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  1. Hi all, my first post here so hoping I am in the right place Its a bit long winded but I will try to be concise as possible. I work in local authority in care centre. The same group has a number of similar centres throughout the County. We have recently been subject to management restructuring and additional responsibilities have been added to my role and other staff who do the same role as me in the other locations. We also have regular review meetings where we get together and share ideas to standardise our policies and operating procedures throughout all the centres, so we all work the same way. However, at these meetings I have discussed working hours with other staff doing this role, and find that whilst my contracted hours are 18, most of the others are on 25hrs/week. I raised this with management several months ago, both verbally and in writing, requesting that my contract be reviewed to align me with my peers. This was verbally acknowledge with a "we will look into this" but I have heard nothing more since. I have also recently discovered that when I was recruited, I was put on a higher pay grade than my peers, through employer error, which I had no idea. I suspect that they are holding off increasing my hours as they are already paying me more than everyone else for the same role, but that does not give me more time to complete my work so is not a valid reason. I am struggling to keep up with my daily tasks and finding it very stressful that I have to rush and make mistakes/forget things due to time limitations. I am looking for alternative employment as I feel I cannot continue doing this job successfully on the hours given, but feel I shouldn't have to go through this upheaval if they just agreed to increased hours. I also suspect that should I leave, my post will be re-advertised at correct pay and 25hr contract to sort this anomaly. What are my rights here? It is their mistake that I am higher paid for the same job, but that doesn't enable me to complete the work in less time, so feel I am being discriminated against. I feel its verging on constructive dismissal, but I know the terms needed to apply this are very specific. Any advice appreciated, thank you
  2. Hi, Having aggravation with a second hand car purchase (in another thread). Feeling a bit of financial pressure. Need to get to Stansted Airport so I thought I'd give a One-way for a £1 rental a go. No luck here either it seems. Booked and paid for a £1 one-way rental from Europcar. Online booking was a bit slow but seemed to go ok. Got a confirmation back and all looked fine. 48hrs before I'm due to pick up I get 2 emails saying don't forget to prepare for your rental and please remember your driving licence etc. 3p.m. today, (19hrs before) scheduled pick-up I get a call from an unknown number to my mobile. It's from the pick-up location for the car and the woman says, 'we don't have a car for you tomorrow, so we're cancelling your booking". I explain that with less than 24hrs notice I'm not impressed and can she please give me a written explanation as to why this is? She refuses and says, "I've told you twice we don't have a car for you". So, I call Customer Services which wastes more time. They say 'It's nothing to do with them and you need to speak with "reservations". Another call and more waste, and yep you guessed it, they say, 'nothing to do with us, you need to speak to the branch.' They do say that the branch should be sorting it out and organising another vehicle, but I'm not sure the call agent has got a full understanding of the problem. So out of interest, I go back to the online reservation and find that there's a vehicle available under the same scheme, with the same destination drop off, for the same dates, but from another not too distant branch. Call Customer Services - No use at all. Can't do anything about it. Verbal acknowledgement that it's not good Customer Service, but they can't do anything. So, I book the vehicle from the alternate location via the web site even though it will be more time consuming for me. Then I go back to the reservation system and there it now shows a vehicle available from the original location for return to Stansted. Just like the one that was cancelled a couple of hours earlier. (I have copied all of this information) Oh. In case anyone else is trying to use this system. It comes up with a "How can we Help You - Web Chat/we'll phone you back" dialog. - This goes to Barcelona and a very nice call agent who is absolutely no use as they can't do anything with these bookings. Question then please: The rental agreement - I believe it's only binding after you have signed at pick-up? , but does a contract exits before this and are they in breach of contract? Certainly their T&C says a whole lot about what the bailee can and can't and how if you don't show for your rental they can charge you £85. Which rather suggests they would like to impose a 'fine' for a customer breaching a contract or have I got that all wrong? Have help greatly appreciated.
  3. Good morning. Few days ago I urgently drove my friend to A&E and I unawarely made a prohibited (right) turn. 40 minutes later I drove my friend back home and committed the same contravention. I didn't see the "no right turn" sign at all, so it is completely my fault. I could also add that the road was quite deserted (although I imagine is not an excuse). I am just checking with you if there is any possibility I can only pay it once. I am quite shocked as it is my second (and third) penalty charge in over 40 years. Not mentioning the costs!! Thanks for any help or suggestion. Have a good day.
  4. I joined the Swansea branch during 2014 and am certain that I went down to the branch, filled out the cancellation forms and cancelled the membership before I left. I've only just now been going through my financial statements and it turns out even after 3 years Harlands are still charging me the £9.99 a month. I am trying at present to cancel my membership once again through the online cancellation form on the website of xercise 4 less; but I keep getting runtime error. There is no way for me that i can see to contact either group through emails. I also cannot login through the onsite portal to see my profile; as although my email address is correct; it still says I have no details relating to that email address. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I would love to get my money back considering I already cancelled but if I just did something wrong and had to cancel harlands payments through direct debit itself then fine - ill write it off as money lost. Just would love to get rid of them.
  5. Hi Was just after a bit of advice if possible, I joined a local exercise 4 less on 16.02.2015, I chose to pay £19.99 per month as this was a rolling membership at that time i was still residing in a different part of the country so there would be periods of over a month without me being able to go . After a couple of months I cancelled my direct debit as I was going back to were I resided and didn't want to get a charge for the month although I haven't been to the gym (as i know some companies do this). Came back to permanently live here and re joined the gym under a rolling contract again and have been using regularly up until October 2017 which is when I paid a £30 admin fee to change the £9.99 and have been paying this ever since with no issues and still am. On 18.01.2018 I had a letter through the post which reads : We've been employed by e4l as your membership remains in arrears as a result of this , our fees totaling £102.50 have been added , therefore your account balance now stands at £237.50. On 18.01.2018 I called up the gym who said it has been passed to CRS as i cancelled the Direct debit in 2015. On 19.01.2018 I then called up the gym to get all the details of when i joined and cancelled and re joined and so on , the start date they gave me was 16.02.2015 but they couldn't give me anymore details and asked me to contact Harlands . This is just a quick email to see if there is somebody here who can help , I think its disgusting as I only had a rolling membership at the time and if I owed them a months price I would do ,and am now getting billed this extortionate amount three years after i joined the gym and when i cancelled, I have read through a few of these threads were people are going through the same process but thought I would message in as every situation is different Thank you in advance James
  6. What exactly happens under Universal Credit if you work part time, are you still expected to attend fortnightly signing so if I were working lets say 24 hours per week under UC, would I still have to go to the JCP each fortnight to make a declaration ?
  7. Hi, I have a problem with Xercise 4 less due to me cancelling the dd after the 1st month. I didn't read the terms and conditions of it being a 12 month contract which resulted in them asking for £65 of admin fees. What do I know do as they want £300 and are threating to add more. I have cancelled the membership with the excuse of being redundant which is true since I'm 16.
  8. Hi - my wife recently applied to a local hotel for work as a housekeeper/cleaner. She now works full-time for the agency that supplies cleaners to that hotel and lots of other hotels. They pay only minimum wage but even so, I thought her wages were a little low considering how many hours she is working. On checking her own record of hours worked against her payslips, i found that nothing tallies at all and after telling her to confront one of her bosses about it, she was told that although her payslip tells her she is paid by the hour, in fact she is paid by how many rooms she cleans. 2 rooms = 1 hour. However, each room can take her up to 45 minutes so I think that she is therefore being paid less than MW. The company is quite big, i think, and employs a large number of Moldovan/Romanians (my wife is Romanian) i am concerned that they are exploiting a large number of people. Now i am unsure about who to approach and of course, if I am right at all - as a large company, perhaps what they are doing is completely above board? Any help at all would be very much appreciated. John
  9. Hello everyone, I am new here. Sorry if this problem has already been discussed before, but would really want some advice on the matter. I've joined exercise for less on the 18th of September 2017, and I wanted to join for a month to test out the gym, so the personal trainer there at the time said that I can join and cancel on the same day so that the charge would only be taken for September, they charged me 40 pounds, 20 for admin and 20 for the month. The contract I am on is a rolling contract. although on the terms and condition states that I shouldn't cancel the DD, but I did it anyway because I don't want them to 'accidentally' take another month's cash from me. Got an email from xercise for less (central support team) about arrears, called them and they told me I have to pay the October fee (20) and administrative fees( for cancelling) 25 ( 44.99 in total), Ive hanged up and complain to the gym front desk, they told me they will help contact harlands ( blah blah blah). Nothing happens until the 19 of October which Harlands sent me an email, demanding payment of the 44.99 or they are going to up the charges. I have written the reply below ( not yet sent), and was wondering if there is anything I should add or avoid? ------------- Dear Sir/Madam, Please note that the date I have joined xercise4less on the 18 of September is also the date I have filled in the online cancellation form which would have given you 30 days of notice of cancellation, I had been adviced by member of staff from xercise4 less in the Newcastle-under-Lyme branch to fill in the online cancellation form on the first day due to the fact that I was only interested to join for one month. No administrative fees will be given. Yours Sincerely ---------- Thank you for taking your time to read this. hopefully hear from you soon. Paarthurnax
  10. Hi, I am currently having a problem with canceling an exercise 4 less contract. To cut a long story short, in June this year, I completed the online form to cancel my exercise 4 less contract. I did this after contacting Harlands who handle their financial dealings who e-mailed me back with details of how to cancel. I submitted the form and I heard nothing back from them, I assumed that all had gone well and the contract was now complete. A few weeks ago, I received a message from Harlands telling me that I had missed a payment and that I now owed that payment along with a fee for late payment. I phoned exercise for less to find out why they were still taking payments (something I hadn't noticed until I got the e-mail from Harlands) they told me that they had not received a cancellation form from me. I was advised to re-submit the form and the woman on the phone also told me she couldn't understand why I had received a message from Harlands as her computer was showing that no payments were missing. I re-submitted the form as requested by the lady on the phone now I am being pursued by Harlands I have also received an e-mail from exercise 4 less saying that I have not given them 30 days notice. I DID give them 30 days notice when I first submitted a cancellation form and if anything, they owe me money for failure to cancel and continuing to take payments they are not entitled to. They were supposed to cancel the direct debit themselves as it states on their cancellation form, but they clearly have not done this. Communication with them is so slow and I feel they are purposefully delaying responding to me in order to drag this out so they can just keep on adding charges. I still have the e-mail I sent Harlands back on June 12th 2017. I need help to figure out what to do to sort this as it is like talking to a brick wall trying to communicate with these people. Thank you
  11. Received 2 NIPs from different police forces after being caught by speed cameras, one in one force area, the 2nd in another force area. Was continuing a journey on the same motorway in the middle of the night, temp roadworks - unmanned - speed not excessive but over the limit, but each one was within the speed thresholds. One force offered me a speed awareness course, but the other refused and instead issued me with the more severe *Conditional Offer Of Fixed Penalty*, i.e. £100 fine plus 3 points. I did the course, cost me £76. I contend that the other force should not have issued me with the conditional fixed penalty and that both offences were only seen as separate because - unknowingly to me - the 2 speed cameras were in different force areas, even although I was still on the same motorway. Seems excessive punishment and a technicality is being used in order to deny me another speed awareness course offer, i.e. that only one can be done every 3 years. I've checked all the guidelines and the force in question has apparently breached them. I now stand to get a court summons because I've refused to accept the *COOFP* and would claim that both offences should not be separate but ought to be seen as one only. Seems like they want two bites of the same cherry? A tricky one where it seems as if their guidelines can't cope with my circumstances, so instead of either treating them as a continuation of the first offence, or taking no action, they seem hell bent on prosecuting me. Any thoughts ??
  12. Hi my son has similar problems with CRS and cancelled his direct debit payments after 14 monthly payments had been taken . Does anyone know if by leaving it a little bit late and not cancelling after 12 months is he now liable for another 12 months like a sort of rolling contract ? He doesn't have a copy of his membership to check the small print . At present they want approx £200 + with CRS' additional fees .
  13. Hi, Ill try to keep it brief. I was a member of xercise for less Milton Keynes on a rolling contract paying £19.99 a month, never failed a payment but realised i wasn't using it, i called them up to ask what the cancellation policy was and they said cancel your DD, simple as that! I later got a letter from CRS saying i had not paid and there was a admin charges on there, i discovered i had to do it online which i immediately did, as i had no DD in place i called the gym explained what happened and that i wanted to pay my notice period. The girl their that answered the phone said no don't worry about it as you were given the wrong information by us and even said this was the 3rd time it had happened this week that she knew about so she would pass on all the information to the manager and would write to head office and get the debt wiped out. I thought nothing of it until 4 weeks later i got a letter to say my fees had gone up. I called CRS who were rather rude and aggressive and said there would be court action if i did not pay even though i explained the gym were contacting the head office to get it wiped off. I then called the gym again and got Sarah, again i explained what happened and she informed me that the manager had since left and has no way of tracing my case but insisted after taking everything down that she would contact the head office and ask them to recall the debt and thanked me for being so understanding, this was in January! Last month i got yet another letter from CRS my debt had risen to £201 I must of got about 4 calls, voicemail's and texts a day from them i contacted them and they agreed to put the case on hold for 30 days i contacted the gym and i spoke to Sarah and told her after sending an email to customer services they replied saying i had to pay, i argued the case again with Sarah who then became rude and said there is nothing further she could do i had to go by that email. I asked her if she could send me a copy of the email she sent to head office so i could argue the case and she said she would do it when she had time. I have since emailed her 2-3 times requesting this email and she is not replying or giving me the information. I have now been sent a final 10 day letter from CRS saying they would pass my case to Zinc if not paid I contacted them and they have agreed to put it on hold for a further 30 days. I have been emailing customer services and they are flat out refusing to wipe the debt out. GIve said the them and the gym i have no issue to pay the cancellation fee but this has been going on 5 months and i feel the unlawful fees being added on were not my fault as the gym was acting on my behalf and advising me all along. Im so annoyed if they had just accepted the cancellation fee i would not be in this position!
  14. My son has a membership with this bunch, he tried to use the gym a month ago and was refused entry as he had apparently not completed a health questionnaire. He had never completed one in the preceeding 11 months. He completed one on his phone in front of the receptionist, but because her system was not 'real time' so it would not show up for a few hours, she would not let him in. He told her that he wanted to cancel hi membership as it was over 12 months, and than cancelled his DD with his bank. Today, a month on, he received the famous Harlands letter asking for £14.99 and £25 late payment fee. Not knowing any better, and looking to get a mortgage and we have drummed into him the importance of a good credit rating, he rang up and paid it. He has also cancelled his membership through the website which states they will take one more months payment. I am going to wait for them to claim the next month and confirm his membership has been cancelled, then I am going to hit them with a Moneyclaim online summons for the total amount. A) he should not have been refused access or given a manual form to complete (he never received any notification they were introducing this health form. B) the £25 charge is punitive and not legal. C) he advised the receptionist, as a representative of the Company, he was cancelling his membership. It will be interesting if they come down from head office in Leeds to Essex to defend a £75 case, but lets see how they like it when the shoe is on the other foot. If they do decide to come and defend (as an individual I can insist the hearing is in my local court) it will cost them a dam site more than it will cost me to issue the summons, and as I work from home, I can spend an hour at the court. I have sued 5 or 6 Companies in the past 3/4 years and I am yet to lose a case. Although in fairness, they all pay up as soon as they get the summons
  15. Hello everyone! This is my first time and I am happy to join this community of consumers. I have a parking 'fine' by Smart Parking in a retail parking at around 22:5hrs for 10-11min, with a 3hrs free parking but must obtain a ticket. Now it is late at night and the two ticket machines are situated together at one end of the parking which is 50m from where I am parked and as a current blue badge holder , I have difficulty in walking that distance as the place I was going to was less than 50m. Also as the retail park closes at 20;00hrs the car park is virtually empty. Hence, I appealed the PCN but was rejected by a response to a car and details that are not mine, so now I want to put an appeal to POPLA, what points are my strongest so I can get this PCN cancelled? Thanks in advance for any positive help or advice.
  16. Hi All, I am new to CAG, and I just lost the previous message I wrote So starting again, I read previous post about Xercise 4 less and their customer policy. Just like to say, what you are doing is amazing. Getting to my story: We (me and my boyfriend) signed for Xercise 4 less membership in August 2015, before they opened on 28th August 2015. We knew it was 12 month contract, so we kept it for a year, even we didn't use it much. But we wanted to cancel as soon as contract came to the end. We went to the gym on beginning of September to cancel our membership, receptionist mentioned something about Website. we get on the website, I am really sorry I looked everywhere for cancelation link , but I couldn't find it. My boyfriend went to the gym to ask they referred him to the Website. I logged on my profile again with same effect. And the story goes on for a while. Finally we've gave up, gone to the bank to cancel our DD. And everything was fine till yesterday, we received two debt collection letters from CRS, with no previous communication. (we changed the address, so that may be the reason). Each letter asking for payment of over £200, for both of us is over £400. Obviously we called CRS start saying our story, guy just stopped me in the middle said I need to pay minimum of £76 per person, and I have "let say a month" to pay after which they will take a court action against me. We went to the gym requested to talk with the manager, I thing everyone knows what happened there :/ We are not willing to pay as we don't believe we owe them anything. As far as I got the point from previous posts We should ignore any form of communication and write them a letter informing we don't accept any charges as we find them unlawful. I would appreciate any help or advise, as after reading the forum I expect to be harassed by the company for next few years and I would rather not. Many thanks Kasia
  17. Hi, I have read allot of threads and can see how bad this company is. I signed up to the Xercise 4 Less Burnley gym online 14/01/17 I didn't have any money in my bank on the 28th as i get paid last working day of the month (2 days short) "Your first payment will be collected on or just after 28 January 2017 for an amount of £9.99 which consists of a joining fee of £0.00 and the first monthly payment of £9.99." I accept that I will have to pay the £25 admin charge + £9.99 even if I haven't even been at the gym 1 month yet! With this type of gym and now seeing what they are like I want out of the contract even if its £9.99 I have moved locations and live with my partner in manchester and go home the odd weekend (was going to use that gym when I was at home). Could I get out of the membership? the fact is that if I change my address via my bank and sent it in, that will be final, membership closed? I don't want debt collector letters coming to my partners address you see.
  18. I signed up for a year membership @9.99 and have had membership for well over that time. I cancelled my direct debit now they are trying to charge me 25.99 and now another 25.99. because i never cancelled through their website. Can you advise me what to do next. Thanks Scott
  19. Hi everyone, I missed a payment due to insufficient funds in my account on the 4th of December 2016 for £9.99. I have been reading a number of the threads in this forum detailing similar issues of having a £25 "administration fee" placed on top of that £9.99 I owe them for a total of £34.99 to come out of my account today. I have since contacted my bank and cancelled my direct debit with Harlands. I am happy to pay the £9.99 that I owe them, but I am not happy to pay a penalty charge of £25 (which I have read in other threads is unenforceable). I have cancelled my Xercise 4 Less membership today and I am due to pay them £9.99 for December, and another £9.99 in January to finally end the membership. I am happy to pay both of these payments of £9.99 My question is do I need to be worried about cancelling this direct debit, causing any further problems, or can I simply pay them the 2 payments of £9.99 and be done with this shady company? Thanks in advance for your time.
  20. Hello. I do not know how I should proceed - I am quite worried as I am in the process of wanting to purchase my first home and cannot afford to have silly companies like the ones above impose court junctions against my name / affect my credit rating... Around May 2015, I had the usual nonsense posted on here that Xercise4Less wished to claim £126 from me, for "prematurely" cancelling a DD with no notice. So in result, they sent the Zinc hounds after me, to which after A LOT of harrassment, they accepted all the proof i provided to them and closed my account. This was the final email i received from Zinc "Good Afternoon Mr XXXX, Thank you for your email correspondence which contents have been noted. This has been accepted by ourselves and no further contact will be made. King regards, Amy." Great. Yesterday I received an email now from CRS "Hello XXX We are writing in regards to the account that has been passed to us by Xercise 4 Less. Your file has recently been returned to us by the Zinc Group. Your CRS reference number is ...... and your outstanding balance stands at £126.49. We urgently need to speak to you about this matter and would be grateful if you would call us today on 01444 449165 between 08:30am and 6:00pm. We are happy to set up a payment plan if you can not afford to settle the balance in one go. We are also willing to consider a reduced settlement with you if this will help resolve the matter. Alternatively, if you would prefer us to call you, please confirm a suitable number to reach you on. Many thanks, Rob Avery CRS Collections Manager" I don't want to leave this floating, how can i tell them that this has nothing to do with me anymore, when will this stop . Thanks MN
  21. So i'm having a bit of a dispute with our house insurance, long story short, my husband didn't close the shower screen properly and left the bathroom with shower running for a period of time, I walked into my kitchen to find it had all collected into a bubble and burst through a hole in the ceiling causing damage to the walls, floor and plaster. Insurance told us we could claim through our escape of water and had to give them two itemized insurance quotes. We massively struggled to get these quotes with several traders not turning up or wanting to charge a fee to produce them, we asked if the insurance company could send out someone to quote and fix - they said no, we asked for a list of their preferred suppliers and was told they didn't have one. Eventually they told us they would send a loss adjuster out with a view to offer a cash settlement. Whilst waiting for the loss adjuster we had another leak when using the shower and it became apparent that the bath was coming away from the wall when we were using it causing the seal to break and the water to escape down the side, this was confirmed when we got a plumber out through our boiler cover insurance. So we resealed the bath but again the bath would move so in order to prevent more damage whilst waiting for the loss adjuster we stopped using the shower and stuck to baths only. We're still having to do this months later. The loss adjuster came, had no details of our claim as his system had crashed, he spent 5 minutes in the kitchen looking at the hole went into the bathroom, didn't ask us to remove the bath panel or look under the bath. He took some photos and left. We were then offered a settlement of just over £600 out of which a £250 escape of water excess was to be deducted. None of the works included in his scheduled involved fixing the issue with the bath. So we queried it. They've taken our query as a complaint and issued us with a final response claiming the loss adjuster took photos of the toilet which he claims was the root of the leak and we were negligent in fixing it hence as it must have been leaking a lengthy period as evidence by rust on the pipes (our pipes are all plastic so zero rust and 100% never been a leak) so they are refusing to pay out for any bathroom works. We've subsequently had 3 different plumbers out to the house for quote all which have been in the region of around £1700 and all the works listed are the same, all state that no evidence of a leak to the toilet and that significant removal and refitting of the bathroom suite and wet-wall will be needed to remedy the bath issue and the joist which has been soaked along with the fixing of the ceiling and flooring. The insurance company won't entertain these quotes or letters of evidence nor will the entertain the photos i've taken myself of the damage in particular behind the toilet which clearly shows plastic pipes and no rust anywhere there or under the bath. They've refused to let us see the report written by the loss adjuster or the photos taken and refuse to comment on how he could accurately know the issue when he didn't even look under the bath. They wont enter into a dialogue with us and have told us as they issued their final response we have to take it to the ombudsman if im not happy. Does anyone have any experience of this or words of advice on how to approach it with the ombudsman? what more evidence should I need or be gathering in order to support my complaint? I'm quite sure the insurance company are taking the **** in their offer but i've never had to make an insurance claim before so i'm not sure if this is normal or if i'm expecting too much?
  22. Hi ,I would please like some advice please regarding this matter. me and my partner signed a 12 month contract at exercise 4 less last December 2016. In August 2016 I decided we wanted to end the membership and cancelled the direct debit. Since then to which it is still continuing they will not leave us alone ,to the point of harassment now. I've been in touch with citizens advice and consumer helpline but they are not helping the situation , they told me to pay up. I've wrote to Harlonds/CRS numerous times and the matter is not getting dealt with . I have writhen to come to an amicable resolution . I even came to an agreement to pay but a few days later I got a letter from there so called dept recovery . I rang and they said they have no recollection of me calling. So now they have written to me again and said they have recalled the phone call and are willing to settle the dept for me and my partner for £157 for them to go away I've had enough now , can you give some advice please so I can deal with them once and for all thanks gemma
  23. Hey guys I was at the Xercise4less gym in Bradford on a 14.99 rolling contract i signed up for it on 8/10/2015 and the last direct debit to leave my account was on 7/4/16 I cancelled the direct debit and thought that was it - which is what i had been told by a staff member but evidently this wasn't true. Since then i have been receiving letters for £222 from harlands, moving to CRS and now finally SprattEndicott who are considering legal action. Funnily enough out of sheer laziness i only ever used the gym in the first two months and paid 5 Months of gym membership for nothing I have spoken to sprattendicott on the phone, having ignored the others so far, and they said to email them whatever response i have to say / stating my issue. If theres any more info needed il add it in Thanks for any help you guys offer!
  24. Hi, I received a text from CRC this morning stating they had sent me a letter a week earlier and to call them about it. From looking on the internet i released its Xercise 4 less related. i contacted Harlands who told me my direct debit was cancelled in late July (by my bank) so from then up to now i've not been paying any subs to the gym. I received an email from Harlands on 22nd July, saying: "Harlands administer the collection of all payments due under your agreement with Xercise 4 Less. Your bank have advised us that your July instalment has been returned unpaid "refer to payer" as there were insufficient funds in the account to pay the amount due. We will therefore debit your account on 2 AUG 16 for the total amount of £34.99. Please note that the submission for this will be made two working days prior to 2 AUG 16 and if this date is not convenient" i thought fair enough the money will come out on 2nd aug, but it didn't as the bank cancelled the DD, however i didn't realise this and Harlands / CRC apparently started sending letters out to me but to an address i've never heard of!! i.e. they had the wrong address on their systems. I called CRC today and the guy said if you pay within the next 30 days we will reduce your fees to £112.49. now i do owe Xercise 4 less subs to cover July to September but im not happy they are wanting so much. i find it grossly unfair when they had my address down wrong. they could have emailed me again, texted me, froze my account so i couldn't access into the gym to make me aware of this issue. The CRC guy said i will need to call back on 22nd nov to either pay the £112..49 or sort out other arrangements. He said it was my responsibility to pay and the letters sent out (to the wrong address!) were only courtesy. He also said i should have checked the payment went through on the 2nd, i told him i thought it would have gone through DD without an issue. i feel frustrated, will call my bank tonight to ask why the DD was cancelled. any advise on how to tackle CRC ?
  25. Need some advice on dealing with Vodafone. I submitted a SAR request asking for all the usual (Contract Details, Pricing Structure, Allowance, statement.. the works) and eventually received less of a "Data Subject Access Request" but more a summary of screen notes: For instance I called to change my address and this is what they have given me in the SAR Now I agree, it notifys me of an address change, and could be considered screen notes however WHERE IS THE ACTUAL DATA? Changed address to what??? Now I know where I changed the address to as I have a tenancy agreement and could prove that however subsequently the following happens: So I asked for a Signed copy of my default notice from the CS Agent who sent my SAR: Now I was extremely confused because I knew that I 100% hadn't received the note at my new address however until just shortly I had lost all hope then suddenly while speaking to the new owners of my old address, they informed me that they did indeed have a pile of old mail for me in their cupboard: Incase you haven't guessed THIS WAS SENT TO MY OLD ADDRESS DESPITE ME CHANGING IT
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