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  1. around 11 months ago Lowell started sending letters claiming money owed to them for a debt they bought from shop direct. the amount they claimed was ridiculously high when i received a letter i simply just binned it. on the 26th April 2016 i received a letter from Cohen Cramer saying that because i have ignored all previous letters from Lowell and Lucas Credit Services (client agent) if i did not contact them within 14 days they would issue a claim in the County Court. I decided to write to both Lowell and Cohen Cramer. I sent Lowell a CCA request I wrote to Cohen Cramer explaining that i had requested the info from Lowell as to ascertain where this debt and the amount claimed had come from. I asked Cohen Cramer to hold court action until i got the info. After i sent both letter dated 3rd May 2016 i received a reply from Cohen Cramer dated 10th May 2016, stating that they had received my letter and that their client has given them a minimum period of 45 days from the date to send the documents which i presume they was referring to my CCA request. I then received a letter yesterday, dated 16th July 2016, attached to the letter was a double sided photocopy of a letter of assignment, but no credit agreement (not even the standard 1 page photocopy with no signature). This was not what i asked for from my CCA request to Lowell. They have now stated that if no reasonable proposal is forthcoming within 14 days then legal proceedings will be instituted. Just wondering if anyone could help and give some advice as i am unsure of what to do next. I was wanting to contact Cohen Cramer again but i am not sure what to put in my letter. any help would be greatly received, thank you for your time Letters From Cohen.pdf
  2. Hello forum, I hope someone can help me as I'm feeling quite stressed about my situation. I am stressed at the lack of customer service I've received where people misquote prices and don't seem to care you have a timetable you need to stick to - they're quite happy to mess around with timings and not be accurate enough when they quote timings, they just don't care and they just want the sale. Quick bit of background and then will ask my questions. I ordered a Tamla lazy boy sofa 3 seater and a 1 seater (manual recliners) and was told 7-8 weeks for delivery. I was unaware at the time there was a free carpet offer on. The offer was only for 16sq m of carpet anyway on certain carpets. This is what I'm having issues with. To begin with it was never really made clear which carpet was actually included as 'free' but he seemed happy for me to think the £12.99 per sq m was included. This matter was cleared up on a later visit and I switched my attention to the carpet that was actually included in the offer. The sales rep seemed knowledgeable but when it came to sorting out the carpet, he quoted me something that would only have been confirmed by the guy who came to measure my front room. He had not been given any information about my order, just told to measure the front room and quoted me for the price of a £5.99 per sq m carpet. Anyway, I went back to the store in Dartford twice to decide on the carpet and was told that the carpet fitter was not aware that I had ordered a lazyboy sofa which is why his quote was different to what the store quoted. I'm still not sure I was actually quoted correctly at all. I had opted for the £9.99 per sq m carpet anyway which was included as the free carpet and had to paid the remaining balance. I even took a picture and confirmed it with the same rep as before that that was the carpet that would be delivered. He told me it was called pewter. I have since found out that pewter is not the colour I wanted. I generally don't do colour coordination or know the variations of colours but if I show you a picture and point to the actual sample I want then how can you tell me a colour is pewter when it isn't? The carpet fitter came on Saturday morning - called me at 8 am to say he'd be there in 20 mins - so I'm rushing around to get my boy out the house and left my partner to deal with the fitting. When I came back I saw that the carpet was not the colour I was expecting - I had confirmed it twice in the store, even took a photo and made sure it matched with that I told the same sales rep. as above, he wrote pewter. The problem is, and now my questions: I cannot find anything on the contract about what to do if SCS mess up and have the wrong colour carpet delivered, particularly if the carpet seems to be the £12.99 per sq m carpet not included in the deal. It has now been fitted and even my partner said to the fitters that it didn't look the right colour but they weren't going to not fit it or contact SCS to check for any mistakes. It was really early in the morning and my partner let them fit the carpet, he doesn't mind the different colour but I usually sort this stuff out. If I had been at home then would I have been able to say 'no' to the fitters and call SCS there and then? The fitters didn't seem to care about having the wrong carpet. So, I now have the wrong colour carpet. It's not a major problem but my new sofas will clash and I don't know how SCS could confirm one thing and still get it wrong. I just don't know my rights. I'm ok with a different colour carpet but I don't want to be charged any extra for their mistake if they have given me the £12.99 per sq m carpet. 1) Is there anything in law that covers me for the mistake made by SCS meaning I don't have to pay extra if they've delivered and fitted a more expensive carpet? As far as I can see if they have misquoted then they bear the loss because I have already paid them. To add, if it's not the more expensive carpet they've delivered then there really isn't a problem at all and I can just complain that it's the wrong colour and leave it at that and call them incompetent. There is nothing in the contract that I can see that covers this type of event, only matters arising from defects. 2) Is there anything in law that covers me for any mistakes made in their quotations for the carpet fitting, underlay and fixings? - I am wondering if I have been misquoted and paid more than I should have. The fitters were supposed to bring 2 gold bars for the 2 doors but they didn't. I also haven't received the rug doctor cleaning kit which I was promised. 2) I am now worried about my lazy boy sofas not being delivered on time. If delivery takes longer than 7-8 weeks what can I do about it? It seems futile to complain to head office but is there anything is law that covers me? I'm not sure what this would be exactly. 3) I don't know how long I have to inform them of the situation but need to know my rights first. They quote 72 hours for sofa delivery issues but say nothing about carpets. I want to call head office to find out their policy on this but after reading reviews of their customer service I'm not sure I will be given the right information. I will go to SCS today to sort out the rug doctor kit and the gold bars issues. I will tell them I have sought legal advice in case I have been misquoted prices and have been delivered the carpet not included in the deal. I will not be paying any money to them but will ask them to make sure that the tamla lazy boys are on track and again quote that I have sought legal advice in case they are not delivered on time. Until someone can advise me on my rights I will just let them know I am aware of mistakes they have made and will take the matter further if I get any hassle from them. I apologise my writing's all over the place but is anyone able to help me? thank you in advance
  3. My Brother was off work with stress and got into areas with his car payments with seat. they sent his account to Credit Style Limited who sent out one of there So called advisor's and he arranged a meeting with then against what i believed was the wrong move. the person who came to see him who he says was very nice (she would be she wants money) told him that he had no option but to Vouunatry surrender his vehicle but he has paid over 1/2 the original loan so should have looked at the Half payment if he was returning the car. He was basically forced in to taking this option as he was told there was no option either pay the arrears as well as his contracted monthly payments or Voulantary surrender. and they would not consider a payment plan that was more than 6 months as they said seat would t except it they never asked them he as signed the form they gave him but the car has not been collected as i have told him not to hand it over until i looked at other options. They have been harassing him with phone calls and text messages at work some text messages have been very derogatory for example one was it isn't rocket science to answer the phone. please can some one advise if it is possible to get out of this and look at 1/2 payment if he still wants to return the car or is it too late we have only just got him well and back to work following him having to leave his previous job due to been off work with stress and i am scared that all this could result in him becoming ill again thanks for your help
  4. Hi Hope someone can help, am separated from my husband ( not legally yet) I live at my parents with my two children ( the second of which was born whilst we were trying a reconciliation that didn't work). I'm self employed and claim as a single person, I'm at my mums whilst trying to grow the business and save to buy a house. Have been discussing the situation with my ex , I 'm ready to move on from my mums. He has agreed to help me buy a house for myself and the kids to live, if i sell my flat to help with the deposit my parents will also help. The advantage for him is that his children have a family home and its an investment for him as he'll own 50% and the advantage for me is that we get to live in a home i would not be able to afford to buy on my own My question how will a joint application for a mortgage look to HMRC. We are not an in a relationship and don't plan to be. Can prove he lives elsewhere. I guess having the house is more important than the tax credits but I'll struggle without them for a good while whilst paying the mortgage. Just checking before we go ahead.
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