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Found 11 results

  1. Hello all, I successfully claimed my PPI back from FirstPlus and am now looking in to the possibility that the entire loan was missold. I recently wrote to them outlining my issues, which were: • The mortgage was not suitable for me. • The adviser did not properly establish my attitude to risk. • I was not advised that there were other options, such as a DMP, that I could have pursued. •Your adviser did not give me examples of the cost of a Capital and Repayment mortgage compared to the lower costs of an Interest Only mortgage. •When remortgaging to consolidate my debts I was not advised that it would be cheaper for me to put all of my loans, credit cards and finance onto my existing mortgage rather than remortgaging. •I was not advised that by remortgaging I was exchanging my short term debts for a long term debt by adding it to my mortgage. It was not explained to me that although I would be lowering my monthly outgoings initially, I may well be lengthening the term of my debt and vastly increasing the amount of interest that I would be paying. Loan was originally for £51K over 25 years. I then received a phonecall from FirstPLus asking to reiterate my concerns, only to be told that based on my concerns and as my loan had be through a broker I needed to contact them (Compass), if they were still trading?!, to resolve my issue. When I successfully reclaimed all my PPI, which was brokered at the same time as the loan, I went straight to Firstplus who dealt with it directly. This all sounds a bit smoke and mirrors to me, so would appreciate any advice/info you could give. Cheers
  2. Talktalk phoned my father and told him his broadband contract needed renewing but told him that he was getting a free TV package as well. He got the reciver but he couldnt get it working so ignored it. However, they have charged him £172 for the "free" package and probably an increased monthly telephone/broadband charge as well. he has no paperwork to say what went on so i have obtained power of attorney to deal with them over this matter. Problem is, how do I get them to understand the authority i have so they desist from contacting my elderly parents and take me seriously. An email addy for the CEO would be a good start and then he can tell me where I send the legal papers and wont be able to avoid theconsquences of his own policies on forced selling of dud services.
  3. Has anyone had recent dealings with a company called Big Green Book? I paid for a directory listing last year on the basis that the fee would be repaid if I had no appropriate enquiries - the only 'enquiry' I received was a really strange phone call from someone at BGB saying he was phoning on behalf of a company who wanted to bring me their business. When I asked for the name of the company or a contact there, he became rather vague. I asked for an email to clarify the situation but, of course, it never materialised. And when I tried to contact BGB to find out what was going on no-one replied to me. A year on and needless to say they are not repaying my money and as no paperwork has ever materialised there is not much chance of seeing it again. What I am doing is reporting it to Action Fraud. A couple of colleagues in the same field (counselling) have come forward with similar stories. I would be interested to hear from anyone else who has had dealings with this company.
  4. Hello all, I opened a restaurant in April and in March I arranged to have 2 phone lines and broadband with BT. In April I switched my energy supply to BES energy as their rates were about half of what British Gas wanted. Shortly after this I got a call from BES telecom and this is where it all went wrong. They wanted me to switch both of my lines and my broadband to them as they were cheaper. I told them that I was in contract with BT and if I moved I would receive a bill with cancellation charges which would remove the whole point of me moving as I wouldn't save any money. I was assured by the salesperson that as the contract with BT was so young I would not get any cancellation charges. I asked him to repeat this and he assured me it was the case, saying if he was wrong I could just stay at BT and there would be no harm done. Imagine my surprise when I then received a letter from BT with cancellation charges of around £700! I called BT and explained the situation for them to tell me that the only way I could not pay the charges with BT was for me to keep BT as my supplier. BT told me that one of my lines had moved to BES but nothing else had. BT would now move that line back to BT. I called BES and told them I was no longer moving to them and they tried to talk me out of it but I just told them and put down the phone as they wouldn't stop going on. Move on a few weeks and I'm still getting reminders from BT about not paying the £700 bill. I called them and explained the situation and they told me it was their mistake and that the charges would be dropped. This same scenario has happened 7 times with BT. My line gets restricted, I call them to complain and explain the situation, they say they will get the charges cleared off and reinstate my line, then it happens again approx 10 days later. Last week it happened again so I called BT and spent 90 minutes on the phone with them. They told me that the reason the charges weren't being removed from my account is because the line they were supposed to get back from BES was still with BES and therefore I had cancelled it! I explained that they were supposed to move the line back and they admitted they had forgotten. Looking at my bank account I now see that I have been paying BES £23.99 per month for this line. I told BT to move it back once and for all and they told me it would happen within 14 days. Now here is where it gets interesting. I just received a call from BES who told me that there had been an application to remove one of my lines back to BT. I said yes that is correct. He then informed me that there would be a £600 cancellation charge for this which would need paying within 14 days. I explained the whole situation and that I only moved as I was assured by their salesperson that I wouldn't receive any cancellation charges from BT. He then asked me what proof I have of his salesperson saying this. Of course I don't have proof. He then went on to tell me that their '3rd party sales people' were not regulated and that no matter what was said, I had to pay the £600. I told him that I was mis-sold and he said 'prove it'. I said 'so basically your sales people can say whatever they like to get someone to sign up and they can lie to people and you allow this?' He just kept repeating 'its up to them what they say' So, I believe I have been mis-sold and I'm in a bit of a predicament. Not only has all of this been a major hassle and cost me hours on the phone, it looks like it might end up costing me £600 too. I'm a new business and we are struggling, I can't afford to pay this bill. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Have you been trapped into -paying for Experian's ID theft insurance? Well you should claim the money back We have been trying to get some one to take notice of this story for over a year. Finally BBC Radio 4 MoneyBox ran the story a few weeks ago and today, Ruth Lythe of the Daily Mail had her article about this misselling published. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03xzs1l Experian declined to comment on the Moneybox programme. I understand that there were strenuous efforts by Experian to prevent both the BBC broadcast and the the Daily Mail piece from going out. Go figure. Clearly in respect of Experian's Credit Expert bundled insurance package, there is no enquiry as to whether the product is wanted - or whether it is appropriate. For instance -many people have an equivalent insurance as part of their credit card bundle or maybe their house contents insurance - so buying the forced id insurance product, Experian customers may effectively be buying duplicate insurance. So what happens if you ID is stolen and you have to invoke the insurance? Which policy do you choose? This is bound to become a problem because it is a fundamental principle of insurance policies that they will not make duplicate pay outs for a single loss. So immediately you have the opportunity for each insurer to deny the loss on the basis that you have duplicate insurance and that it should be the other company which pays. The Experian id theft product has all the hallmarks of misselling - but goes one further because most insurances - PPI etc are required to make it clear that their insurance product is optional. Experian does not even do that. There seems to be no opportunity on their website to opt out of the insurance. It is only when you call them to cancel that they then offer you the favour of opting out if they think that they are going to lose your custom altogether. Finally - it seems to me in any event that the insurance represents very poor value for money - but you should go to the Experian/Credit Expert website and judge for yourselves. http://www.creditexpert.co.uk/ If you have been caught by Credit Expert - claim your money back. Complain to the FOS if there is any monkey business. If your money is offered back under conditions of confidentiality - you should consider refusing and continuing to the FOS instead.
  6. I recently phoned to cancel my contract with Sky as I had reached the end of the contract and had started sharing my neighbours wifi for £10 a month. I spoke to a guy in the retentions department at Sky who offered me a deal of £12.70 a month which I thought was brilliant and I accepted as it was only £2.70 more than sharing wifi with my neighbour plus it included a phone line and up until now I'd been happy with Sky. I asked the guy on the phone quite clearly "is this all I need to pay sky a month?" and he replied yes. I also asked him if it would stay that price for the full 12 months of the contract. He said it would remain the same. Sky are charging me twice as much as this sales agent offered and Sky are refusing to listen to the conversation made with this sales agent. I had an email from them today to say they had phoned me and were going to put me through to another department to talk about some offers to reduce my bill. I don't think this is good enough. I no longer trust anything they say on the phone and I certainly don't want to be phoned at dinnertime to be passed from department to department. I just want them to honour the contract I entered into. Does anyone have any advice? as I don't think I should accept anything less than what I originally signed up for. Feel like I've been duped! Thanks in advance for any advice offered :O)
  7. I am just wondering whether kind folks on here think I have a case. First I am registered disabled and have been for many years. Back in 2003 I was quite poorly and in March 2003 had just begun taking medication which had some horrendous side effects. I banked at Woolwich at that time already part of Barclays. We were very tight financially and due to my medication was not in a good place mentally. One day I went into Woolwich to withdraw money. The cashier said would you like a Barclaycard. Not really with it I accepted and the form was filled in there and then. One of the worst decisions of my life. Within 5 days I was given this card with a £3k limit. No checks had been made that I was disabled and in receipt of benefits. We used the money to live on as we had two teenage kids at this time. They progressively upped the limit to £7k without asking us over two years and we used the money to live on and then of course eventually couldn't make the repayments We came to an arrangement with Barclaycard who then sold the debt to Cabot in 2011 which is now down to £4950. What I wanted to know should I apply to Barclaycard for mis-selling of a credit card and complain? If they refuse to address the issue take it to the Ombudsman. I have already taken Cabot and it was decided that they have bought the debt in accordance with the rules and my application was deemed to be the credit agreement. Any replies will be helpful
  8. I am a member at David Lloyd Brighton from July 2013 and I have one year contract term with them, this means I cannot cancel before the term without no paying the annual fee. My membership is Vantage that allows to go in all the UK clubs and use all the facilities everywhere. In Brighton do not to have tennis facilities, but they confirmed I could book tennis court anywhere for free as the Brighton club had this possible option for vantage members. I was not really sure if the sale manager was lying to me then I asked him to confirm in writing in the contract that my membership was “Tennis vantage membership” and he signed beside it to confirm this was correct. Then One month after I had to relocate for work in Berkshire I was using facilities in Heston where they have tennis. I started to use the facilities here until November where the IT booking system was upgraded allowing the booking through the web and is then I could not book anymore courts as they took away the option for guests to book courts in the club. I called my own club which confirmed that I could book court but the issue remained as technically I could not do that. My question is this one. Can I terminate the contract? Can ask damages for it? Do they need to refund the annual fee? I pay monthly 92£ and I am obliged by contract to pay for the full year if I cancel, is there anything I can do to have my rights back to book courts in any David Lloyd clubs as was confirmed in my contract by the sale manager in Brighton? I have attached copy of the contract and signature of the sale manager beside the sentence I have added.
  9. Millions of payday loan customers could be entitled to refunds or compensation... here's how to check if you are you one of them Millions of payday loan customers may be entitled to refunds and compensation amid allegations of high pressure selling and harassmen Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2384761/Millions-payday-loan-customers-entitled-refunds-compensation--heres-check-make-complaint.html#ixzz2b7xehba1 I remember Mike Dailly saying something similar in 2012. Just found it in a corner of the CAG,dusted it down and here it is. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk...d-payday-loans
  10. i had a personal loan from these people for 300, the total to repay was 578 in their contract it stated there was a fee of 100, i told them that i did not want the loan if there were fees and was told that it was not a fee I would not be charged a 100 and that it was included in the total int repayable, if i paid early the total repaid would be a lot less i went to pay all of it 4 months early and was told i still owed a 100 fee/adm;in charge which was an interest charge previously. i was charged interest on 400 not 300 as stated at time of application, as a consequence i have been oveer charged 95, i rang head office and cash cons agree with me that telling people the charge 100 is interest and not a fee is potentially misselling but they were not going to refund me the over charge and i would have to take legal action against them, they have also stated that they are nt responsible for their agents actions even though they are lying to sell loans, can i do anything about this?
  11. hi all, just a note to highlight how loyds inherently missold ppi. edited, for future editing
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