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Found 4 results

  1. Per Chancellor Hammond: "We have over three million European migrants working in our economy and we have full employment. So clearly we need people to come and work in our economy to keep it functioning" in response to suggestion that “the impression on the European continent is that your government sees the future business model of the UK as being the tax haven of Europe”. http://uk.businessinsider.com/philip-hammond-suggests-britain-could-become-a-tax-haven-after-brexit-2017-1?r=US&IR=T
  2. Turkey a NATO member in the area, yet clearly resists other NATO members requests (whether right or wrong - quite understandably in my view) At least 1/2 - 2/3 of the 600,000+ illegal migrants/refugees in Europe this year are reported to have come through Turkey (France24 'conservative' estimate). It would be easy to say (as the EU is requesting at the moment) that Turkey should better police its EU side borders to prevent the flow of migrants, yet Turkey has in the order of 2M refugees/migrants (probably far more) within its borders excluding those who have moved on. - Who wouldn't want the refugees/migrants to move on in that situation, particularly given that a vast number of these migrants will hold hostile beliefs with regard to Turkey. Its clear to me that Turkey is a major part of the problem in the area (although probably NOT through deliberate choice) yet is also one of the VERY few relatively safe exits routes. What are peoples views on the situation, any realistic solutions and what people think of Turkeys actions as a member of NATO yet with direct and immediate security issues which would MOSTLY seem to be at odds with the rest of NATO's official stance? Some things to consider (my opinions - generally very well researched) * Turkey has long wanted a policed buffer zone along its borders, with refugees sent back into the buffer zone - the zones in the other countries borders. * The Kurds want a self governing region and will fight anyone to get it. (They have recently fought Syrian Army and IS and have elements active against Turkey since the coming apart of the Turk/Kurd 'ceasefire') They undoubtedly feel let down by everyone, and claim the Turks are bombing Kurds who are actually fighting IS rather than IS - hence supporting IS. Supported by news reports including 'western' France24 and Euronews. * Turkeys' apparent bombing of Kurds and NOT the IS troops fighting the Kurds (also reported from 'western' news channels) and would appear to show Turkey thinking the Kurds as more dangerous to Turkey than IS.
  3. During the last few weeks, apparently more than 2000 migrants have managed to get through security in Calais and are now in the UK. Theresa May is refusing to comment on this, as it does not make sense to publicise successful illegal migration. It would just encourage more to come. The new fences around the Calais Eurotunnel terminal are not working properly. They were put up in a hurry and are not robust enough to stop people. Some MP's are calling for the British army to be sent to Calais, which is unlikely as the French would not allow it. Also to turn the Eurotunnel terminal into a military controlled area would be pretty drastic action to take. What is the answer ? Migrants want to come to the UK and it is very difficult to stop them. Most have destroyed all of their identity documents, so even if they were rounded up by the French, it would not be easy to process them. I.e to establish genuine refugees from economic migrants. It would not be easy to return the migrants home. My suggestion would be to find an African country willing to act as a migrant assessment centre. Then to round up migrants and fly them to the assessment centre to decide what to do. Advise the people that they would not have any chance of going to the UK unless they cooperated. I.e to reveal true identity and provide all info requested. Then to return as many to country of origin as possible. For genuine refugees that would be harmed by return to home country, the EU should have a shared quota system, with the UK accepting some.
  4. Almost everyday on the news there is a story of more deaths in the med, when migrants from north African have tried to flee to Europe. What is the UN and African Union doing about this ? Surely they need to be doing more, so that people don't feel the need to flee their countries.
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