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Found 6 results

  1. My employer offers employees a payment if someone applies to work for the company on their recommendation, and the person they referred to the company stays with the company for a qualifying period. A colleague referred two people, and with each of those referrals she was told that the person applying hadn't put her details on their application form, which is a requirement to claim the reward. She knows as a fact that that's incorrect, because she witnessed the second referred person putting her details on their application form. I recently referred a friend, who accepted a position with my company. I've made multiple enquiries to confirm that I will be getting my payment if he stays with the company for the qualifying period. However, none of my emails have been replied to, and it feels like I'm being stonewalled (especially in light of my colleague's experience). Assuming that my friend remains with the company for the qualifying period and that the company doesn't give me the promised payment, what options do I have to recover the money?
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/feb/28/gps-offered-cash-to-refer-fewer-people-to-hospital I thought GPs were already finding it hard to cope with the workload? This sounds an odd way to try and fix the system. HB
  3. I received the following via a National Debtline twitter feed link http://www.stoptheknock.org/ Click on the map for your area and it will give you the stats for that particular Local Authority. Out of interest I clicked on Peterborough to see what information would be given. Very interesting. And Oxford
  4. I've worked at my current role for 2 and half years. For 2 yrs I had two managers, neither of which ever raised any problem with my work. The company I work for are very small and we don't have any appraisal or any HR process - so my feedback had always come via 1to1 meetings with my managers. Over my 2 yrs I had also been given praise from some of our clients over work delivered. Six months ago I got a new manager. At our 3rd meeting she told me she had concerns over my work, suggesting I wasn't fulfilling the job as she'd see fit and had told the company directors I was thinking of leaving. This stemmed from a private conversation I had had in an earlier session which I joked about leaving - unfortunately this was taken literally and passed on to the company director as fact - something I wasn't very pleased about. At the same (3rd) meeting I was told that I'd need to improve or it "wouldn't end well". Understandable this shook me up. After that meeting relations didn't improve. For the past couple of months I continued to do my job as I had before, and a couple of times since I have been told I need to do things to match her way of doing things - nothing has ever been written down - it's all verbal. I've also been given new processes and systems to work on, but no training has been given other than the offer of sitting with my manager when she's available to be shown. I have done this, but lately I am asked for forward work to her for approval, or for her to update rather than me spending time on it. I am made to feel like a spare part. I have understandably become a lot less confident in my role as I feel I am not supported. This in turn has made me more withdrawn with my colleagues. Recently I've been told that directors have been discussing me (openly) suggesting if my quieter mood doesn't improve there would be consequences. I did try and meet with my director to discuss, but he didn't follow up on my requests and frankly gave me the impression he wasn't keen to meet. We have no written disciplinary process other than a sketchy paragraph in my contract about "not fulfilling my role". I am keen to know legally if I do have an employment law I can refer to ?
  5. Hi, I was trapped for a couple of years with a payday lender and ended up borrowing constantly to repay the loan back, with roll overs of the loan at one point 8 times in a row, then being offered a higher credit limit on the 8th roll over. I wrote a complaint to the lender about them not assessing my affordability and how I feel i was missold the product, they even used to email me twice a week reminding me i had more money i could draw down. they have offered me almost £900 as a 'gesture of goodwill' with a time limit of 2 weeks to accept but no admission of liability. I am just looking for some opinion for you guys to see whether i should continue on to the ombudsman with my complaint? I had asked for c£1700 in refunds plus 8% interest, so the 'gesture' only equates to 50% Look forward to hearing your opinions on what you would do. I'm thinking that the lender obviously realises that the things they did were serious enough to warrant such compensation. Which did include telling me i would need to have died before a repayment plan could be considered. Thanks,
  6. This follows a lengthly investigation by the OFT into the motor insurance market. http://www.oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2012/44-12
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