to training that is 1 hour 20 minutes away should i be getting paid travel time? I am being paid petrol (bar the two miles i travel daily) for the trip. I've been told i will get the 4 hours for the course but that's it! I look forward to your replies.
  16. Are people aware that NHS England is now allowing GP practices to de-register patients they have not seen for 5 years ? This might mean that those who have not been to their Doctor for years are delayed in getting an appointment, because they have to register first. And those that fall ill on holiday, might have problems with Travel Insurance. If you have not seen a Doctor for years or are not registered with a Doctor, i would suggest that you arrange Insurance by phone, so you can make Insurers aware that you are not registered with Doctors, so they have no records to check in the event of a claim. See this article. Grandmother faces a £5,000 medical bill despite taking out insurance http://dailym.ai/2exhnGs
  17. Are people aware that NHS England is now allowing GP practices to de-register patients they have not seen for 5 years ? This might mean that those who have not been to their Doctor for years are delayed in getting an appointment, because they have to register first. And those that fall ill on holiday, might have problems with Travel Insurance. If you have not seen a Doctor for years or are not registered with a Doctor, i would suggest that you arrange Insurance by phone, so you can make Insurers aware that you are not registered with Doctors, so they have no records to check in the event of a claim. See this article. Grandmother faces a £5,000 medical bill despite taking out insurance http://dailym.ai/2exhnGs
  18. I have had a Fee paying packaged bank account with Barclays since June 1999. I had no idea until a couple years ago that it was not a standard monthly account fee but a packaged account. I had no use for a packaged account as I had breakdown insurance with my employment at the time of opening the account (company vehicle), we always bought our family travel insurance and had other normal insurance covers in place. I would never have agreed to pay over the odds for a bank account if I was made aware of this at the time. Please could someone advise me how I should pursue the monies that I have paid over this 17 year period and if I would be able to claim for the interest on all of the monies paid out. Thanks in anticipation Billy
  19. Hi guys, I desperately need an advice regarding a flight I booked from the travel agent called Tripsta UK. It was CSA (Czech Airlines) flight operated by Smartwings, departure on 28/6/2016. The flight was cancelled on 24/5/2016 but nobody let me know about it and nobody wants to pay me any form of compensation. Tripsta said that they sent me an email on 21/6 but I haven't received anything. I checked my email box throughout. They sent me a print screen of the email and the email said to contact them back by 24/6/2016 to confirm the change but I didn't contact them back so I didn't confirm anything. They rescheduled the fight automatically on 28/6/2016 at 21:20pm so we had 14 hours gap! Even if they sent me the email on 21/6/2016, they still didn't act according to the regulations issued by EU (Regulation 261/2004) which says that they have to inform me 2 weeks prior to the departure. Therefore I believe that the compensation should be paid to me. I contacted the airline and they said they can't take any responsibility for that because the flight was purchased through travel agent and not through them. They also informed me about Resolution 830 D, paragraph 5 issued by association IATA which says that if the flight was purchased through travel agent, the travel agent should inform me regarding the change.. It says:"“the Agent shall notify the customer of the reservations status of all segments and associated services and of any changes thereto. “ The problem is that Tripsta says that according to their terms and conditions they take no responsibility for any changes regarding the changes of the flight schedule. To be more specific, their terms and conditions says the following: In addition, according to our terms and conditions Changes to flight schedules " "In case of re-timing of flight time schedule, if you provide us with contact information, we will endeavour to notify you of any such changes. However, it is your responsibility to check with the airline that the flight (and any onward flights) you have confirmed is operating as booked. We strongly recommend that you contact your airline at least 72 hours before the scheduled departure of each flight to do this. Please note that for some airlines it is mandatory to confirm with them your intention to fly. We have no control over airline schedule changes and accept no liability for costs which may arise as a result of such changes." But I still think that despite of their terms and conditions, they should follow the laws issued by EU as the laws issued by EU has higher precedence than their terms and conditions. Am I right? The point is that nobody informed 2 WEEKS prior to the departure regarding the cancellation and according to the EU law I should have been informed. I'm in the positions when both sides blame each other or they blame me and nobody wants to pay me the compensation. I was travelling with my mum, we didn't sleep 24 hours because of this and it caused us lots of stress and it cost us lots of money to get home because we had to pay lots of money for taxi to get to our hometown at night. It was horrendous experience and I strongly believe it was the fault of the travel agent and the airline. Could you PLEASE advise me what to do and how to get some money back? Thank you so much. Raduska
  20. Hi... I booked a ticket through flight centre with an agent. This guy was hurrying me up for a week to offer me this special deal which apparently closed by 6pm on Friday. I eventually booked it on the day...and paid over the phone. Prior to that I received a terms and conditions note, then paid for the ticket. I received the itinerary confirming the flight and ticket two days ago. The agent then asked me if I was still looking for hotels and I said I was, asked if he could help with that as well... a day later he sent me an email saying: "I only ask because the airline informed me that the special price I gave you can only be offered if booked with a hotel , if you don't book a hotel I will have to refund your ticket as it will be invalid ". Now at no point did this agent mention anything about the price being linked to a hotel booking., and he knew I was seeking hotels but made no mention of it,, instead he was calling me all week to get this special offer. can he really cancel my ticket? I have received it, the money has left my account... Shouldn't he have been aware of the ticket conditions. .that's if he's not just trying to scare me into booking a hotel ( I don't need a hotel and its in NY so it will be very expensive.) If I booked a ticket and changed my mind I would never get a refund. What advice does anyone have for me to pursue this. .as I do not want my flight offer cancelled. Nothing in any paperwork or ticket conditions say it must be booked with a hotel. Thanks very much
  21. I organised a coach to take us from Barsnley to Wembley for the Play offs on Sunday just gone. I paid a £50 on my credit card and I paid £1250 via a bank transfer. The coach broke down on the way to Wembley and the driver said it did this about 4 weeks ago with the same problem and also the fitter who came to repair it said this should have been picked up before travel. We arrived at Wembley 25 mins into kick off, 6hr 45 after setting off. Barnsley to Wembley is over 250km. The coach companies T&Cs say they are not liable due to breakdowns but I think that they should have been aware of this if they had checked their vehicles (They were late collecting us as the coach they were going to send broke down). The ocach was not fit for purpose. As the coach was booked to take us to Wembley for the play offs and didnt succeed, can I claim the booking money back from the CC company as the booking wasnt comeplted satisfactory. Help appreciated.
  22. The government is set to delay implementing enhanced rights for rail passengers by 18 months, Which? has discovered. Earlier this month, it emerged that the government is set to delay the implementation of the Consumer Rights Act in sea and air travel until October 2016. And now, Which? has discovered that rail will be delayed by a further 12 months until October 2017. The Consumer Rights Act came into force across most sectors in October 2015 and was initially due to apply to all travel sectors from 6 April 2016. This delay means consumers will now have to wait another 18 months to be able to claim a full refund or compensation when a train operator does not deliver a service 'with reasonable care and skill'. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2016/04/further-delays-in-store-for-rail-passenger-rights-439947/
  23. My name is Mike (edit) I work in a IT company, I love travelling Recently I travelled to Africa but the travel company Crystal Travel didn't provide the value of money I pay to them.So i am here to complain that.
  24. Don't know if this has been discussed previously on here but has anyone any clarification on whether the 90 minutes travel time is calculated by bus/train timetable information or calculated by actual travel time? For example, according to the timetable my morning bus takes 52 minutes to reach town, but as the rush-hour traffic is considerable the journey actually takes 1hr 20 mins on average - sometimes even longer. Add to this the fact that after you get off the bus, a further walk may be required to reach the job. In their usual fashion, the DWP info is totally vague and just mentions 'travel time'. I would class 'travel time' as the actual time it takes to reach the job, not the theoretical time on the timetable. Buses may run nearer to the timetable during the mid-day but they certainly don't during the morning rush hour!
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