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Found 13 results

  1. Can anybody advise regarding Paratus paying redress to customers who fell in arrears with their mortgage. I understand many mortgage providers were guilty of 'automatic capitalisation' and customers past and present were entitled to compensation. We had arrears with Paratus (mortgage finished last year) but I have not had any contact from them regarding this issue. Any info would be great.
  2. I rang Paratus AMC Limited to ask what my mortgage repayment would be after the Bank of England Rate raise, I was not surprised to be told it had increased but was shocked when I was told Paratus AMC Limited had added Buildings Insurance Premium of nearly £50 a month to my mortgage repayments!! - which means I would be paying over £500 a year just for insurance, when the fact is I have my own buildings insurance and much lower. I asked why they had added Buildings Insurance Premium, I was told it was a legal requirement, but I've had my own Buildings Insurance in the past and never had this problem before! Now out of the blue, Paratus AMC Limited have added Buildings Insurance Premiumof close to £50 following the Bank of England Rate raise. I told them I have my own Buildings Insurance and I want the Buildings Insurance they have added to my mortgage to be cancelled, but they refused to do so, asking me to send in the insurance schedule, so they will check it and then decide if they want to cancel it or not. They also sent me a letter, detailing adding buildings insurance to my mortgage, again they should never have done this without asking for my permission and I don't need it because I have my own insurance. Paratus AMC Limited have added the Buildings Insurance illegally without my permission, they can't do this and I want it cancelled with ASAP. Please help me draft a strongly worded letter I can send to them, before my mortgage payment is due later this week. Do I really need to send them a copy of my insurance schedule or will a strongly worded letter be enough?
  3. Has anyone had any dealings with Paratus incorrectly calculating their arrears wrongly? If so how did you get your money back?
  4. Hi All, I urgently need assistance. Background - I'll try to be as brief as possible.. my husband entered into an IVA agreement over a year ago and listed all his creditors with some being debts from repossessed properties. An arrangement was agreed which he adhered to around March this year he received a letter from PARATUS that we were about to sell our home and they object to the IVA citing the fact that they were not included in the arrangement (which according to them they would have voted against anyway, as they can see there is equity in the property!). Alarm bells started ringing because: 1. the house was not on sale (we later found out it was our neighbours property that was listed). 2. The terms of the IVA was that after 5 years, the property will be revalued and HIS share of the equity will be added to the pot. 3. When the IVA was arranged, the property was in negative equity 4. We were not aware that GMAC (the details my husband submitted to the IVA company) had changed their name to PARATUS. The Insolvency practitioner also did not follow up when there was no response from GMAC so a nominal fee was appended for those debts. We tried to explain that this was a genuine mistake due to the name change and we offered a new payment arrangement to include them and give them a bigger share. This was rejected twice, PARATUS applied to have the IVA revoked which was successful because their share of the debt was 12% or so. They claim to have sent letters which is a lie because we requested for copies and we were sent some unsigned, undated letters on plain paper- no logo/letter heading etc. They applied to court for a charging order in Norwich. My husband wrote to the court to request that the hearing be moved to London so he can attend and wrote the above points also to the court regarding the fact that they concocted letters and that new payment offers were rejected. The location was not changed and the court allowed the order! I have received a letter today that they want to place the charge on the property and if I wanted to contest it as I have a home rights notice on the property.... . what can I do please? Please note; 1. We received a letter from PARATUS a few weeks back after my partner complained to them and they clearly stated that they would not have written to him about the change of name as they only notified people who had active mortgages with them. ...how come they were able to produce those letters? 2. Why did the court discount my husbands supporting letter? 3.Property is in my husbands name and the debt is solely in his name however, but I have registered a home rights notice on it. I have contributed financially to house running costs and lump sums towards the mortgage payments. 4. The original IVA clearly stated His share of the equity will be brought in AT THE END OF 5 YEARS, PARATUS are saying they do not consider that I have a beneficial interest because it was not registered on LR 5. We have 3 children, youngest is 9. 6. It is obvious this is an unscrupulous company but it seems the law is on their side. I have 14 days to raise objections....,any pointers please? Apologies for the long post
  5. My elderly father in law has recently been sent to a care home with dementia. we think he started getting ill around 2 years ago when he sold his house. He owed £19k on a £200k property and panicked as he was getting possession letters he sold the house for £140k but the mortgage company only give him £48k from the sale the rest was taken up in mortgage fees for god knows what. He then moved into a rented bungalow. We have found all this out from his neighbour and found paper work to confirm this but we haven't got all the accounts on the payment history. My partner and his father had a bit of a falling out and become distant for a few years so we've only recently found out what's been going on. We think that he must have been ill at the time when he sold the property and been taken advantage of. We regret not being there for him when he needed us but he pushed everyone away. His affairs have been put in the hands of a solicitor from the social worker he had. Can someone give any advice on what to do next. Any advice greatly appreciated. Regards Angnnig
  6. I recently opened a claim against GMAC for a very high early repayment charge I padi back in 2007. The reason for the early payment was due to having 2 properties both (through GMAC I couldn't afford) and the crunch happened and I couldn't get a tennant. I was a couple of months overdue with payments but GMAC bullied me into putting both houses up for sale. They were vicious and bullying. The actual ERC was higher than the last 10 mortgage payments. I paid around £12k for paying 10 months early in a 2 year contract. I'm wondering what other cases there are similar to mine in order to properly write up a proper complaint. I reckon the £12k is winnable, I wasted £12k selling my house (cheap) from fear of repossesion. I eventually had a tennant lined up despite being in arrears.. I feel like I was forced into a corner. I could really use some previous case references and/or letter templates. I have sent GMAC my initial complaint and they are distancing themselves from it saying to complain to my broker if i felt I was sold the mortgages ireesponsibly?
  7. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post but I'm looking for some advice. I had a mortgage 2001/2002 with GMAC - I defaulted and resulted in the property being repossessed. My parents received a call today from Paratus about a mortgage debt (obviously they were looking for me but I haven't lived at home for 7+ years). I called them back and they advised I have an amount outstanding. They said they have been sending letters (I'm not sure where). Naturally at the time the mortgage was taken out I didn't have a particularly great credit history (classified as sub prime) but they still gave me a mortgage and charged a premium This maybe a stupid question but can they still chase for a debt that has been outstanding for that long?? I (perhaps somewhat naively) believed the matter to be resolved when the property was repossessed. Any help would be appreciated
  8. Hello, this is my first thread, so apologies in advance for any mistakes made. I am currently in a re-mortgage quandary with my property. it is my first home and I took out the mortgage, through a broker, with G MAC. I had not repaid small debt on time as a teenager and had no credit since and as such had a poor credit score. the property I purchased was worth £107,500. on the fifth Oct 2007. I did not need a deposit as I offered the seller £98,000 the equity was to be my deposit, I think this was referred to as a ''vendor deposit'' or ''gifted deposit''? I was repaying around £595 per month interest only, a figure I was not made aware of until after I had moved in, I was led to believe that it would be around £400 per month. I did not provide any proof of income. my partner left me within the first month and I was unable to honour all my commitments, I also took things with difficulty personally and lost my job. I fell in to nine missed mortgage payments in areas and got a charge for £4000 from welcome finance. I did however turn things around, I made payment plans and got a suspended warrant of execution for repossession in June 08. I have been up to date ever since. G MAC then offered for me to consolidate my areas in to a new mortgage balance of £118,000, I was being charged £50 per month areas fee, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. so I consolidated. Soon after my mortgage was passed to a new company called Paratus AMC. I have now come to the end of my fixed term and my mortgage follows the Libor rate. It seems to increase by about £10 every few months. Paratus have offered substantial discounts on my mortgage balance for me to transfer elsewhere but due to a less than perfect credit score and the fact that a similar property is now selling for £62,500 I am in a massive negative equity trap. I have now met someone new and we have a beautiful daughter together. the problem is that I cannot afford anything other than a interest only mortgage with Paratus' interest rates on a repayment of £118,000,( I am not sure if its fair that I owe this entire amount) I cannot sell the property and I cannot remortgage with another company. I cannot build, save or invest for the future, I don't want to go bankrupt but I don't know what else I can do, i've seen that bankrupts wipe the slate clean and end up with good mortgage deals again?!?!?! that's not right! I just want to owe and repay a fair amount on the property that I have. is there anything I can do?
  9. Hi everone, Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated so, thankyou in advance. Here goes.... I have had a mortgage with Gmac since Dec 2005, and since last year it has being operated by Paratus. I re-mortgaged with them from the Halifax because my options were limited. I have incurred heaps of £50 arrears charges, One Councellor visit, another one due shortly hence me posting this thread, and god knows what other charges, and now my balance on an interest only is £ 4000 more than when I took it out. My arrears are £ 714 and my credit file says 2 payments late. I have read somewhere on these threads that you can claim these charges back. Are there any other charges / fees eligible to be reclaimed when I re-mortgaged from Halifax? If so, what might they be and who do I approach for them? I was told by Halifax I had a shortfall on my mortgage just prior to me paying them off. Also had a big loan with ppi which was supposed to run with the life of the mortgage, but paid that off early too. Any ideas as to finding out if they charged me unfairly? I have sent a SAR to Halifax and they have cashed the cheque. Still waiting on that although its only been just shy of two weeks. Do I send one to Gmac and / or Paratus while still being in arrears? Or do I clear the arrears and then SAR them?? I don't want to be in the position where Gmac/Paratus pulls the plug and repossess. Can they do that? Your advice is really appreciated. Vazunna
  10. Hi folks, I have been reading around about Paratus as they are my mortgage err, people. I have a 96k inerest only mortgage i took with GMAC but its cheaper than renting at the minute so alls good ! I have read that they arent the best as they seem to be hell bend on liquidating there assets since they no longer issue new loans and all that plus there is a tiny amount of arears, a few pennies less than a months payment!! just recently made redundant and wondering if i dare tell them!? The clocks ticking as the last of my redundancy will go on this coming months payment as I cant get MIR for maybe 3 months give or take a week! Anybody have any experiances like this with Paratus?
  11. Hi, everyone, my case started in 2006 when i remortgaged with gmac. I had a well paid job and all was fine. Shortly after this i was made redundant and had to take a much lesser paid job. I also had a secured loan with gmac. I admit i buried my head in the sand trying to keep the family together but i knew that the inevitable would come one day. In nov 2010 i decided to hand back the keys to the property as all my children were up and gone and i knew the time had arrived. While all this was going on,gmac had handed over to paratus. In dec 2011 the house was sold well under the value of the mortgage. At this moment in time i am living between my sisters,daughters and parents houses as i can not afford to rent anywhere. I came to an arrangement with black horse and i am paying £50 per month to clear the secured loan but this is going to take years to clear (i probably wont be here). I sent a letter to capital securities offering £50 per month for 5 years in full and final settlement but they have refused stating that they will accept the offer for 6 months but then want i/ex updates and to increase the amount as time goes on. Again i will be paying the amount for more years than i will be here!!. I am thinking about making myself bankrupt but if anyone can give me some advice of any alternative i would appreciate it. Sorry for the long winded post.
  12. Can anyone advise? I wrote the standard PPI letter to GMAC (my previous mortgage company) and received a letter back from Paratus AMC stating that GMAC was a former company of theirs and that Paratus has not and does not nor provide advise on PPI therefore unable to to assist. They suggest I try the financial advisor who introduced us to the mortgage (as Paratus are washing their hands of this claim). The financial advisor has now ceased to trade so I could not go there if I wanted to. I am 90% certain I took out PPI with GMAC as I am unable to locate the paperwork for my mortgage.
  13. Hi I made a complaint to the financial ombudsman regarding the charges that this company had applied to our mortgage. (we are no longer with this company). The ombudsman have come to a decision that SPML must pay us 1500 pounds by the 28th August. SPML have not complied with the ombudsman when they have requested any paper work connected to our old mortgage. I dont think that they will pay up by this Thursday, so what will happen? will we have to take it to court? Can the ombudsman step in or because they ahve made a final decision is this as far as the ombudsman will go? Has anyone else been paid up when the ombudsman has dealt with their complaint? Thanks
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