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Found 3 results

  1. Hi folks - first post, as I'm somewhat annoyed/concerned that an issue I thought had been dealt with has reared it's ugly head today. Long story short, I used a parcel booking service to pay to ship a cardboard bike box overseas in October '16. This was all fine in terms of goods arriving, until I received an e-mail 11 days later stating my parcel had been measured by the courier as bigger than the stated dimensions and therefore I had underpaid by approx £50 for the volumetric weight. The service I paid for cost £30 so as you can imagine I was less than impressed! I was so convinced it was attempted fraud I reported them to Action Fraud and cancelled my bank card, as the small print of their T&Cs state they will attempt to recover the amount they consider outstanding after a short period. Their justification for the additional charge was nonsense after I disputed the additional cost, and even their own website disagrees with the way they attempted to justify it. I also liaised with the parcel carrier directly, but aside from intervening to try and get the booking service to see sense it just went round in circles. I asked for information that was never supplied, but eventually sent them the pictures of the parcel which I'd taken prior to shipping, with a tape measure in shot, in early December which they wanted to use to generate a refund to them from the courier before they would wipe out the invoice. All went quiet until early Jan when another copy of the invoice arrived by e-mail, which I quickly responded to. At this point I was told the opportunity to appeal with the courier was past and to pay up. I queried whether the photos I'd sent had been passed to the courier but received no response. I chased this again a few weeks later asking if no news was good news and if my previous e-mail had been received - again, no response. I assumed until today they'd either got the courier to refund and hadn't bothered to communicate with me, or they'd just lost interest. My last comms to them was end of Jan '17. Today, by e-mail, I received the following from an e-mail account called Admin Judges which I've anonymised a bit: I found this site by searching for the company name, but the references are quite old. I presume that rather than acting for the company concerned they have simply bought some packaged debt and are chancing their arm at minimal cost to themselves and see what they get back. I've had no letter in the post, but I imagine the costs and threats will escalate over time? I can afford to pay it - that's not the issue - but I begrudge the slimy way they've attempted to get extra money out of me - seems a common tactic for the firm concerned. Sorry for the long post and thank you to those that have read this far - what advice from well informed regulars on how best to deal? Many thanks
  2. Hi there, I have recently sold a property which was mortgaged on the well known Together product. I financial advisor advised that I delink and retain the surplus as a deposit towards the purchase of a new property (currently renting at present due to relocation). The apr on the unsecured element has jumped to over 12%. While this was not unexpected, this is a huge amount, and with the remaining term of 25 years, I will be paying in excess of £100k on an original £30k unsecured element. To me, there must be a case of mis-selling here. I know there have been moves to challenge all this, with nram actions groups etc, but it seems to have gound to a halt. Question is - has anyone successfully challenged the crippling t's &c's of this hike in apr? Is this something worth pursuing. Its late at night, so I can elaborate more on my specific circumstances during the wekl. However, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  3. Hi again everyone I started a thread a few weeks ago about SOs visiting but I wasn't in. Anyway today they came back and I have recieved a Form of Charge For Payment of Money. Last January I recieved a parking ticket for parking in a disabled bay I do not have a blue badge but I did know the gentleman who the disabled space was put in for, I lived in the street when this was done, he moved out and informed the council he had done so. I understood they would remove the disabled space. Anyway, in hindsight , stupidly I parked there and got a ticket. As I knew he had contacted them I wrote to Dundee City Council and explained the space was no longer in use and the neighbour had moved on. I did not recieve a reply but about 4 weeks llater the disabled space was burnt away and is now no longer a disabled space. I assumed (maybe wrongly this was a response to my letter. Not long after I can't remember exactly but weeks not months I recieved a reminder to pay Iagain stupidly assumed it was just in the system but I did phone the number on the ticket and try to explain but was told all challenges had to be in writing I explained I had written in and was told well it will be looked at and dealt with No more letters then the SOs visiting last month and today when I was in The letter states I have 14 days to pay !72.05 (made up of 90 penalty charge, 7.45 Agents fee, 74.60 charge fee. It is signed and witnessed and it states If I do not pay the sum within 14 days I am liable to further action including arrestment of earnings and attachment and auction of articles. I am also liable to be sequestrated. Well I can not afford to pay that half way through a month I do not know if they would accept instalments? But surely by removal of the bay they admit it wasn't needed. Ok maybe I am naive and perhaps a little stupid but I NEVER park in disabled bays in supermarkets as I know they are needed but I knew the disabled gentleman no longer used this space. So my questions are what do I do, do I fight this further and if so how? Do I phone thSOs on the 0845 number on the letter? Any advooice gretaly recieved. Thank you
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