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Found 7 results

  1. The other day I stupidly shoplifted again. I had done it before for very small items and did it for fun. But this time (for the first time) I was caught. I got pulled aside and they asked to search my bag which I didn’t argue and I just opened my bag and showed them the items. They didn’t actually search the bag and I just handed them the things (there was still stuff in there which they didn’t find out about) they took me to a room at the back of the store where I wrote my name and address and I was allowed to pay for the items (came to under £20) and leave. They never officially said that I was banned but am not sure whether I will receive a letter or whatever (btw I'm under 16 and I don’t want my parents finding out) and also if they do send a letter, how long will the letter take to arrive? Just to let you know we were out in 10 minutes from when the guards pulled us aside and us setting foot out the store.
  2. Hubby watched the cashier at Tescos put all of the frozen foodstuffs - individually, into those tiny little carrier bags that they have on a roll by the fresh fruit and veg shelves.... He hadn't asked her to - she then tried to charge him 5p for each one !!. He gave her a choice, remove all of the products from the bags - or remove the 25p charge from the bill.
  3. Hi, I seem to be yet another 'victim' of having taken out Tescos car insurance in good faith in September 2015, only to be stopped by the police in December 2015 & told that I don't actually have insurance!!! After my car being impounded, a raging rant at Tescos, letters to Tescos, etc, I was finally sent a CD with the recorded conversation with Tescos and a letter from them, disclaiming all responsibility. I now have a court date in May 2016 relating to driving without insurance and the risk of a fine and points. I'm aware from reading on the site that many people seem to have had similar experiences with Tescos. Please can anyone who has actually managed to get resolution to this situation tell me how to do it. Ideally, I would like to find a solicitor who has managed to win a case such as this against Tescos. I am not a happy bunny ... but I'm sure help is out there somewhere.
  4. took a little battering around but.. ordered a treadmill from tesco direct, fullfilled by sportshq ordered the friday and paid extra for delivery "on or by Saturday" come saturday and no delivery, spoke to customer services and they tried to expain that it "wasnt their fault it was sports hq's fault" emailed ceo office, 30 mins later phone call, explaining they cant get it that day but would look into it and make sure we "were not out of pocket" monday email saying it had been delivered to a neighbour could we check it was ok and they were looking into it as their contract said mon-sat delivery sportshq claimed it was mon-fri tuesday email after we confirmed it was ok, sorry for the inconvenience, we are looking into the contract and have sent a money card for """""£50""""" was expecting £2 for the extra cost of delivery, not most the cost back..
  5. Hi ladies and gents. Back in Feb my partner and I were caught stealing in tesco. This is the first and only time and I am fully aware of how low and wrong it is but we were both out of work and to us at the time needing to eat was a reasonable enough excuse to steal. Security stopped us at the bottom of the escalators asking us to come with them. After calling the police out (who were extremely nice) we got to go home and I felt like crap for weeks. we have both received separate letters each for a few months from RLP asking for £253.75 EACH for time and effort etc and we are now getting near to the time they will be getting DCA involved by the looks of things. My questions are, the letters keep talking about them telling tesco to ask for the full amount as we have been ignoring them (in absolutely no position to pay). Does this mean what they are asking for isn't the full amount? If they set the DCAs on us are we likely to go to court or anything like that? Where do I stand? :/ I am totally stressing out over this so any help and advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks
  6. Hi! My first time at this! Is anyone else like me and wonder why Tescos does so well? I go in there and all the drinks seem to be sugary rubbish. Most of the meat seems to be very processed , poor ham and beef etc. If you are trying to find healthy foods: salmon salads, V8 type drinks, unprocessed meat or let alone fresh fish. I suspect people have got so used to frozen fish or fish treated with bleaches etc they no longer know what the real thing is. Admittedly Waitrose and M&S are expensive alternatives and not perfect but surely people value what they are putting in their bodies more than what Tescos serves up? Also I don't buy it that people can't afford better food as the very same people who buy from Tescos can be seen lining up in KFC/McDonalds etc (all more expensive than the "better" supermarkets). Come on people, vote with your feet! No, I don't work for Waitrose..just interested in peoples thoughts! Mike
  7. On the 5th of July 2011 my husband and I were involved in a car accident. I was 16 weeks pregnant and our car was stationary on a roundabout when a pile up involving three cars occurred. We were the last car to be hit and the driver in the middle car behind us was badly injured and had a hospital stay. We went to A & E and I also had an ultrasound. I was diagnosed with whiplash and a back injury and my husband an upper back injury. After the accident I developed problems with my hips that started in the left and then right so both were affected. This led to me having 16 weeks off work until my maternity leave begun in November 2011. I was repeadly signed off but the doctors notes had to say that it was pregnancy related in order for me not to occur a disciplinary due to long term sickness. I begun physiotherapy organized by Tescos insurance (The Treatment Network) in August 2011 along with my husband. I had to stop exercising because of the pain and found even after giving birth on the 22nd of Dec 2011 that I still suffered problem with my right hip. Both myself and my husband went back for physio for 4 weeks and I improved. My lack of activity affected me greatly as I was very active prior to this accident and I developed postnatal depression as I had occurred more weight gain and less exercise relief than before. We have been discharged from the physio even though I am still suffering some pain. I have been calculating my loss of earnings as I am sales based and have lost out on a bonus I was 80% away from hitting £2000 (would be taxed and I have back up from my work that they will confirm this to the insurers) and my commission of £53.09 per week (calculated through pay slips during August 2010 to August 2011) for a total of 16.02 weeks is £860.06. The holiday I had to take were 16 days which I worked out to be at a value of £151.40 per day (calc from my last p60 taking off any bank holiday and weekends and dividing by number of days worked) which is a total of £2422.35 which also would be taxed. This is a total of £4882.42 which does not include pain or suffering etc. My question is will they squirm out of paying this. Before I gave birth they wanted to settle at about £2000 not including any loss of earnings. They also will need to pay my travel to and from treatments. This is the only accident I've had in my life and I'm not sure of how this works?
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