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Found 17 results

  1. Hi, Trying to claim mis selling from Santander ( bought as A&L mortgage 1991). I have completed a questionnaire, they came back with it was another company who sold me the endowment, on submitting a request to them, they say an agency worked in their office, it has now ceased............... .Im struggling, I'm sure I've read somewhere whoever the mortgage/endowment policy is with, ultimately they are accountable by law, cannot find this anywhere now. Can anybody help me out with some advice on where to go with this please?
  2. Cut a long story short. Bought a house in 1990 with an endowment mortgage (was the "in" thing then). Morgage was for price of house of £48,000. In 1995 marriage broke up and house was repossessed. Never heard anything except that the house had been sold by the bank. Moved to England from Scotland. Surprised yesterday to have a letter from the endowment company tracing me (since remarried so different name and now widowed). It states quite clearly they are NOT looking for me to pay anything but are keen to re-unite me with my investment? I would have thought this would have died when the house was repossessed. I'm curious. They want me to send verification that it is me and then they will discuss my "investment". It would be nice to think there might be something there, even £5 but I'm not holding my breath. The mortgage, had we still had the house would have been paid off last year. If anyone can shed any light on this, I'd be grateful.
  3. Mortgage taken out in joint names 25 years ago with endowment. Partner did a runner within weeks of exchanging contracts and due to financial problems the matter was never resolved and all bills got paid by the remaining partner. Role on 25 years and the mortgage is due in a few weeks but I have been informed both parties need to sign the endowment release papers. I have tried online tracing services and no records of the missing partner exist within the last few years, the last known address was 2 years ago on electoral role. Where do I stand as I obviously need the endowment funds to pay the mortgage?
  4. Hi All, Please help, this is killing us...the stress is causing us so many problems...we can't eat and its ruined the family. We took out a Endowment policy in the 90's via a broker. The Endowment policy is Prudential, and we were told the Endowment policy will pay off the total mortgage and pay me a lump sum at the end of maturity. We found out today there is a shortfall of £35k!!! We complained to the FSA/FOS, who stated because the broker is no longer trading we cannot claim compensation. They cannot make the claim against anyone we have been told. We spoke to Money Advise Service who stated, its our word against theres therefore we cannot do anything. Im stuck, I can't eat, sleep and is seriously impacting my life! Can anyone help with this, please? Thanks All. Jane
  5. Hi Not Sure if in the correct section. when my partner took out his mortgage (approx 20 years ago) he took it as an endowment. A few years ago we got into some financial problems and to stop the bank (BOS) repossessing we were switched to an interest only mortgage and stopped paying into the endowment 'fund'. Earlier this year we received an endowment statement with a figure of approx 8k, however we realised that for each year since we stopped paying into it the company (Countrywide assured) have been using the units up to service the policy. We have decided to try and cash in the policy and possibly invest elsewhere. So far all so good. The problem is that CAS require a notification from the bank that we are on an intrest only mortgage, we have tried calling the bank many times asking for this notice they confirm they are going to send it out however it has never arrived. My question (s) really are: 1. if the endowment has dropped due to time wasting by the BOS can we claim refund 2. how can i get the BOS to speed up the letter? 3. any ideas of how we can prove without the letter from BOS. They have recently sent us a form reminding us that the mortgage is finishing in 5 years and asking for information of how we intend to pay it off, this has 'interest only mortgage' at the top will this suffice? Sorry if this doesn't make much sense, and also if posted in the wrong forum.
  6. Hi I would be grateful for any advice. my mortgage with santander has come to an end and i have a shortfall of 40000. I work full time have no arrears. I can continue with payments but will they want to repossess for outstandnig balance.
  7. YORKSHIRE BUILDING SOCIETY - ENDOWMENT SHORTFALL I would be very grateful for any advice. I have an endowment mortgage shortfall leaving me with a £21,000 debton my 25 year interest only mortgage with the Yorkshire Building Society. I am 60 years, severely disabled and my wife is my full time carer, we are totally dependant on benefits and was unable to do anything about the shortfall, we received a small amount of compensation some time back after commissions were taken. I have written twice to YBS setting out clearly our circumstances, I advised I would try and pay in extra to reduce the shortfall and I paid an extra £2000 this year leaving us short of money. I have asked them to extend the term by 10 years or make it a"lifetime interest only mortgage". They telephoned in response to my first letter in May this year saying they could not do an interest only mortgage, and it would have to be repayment one, we were expecting a £30,000 shortfall, she spoke about a 5 year repayment mortgage due to my age, with repayments between £400 and £500 p/m, I told her this was impossible, I asked her to put everything in writing and was told this was NOT their policy, that she had already explained it over the telephone, I asked her to speak to a supervisor and he agreed, the letter did not reflect the telephone conversation, did notmention a repayment mortgage just said the shortfall had to be paid or our homewas at risk and I was happy and understood. I continued to pay full interest and extra payments and wrote them another long letter as the mortgage was coming to an end and the shortfall was much less than expected, I requested again an extension of the term of the mortgage or a "life time"mortgage, I asked them to acknowledge in writing my letters and attachments. I then received a letter saying they had received a cheque from my endowment company that left a £21,000 shortfall and could I forward a cheque for the balance, my letters and contents were being ignored, this seems so unprofessional, I wonder if they are trying to get me into a situation of unauthorised borrowing and hit me with charges, the house is worth £175.00 and I only owe £21,000 and have proved I can pay the interest, I cannot see why they would want to make a disabled family homeless and incur large legal fees, it seems so unreasonable, down sizing would not be practical as we live in a small mid terraced house. The same woman has phoned and left a message, I do not want to speak to her again as she just repeats the same thing over and over again and ignores what I say, this pressure is impacting on my fragile health, the very least they should do is put in writing their position and a proposal to resolve the problem. I really would appreciate any advice. Bernie
  8. In 1992 I took out an endowment policy with Scottish Provident which was sold via a broker paying around £50 a month. At the time all I wanted to do was save £50 a month and was persuaded by some financial person who used to come round the Army Barracks where I was based to take this savings plan out. I never even knew what an endowment policy was till a few years after. More than likely I was missold this policy is it too late to do anything about it, I cashed the policy in with Scottish Provident in 2002 and have no idea who the broker was unless I SAR Scottish Provident. Any ideas..
  9. Hi, I've just received a letter from my building society letting me know that they have applied for te payment on maturity of my endowment policy. I know it's not enough to cover the mortgage which does not require paying back until 2016. The endowment matures in November 2013 and I assumed the money was paid to me so that I can try to increase the sum before the mortgage is due to be paid off. My question is can the building society do this - I thought Norwich Union/Aviva paid me the endowment money. Any advice gratefully received. Gary
  10. I took out an interest only mortgage back in 1999 with Verso, part of The Britannia. The mortgage was sorted through a financial adviser who advised me to take interest only rather than a repayment mortgage, and he sorted the endowment policy as well. I remember there was a big thing a few years ago about endowment policies not clearing peoples mortgages and want to know if I can still claim back on the one I had. I can't remember the name of the financial adviser apart from his first name, or the endowment provider, it was Scottish something. If I contacted the Britannia would they be able to provide the information and would I have a claim. The house was sold in 2004
  11. My parents have just finalised an endowment mortgage originally taken out with Abbey, (in around 1976) & were expecting a lump sum - they are now being told that they can only have 25% of the annuity in cash, & the remainder paid on a regular basis. I'm trying to help them get to the truth of it, they're sure they should be able to get this lump sum as per the original mortgage agreement. They have all the relavent paperwork, however during a recent phonecall to Santander, they were told that Aviva is now "dealing with this aspect of the mortgage". They are considering the FOS, however I feel that this should be resolvable between them & the lender, & the ombudsman should be a last-resort. As I'm only familiar with my own mortgage, I'm unsure where they stand, if anybody can offer any advice here - they are adamant they've never signed any "changes to terms/agreement" type letters.
  12. hi everybody. I bought a flat in 1990, I was advised at the time to take out an endowment mortgage by Birmingham Midshires, no longer around I think. I paid in for 10 years, got into financial difficulties, and sold up in 2000 just in time to avoid repossession. After 10 years I had to sell for virtually the same price as what I paid, so annoying at one time I was working 3 jobs to try and keep my home, to no avail. Is it too late to do anything about it:???:
  13. Hi In December ’89 I brought a property for £53,500. I paid a mortgage indemnity guarantee at the time the mortgage. I also started an endowment policy. The initial mortgage company split the mortgage in two giving a main and top up mortgage. This company went bust and the mortgage was sold off to another company (still in two parts). This company then sold the mortgage on again (still in two parts) to a sister company of Halifax (HL6 ltd). I was repossessed in October ’97. The property was then sold for £23,000 by the mortgage company to pay off the debt. This left £30,000 negative equity. At the time of repossession I informed the court , the solicitors acting on behalf of the mortgage company of my new contact details. I did receive a letters for a short time from the solicitors telling me what was going to happen, including a form asking me for my income and outgoings, presumably so they could work out how much I would have to payback each month. This was filled in returned. The letters stopped. I wrote to them asking what was happening, several times over the next few months. I stopped writing and I have still never heard anything. I must add that the contact details I gave to the courts and solicitors was my parents address (where they still live) so I have always be reachable. My endowment is with AXA and is now worth £5,000 (I stopped paying into it when I was repoed). I contacted them to cash it in, they said it is OK but I need a statement of no further interest form the holders of the deeds. The told me it was a company called ‘Berkshire Capital funding’ (never heard of this company). Done some research on them, it seems they buy debts, which they then try and recover. I have written to the court where I was repossessed, got a letter back saying that my case had gone to file. I do not have any of the old mortgage contracts. What I would like to know. Can I safely get my endowment money back, with out string up a hornets nest (ie them now starting to chase me for the £30,000)? None of the above has seemed to effect my credit rating, I have been able to get a mortgage on two different properties. ---- Received a letter today saying that the endowment will mature on 1 may 2013. The company ‘Berkshire Capital funding’, I have checked today and they no longer exists it was dissolved. Still to this date i have never received any communication from anyone regarding this thats 16 years now. Hope this makes sense. Many thanks for any advice Dave
  14. I have a joint endowment to pay of my mortgage that was taken out with an ex partner who has moved abroad and is not on speeaking terms. I have continued the payments foolishly thinking it would just be paid at the end of the 25years (in 5 years). I have since been told by a friend that I will not be able to get the money without her signature or a joint account, I have no way of contacting her and am now worried that I will be in deep do do in 5 years!!
  15. Hi i was wondering if anyone can help me and my husband . 12 years ago my husband took out and endowment policy when he had his own morgage he cant remember who it was with but he know he never cashed it in even when he sold the house he stopped paying due to finacial problems at the time so i was wondering if any one could help us in finding out who the endowment policy was with and how he goes about cashing it in now . we would be really greatful if someone could help us.
  16. Hi all, My mum and dad wrote to andrews mortage services back in 2005 when they were told about the mis selling of endowments (they have a £65k Shortfall) and its really stressin them out. I have got all the paperwork, and andrews did reply in 2005 , but nothing states at all final responce. My mum is one that will not make a fuss, but this is making her ill. i have written to andrews and they have said tha they have sent their final responce in 2005 and will not reply as this is now time barred, i have read (and re-read) all teh paperwork, and it really doesnt look like a final responce. What can i do , your assistance would be greatly appreciated. they are due to retuire in 3 years and is really causing distress.
  17. I have an endowment mortgage linked to two life assurance policies. At the end of August these two policies matured and the money generated paid to directly the mortgage lender by the life assurance company. These payments reduced the balance of the loan to around £1,000 which I intend to pay off this month (when the loan completes). However, I noticed on my bank statement for that the lender has charged me the full amount of interest for last month (September) on October 3rd. Is this right? My understanding is that the interest is calculated daily and hence this months payment should have reduced considerablly as for most of September the loan was only £1,000.00 Any advice, guidance would be much appreciated.
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