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Found 4 results

  1. Alert for charities - use the regulated financial sector READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/alert-for-charities-use-the-regulated-financial-sector
  2. Why are their so many charities and yet people are still in need ?
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3081294/Britain-s-oldest-poppy-seller-dead-Avon-Gorge-aged-92.html This story of a 92 year old being hounded by charities, because she was kind with her money, should make people and charities think. 20 years ago, there were not so many charities around and people loyally gave to a few they had an interest in. In the last 10 years there has been an explosion in the number of charities and the amount of communications they produce. They have become businesses some of which may be more interested in making money for the people running them, than any people the charity is supposed to be supporting. I won't name the charities, but this is my experience. 1) Childrens charity - small DD payment per month. Every month a begging letter through the post with pictures of David or Sally, abused by one of their parents, with very sad pictures and story to go with it. They ask for more money to help David and Sally, so the charity can help more children. Stopped giving them money due to the constant letters. 2) Charity for the blind - After buying some raffle tickets for about £10 or £20, I kept being sent more raffle tickets every few months for the latest draw, with the expectation I would buy or sell them others. I would also receive phone calls from them begging me to take even more raffle tickets. Stopped giving them money. 3) Heart related charity - Gave a donation on behalf of a relative who died - Constant letters asking for more donations, as well as emails and phone calls. Some of the letters would have been expensive to send out, as they were large magazines Have not given to them since and they have stopped sending letters. I expect that everyone who gives to charity experiences exactly the same and I am not sure the charities obtain more money because they keep sending out begging letters. Perhaps they need to have a think about how they raise money.
  4. I have recently been trying to help my mum with her financial situation due to some very unfortunate debts accrued from my bully of a brother. Having been through her bank statements with her she has 3 direct debits going out to UNICEF, NSPCA and Leukaemia Research - when I questioned why on earth she had agreed to these (she is a pensioner living in charitable accomodation) she said she had got so upset with the many, many calls she was getting and they just wouldn't take no for an answer - and would grind her down from "oh- well what abut £5 a week, £3, £2 ?" until she said yes to get rid of them. I think this practice is appalling and having had a BHF door caller put his foot in my door recently to prevent me shutting it - I have come to realise this is standard practice by these companies. I shall be writing very strong letters of complaint to them and was just wondering where we would stand legally getting a refund of monies donated. £39 a month to a pensioner who can't even afford to turn up her heating in winter is a LOT of money!! Any advice greatly appreciated
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