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Found 6 results

  1. Summary: FIL died June 2017. Delay with Estate due to contention between 3 siblings, all of whom are Executors. Contentious Lawyers finally appointed to deal with Estate. MIL has Alzheimer’s & in a care home. She lacks capacity. The firm of Solicitors were engaged on the basis that not only do they handle late FILs Estate BUT were also engaged to act as MIL Financial Deputy as agreed by all 3 Executors. 1 of the Executors has now ‘changed her mind’. This particular Executor has been difficult since my FIL died. Her brother (my husband) had to see a Solicitor to get things moving in the first place regarding his Fathers’ Estate. His sister said she was not going to do anything! It is a large and complex Estate. She initially wanted to do probate, not use a Solicitor & asked her 2 brothers to ‘stand down’. The other brother does not want her to be Financial Deputy & neither does my husband due to her behaviour. They were happy for her to be their mothers’ Welfare Deputy. Surely, the sister cannot be allowed to keep delaying matters although it seems she can, whatever her reasons are. This must have happened to someone out there and it would be interesting to hear what the outcome was.
  2. Help please. My Landlord is being really awkward after I moved out! Here's the background. I moved out on 4th December after my Landlord told me they were giving me notice. A few months ago I lost my job and fell behind with payments, but recently caught up to the point where I owed £400 plus my deposit (£895). The landlord said they were coming to give me notice and so I did what I thought was right and found a cheaper place to live. I was paying £895 per month and found a house for £500 per month. So, I thought this would be ideal as I could keep paying old Landlord back without £895 per month racking up. At this point I have to say that the Landlord has never protected my deposit, made me get the Aga serviced if I wanted central heating, let the roof continue leaking and did nothing about the crumbling walls (damp) and the water coming down the front of the chimney breast each time it rained. I also had no smoke alarms at all and the electrics were really old..................no idea if they'd been checked. Me being me, I just cracked on with the house. I also should add that before moving in I'd had to help paint and strip all the carpets. The landlord promised she'd pay me for the help......never arrived! I did sign an agreement, but it was never copied and sent to me. Ok, so today the old Landlord came to my house and took the key to the old house. I still have stuff in their which they knew about. He won't answer calls or texts. He was abusive and then went straight to my new Landlord, telling him I'm an unworthy person. What can I do please? The items in the old house are required. The landlord (a Husband and Wife) can get pretty nasty, and to be honest, I'm beginning to get fed up with bullying etc, especially as I'm not someone who would just up and leave. Any feedback and advice appreciated.
  3. We had a Dometic Freshjet 2200 air conditioner fitted into our caravan last year in late May. In June we had an issue with water dripping into the caravan from the air conditioner. We contacted the supplier who had fitted the air con and their response was for us to chase up the nearest Dometic agent. We had chosen this supplier in Exmouth as they claimed they had agents all over the UK who could do the work. we have since found out that they do not have a network of agents as it is the manufacturer's network that they use. Needless to say that when we contacted the nearest Dometic agent last year, we were referred back to the supplier and a game of ping pong ensured and it took 2 months to get sorted out. The work was done in October just prior to the caravan going into storage. From that point until recently we never had any opportunity to test the air con again until recently when we had some warm weather. We now again have the same problem and on contacting the supplier are told that we must contact the agent and make the arrangements. I have always been under the impression that it is the responsibility of the supplier to arrange repairs etc. In addition as the first repair which was reported within the 6 month period never resolved the issue so what are my rights? Dometic acknowledged that there is an issue otherwise they woudl not have authorised the modification. Seems it is an inherent fault? Am I right or wrong in telling the supplier that it is their responsibility to arrange an engineer to visit the caravan? They have given me the option to taking the caravan back to them in Exmouth which is impractical and would cost us money considering they are supposed to have a network of agents or for me to contact the Dometic engineer for the game of ping pong to resume. All I want is for them to contact the engineer to get the issue resolved. Should I be chasing the Dometic engineer to do the repair or should the supplier chase them? Thanks.
  4. Injured my shoulder at work 2 months back. Visited occupational health who as it was the end of the shift on a Friday done nothing but request my boss to refer me for physio. I went to my own docs who told me to take anti-inflammatories. Nothing happened, and I was not booked for physio at work, and this shoulder continued to bother me. On Friday, I visited my doctor who has referred me for a scan, and has signed me off as not fit for work for 1 week to rest it as my job is shoulder heavy. My job has been timed by an Industrial Engineer as being 'overloaded', meaning that the time given to do the job, is shorter than the time it actually takes. This creates a lot of rushing around with shoulder heavy equipment, and I believe this is how my injury has occurred. Text the boss Friday to tell him. He said ring Monday night, text not acceptable. I rang, told him I had a note, he said how long has this been going on. I said since the injury 2 months back. He said I will refer you to occupational health, can they ring you on this number? Then to ring him every night. Never been signed off before so wondered what the rules are regarding this. I have a note, and have informed them I won't be in until next week. Is it normal to have to ring every night? And can they force me into work for any reason?
  5. Hi Guys, I've got a bit of a mind-bending PPI situation, and I need someone to advise me on my next step. In early 2005 I took out a mortgage with Gmac RFC, Through First Union brokerage. I had been paying the mortgage for a good 6 years, before I realised that I had an insurance policy! my daughter was about to be born when I mortgaged, for the extra cash to make the house child-friendly... I should have looked through the final paperwork when it was delivered, but I just didn't (Idiot!) I find a document amongst the other mortgage paperwork that says I have Payment insurance policy. The policy cost £550.00 and was added to the overall loan balance but, get this, it was only valid for the first 24 months of the mortgage!!!??? I contacted Gmac (Now Paratus amc) who had no record of any policy. I contacted First Union, who also claimed that they had no knowledge of it, at first.. It took three days before someone found a footnote in the notes that said I had a policy. The trouble is that the mortgage broker had used an insurance broker (based out in Ireland) for the policy. I went to the FOS who checked that the insurance broker was under the FSA, and they sent a letter to First Union; needless to say, First Union wrote back saying that I was wrong. Their salesmen are too highly trained to make such a mistake as PPI misselling. Now, unfortunately, I was in consultation for redundancy, as all of this was happening, so I didn't respond fast enough to their reply. Recap: I have about 15 years left on a 23 year mortgage, and am paying interest for the life of the mortgage on a PPI policy that I didn't know I had, that would never have been any bloody use to me anyway. Can anyone tell me if there is a way of getting it all sorted? If it's all too complicated, I understand... That certainly seems to be the view of the 'professionals' at the PPI reclaiming companies. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi Guys, Was just wondering if anyone has had any dealings with Additions? How are they at accepting final settlements? Following on from the great advice received on this forum we are going through the process of managing our own DMP (currently with Payplan). Spoke with Additions today, who informed us that if we leave Payplan they will reapply interest at 39.9% APR. This is a bit of a pain as all our other creditors have raised no concerns and agreed to keep interest frozen. As of today we owe them £480. I have just filled out a SAR as they added a load of charges when we were going through the process of entering into the DMP. Hopefully we can reclaim these charges and any PPI to bring the balance down. Would offering a full & final offer be an option? Cheers Trev
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