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Found 6 results

  1. Will try and keep this short, I owed United utilities £500 for water which they sent to scottcall. I worked with them (regret that now) and set up a £50 a month plan. I made the first payment via standing order so I didn't give them my details, it never arrived on my account. I loaded with UU who said they had resolved it and I had paid it wrong so scottcall kept it in a holding account. I have proof I sent it where they told me. I've kicked up a fuss been verbally abused by scottcall threatening to call at my house, so I informed UU i will pay them direct online but they are refusing to accept that and will only deal with me via scottcall. I've paid online anyway this month but UU are adamant that they won't be accepting any further online payments to my account. I've offered to set a direct debit up for £88 a month, 50 for debt and 33 for new year
  2. Hi all..... My wife has just had a letter from scotcall saying they are going to send someone round about a debt we have... I have an arrangement with another DCA , DLC to pay this debt monthly and am happy to pay this as it is owed by us jointly. I rang scotcall and they said that they had been passed my wife's details by DLC and they could chase her for it. I pointed out to this person that I had an agreement with DLC , his reply was " she hasn't so we are chasing her ". I then told him that he had no right to send someone to my door without an appointment and if he did I would call the police, his reply was thanks for your time and he hung up... What should we do as we are already paying back this money to DLC and don't want to pay someone else as well Any help would be welcome Thanks
  3. hi all my wife has had a visit from a scottcall "debt collector" today wanting £102.twenty p from an old catalogue account now the last time we used that account was in 2005 and we swear down that we paid it but he said that they acquired it in 2009 can they force us to pay it plus it was in a old name because it threw her for a couple of minutes and she said she didn't know. when he said that he was going to the police do a fraud report and said to my wife to do the same thing and ring him when she got the incident number. so basically what do we do yours in hope dd
  4. I have recently returned to the folks house and found a letter from Trevor Munn regarding a Virgin Active account I thought I had dealt with. I joined Virgin Active on the 16/07/10 and went to my induction on the 21/07/10, however, the staff didn't turn up and I was stood around until I had to go to work. I asked to cancel my membership but an employee (Clare) of Virgin Active told me I couldn't and I was locked in for 12 months. I paid up my 12 months and thought that was that. Apparently, Virgin Active continued to debit my account and took 14 months and unilaterally rolled the contract over for a further 12 months. I tried to contact Trevor Munn as they said they were issuing proceedings, they sent me to ARC. ARC said they were sending bailiffs to my parents address regardless of whether I own anything there and demanded £329.50. I advised them that I was unemployed and cannot pay that sum, they said they will send the bailiffs regardless. I offered to set up a direct debit agreement, ARC refused and said they wanted £329.50 immediatly or they are sending the bailiff. I thought this was unreasonable and said surely they have to comply to some sort of code of conduct. I was redirected to Scott Call to resolve this. I honestly don't know where this train is going to end and I am finding the threats very stressful. I googled Scott Call ready to prepare a direct debit agreement and found this site, hopefully I can find salvation here. P.S. Heres the kicker, I was told because I didnt specifically request a gym membership cancelation form within 30 days of joining I was stuck, despite asking an employee of Virgin Active to cancel my account. 2 years of Virgin Active and I have been once!
  5. Hi, I had a policy with Admiral at the beggining of last year. I was with them for a couple of months when someone crashed into my parked car. My car was only worth £200 so it was an instant write off. The person who crashed into said they would pay me what the car is worth. I called Admiral and told them what had happened. I explained it was undrivable and it was a write off so I would not be needing the insurance anymore. They said as I was cancelling early I would need to pay one months payment which was £80 and then the policy would be cancelled. After the next months payment was taken from my back account I cancelled the direct debit and didnt hear anything from the again (This was May 2010) I purchased a brand new car in May 2010 and I have been driving this since. In June this year I started receiving texts, letters and calls from a company called DRS. They said I owe Admiral £70 and they had been told to collect it. I explained the situation to them and they said sorry and didn't call again. In July this year the called again and asked for the money. I told them I am not paying as I don't own anything to them. They have continued to call me every day for over a month, text and write to me. They have even said they will be coming to my door between 1st August - 1st September between 8-8!!! At the beginning of August a company called scottcall starting calling, texting and writing to me saying they have the debt of £75 and to ingore DRS and give them the money. I have called Admiral today and they have said that I did not call last year to cancel my policy!! I know I did and my partner was also there at the time of the phone call. They said they can sell the debt to as many companies as they want and they call call me as many times as they want and will continue to until I pay £100 I have been told 3 different amounts to pay. I do not own anything but how can I prove it? Also I was told there is a limit to how many times you can be contacted. I feel like I am being harrassed. They call me of witheld numbers, 0845 and even mobile numbers. Any help with this would be great
  6. i wrote to scotcall offering a full n final apyment on 2 debts, they wrote me back saying debt was passed back to original crediter in nov 08, i have pointed out that the letters i have from them are dated march 09! they have not responded LMAO i shall keep you updated
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