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Found 13 results

  1. Hi, I'm new to this forum and looking to get some advice on a dispute my parents are having. They paid (by cheque) to have new Soffits and Fascia’s fitted by a company called EnviroTherm based in Ilkeston, Derbyshire. https://www.envirothermgroup.com/ My parents received a phone call out of the blue from a salesman who had provided a quote for the work 2/3 years ago saying he had moved company (to EnviroTherm) and asking to visit them to provide a new quote as he felt his new company would be cheaper. His new company (EnviroTherm) were more expensive until he phoned his manager and knocked around £1,000 off the price bringing the total price down to £2,375. I know this is a sales tactic but unfortunately they fell for it. My parents paid a 50% deposit which was £1,187.50. The deposit was only refundable within 14 days but EnviroTherm contacted my parents after 14 days had passed demanding an extra £1,500 for scaffolding. My parents stated that they would not pay the extra money and if the work couldn't be carried out for the agreed price they wanted their money back. EnviroTherm initially argued that their request was after the 14 days but when my parents argued the fact that the agreed price had been changed after the 14 days EnviroTherm agreed to refund their deposit. The process of getting EnviroTherm to agree to refund the deposit took many phone calls to speak to the manager who was always in a meeting or out of the office. One day my mum was even advised in the morning that he was in a meeting and later that day that he wasn't in work that day. Eventually, after many phone calls and many false claims to have posted a cheque EnviroTherm did send a cheque to my parents last Wednesday (25th April) which they received the next day and paid into the bank on Friday. Today my parents have been advised that the cheque has been cancelled by the company. The company have answered my mum's phone call today and claimed they are looking into the situation. They asked for her bank details but she didn't give these as she doesn't trust the company and instead demanded a new cheque. She's currently waiting to hear back. We're not hopeful of getting this resolved as my research into the company has highlighted that it is owned by a Jason David Rowan or Lord Jason David Rowan who was the owner of EnergySave who featured on Rogue Traders for their pressurised selling similar to that used on my parents but also much worse as well as their racism. I'm looking for advice on what legal step to take? I've read about a letter before action, is that the next step to take? I feel that they need to put something in writing the company as most of her communication has been over the phone. Any help or advice would be gratefully received!
  2. Hi guys, I have recently contacted Santander regarding an alliance and leciester loan which was taken out about 2004. I have had a response saying that they are unable to locate an account, product, or PPI policy based on the information provided and as such they will not be upholding the complaint. As my own memory of the loan is sketchy other than the amount and the fact that I did pay PPI (I was told at the time my application would likely be unsuccesful without taking PPI); I was wondering if there is any other way I may find details. I have no paperwork left to do with the loan, and the bank account that repayments was made from is long closed down (Was with natwest I am going to contact them to see if they still have any records), the loan is also long gone off my credit file. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Gary
  3. Way back in 2008 i was struggling. Business,Housing,Debt the lot. And lost the lot,no big deal many did. Came on here and slowly got sorted out.I am fine now. But at the time i somehow started looking around America and was quite shocked in what i saw. It began when i saw how people were struggling in Detroit.Read a article one day in the Daily Telegraph from a journalist i got to know quite well. And slowly started through forums and newspapers to show my support for the people who were living in Tent Cities over there. Had a debate or two with some over there who just did not seem to care very much. And wrote to the President and others over there to show i was concerned. Received a couple of replies from their helpers as i call them.Nothing major at least i received replies. Slowly over time and living a busy life although looking every now and again i stopped looking as hard thinking things were going to be sorted out. Now i hear that many people despite working and being on minimum wages unable to afford to rent or buy despite 2 or more wages coming in. And feel it is getting the same here. People perhaps being priced out of many cities and some towns despite working locally all their lives. Now the other day i read a report saying councils are that strapped for cash here that they are hardly able any more to help people made homeless. It just costs to much. So as you see things perhaps deteriorate if inflation really gets going next year surely a huge crisis could be coming. Many people are one paycheck away from serious trouble with mortgages and rent. If interest rates go up just imagine what may happen. Bankfodder and others are warning that inflation may happen next year and batten down the hatches by if possible paying off any debts you have now.Or before the middle of next year.If that is possible. I suppose i am thinking if this continues you must feel tent cities could appear here. People will occupy public land on the outskirts of cities where they work. Kind of not have much choice. However this may help. Councils could face new duty to prevent homelessness As rents rise and benefits fall, more people face losing their home. A bill aims to stop people from becoming homeless by giving English councils specific duties to help everyone at an earlier stage http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/analysis/2016/11/councils-could-face-new-onus-prevent-homelessness The number of people demanding help over homelessness has rocketed by more than 50,000 in the last year as new figures laid bare the scale of the problem facing Britain this Christmas. Nearly half a million people now contact housing and homelessness charity Shelter every year. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3935570/Shocking-50-000-rise-number-people-demanding-help-homelessness-Britain-120-000-kids-prepare-wake-without-home-Christmas.html#ixzz4RONNMIi3 A tent city in America. American Story: Tent City USA The State of Homelessness in America 2016 On a single night in January 2015, 564,708 people were experiencing homelessness — meaning they were sleeping outside or in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program. http://www.endhomelessness.org/library/entry/SOH2016 Homelessness in numbers Quantifying homelessness isn't straightforward. This is an introduction to the figures available, and insight into what they mean. http://www.homeless.org.uk/facts/homelessness-in-numbers So how do you feel about things. Are you living on the edge. Having sleepless nights worrying about things.
  4. I have been struggling the last year to pay my Credit cards. I stopped paying them 6 months ago and asked for CCAs, but now they have been passed on to Debt collectors. I requested a CCA from the original credit card company at the time and they sent this reply and the CCA. How do I know if it is valid? Its a reconstituted CCA. Can someone give me some advice? thanks
  5. Hello, I would be very grateful for any advice / input on my options to move forward with my debt. I currently owe £50k to about 11 creditors. I have been on a DMP for 3 years paying £140 a month. I am self-employed, I rent and now live by myself so am covering all bills etc. I will be paying off debt until 2046 so am thinking IVA or Bankruptcy may be better solution to enable me to move forward in my life within 10 years. Many thanks in advance FF
  6. A leaked staff memo at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) appears to show the government is still struggling to roll out its flagship welfare programme, universal credit (UC), across the UK. More Here: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/oct/27/universal-credit-leaked-memo-scheme-rollout
  7. Is there a way to send an LBA to Vodafone and have it read by someone who might actually be able to say "oh dear this fellow actually has good cause for action, perhaps we should stop ignoring him?" Some name or address or department I could send it to? I ask because, after having legal advice that my claim is strong, last week I sent my LBA, to their registered office address, not addressed to anyone in particular. I've just had the reply and my heart sank as I read two pages of the usual rambling, uncomprehending waffle - padded with irrelevant statistics about my account and answers to unrelated questions I didn't even ask - that their customer services produces every other time I contact them. Yes, my LBA was dealt with by the same first-line customer support reps who drove things to this point in the first place, even though it was liberally plastered with handy pointers like "LETTER BEFORE ACTION - 14 DAYS NOTICE". I realise the next step can just be to go to MCOL and pay the £105 issue fee. But no matter how much I might blame VF for us being here, it just seems wrong to start proceedings without at least *someone* there taking a proper look at the situation and having a chance to settle. I don't *mind* if they have to pay more costs and fees, but I don't want that to happen pointlessly. So... any suggestions from someone better informed than me? Jason P.S. I've tried phoning, emailing, webchat and on their website... believe me, I've tried...
  8. The girlfriend's car broke down so we took it to a local garage we have used in the past. The guy who owns it seems to be a decent chap and gave us a price on changing the cambelt and oil filter/oil change which we agreed to. We dropped it off on the Thursday and he told us it would be done by Friday lunchtime. Friday lunchtime came and went so we popped in to find out what was going on the (girlfriend needs the car for work which we explained at the time of agreeing to the work). The garage owner explained he was having big problems removing the crank bolt, he's tried everything but now the end of the bolt had rounded off so he couldn't get a grip on it. He told us the car would be ready on Saturday and he would ring us, needless to say he didn't call and when we rang him he didn't answer, we rang again from the girlfriends phone and he did answer saying he was still unable to remove the bolt but would get it done Monday. My question is if it turns out he cannot get the car fixed am I still liable to pay for his time? The car is only worth £600 and the only work I agreed to came to about £270 plusa bit extra due to the time he'd spent with the bolt which I have no problem with as long as he finishes the job. Thanks
  9. Hello there, this is my first post so hopefully I'm doing everything right! Five years ago my husband was given the opportunity to buy into the company he was working for, we had to do this using the equity in our home, as we did not have quite enough we were offered a Northern Rock Together mortgage, little could I have imagined how expensive this was going to turn out to be. Anyway five years on, we have somehow managed to meet all our repayments, never missing one. Things have been getting progressively more difficult for my husbands business and rather than make staff redundant he and his fellow Directors decided to take a 20% pay cut for a period of 6 months, thus making is very difficult to meet the mortgage repayments. We called NRAM with a view to going interest free for the next 6 months. We thought this would be easy as lenders want to help you if anticipate problems with repayments. I could n't have been more shocked when to even consider this request we have to supply 3 months bank statements, 3 months bank statements relating to my husbands business, prove we have tried to reduce our other outgoings and prove we have contacted one of these debt companies that help you reduce other debts, one we have done all this they still may not agree to our request. Maybe this is the norm, but I find obstructive rather than helpful and they obviously have no sense of urgency. Before I start to do all the things they are requesting I just wondered if this is the norm, having not been in this position before, I have nothing to compare it too. Many thanks
  10. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2221638/Child-benefit-cuts-heading-chaos-Reforms-complicated-taxman-explain-them.html
  11. Hi guys, I have been looking at a number of threads and am interested in some advice if at all possible. My family and I (fiance and 3 year old child) moved to Australia about 4 and half months ago. We have been wanting to make the move for a number of years, and it took us literally 3 years to get here...so we didnt want to / couldnt give up the chance. The problem I have is I currently still owe a lot of money to the UK, roughly around the following: 15k bank loan (unsecured - never had a mortgage, etc.) about 18k on cards Up until this month, I have managed to send money back to cover MINIMUM payment amounts...but even after 3 months it is financially hitting me. Up until now I have literally worked in AU to pay UK payments, and with international transfer costs, etc. I loose x amount each transfer. I have already notified (by letter) my bank, and credit card companies of my change of address in AU - I have already had one letter through from RBS demanding payment after missing 1 payment! My question is....I realisticly cant continue to pay my UK debts. If i continue to not making payments, what will happen and on what sort of average time scale? Is there anyway that it can effect my credit rating or credit checks in Oz? (sorry that is more than one question!) I have no wish to apply for any credit in Oz, the whole idea is that we do things right this time. I am no way saying or blaming anyone other than me for what I have ran up, but part of me does hold blame with the actual lending companies I owe to. In the UK, our monthly income was £2k....pre credit crunch I was literally getting credit thrown at me hence the reason the debts are at the level that they are. I am now 30 years old, but when the firms were lending me the money I was a single young to mid 20's....I'm sure someone there should have thought hold on a second! I have never had a mortgage in my own name, so any loan or credit card I have ever had has never been "secured". I really hope you guys can give me some sound advice; as things stand, I wont financially be able to afford to send any money back to cover payments for September either, and things will probably carry on for October too. Its not what I wanted to do, it really wasnt, but the thing is western australia is an expensive place to live with a single income - we have / had no future in the uk, so have no intentions what so ever of moving back there. Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys
  12. firstly I would like to say thank you for any help you can give me. For the past few years I have been paying a ccj @ £100 a month for a debt that started at £5000 (new windows) Unfortunately we ran into some hard times and couldn't afford to pay the window company. the courts told us to repay at a rate of £40 which we were doing. I was getting some work so i upped it to £100 a month not realizing that a few years later the debt hasn't subsided at all. Even though I have almost paid back the total amount I have been charged left right and center from the bailiffs thus the debt stands at £4700!!! I am now in need of a reduction back down to the £40 a month but they debt collection agency are adamant I have to apply to the courts to do so. C n gaunt and son is the agency. But i upped the payment myself so I cant understand why I have to visit a court to lower the payments again. I have paid £100.50 since march 2008 and have bank statements to show to that affect. By the end of this month it will mean i have paid £5226. Once i get the email i will throw around some sums and come back on here- Much obliged for the help guys I have sent them a request for all the relevant paperwork such as the original warrant and breakdown of all the charges.
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