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Found 15 results

  1. I raised a complaint with safeloans - directly with them - re irrisponsible lending - I only had one loan with them way back in 2012 - but defaulted - didnt respond to their letters and eventually got a ccj - but after writing an email complaint to them which was responded to very quickly and they agreed to get the ccj set aside - I have spoken to northampton bulk centre who have confirmed this - yipeee!!!
  2. Hi, Any help much appreciated. Took out a payday loan with safeloans sometime in 2012, can't remember the amount, now they want 675 back even though i borrowed less than 300 thats for sure. They kept contacting me and i basically just ignorec them, was jobless and couldn't be bothered with the hassle which was obviously stupid. Now i'm in a position where i am working and can afford to repay my debts, so i am just asking is there anything i can do to at least fight the CCJ now? If i can't fight it then i will just have to accept it. Any advice please? Maybe there is something i can use against them? Thanks
  3. Just seen this in Credit Today http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/16606/online-news/unsecured-creditors-await-payout-from-collapsed-payday-lender I wonder if they realise they have got hold of a lemon!
  4. Hi All, several years ago I took out a payday loan for £300.00 I was pregnant at the time my son was born prematurely and passed away at 9 months. I made safeloans aware of my situation and how my circumstances had changed at the time I received no help just a huge amount of letters emails and awful calls. I was subsequently taken to court and the Judge berated the treatment they had shown me and placed a charge on my house and said they would receive payment if and when my house sold. I was diagnosed with Bipolar after the events above and recently was in a position where I was able to return to work. Out of the blue Safeloans started contacting me again sending letters offering X amount off debt if paid in full by such a date which I could not afford so ignored. I then got a call from reception at work stating halifax bank was on the phone and said they needed to speak to me urgently as there had been fraud on my account! - I work for a security company and it was implied the fraud was on my part! - I bank with halifax and have done for over ten years so took the call - it was not halifax at all it was safeloans!! - They spoke to me horribly and it turns out they look for you on Linkedin/Facebook etc and had seen my employment status and rang work. I lodged a complaint with them and tried to forget it. I was called into my bosses office today as they have sent a letter to work stating they are trying to trace me and was a questionnaire they were asking to be filled in with questions such as am I working, self employed etc. But the content of the letter states they have a duty to enquire under the Know your customer regulation under the money laundering act! - You can imagine what my boss must be thinking. I called them and said I was going to seek further advice but was told if I did not pay they would continue and ultimately my boss would question the kind of person I was for owing a huge some of money (Just shy of 700.00) and also implied they would get me sacked! - I am not daft but I am scared that after the lengths they went to previously and what the judge stated boarded harassment that they will continue to harass me at work. said I was going to complain and he said do what you want the only response you will get is a request to take it back to court as we are going for an attachment of earnings! Is there anything I can do about this ?
  5. hholms


    Hi my hubby has a pay day loans which he has never paid back due to lack of money he did make one phone call to offer something like £15 a month this was early last year it all went quiet until few month ago where he chose to ignore court letters- My question is today a man knock door but I did not answer and he hand delivered Order for Production of statement of means I understand this would be for a attachments of earnings? Can they get attachment of earnings and what weould happen if hubby chose to agnore this too he seems to think they can't do anything as its a unsecured loans Tia
  6. Safeloans have been one of the worst in my experience at leaving a footprint on credit files, after much tooing and froing i've received confirmation that all loans were made on a 'running' contract basis up to May 2012 when they apparently switched to a fixed sum loan agreement. What this means in practice is that if they left multiple entries on your credit file pre-May 2012 you can rightfully ask them to consolidate it into one entry. I believe that as i had a single account number and a credit limit for applications that all loans were essentially a revolving credit agreement as they didn't do any further credit checks so i'll be pushing for the post May-12 entries to be consolidated too but thought just having that first part at the moment would be helpful to some...
  7. Hi, I've been having the usual nightmare with Safeloans. I've made numerous offers of repayment which have been ignored, they can't even be bothered to say 'no' to my offers. It's now at the point where they've issued a Claim Form, hoping I'll give in, or they'll get a judgement against me if I don't turn up to court. I've already acknowledged service online, and plan to defend part of the claim. Their Claim Issue Date: 17 April 2013 Amount Claimed: 546.50 Court Fee: 55.00 Solicitor's costs: 0.00 Total amount: 601.50 Particulars of Claim: The claimant agreed to lend to the Defendant under a fixed sum loan agreement dated 25 November 2013 the sum of 200.00. The Defendant agreed to repay the loan upon pre-determined dates between 1 to 4 months. On 24/12/2012 the Defendant failed to repay the Claimant's loan and is in default under the terms of the loan agreement. T he Defendant has agreed to pay the Claimant's expenses and charges in the event of any default as set out in the terms and conditions of the loan agreement. . ...And the Claimant claims:.. 1. The unpaid loan balance 200.00... 2.Interest and loan charges of 346.50.. 5. The claimant claims statutory interest at 8% up until the date of settlement, under section 69 of the County Court Act 1984. .. 4. The Claimant total claim is 546.50..Date: 15 April 2013.... Note: The order of the Claimant's claims (1, 2, 5, 4) is exactly how it appears on the Claim Form. They've done some really nasty cut and paste job. Number 3 is missing. My Defence On 21st December 2012, I attempted early repayment as this was the last working day before Christmas. I made several attempts to pay from two debit cards, but their website refused to take the payment. I contacted my bank who said the payments were authorised and plenty of funds were available, but the money just wasn't taken. Safeloans allow early repayment at a discounted rate. On the 21st December I should have been able to clear the loan with £250. As I work in a rural location with a poor signal, I was unable to contact Safeloans by phone. They close at 17:15 which is before I get in range of a signal. I was able to discretely call my bank, but this took up my entire lunch break. When I was finally able to talk to Safeloans on 27 December, I told them about my payment problems and asked them to accept £250, which is what I should have paid if the site took payment. They refused and demanded I pay all the interest and charges they'd added too. I just hung up. Since then I've sent them numerous written offers of repayment. Most were £51.60 for five months to clear the original loan of £200 plus one month's interest of £58. All of my offers have been ignored. I made a payment of £51.60 last month, and will keep making them until I have paid £258. I think the court would look favourably on this. I intend to admit liability for £258 (minus £51.60 already paid), and then defend the rest of this ridiculous claim. A Counterclaim? I have spent hours writing long emails to Safeloans, all of which would be unecessary if they'd just accepted one of my offers. I freelance as a web developer and these hours could have been spent making money. My hourly rate is £30. Safeloans have also made at least five calls to my place of work. This is embarassing, could result in the loss of my employment, is extremely stressful, and damages my professional image. What costs and risks are there involved in filing a counterclaim? Can I claim: 1. My freelance rate multiplied by the number of wasted hours spent emailing them 2. One month's wages for embarassment, damage to reputation, risk to employment, stress 3. One day's wages for taking time off to attend a court hearing, which was entirely avoidable if Safeloans had negotiated Data Protection Act Safeloans made a massive balls up. In Feburary, they sent me a letter with somebody else's details in the same envelope as my own letter. Can I use this to my advantage? Thank you
  8. hi i have a threat by safeloans for £510 and now they are threatning me with court for this, i am currently on benefits and cant afford what they want me to pay back, i want to pay this back but at what i can afford i have 4 young kids as well as a partner to try and support, and now i have this hanging over me i have been putting it off trying to avoid it yes its stupid i know, but now i need to sort it and fast as i dont want to go to court, any advice greatly recieved.
  9. Hi all I was a SL victim. I failed to keep up payments thus was taken to court. I then reached an agreement which I also failed to keep to. have had lots of harrassing emails over the last few days but have managed to get the offer agreed to one which I am happy with. Here it is; Original loan for £160.00 back in 2011 CCJ taken in 2012 - now owing £550.00 Offer to SL in March 2012 for £220.00 split into 3 payments which I made 2 payments and failed on the 3rd. SL then increased the debt to £346.00 now owing I emailed SL explaining that I can not afford to make any of the payment offers they have in their letters. SL then bombarded me with email after email not paying any attention to my request for information as to how the debt had increased by so much. Yet more emails ignoring my requests or offers. I threatened to make a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, giving them 8 weeks to reply to this complaint. SL emailed me back saying please log on to their web site and follow their complaints procedure ...I pointed out that on their website it clearly states "You may contact us in any way which is convenient to you, by telephone in writing or by email" and that they should not ignore my complaint. This worked and I now have the debt down to £80.00 and thats the end of it. This was my email to them; FORMAL COMPLAINT To whom it may concern, I hereby notify you that I am raising as formal complaint with you. The reasons are listed below. 1) You have failed to respond to my request for a more detailed breakdown as to how the outstanding amount is broken down. ie; What are you admin charges, what are the additional charges. 2) I have already advised you that I can not make any payment until the end of the month, yet you have now sent me the same email 5 times in 2 days, failing to acknowledge my current financial situation. 3) The fact that you have sent the same email 5 times in 2 days can only be described as harassment and bullying. 4) You have also failed to acknowledge my offer of finalising the debt as per our original agreement made last year 2012 , which again I will not be able to do until the end of January. As per the terms stated by the Financial Ombudsman you have 8 weeks to respond to this email. If I feel that yet again you have failed to address my concerns and requests adequately then I shall with hesitation raise this complaint with the Financial Ombudsman.
  10. Hi there, I am new to this site but have been lurking in the background for a few days. I pulled my Equifax file this weekend as part of the annual credit cleanse and was suprised to find a CCJ was issued against me in 2011. I queried the court and found out it was Safeloans who took out the judgment against me. I have never taken out a debt with them and I began the dispute process in August 2012 as I did not recognise the debt on my Experian file. Safeloans provided some proof that I asked for and it is rather obvious that the person they are pursuing is not me, and I replied that I was not the person they are seeking. I assumed this was the end of the matter as no further communication happened, until I discovered the CCJ this weekend. I went to Barclays and presented the information that SL has that supposedly links me to the debt. It appears that someone has opened an account in my name and a fraud investigation has been started. The police have also been informed and I passed this information to the SL litigations team. They say that they are investigating this now. So a not-me is out there pretending to be me... It is rather obvious now that my identity was used to open an account with Barclays, and the person who opened the account took out a loan from this company. Since the person defaulted on the loan a CCJ was issued and somehow that has been tied to me (because they used my previous address). I am certain this will be sorted out once the investigations are completed. However, I have been carrying a damaged credit file for quite some time with the CCJ on there. Is there any recourse to compensation for the damage done to my file and the now many hours I have spent clearing up this mess? I have been turned down for credit products and it has affected my day to day banking, all whilst I was unaware of what was happening! I also have suffered from quite a bit of distress from this ordeal. The lady I spoke with at their office has been polite and friendly (like me - win more flies with sugar as they say), but I do feel that some compensation would be due. Had they verified the identity of the borrower, this whole fiasco would not have occurred and my credit would not have been hurt. The only verification that ties me to the debt is a Experian Bank Wizard printout with account numbers and a birth date different to me, but everything else matched. So even that doesn't tie the debt to me, yet they have proceeded with the CCJ in my absence. I am unsure what to do at this point, and I assume I will have to wait for the investigations to be completed. Anyone have any advice about compensation for my troubles - this company seems to really take the mickey out of people so I only think it is fair that they should also be punished in kind for their mistakes. Thanks for the help in advance! Russell
  11. Hi I got myself into a bit of a mess with pay day loans and defaulted on them and have attempted to set up payment agreements with the lenders. I am at various stages with them. Safe loans chose to take me to court despite paying an agreed amount for about a year. They then agreed the same payment against the judgement. However they persisted in writing harassing letters requesting considerably larger payments which I could not afford and were not as the court agreed. I continued to pay the agreed amounts. Just before Christmas I received a summons to a hearing. I emailed them pointing out that I had been paying as agreed. They however emailed back stating that they were seeking an increase in my payment, but this did just seem like a computer generated letter. The court has only allowed 15 mins for the hearing which I have to travel 70 miles to attend. What is likely to happen at this hearing? I am paying as agreed following a budget sheet so don't see what they can gain. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  12. Hi, I have a letter dated 26th October from Northampton County Court for the sum of £430 - I understand I have 28 days to pay this sum in order that a CCJ will not be logged against me. I am in a position to pay this. However, as the loan amount was nearer £150, is it now too late to dispute the amount with Safeloans (i.e their fees), or would I still be in a position to negotiate a lower payment to them to avoid the CCJ be actioned? Hope this makes sense! Thank you in advance for any help! Neil
  13. Evening all, I have another debt with safeloans, where it has come to the point I should probably pay them. I received this email today. Scare tactics or not ? They say I can pay back at discount rate 590 and it is all cleared? The original debt was 400 ish? So Im not overly arsed about the 590 to pay them back. I am planning on electronic transfer online from my bank, Is this safe ? Will they wipe the debt completely ? Despite sending you a Default Notice and OFT fact sheet, we still have not received your payment on the outstanding balance which is outlined above. A Default will be issued on your account within the next 30 days and once issued will show on your credit file for a whole 6 years whether satisfied or not. This may seriously affect your ability to obtain credit. If you do not pay this debt we may also consider using litigation, If we obtain a CCJ against you and you fail to satisfy the CCJ judgement debt we may then seek to obtain further enforcement action against you by attachment of earnings order, we wish to advise you that if we obtain the attachment of earnings order this process will involve your employer providing the court with a certificate of your earnings and if a full attachment of earnings is granted the court will order your employer to make deductions from your salary. Additional fixed court fees will be added to the (CCJ) judgment debt. We are posting you the Pre-Action Protocal "The Notice of Intention" which will clearly shows you the amount needed to settle your account. If we proceed with litigation statutory courts costs will be added. We have always tried to negotiate payment of this debt with you and even at this late stage we would still prefer to settle this amicably, therefore we are prepared to offer you 3 reasonable repayment options to settle this debt in full and final settlement of account. Our 3 Proposal offers for settlement. 1. A substantial 15% discount off the balance owing, your new discounted balance is £589.05, to take up this offer the account must be repaid in one payment and by the 22/10/2012. This action will settle your account and stop any intended proceedings. 2. A 10% discount off the balance owing, your new discounted balance is £623.70, to take up this offer the account must be repaid in two monthly payments and the first months payment must be received by the 22/10/2012. This action will settle your account and stop any intended proceedings. We would prefer the payment to be made by valid Debit Card and we will then set up a payment plan on our system for automated future payments on the day they are due. You can of course make a bank deposit transfer or you can also post a cheque or postal order to our office address at the bottom of this email. 3. No discount off the balance owing, this payment arrangement is set over three months. The first payment must be made on / before 22/10/2012. This action will settle your account and stop any intended proceedings and will require three equal payments in the sum of £231.00. If the balance owing cannot be equally divided the 3rd and final payment may slightly vary. This action will settle your account and stop any intended proceedings. We would prefer the payment to be made by valid Debit Card and we will then set up a payment plan on our system for automated future payments on the date they are due. You can of course make a bank deposit transfer or you can also post a cheque or postal order to our office address at the bottom of this email. Please note you must contact us no later than 22/10/2012 with your proposal We are posting you a schedule of payments sheet. To confirm which payment schedule you have chosen please contact our office Monday to Friday between 9:00am - 5:15pm on: 020 86800990, please press option 2 and you will transferred to a specialist collection team member who will be able to assist you in all repayment matters including if you are experiencing financial difficulty. We would prefer repayment by debit card as payments collected are updated on to your account instantly, of course you can make bank deposit payments direct to our account or you can also post a cheque or postal order to our office address at the bottom of this email. Please note these payments will be entered manually and may not show on your account for a day or two, please contact the office for our bank details. You can also post a cheque or postal order to our office address at the bottom of this email. You may also send a letter or email your intention to: litigation@safeloans.co.uk If your first re-payment date is more than 7 days away you will need to make a “Token” (Goodwill Payment). Because of the seriousness of the account status a minimum token payment £20.00 is required to set up the payment plan. If you do not repay this debt we will still continue with our intended proceedings in trying to seek to obtain a (CCJ) judgment against you for the debt outstanding, If we obtain judgment and you still do not repay your debt we may then seek to obtain further enforcement action which may include attachment of earnings order, and if a homeowner a charging order, we must warn you a County Court Judgment will show on your credit file for 6 whole years from when registered whether satisfied or not. Please note all fixed court costs and fees will be added to your account. For advice about County Court Judgments please visit the Directgov website www.direct.gov.uk and enter Count Court in the "search this site" bar, for debt advice contact citizens advice bureau www.citizensadvice.org.uk
  14. General Info-Safeloans. Other names; Payday Ok Pingitloans.com Pingitpaydaylender.com Pingitpaydayloans.com Reg Office; Safeloans LTD 1st and 2nd Floor 30 Church Street Croydon CR0 1RB Telephone: 020 8680 0990 Fax: 020 3292 1655 Email:info@safeloans.co.uk Consumer Credit Licence: 271778, Company number: 2410955 - Registered in England. CCA Member There are 3 named individuals on the Safeloan Consumer Credit licence; Mark Raymond Bryant Nigel Godfrey Bryant Sailesh Shah As at September 2012,there is a pending licence in the name of Hopson And Ruffet from Dec 2011 The 3 named above also appear on that application. Address details for this are as Safeloans. Previously the Bryants held CC licences for Safeport Ltd (0541379) which lapsed in August 2008 Nigel Bryant was also jointly listed as an officer on Paydayok Limited which expired in February 2011
  15. hi my daughter has had a ccj issued against her from safeloans ltd,she has been on a DMP with cccs for a couple of months now paying them 7 pound a month but safeloans reckon she owes them 594,now she first got a 250 loan but 351.50 is interest and loan charges{what a rip off ] why cant the government do something about these types of loans is beyond me,anyway i want her to put up a defense as the charges/interest is a joke any help on wording for me that i can use on the defense form. thanks much appreciated
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