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  1. Hi All I am enquiring on behalf of a friend, he took out a sky q subscription around 2 months ago and now needs to cancel all of his sky TV due to a cut in his benifits. is there any advice anyone can help ...he is worries that he will have to pay a huge bill to cancel something he can no longer afford thank you all cheers lets
  2. Many regular posters might be interested in reading up on the latest benefit fraud and error reports issued (11/15) for the years 2014/15 by type and date you can follow this here >> https://tinyurl.com/j36owu3 or here https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/fraud-and-error-in-the-benefit-system-financial-year-201415-estimates Final estimates of total overpayments and underpayments across the benefit system in financial year 2014/15. This report provides estimates of fraud and error levels in the benefit system in Great Britain for the financial year 2014/15. The main points from the report are: 1.8% of total benefit expenditure was overpaid due to fraud and error (the lowest recorded rate of overpayments) the estimated value of overpayments is £3.0 billion (a fall from the 2013/14 estimated value of £3.4 billion) the net government loss, after recoveries, is £2.1 billion, or 1.2% of benefit expenditure 0.9% of total benefit expenditure (or £1.5bn) was underpaid due to fraud and error, both unchanged from 2013/14 Next release: May 2016. Also it may be worth reading up on the other links within this page its full of useful statics and information.. Like the methodology report from here >> https://tinyurl.com/h5ramaq I hope you find it useful..
  3. Dear Forum First time post so please be gentle! I suspect I’m about to be charged with Benefit Fraud £8000 WOW!!!!!! How could I’ve done this well please believe me just don’t know how this has happened. Well actually I do. Its taken us 4 years to get into this mess. I shall be brief and to the point and remove any sentiment as I know you are all busy people. 2011 lost Job signed on at Job Center THEY filled in all my forms and sorted out Job Seekers H/benift and Tax Credits (we have 2 children under 8 years) Hated signing on so set up small maintenance company (Odd Job Man) had contract looking after block of flats. Still getting benefits and Council would send me forms monthly asking for projected and actual earnings. The company I was contracting for went bust and never paid so back down the Job Centre. Got a part time cleaning job same day earning £500 pounds a month. Advised by Job Centre that still entitled to all benefits and I cracked on with Job. This allowed partner to go to uni and she became a full time student. I in effect became number 1 carer for kids as I worked very early mornings and evenings so I got the kids on and off the school bus. The Council stopped sending me forms!!! I assumed that everything now ok. I’m still in 2011. Each year I fill in my tax returns and Partner sends of all my payslips and p60 to the tax credits and small pension report along with student loan and grant bumf to the revenue and other relevant bodies or so we thought . Move on to 2013 We get letter from Council that they suspect Benefit Fraud and yes we are called in interviewed under caution for failing to tell them about my pension. Guy doing interview very kind says “oh yes you’ve made a mistake ticked wrong box you’ll get a slapped wrist and will have to pay back over time the over-payment. Well that sort of happened plus a 50% uplift by way civil penalty. So end up owing £2000 quid. Which we have paid. Oh well at least we can now get on with our lives. How wrong could I be? October 2014 The Housing Benefit people write to my employer asking for my payslips and earnings over the last 4 years. Well I’ve always been paid £500 per month and always declared it. Remember 2011 I did all the stuff at the job centre, partner fills in all the forms and tax returns sends them off every year. 2011 council stop asking for income forms to be sent back every month also forensic investigation in benefit fraud in 2013 ending in big civil penalty. Yesterday another interview under caution claiming I’ve never told THEM that I have been working since 2011. Same Guy does interview again this time very defensive but adamant that I have never told him or the Housing Benefit people that I have been working for 4 years this despite a letter from them last year asking me to send in payslips and the like. (he claims this was just a routine letter they send out). Not sure whose the more stupid here me for thinking that’s these departments spoke with each other or this guy who did the investigation last year failed to spot that I was working. Looks like I’m going to Court now with a benefit fraud charge despite offering to pay back over time the over payment. I will lose more than I can say here if I get a criminal record is there anyone who can offer any advice to avoid this. Best regards
  4. Sorry if this is in the wrong place its my first time posting and im hoping someone can help me. This morning I got a letter saying I have to attend an IUC on 10th Oct with regards to my claim for houseing benifit and council tax benifit being fraudulent. It doesnt say anything else on the letter as to why my claim is meant to be fraudlent. In order to further understand this i contacted the benifits office to see what we are getting. I am married with 5 children aged 11, 7, 5 ,3 ,& 7months. My husband works for the village council for 12 hours per week and I help a friend out now and again for a max of 4 hours per week. which makes a total of 16 hours. I help out a friend at childrens parties she does and i get paid in cash which covers my petrol and no more, I do it to help her out and to get out of the house not to make money from but I thought I was doing the right thing by saying I worked 4 hours when I very often dont do that many hours sometimes I dont do any at all which is quite often with everything thats gone on and the fact Ive recently had a baby by c-section and before that had illness due to pregnancy. I did not claim any money during my pregnancy and do not claim any other benifits Having looked at the claim it is all in my husbands name and states he works 16 hours and the amount he get. This amount is what we both get combined working 12 + 4 hours. I was unaware, stupidly, that it is down as all the hours being my husbands and not both of ours. The claim for houseing and council tax benifit is just in my name although the award has on it the 16 hours and the money we get. I have not tried to claim any money but saying we are not working and I really dont know where I stand on all of this tbh. I suffer from depression and after loseing both my father and father in law in the last couple of months my head is spinning and im in such a mess I really dont know what to, Im scared im going to go to prision over this. If anyone can please help me I would be so so grateful.
  5. I am feeling so down right now, downstairs my family are getting ready to settle down to watch the new "exploitation" programme about people on benefits that is on channel 4 tonight at 9pm. It will most like be yet another show pandering to the outrage of "taxpayers" and will portray those on benefits as lazy chancers. I'm on ESA in the Support group although I have an invisible disability. I live with family and they fluctuate between being supportive and resentful of my situation. I find that they main thing that seems to anger them and others about my not working is that they work in jobs they hate and resent the fact that I don't have to (currently) and there anger does seem to vary depending on what they have been exposed to on the TV or in the paper. I just feel sad and depressed about the whole thing.
  6. i downloaded the file to see what the benifit rates are,and not sure if im getting the correct rate.im 55 yrs old,and my girlfriend,partner is 42. we get 112.55p per week.on top of that i get 44.20 as im sick.and get lower rate incapcity benifit.how come as a couple we get less than a single person.who gets a flat rate of 71.00.excuse my ingnorance.but i have always worked.and dont know the ins and outs of the benifit system. am i correct in saying,we are being penalised for being a couple by almost 38 pounds a week.thanks in advance.
  7. 4 Months ago, my wife and I split. I had been subject to years and financial, emotional and physical abuse, so my head wasn't in the best place, I wasnt aware of what benifits etc were being claimed , I had a budget given to me of £5 per week and that was it as far I knew anything about money, I worked and earned good money but never saw it, my ex didnt work and controlled everything. One of our children elected to come and live with me at the time of the split. My ex wife , then started throwing loads of disgusting ( and proven , false) allegations around , further adding to the pressure I was under. When we left, we were not permitted to take anything with us, we had to start all over again. In Nov, 3 weeks after the split, once I had started to get us both back on our feet, I submitted a claim for Child Benefit and child tax. Last week I received a letter saying that my ex had not informed HMRC of a change and had still been claiming for Child Benifit from Oct until dec 24th, for the child that was no longer living with her. I asked if there was a way I can claim this money back, as I had to buy a whole new wardrobe for our child (no goods have been returned to date and probs would no longer fit anyway) and I had been feeding etc our child since Oct but HMRC didn't seem too bothered about this and said because my ex didnt tell them , it was tough, isnt this benefit fraud ? not declaring a change ? I have police/solicitors/cafcass reports all detailing that we both left in Oct, is there anyway I can claim the Child Benefit for the child that lived me since Oct or does my ex get to keep it all because she didnt tell them ? I assume Child Tax will be the same but I have not yet heard from them, Thanks Ppl.
  8. Hey all, I have been in receipt of housing benefit since becoming a part-time student in October 2011. I will be entering post graduate full-time this year, however I seem to be having concurrent problems with housing benefit. I will have full student funding next year, however recently I incurred several rent arrears and as a result I was taken to court today. I paid off a substantial amount of rent arrears and as a result there will now be a continuance. Housing Benefit have failed to provide the rent required for the last year. This is due to incomptence. I currently work part- time and am earning just over the fresh hold which effective entities me to full-housing benefit. Due to arrears, which have since been seen as un-founded by my housing association, I have landed up in these arrears. I am planning on paying off the rent n full over the coming months as I have taken on a substantial amount of over time (effectively reducing the amount of benefit received), however they currently owe me a substantial amount and have been unwilling to pay. So my question is really is there any action or further action I can take such as court to recoever the money entitilement they have failed to provide. This is the second time I have been on benifits and was lead to beleive any previous over paid amounts had been paid off. I am looking for some or any advice on steps to deal with there failure to provide the correct amounts each month. Thank you for the help in advance.
  9. Hi Guys, I could really use some advice with a situation I have, so any advice would be appreciated. Last November I was asked to attend an interview under caution for overpayment of Jobseekers allowence, Housing Benifit and Council tax benifit. The total amount claimed amounted to £2290, of which the whole amount was considered an overpayment as I had savings of £15000 - 16000. I attended the interview and told them that I had failed to declare savings, but also I had not declared a £10000 bank loan I was paying back for my masters degree, basically making the point that although it appeared I had a lot I had a lot of bills and loans to pay off and absolutley no income and had no idea when I would be employed. Last March and April the JSA, CTB, and HB requested the money back, I payed back all of the money in full as soon as they requested it, now at the begining of this month I have received a court letter saying I must attend court at the end of this month. The other thing to add is that I had no intention of signing on for more than 12 weeks, I had just finished university and only intended to sign on briefly, then on the 12th week they said they had frozen my benifit and were investigating my claim. I presumed frozen meant canceled but when I spoke to a free solicitor she said to call the JSA and officially cancel. I did this then at the end of the month the paid me in two lumps JSA CTB and HB for the 4-5 weeks they had frozen my account! This amounted to £500 to £600 I had not intended to claim. I am very worried, I have just finished studying 5 years of architecture and I fear my career may be ruined if I have a criminal record. I made a mistake payed back the money in full and have dealt with the stress of this for almost a year and I fear this is going to hit me in the only positive area of my life. Not sure what to do if I had a prison sentence, If anybody could please help I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time.
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