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Found 5 results

  1. This thread is to discuss the RSPCA, and it's apparent changes of direction. I was asked to post this here as the RSPCA and it's police style uniform, and it's access to the PNC and data given willingly maybe in breach of data protection to it by police, along with an apparent propensity to persecute and prosecute children and vulnerable adults was brought up on the bailiff forum in connection with bailiff ANPR and police. Check these two links for some evidence against RSPCA: http://www.grumpyoldsod.com/rspca%20again%20again.asp http://www.grumpyoldsod.com/rspca%20again.asp
  2. Hi I am hoping for some much-needed advice! Last December our beloved cat suddenly became breathless. The vet diagnosed heart failure which he tried to treat with surgery and medications. Sadly after 2 days we had to have her put to sleep. I have RSPCA Gold Pet-insurance, underwritten at the time by AXA. I contacted them for a claim form which arrived and I completed it. As agreed I paid the Vet directly the £75 policy excess and left them with the claim-form for them to finalise and send to RSPCA Insurance. The total bill came to around £1000 I think. I heard nothing more until 2 weeks ago when I received a letter from a Debt Collection agency on behalf of the Vet! (Also, the bill now appears to have increased to £1200). I ignored the Debt Collector and contacted RSPCA, who said they had never received the claim-form from the Vet. The Vet said they sent the claim, and maybe it was lost in the post. I requested a new form and filled it all in again and sent it off to the Vet for them to complete again. After a few days I checked the RSPCA had received it, which they had. Yesterday I came home to a message on my answer-machine from RSPCA saying they had decided not to pay the claim and they would write to me with their "reasons". Back to square one. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just a claim for a car or something, but it is so upsetting because I still haven't really got over the loss of my cat so I know I am not thinking as clearly. Before I go off like a rocket, can anyone please offer me any advice on the best way to go about sorting this mess out? Thanks in advance, Jules x
  3. Our local volunteer Rescue was raided by RSPCA on Thursday last week. without going into everything, I will post the links for you, No documents were signed by the person who runs the rescue, but I have been told to go to the local crown court and file form n244 which will stop the RSPCA rehoming any of the dogs until they decide whether they are going to prosecute or not. Is this correct. I only found out about it this form this evening and have quickly asked the same question on a couple of good dog sites, but I know you are brilliant on here so, here I am http://goo.gl/Ajq6ls This is a link to the latest news article.
  4. I hope I've posted in the correct section as most of the Data Protection issues seem to be about Defaults. Recently a pony which was stolen from me some time ago has been found wandering loose. RSPCA scanned it and luckily the chip was still in my name. They called me and left a message. I called them four times to finally get a reply. I was then told the pony had escaped from a garden which it had been put it My issue is this. I fianally traced the lady who's garden the pony had been in and she told me that an RSPCA Officer had told her she could keep it or give it away as they would rather it didn't come back to me! They told her I was 'known' to them. This has caused huge problems with the lady thinking I'm some kind of monster and she won't let me have access. Cut a long story short the pony is coming back now, but I'm fuming. Yesterday I called the RSPCA and got the Inspector to call me back....which she did. She told me that there was no way they would have said anything about me and it would have been a breach of Data Protection. She seemed genuine. I have also found out that another Inspector was involved and it was him who'd come out with all of this. I haven't yet spoken to him. To summarise: The lady RSPCA Inspector called both myself and the lady holding my pony yesterday and confirmed that yes, I was on file with absolutely no cause for concern and that the pony should be returned. My problem is that the lady holding my pony cannot be lying as the RSPCA had also told her I'd moved from the address they had. Someone is lying to me and I know they have discussed me with this lady. Yes, the RSPCA were called out after I rescued a pony last year. When they came out they were amazed with how well I'd done. I made sure I gave them all the photos and contact details of where I'd got him from. So, an Officer who has said to someone 'Keep the pony as we don't want it going back to the owner as she's known' is surely breaching data protection? I want to make a SAR today, but am also going to leave a message for this second Inspector to call me as I'd like to question him. Am I doing the right thing? Could someone then remove anything that may be on file before I receive a copy? I hope my post makes sense as I'm so angry.
  5. Please can someone give me some insight on what to do. My Bulldog took ill Monday just gone Bank Holiday, I was frantic and had no means of transport or money to pay for a vet to visit I called the RSPCA and they finally agreed to assist me by sending an inspector to collect my dog on condition they did not need to treat him but put him down which I agreed as he had lost control of his body and could not get up, he is 13 years old. They took the Dog and said they would call me. I foolish enough was in such a panic that did not manage to take the details of where they where they were taking him or what is going to happen. It is now Thursday evening and after 16 calls to them and their HQ's no one has called. We are all going mad. I feel I might as well have taken and thrown him in the dust bin after 13 years. I actually had to feed him with a wooden spoon and wipe his backside and wipe his nose he was fine up till MOnday. Any advise would be gratetly apprecaites. Many thanks Mashmallow
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