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  1. hello all, i have a valid gas safety certificate until November the 3rd 2018. my landlord(local council) uses a heating company for the gas safety check,... they are being very overzealous and have been calling to do an 'ANNUAL' gas safety inspection since the beginning of August...this seems very strange as its 3 months early and they know it expires in November.?? I have came home and received calling cards when I have been out and on one occasion a calling card was left when i was on holiday...as it was August. today i received a letter from the council saying they are taking me to court to apply for a 'warrant to authorise entry'? I would like to know if i can attend the court hearing (to show the certificate) and also can they do this with a valid gas safety certificate in force? thanks, Sonia.
  2. am a newbie to this wonder if someone can help me ive been fighting a PCN with harrow council since last year, had my informal appeal rejected and then was sent a NTO ages ago where I restated the appeal and didn't hear back, until a few days ago when I received a rejection letter dated in june which meant I was already out of time to appeal in 28 days. the reason for the lateness seems to be that they thought my company name was my surname and spelt it wrong, so the address was a generic campus/site address and therefore must have gone into a pool before it was redirected to my specific pigeon hole (please note the address is correct with the dvla - its just the council that have made the error). so in a massive panic, I lodged an appeal online with the reference number given and stated that the reason I was appealing late is that I didn't receive the rejection paperwork until now due to this error in address. However, ive looked up the pcn online and it looks like it may have already progressed to charge certificate (just because of the price) but I ahvent received this either -maybe this will also come late if they have made the same mistake with the address as with the NoR. the question is was it the right think to do to lodge an appeal late (the website says you can appeal late if u state a valid reason and I thought not receiving the NoR was a valid reason but I may be wrong) but now im thinking maybe I shouldn't have done that and should have just waited for the next stage to file a witness statement from what I read on here? however the problem I have now is not that I never received the NoR but I received it too late because of the councils mistake in my name/address. So if this does progress what box can I tick and also ho long will the tribunal take to get a result - am worried that the council will continue to progress the charge while im waiting for the appeal result. help please!!!!!
  3. Hi I have a question that I'm hoping someone may be able to answer. Some years ago I undertook a degree course with the University of Exeter. Unfortunately I was unable to complete the course but did do enough to claim a Cert of HE. However I had a disagreement with the uni about some fees 'owed' for a field trip and they refused to issue the certificate .... so now we arrive at today - more than 6 years later, when thinking of applying to the Open Uni, I contacted them to get official proof of credits and they still refuse citing the 6/7 year old debt as the reason. I mentioned that the debt would be statute barred by now but they still refused. So I have two questions: 1) Are they within their rights to do this considering the debt is technically/legally not owed anymore? 2) Its possible that i may be having to apply for a DRO in the near future. If i was to do this, and add this debt on to it (even though its now not owed, would they then have to issue the relevant certs/info? If anyone has any info/knowledge/advice they can share I would be most grateful Cheers
  4. Hi there, any advice very much appreciated as I am slightly worried, I have now received a charge certificate and do not know what to do as I have missed the deadline for payment 17/07/2018. Kind Regards Billy brighton nd hove city councily.pdf
  5. My Landlord, a housing association, is threatening legal action for access to examine a gas boiler in my rooms. I think that the application would go before a magistrates court. My question is do I get notice so I can defend the case? There is no gas boiler in my rooms. The landlord knows this. I have reminded them several times and they don't seem to believe me. It is a case of administrative chaos rather than deliberate harassment. Any ideas, please?
  6. HI, I wish I had found this site about 6 moths ago. Here goes - I will try to make it as short as possible. My OH has ( had!) over 30 unblemished years service with a local authority as a craft tradesman. Approximately 18 months the management ( 3rd party run local authority services) made veiled comments about losing staff, but also had their favourites they wanted to keep. However all staff would have to go through competitive interviews, sickness records etc and their favourites would not make it. So they had a problem. There has been a succession of brought in line managers do not have the necessary qualifications, experience to run / understand the department. Staff of 8 in department. All work vans are fitted with a GPS tracker system About 8 months ago, 2 employees found using a GPS jammer device, suspended on spot, subsequently investigated and dismissed without paid notice. Couple of weeks after jammer discovered all 6 other employees received a letter asking them to attend an interview re: "an incident" that had occurred in dept. Obviously all took this to be about the GPS jammer. However when OH goes in for interview, by investigating manager ( who doesn't understand OH job/role) and HR he is presented with 4 months worth of his tracker information), and is questioned about his lunch time activities. OH accused of having too long for lunch. Lots of mitigating factors - no computer access at work, planning work, planning reports etc etc. Union were very ineffective in meeting and HR seemed to be more vocal and leading investigation. All 6 employees interviewed - one none driver therefore no tracker info - but regularly seen leaving work 30 -45 mins early by senior management. The remaining 5 were deemed to have been having too long for lunch Couple of weeks later 4 of the 6 suspended - the non driver and a worker who "makes" the management house a lot of money were not suspended. - He was however investigated and given a 2nd written warning - but not charged with falsifying time sheets yet allegedly owed 4 hours. The 4 who were suspended have been through disciplinary hearing and an appeal hearing - both of which did not take mitigating factors into consideration. All were dismissed under gross misconduct with paid notice. ACAS are now issuing certificate as management won't budge , but did acknowledge that the paid notice was due to "managerial shortcomings" and union have refused to support members as they have been charged with 'falsifying time sheets". HR are aware that union are not supporting ( mole?!). My OH has repeatedly asked the union why only 4 of the 8 have been accused of falsifying time sheets when all 8 employees were allegedly taking too long for lunch or leaving work early. The employee leaving early was simply taken in for a quiet chat!! OH also asked union why in a separate incident ( based on tracker information ) an employee was at home for a full 8 hours during the day - but he wasn't investigated, suspended and only given another final written warning, why is there a lack of parity? The 4 are now meeting with a view to proceed privately to an ET. Union are supporting the employee who was dismissed for jammer use? Your comments and advice would be gratefully appreciated.
  7. Hi Guys I would appreciate hearing from anyone that is familiar with the Certificate of Service form (N215) as I need to submit one within the next couple of days. At the top left hand corner there are two questions (a) On what day did you serve? (b) The date of service is The claim was served on the Defendant on 3 February and I posted the Particulars of Claim to them on 17 February so which date do I insert for the first question and which date for the second? It is not clear to me. Zinnia
  8. Robert Cooper & John Cooper T/A Cooper Brothers - Wishaw Reason for withdrawl - Administrative Shortcomings Period of withdrawl - 5 Years Effective from 16/10/2015
  9. Here are details of Authorised Examiners and MOT garages that have been issued with Notice of Cessation following formal disciplinary action under the rules of the MOT scheme. Trading Name...................Location...........Ceased due to...........Period.........Effective Colin W Crosby....................Wallingford.........Testing Standards........5 Years.........08/09/15 T/A Crosby Engineering. KS Auto Glasgow Ltd............Glasgow.............Administrative.............5 Years.........06/10/15 ................................................................shortcomings
  10. Hello to all, its my first time here I received a PCN by post dated 3 August from Redbridge Council. (Entering box junction, Fotos were enclosed) I was give 14 days to pay £65 or £ 130 thereafter I posted appeal/reconsideration' on 15 August, 'Royal mail Signed for' it was received on 17 August. I did not hear or receive any correspondence until last week, 1 August , I received 'Charge Certificate' demanding £195. What options do I have? I will like to fight it, but I dont know the risks or procedure involved. Any advice or suggestion will be appreciated Zac Adam
  11. Hi Everyone. I would really appreciate your input on this issue. I just received a Default Costs Certificate from Chester County Court. The letter was redirected from our old address in Wales (we have now lived in the South East of England for the last 3 years). The letter states: "As you have not raised any points of dispute on the claimant's bill of costs, the costs of the claim have been allowed and the total sum of £604.85 is now payable. You must pay this amount to the claimant within 14 days from the date of this order (1 June 2015)." Now, this is the first time I hear of any claim in my name, and I have not received any bills of costs before (we were renting house in Wales, and current tenants do not forward any letters to us, so it was the first one in 3 years). I have no idea what the original claim was about, and I can only guess that it was related to a small traffic accident I was in in 2011. In 2011, I ran into another car at small speed at a roundabout, and both parties reported this to our insurers. I lost 2 years of my no claim due to that, and I thought it was finished then, and that any possible (minor bodywork) repair costs would be absorbed by the insurer. The payee on the Costs Certificate is Oracle Cost Consultants in St Helens, who I guess a "no win, no fee" company. Perhaps, the other party has applied for the personal injury claim without my knowledge. My questions: 1. If I did not receive the claimant's bill of costs, is this costs certificate legal? What are the consequences for not paying it? 2. What do I do to find out what exactly the claim was about: call Chester County Court, or call Oracle Cost Consultants, or even my car insurer? 3. If it is indeed that accident related, why may I be liable rather than my insurance company? 3. What do you suggest I do going forward to resolve the issue? The date on the costs certificate is 1 June 2015, however I only received it on my current address today - 24th June. As the payment was due within 14 days, it is now overdue. I am confused and puzzled as to what this is and what I do with it. In case this is not the right sub-forum for my question, please do let me know too. Many thanks, Sasha
  12. Hi, Who is 'to blame' when a Criminal Prosecution is bought against a person out of time (by 15mths) and then continues for another 9/10 mths to an Appeal hearing & only then discovered by the then, Litigant in person. Is it the fault of the Prosecution? their Barrister? or the Litigant in person's ex Solictor? Many thanks.
  13. My girlfriend has just received a 'charge certificate' in the post from Sutton council in relation to a PCN that was apparently issued on 03/01/15 with a Notice to Owner apparently sent out on 07/01/15. The 'notice to owner' was certainly never received so we've had no opportunity to pay at either the discounted or full rate, this letter apparently adding a further 50% to the charge making a total of £165.00. There appears to be no option to appeal or make representations, this seems completely unfair. Sutton operates camera cars, i'm assuming the ticket was issued by them. We live on Sutton high street. Outside our flat we are able to park between 6.30pm and 8am, having lived here for a few years to are very aware of the rules of parking here it's extremely unusual for us to have missed this timing anyway and would have queried it if we had received the letter when it was apparently issued. Can anyone give us any pointers on what we should do from here? Many thanks
  14. Hi all I had two ccj debts with Aktiv Kapital which have now both passed the 6 year point. Both had interim charging orders on my house. I paid off one of about £3k and had the charging order removed. They very kindly also sent me a receipt to show that the other debt was clear (which it wasn't) I forwarded that to the court and had the other charging order removed. I moved house a year ago and I am still paying £20 a month to Aktiv Kapital. Any thoughts about what they could do if I stop these monthly payments? The CCJ wasn't really settled although they gave me a receipt and I moved house. I am tempted to let sleeping dogs lie but equally I wouldn't mind asking for a refund on the £20 that I have paid for the last 12 months. I haven't heard anything from them and they don't have my new address yet. How clued up are they?
  15. Hi All Sorry didn't know where to post this.... Does anybody know how much it costs to get a certificate of satisfaction from Northampton County Court for a CCJ that has been paid (passed the 30 days/2 years old) so I can send the certificate to Experian, Equifax and call credit so they can show on there system the CCJ is satisfied and no longer active?
  16. I recently bought a second hand car from a private seller. I agreed with the seller that I bought the car "sold as seen". I therefore fully accept that any problems with the car are my responsibility. However I later discovered that the MOT certificate had been doctored. Advisories had been erased. The erased advisory stated smoking exhaust/engine worn. The car has just failed it's MOT on exhaust emissions. I contacted VOSA and Trading Standards regarding being given a doctored MOT certificate by the seller. They both said that they cannot help me. Do I have any legal comeback against the seller?
  17. I have a wee issue. We moved into our house in December 2012 for which we received the Gas Safety Certificate. As of this date, we have never received a new certificate from December 2013, and the landlord has never mentioned it. I'm fully aware they're breaking the law ... so what should I do? I have another ongoing issue which is they haven't protected my deposit so will be going to court, so I'm not really in the mood to discuss this latest issue with them, I'd rather just report them and let them answer to the appropriate authority. Who do I need to report my landlord to? What can I do about getting a new certificate? Many thanks.
  18. Concerning the issue of whether we are a casual worker or a an employee there is many criteria to consider for example the time we work for the employer, our skills, whether he employs us only in case of shortage or during peak time or he uses us in the normal running of our business...etc. However I would like to know if the conclusive evidence is not when the P45 has been issued because if it has been issued one year after the start of employment this means that we are now an employee. It is up to the employer to decide if he need us anymore or nor and as a consequence if he send us our P45 or not. If the employer decides because it is not convenient for him not to issue a P45 at the end of each project we could be consider as an employee There is also the issue of HMRC and in order the employer not to pay tax maybe a worker has to work only for a small period of time and not come back for a long time There is also the issue of the difference between temporary employee and a casual worker
  19. I received a PCN from Lambeth Council on 25th Sept 2013, "32D Failing to drive in the direction shown by the arrow on a blue sign ...", (I turned right where I shouldn't have through a set of lights). They rejected my initial appeal and I eventually made a payment of £65, unfortunetly it was a couple of days late. I have now received a charge notice for a further £130 ( to make up the increased fine value of £195), and the normal threats of County Court action etc for none payment. Am I correct in my belief that having now taken/accepted the payment of £65 they have in effect "legally accepted" this as a full and final payment; i.e. if they weren't happy with the £65 then that should have been returned with a request for the additional payment? What justification is there for a fine to be set at £195?
  20. Hi, I am having some problems with my landlord and I just wondered if anyone here can offer me some advice. I moved into a rented property 4 weeks ago. After I signed the tenancy agreement, the landlord handed me a bunch of papers which contained the gas safety certificate. The certificate that the landlord presented was out of date and so she said she would arrange for a safety check to be carried out once we had moved in and settled. An engineer did come out and carry out the check and I thought that would be the end of the matter. However, 2 weeks later the landlord sent me an invoice for the check with a demand to pay within 7 days. As far as I was aware it is the landlords responsibility to provide a gas safety certificate and it is their responsibility to pay for it. I telephoned the landlord and was told that it is in my tenancy agreement that I am responsible for paying for the annual gas safety check. I have fully read my tenancy agreement a couple of times and I can't find any mention of me being responsible for this. The landlord has said if I don't pay the invoice within 7 days then they will take further action. Can anybody shed some light on this? I have Googled and all I can find is that the landlord is responsible for the certificate but I can't find anything suggesting they can pass this cost onto their tenants.
  21. To cut a really long story short, the facts are: - my gf is pregnant - the father was a one night stand from the other side of the country, she doesn't even remember his name, he's not in the picture - we've been friends for a very long time before we started dating - I want equal parental responsibility, she wants the same. That the end goal however we go about it. I wanted some legal advice and have a friends dad who does that he told me: If you want to come see me professionally i'll tell you how it is totally illegal to put your name on the birth certificate, the best thing I can advise is getting married and then applying to adopt. However if you want to come and ask me what I think as Cam's dad then i'd say to you: [my gf] was in a bad place around that time and she was sleeping with quite a few guys, [true] y ou and her had been very very good friends for a long time [also true] and maybe one night around the time of conception you went further than that and slept together [not true] and then maybe now you both take a punt that your the father and that's what you put on the certificate. Which kind of got me thinking - its not that far fetched, it could of happened, it didn't, but it could of. Is there any real potential harm from putting my name if its what we both want? We have no intention of lying to our son about it, but adoption is lengthy, expensive, complicated. I'd be a good dad, i'd defend this kid with my last breath - how can that be wrong? but we would be knowingly putting wrong information on a legal document so I guess my question is, how does the law sit.....is this like serious fraud or what?
  22. A letting agent says I must have a certificate of satisfaction even though the CCJ is marked as satisfied on my file. I wrote to the court with a cheque two weeks ago but I have heard nothing and they haven't even cashed the cheque. I tried phoning, but all I got were recorded message options telling to write in with a cheque! Is two weeks a long time to wait or is it normal? I really want to get on.
  23. Fourteen years ago I did a TESOL course at my local college. I did it on the advice of my counsellor, who thought that it might stand me in good stead if and when I was able to return to work, because I could do hours here and there, work part-time etc. The course was great. The teacher raved about my performance, both orally and in writing on my assignments. In fact, she asked if she could have a copy of my portfolio for the library, so that future students could see what was expected of them. I mention this only to show how little sense what followed, made. The college never sent my certificate. I moved home and did the Royal Mail change of address thing and also checked in periodically at the college, which said it had my new address and would forward the certificate. It never arrived. In the interim, to get experience, I did a stint of volunteer Tesol teaching for my new local college which fortunately didn't insist on production of my certificate. However, I still wanted it. I'd paid for it, studied for it, earned it, deserved it. After being ignored by letter, email and phone my ill-health forced me to give up some of life's struggles, Kingsway being amongst them. Work was also impossible but periodically a basic skills or ESOL job came up which would be compatible with my health issues and then I'd again beg for the certificate, losing the job whilst communicating with the college and then giving up because the communication was one way. The college, no matter which branch or how many dozen people I wrote to or left phone messages for, ignored me. Just before this Summer vacation, with desperate times upon us, a redundant husband and my IB under threat, I thought that no matter what the state of my health, I would try to find a few hours of ESOL or basic skills teaching. Once again, I contacted Kingsway, now Westminster and Kingsway. I finally got someone to respond who promised to look into it. First she said that she could find no record of me. I then cited chapter and verse of the course, dates, times, teacher, fellow students etc and offered to send my portfolio as proof of how well I had done. Then she suddenly found me and then said that they don't keep certificates for more than 3 years. I said that was hardly my fault, since I'd been in constant communication with them in those first 3 years, to no avail. Her next argument was that the course no longer existed and the college had amalgamated with Westminster. However, she'd see what she can do. That was way back in June. Since then I've sent her regular emails and like her predecessors, she just blanks me. However, this time I am determined to fight my corner. With my sole breadwinner now redundant, with my IB under threat, I am forced to find what work I can and ESOL and basic skills jobs are around through agencies. They are flexible and most likely to be compatible with my condition. BUT I need this certificate. Today, once again, the woman at Kingsway ignored my email. Can anyone suggest what I can do about this college, which, by the way, was Kingsway and is now part of Westminster and Kingsway in London.
  24. and do I need one? The CCJ is showing as satisfied CCJ on my credit file, so do I need a certificate of satisfaction as well? It is for a tenancy for a rented house and they are saying I need one even though it is showing as satisfied. Can I apply for a certificate online, or do I have to write in? Thanks for replies.
  25. I was recently visited by a bailiff for outstanding Council Tax, I checked the register and the bailiff wasn't on it so I requested the info from Jacobs and also the courts. Jacobs replied stating the bailiff was granted a certificate on 30th May 2013 but had a reply from the courts today and they said the bailiffs application is pending. Please can anyone tell me if the bailiff is allowed to visit whilst the application is still pending.
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