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  1. There is a press report on SCOOP today regarding the much publicised recent eviction that took place at a quaint cottage in Glossop belonging to a maths teacher. The following is taken from the newspaper article: This is the moment bailiffs smashed their way into a teacher's quaint home to evict her after an alleged row over roof stones. Footage has emerged online of enforcement officers hacking at the door of Rekha Patel's home in Glossop as they try to gain entry. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/moment-bailiffs-smashed-maths-teachers-8240906 PS: As is frequently the case, the press article failed to provide the 'background' information !!
  2. can't post links so search the forum for Debt-Threats-a-quick-self-help-guide all of the links for the letters involved tell me I don't have permission to view them. Anyone shed any light on this? Being mercilessly hounded for a debt I don't think I owe.
  3. Hi, just wondering if a moderator could tell me why I get this message when I try to open links in various places in the site? " markstone, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation. You may not have sufficient posts to permit you to carry out your intended action "
  4. I attended a DWP compliance interview last week and apparently following an anonymous call in June 2013 the DWP fraud investigation dept had checked my bank account and contacted previous employers. I wasn't concerned as I can account for all payments into my account and indeed I have not been paid any salary for any work. The problem arises over 'expenses'... prior to my current medical condition... limited mobility and poor circulation/severe cramps... I worked overseas as a project designer/manager for private companies and charities. After successfully navigating the ATOS process I was put with Working Links. During my last interview at the Jobcentre before going onto WL I was told that given my age and disability my best course of action would be to just tread water until i could apply for early retirement (I am 61). My WL supervisor while accepting that the likelihood of getting part time work 'shelf stacking' was zero was nevertheless positive that I could use my experience and extensive contact network to create a consultancy/advisory job that was flexible enough for me to manage. I wont go into the details for now but this involved a number of national and international trips to meet with past and potentially future clients. Fortunately i do ave a good reputation and a number of potential clients were happy to pay my travel and accommodation expenses. The DWP are now suggesting these expenses are in fact income and tat i should ave advised them of a 'change in circumstance' My point (and my question) is that I had no direct contact with DWP but clearly informed my WL supervisor of every stage of the game.. in fact I was actively encouraged. I was never advised by WL to separately inform the DWP and indeed during my first compliance interview the interviewer conceded that WL should have done this (apparently it isnt the first time this has happened) Of course it is impossible to find out the contractual obligations between DWP and WL but in my world if I am appointed as a supervisor then I have a duty of care to ensure that all aspects of the service are correct. My first question is simply do I have a valid argument that I did in fact provide the information (albeit to a nominated supervisor) and secondly... the DWP are suggesting that expenses are 'income' when in fact it can be shown that the sums were reasonable and from an income tax standpoint allowable. In my understanding income means taxable and disposable i.e. it can be used to pay the fuel bill and buy groceries etc is this the case? would appreciate any comments/advice that could help thanks
  5. Hello. I am currently getting income based JSA for about 1 year now. I stay with my mum, But all of a sudden my mum is saying i need to pay £27 towards to rent as the council will only pay £109. So why now do i need to pay. I have a brother who gets ESA, and my mum gets income support. What are causing the housing benefit deduction, My brother only started claiming ESA this year in march, And all of a sudden the housing benefit is cut. So could someone help me because i am getting the impression the cut is because of me but i have been getting jsa for around a year and my mum has been getting full housing benefit since untill now.
  6. I have a tendency to get too involved in problems until they're solved. With that in mind, please tell me I'm being anal and to ignore it if you think I'm reading too much into this. Long story short: I received my credit report from Experian and was shocked to see 84 linked addresses. Had a closer look, then tabulated the data (enclosed picture)and found I had 13 links to 7 addresses, but duplicated up to 7 times (so 8 copies of 1 link) and at least 3 times (so 4 copies). So I had a closer look. Take a look at the table enclosed. - Each row has exactly the same date, but I've shortened it for privacy/ease of reading. - A through G are 9 years worth of addresses (Mature student at the time). - ? = no linked address, just an entry with one address. - RED squares are my anomalies of primary concern. - AMBER squares are a secondary anomaly that I think I can explain. Does anyone know why there are so many duplications? Second thing I noticed was that in almost every row, there is one link that has been ALTERED to include address D. How do I know they've been altered and weren't created like that? I began using Address D in July 2008. 5 of the links were created before that. Can anyone explain? I've obviously asked Experian, but the more I correspond with them, the less I believe them. I'm waiting for their response (My letter posted today). Lastly, the AMBER results, they appear to have been changed also. I have written in the last month to all of the companies responsible for those links and asked them to delete the links. Is it possible these are the result od this? i.e. They've been altered, but only 1 out of the duplicates has been altered? Thanks in advance of any explanation at all!
  7. Hi This is something I done a while ago when helping a veteran and have just been updating and checking all details for the past week before posting. Thought this may be of use to others it in PDF Format so you will need adobe to open:
  8. Hi all, I am new to this so please bear with me. My wife & I are both unemployed and every two weeks we have to go to Working Links to search for jobs, (as though we don't do this every day at home). We have always had £6. traveling expenses paid to us, but since the middle of January we have to hand in a petrol VAT receipt to claim the £6 expenses. We have been told it has to be a VAT receipt so that they can claim the VAT, and if not we will not get our traveling expense. As we live in a remote area we are unable to use public transport and so have to go by car. Please can anyone confirm if this is correct or even legal for them to be claiming the VAT back?
  9. Came across this and thought it would be useful info, not sure if there's a place for these kind of posts. I attatched it to my own thread as a comment but thought it would be better to have it's own thread P.s. first few paragraph's are part of the story case study, article then breaks down what company is who and owned by who and CCL's Toothfairy Finance Limited and MCO Capital, two separate payday lenders who are no strangers to controversy. In 2010 MCO Capital caused mayhem when a reported 9000 identities were stolen from the company and used to set up dummy loan applications, whilst in the same year Toothfairy Finance were punished heavily by the Office Of Fair Trading telling the firm not to impose “disproportionate” fees or demand “large *installments” from clients who are unable to pay. It may not surprise people to know that new evidence suggests the two companies are actually linked. A few weeks ago another helpless payday loan victim came to my website for help with what seemed like a typical, although slightly alarming, payday loan problem. Out of desperation after the stressful Christmas hangover period, she had borrowed 400 pounds from a company called Paycheck Credit (a trading name for MCO Capital) at the very end of 2011 for a period of just 14 days. Not surprising two weeks later she had realised the foolishness of her decision and was unable to repay the loan. The company wasted little time in slapping on a massive 150 pound default charge for missing the payment date and immediately began threatening further action if payment was not made. Out of fear of the consequences of further delays, she made the payment in full at the end of January, 621 pounds just one month after borrowing 400. As with many who become stupidly trapped in payday loan cycles, the repayment left her massively short of funds and once the loan had been repaid she received a text message offering her a new loan. I wish I could sit here now writing about the irresponsibility of offering a vulnerable customer the chance of a new loan immediately after paying off a defaulted loan, however I simply do not have the time! She took the money on offer immediately however later changed her mind commendably against borrowing again. The money from Paycheck Credit never made it into her account, and that should have been the end of it. It was not. Paycheck Credit were insistent the money had been transferred into her account, and that despite her cancelling the loan it must still be repaid with interest. Karen, my case study, responded insisting the money had never made it into her account and even had the backing of her bank who were equally as adamant that the money had never been transferred. And this is where the plea for help stood, amidst uncertainty of how to resolve the situation. The situation then turned completely on its head. In one email exchange Karen uttered the name of one payday lender I did not expect to hear “Toothfairy took the money back out of my account” she claimed to me. Toothfairy Finance – what the hell did they have to do with this ?!? As the plot thickened I asked Karen to backtrack through emails to figure out just what was going on. The reality of the situation was that at the end of 2011 when Karen took out a payday loan through Paycheck Credit it was clearly Toothfairy Finance who paid the money into her bank account, it was the very same Toothfairy Finance that took the 621 pounds back out at the end of January. The problem is this – Paycheck Credit, or MCO Capital as we should call them have no links to Toothfairy Finance at all ….. For the purpose of clarity, let us first understand who both companies are as stand alone entities; Paycheck Credit – The Facts Paycheck Credit are a trading name for MCO Capital and have a consumer credit license – 613263. The license was issued in February 2008 and expires Feb 2013. Other trading names are; Popcredit Speedcredit The company registration number for MCO Capital is 6472855 According to the OFT register the company is currently ran by an organization called MWLAW Services Limited and have a company registration number of 4668658. On 15th September 2011 the OFT imposed two counts of ‘minded to refuse to vary’ and one count of ‘minded to revoke’ on the company MCO Capital Limited. Toothfairy Finance – The Facts Toothfairy Finance are a trading name of Webloan Processing Limited and have a consumer credit license – 637426. The license was issued on 28th October 2010 and expires 27th October 2015. Other trading names are; Creditcheckout Creditcheckout.Co.Uk Creditcheckout.Com Gogetloan Gogetloan.Co.Uk Nextcredit Nextcredit.Co.Uk Nextcredit.Com Okcash Okcash.Co.Uk Okcash.Com Takeoutcash Takeoutcash.Co.Uk Takeoutcash.Com Toothfairy Finance Wegivecredit Wegivecredit.Co.Uk Wegivecredit.Com The company registration number for Toothfairy Finance is 7275227. Interesting Info Heres something interesting – Toothfairy have got TWO Consumer Credit Licenses! The other license number is 615666. According to this license, the parent company is called CIM Technologies Limited, has a company registration number of 6144500 and has three trading names; Toothfairy Finance http://www.toothfairyfinance.co.uk http://www.toothfairyfinance.com The license was issued on 15th April 2008 and expires 14th April 2013 According to Companies House, Webloan Processing Limited was created in June 2010 but was originally registered as Toothfairy Finance Ltd – they only changed to Webloan Processing Limited on 1st September 2011 – two weeks before the OFT issues its minded to revoke on MCO Capital! According to Companies House, CIM Technologies Limited was created in March 2007. On the same day as the second license was issued, the OFT raised a ‘requirements imposed’ on both licenses. So the question remains how are the two companies linked? It is clear according to the OFT license register that Paycheck Credit belongs to MCO Capital, it is also just as clear that they are in fact an actual lender in their own right. It took a bit of searching, but I started to find the answers. How Do The Companies Link This is where it all starts to come together! Karen confirmed for me that the initial loan taken through Paycheck Credit was deposited into her account by Webloan Processing – one of the parent companies of Toothfairy Finance Limited. Karen also confirmed and sent me copies of Paycheck Credit chasing the defaulted original payment in the name of MCO Capital. Wondering how I found out Toothfairy have two licenses – its written on Paycheck Credits website! In the terms and conditions it states; 12. We are registered at Companies House as CIM Technologies Limited trading as Paycheck Credit. Our company number is 06144500. Our main business is consumer lending. We are regulated and authorised by the Office of Fair Trading (the “OFT”) consumer credit license 615666 At the same time the FAQ page on the website gives the real license reference and name of MCO Capital. CIM Technologies belongs to Toothfairy Finance. Oh and one final confirmed link. BOTH Paycheck Credit and Toothfairy’s websites tell you how you can pay directly into the bank and both websites tell you the bank details to make payments to; A/c number 93462382 / Sort code: 20-50-94 They are the same bank details on both websites. I needed one final piece of evidence and so I sent Paycheck Credit an email directly asking to speak to someone with a press enquiry. The response came from Oliver Larholt using a Webloan Processing email account, stating they deal with all media enquiries relating to Paycheck Credit. It is now beyond doubt. MCO Capital, CIM Technologies, Webloan Processing Ltd, Paycheck Credit & Toothfairy Finance. They are all the same entity. There was however one more final twist to the tale and that is the story behind Oliver Larholt and a company called Northern Debt Recovery, a name familiar to anyone who has followed the Toothfairy Finance saga over the last year or so. Karen mentioned to me that she remembered an email saying that the debt would be passed to a collector called NDR. NDR is short for Northern Debt Recovery. The website is http://www.northerndebtrecovery.com The website has no registered license number or postal address – yet the contact times are identical to those of Tooth Fairy and Paycheck Credit. I went one better and searched Companies House website and found them. Company registration number 6956396 and was set up in 2009. Registered to the same address as Webloan Processing Limited. After referencing this reg number in the CCL database, I found the license was issued in November 2010 and due to expire in 2015. Guess what – they have ‘requirements imposed’ by the OFT – again, the same day as Toothfairy. Also the website states in its contact form that a question to ask is what their relation to Marshall Hoares Bailiffs is. Who are Marshall Hoares Bailiffs ?? Lets find out. The website is http://www.marshallhoares.com – you will see the layout is identical to Northern Debt Recovery. They do post a CCL license which is 631168. The license was issued in November 2010 and due to expire in 2015. Guess what – they have ‘requirements imposed’ by the OFT – again, the same day as Toothfairy. The companies registration number is 6871092. According to Companies House, the company address is identical to Webloan Processing Limited and was registered in 2009. On the 8th Feb 2011 they changed their name to Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Ltd – its previous name since creation – Toothfairy Finance (Cheque Cashing) Limited. Oh and for avoidance of doubt – Northern Debt Recovery, according to the OFT license register, is under the ownership of Oliver Larholt – he deals with Paycheck Credit’s media enquiries. Since sending a recorded delivery message to Paycheck Credit, signed for by ‘innovation’, Paycheck Credit have sent her an email claiming that; “On the day you applied for your loan, there was a problem with the faster payments system in the UK. We are currently investigating where your funds went to and we will be in contact once we have established this.” Perhaps a satisfactory end to Karens issue but a whole shadow of doubt cast over both companies. I have since spoken to Action Fraud whose representative has claimed whilst the practice may appear unethical, it does not constitute fraud. I have to say, I disagree entirely. Someone looking for a payday loan online would probably think twice about using Toothfairy Finance when reading some of the information on the internet concerning them, so when you can look at the website of Paycheck Credit, a trading name for MCO Capital, there would be no reason to suspect a link to Toothfairy at all. As always I will not go quietly, and this issue will be reported directly to the OFT – they might want to make a quick stop at both companies as part of the 50. All credit for this article to be given to Steve Perry, original article: http://saynotopaydayloans.co.uk/blog/controversial-payday-lender-links-exposed/ Also from what I have been told and read, NDR is an internal Debt collection within the toothfairy finance umbrella, you should not have to pay (usually £350) exceptionally high costs for them to do this (pass you over to that departemnt).
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