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  1. Hi all, When I got my payslip for October, there was an Attachment Order on it which took a significant amount of money from my wage. I knew nothing about this attachment order prior to receiving my payslip. I spoke to our payroll provider who told me it was put on by the County Magistrates. The payroll eventually provided me with the paperwork sent to them by the court. This appertains to a person with the same name, D.O.B and had my N.I. number and payroll number on it - the only thing that didn't match was the address which is in a town some 20 miles away that I have never had any association with. I have spoken to the Court in question, who are currently looking into it although they were very sure they had the right person. The court say the attachment order letter was sent to the address in question and was returned as 'not know at this address'. I have been told the matter is for a court case in 2017 which was for 'Failure to Comply With an Environmental Order'. This is something I have definitely not been involved in. I'm being made to feel like I have to prove my own innocence but am struggling at how I can do that as they seem to have all my details. EIther somebody has been completely brazen and gone to court pretending to be me or somewhere in the court system, there has been an enormous clerical error... I'm going to consult a Solicitor on Monday morning to discuss my options as this is definately nothing to do with me and because of this, I have been unable to meet my monthly financial obligations. Does anybody have any ideas where I can go with this?? I'm at my wits end...
  2. Afternoon all ! Need a little advice on a creditor applying to court for an attachment of earnings from a CCJ. How will a court assess this if I am contracting on short term three month contracts ? How will the court perceive this if I contacted the creditor to pay missed payments but they refused to accept them pending court response ? Thanks...
  3. Today my other half received a rather strange letter titled Notice of Transfer Of Proceedings from Cabot Financial UK Ltd that states this claim has been transferred to the county court at _____________ for enforcement. This was done apparently because she did not reply to N56 (form for replying to attachment of earnings application) within the specified time. She did not receive this form. The receiving court will arrange for the bailiff to serve N61(order for statement of means) The only CCJ she had was over 10 years ago and is now definitely statute barred. Is there anything I can do to prevent any further action on this? Surely Cabot are taking the mickey??
  4. I am in desperate need of some advice please. Up until Christmas my debt was in control but over Christmas I split with my husband and things have become hard. Today I received 2 attachment of earnings orders from the council applied to my estranged husband. This is going to cause me a whole load of issues with him and none pleasant. Can I appeal this or even have this attached to my earnings. He gets paid in 3 weeks so I don't have long to sort this out. I am petrified as the relationship ended on bad terms.
  5. Hopefully this is on the right board. Any advice or thoughts appreciated. A long story behind this but to keep it as brief and to the point as possible, the issue is this. My business closed in 2007 with lots of debt (sole trader - lesson learned). I did not go bankrupt as I was served with several statutory demands (took debt advice was told to wait for one of them to bankrupt you) no one carried through with it so got through the 6 years apart from the below which is still hanging over me.(all another story) One of the Credit card debts Lloyds Bank about 11K did the rounds with debt purchasing companies in 2012 was brought by one of the Companies who shall remain nameless at this stage. They took out a CCJ against me at Northampton CC bulk clearing - with interest fees and costs this came to Circa 15K. I am not sure if they could roll up interest and costs once the debt defaulted with the original lender, but as I was not aware of this to contest it the CCJ was rubber stamped in the bulk centre. I did not receive this summons (moved several times after 2007) so was not aware of the CCJ until I received a form to fill in for an attachment of earnings from the local court. Which I was obliged to do. Since 2012 I have had 20 pounds per week deducted at source from my earnings and this is paid to the debt purchasing company. The outstanding debt now is in the 8k region. Earlier this year I saw on here that Credit card agreements prior to 2007 had to have certain things on them to be legally enforceable. As my original agreement with Lloyds was prior to 2007 I thought it may be worth looking in to. Last February I wrote to the debt purchasing company (enclosing a pound) requesting a copy of the original credit card agreement. (As as they took me to court I presumed they would have this to prove they legally owned the debt). They wrote back to me and said they would contact Lloyds Bank and I would have this within 6 - 8 weeks. Nothing received by May Via email I chased this and the reply was they will do their best to obtain the agreement from Lloyds bank but as they held a CCJ they were under no obligation to let me have the agreement - I don't think that is strictly true but have it in writing (email) from them. My thought is that if they have never held the credit card agreement (which may not be legal) or have not produced it do I have grounds to request the CCJ be set aside and the money paid to them to be refunded with interest. Is it down to me to contact Lloyds bank to obtain a copy of the original agreement to make sure the wording is legal or should the debt purchasing company produce it ? If the wording of the agreement is correct then I don't think I have an argument. However I should be able to see this to check that it is legal. The other issue here is rolling and adding up the interest and costs to the debt correct after it was defaulted by the original lender ? Thanks
  6. Hi All Received a letter from Mortimer Clarke today regarding a debt to Cabot Financial. Letter claims their client obtained a judgement against me on 04/02/2016. First paragraph says "Because you have failed to pay the judgement debt in accordance with the terms of the judgement our client is now entitled to take action to enforce the judgement order against you. Our client has instructed us to apply to the County Court for an Attachment to Earnings order to be made against you." Final paragraph says "If you do not contact us within 7 days , then our client has instructed us to apply for an Attachment of Earnings Order against you." Notes: 1. I have checked Trust Online for my current and previous 3 addresses and there are no ccjs registered against me. 2. I did not receive any correspondence threatening to take me to court, advising I was being taken to court or asking if I wished to defend and finally I did not receive a judgement. 3. The letter makes no mention which court they obtained the judgement from or any judgement reference number. 4. The debt is from 2007 and I believe it may well be statute barred now. Can anyone provide any thoughts or advice on how I should proceed at this point? kind regards
  7. Hi All My partner no longer lives in the UK, but has received a few emails from an old (believe pdl) debt over the last few months relating to a CCJ which was granted after she left the country. The DCA are called TM LEGAL SERVICES They have now sent the following: Following our recent letter, you have failed to contact the office to set up a repayment on your County Court Judgment. We are now in the process of contacting your employer to verify your status of employment. Once we have confirmed the status of your employment, we will complete an N337 Form (Request for Attachment of Earnings Order) and present this to the court. We anticipate this form will be completed in the next few days. After this form has been completed and sent to the courts, we are unable to retract the application and your employer may be informed of your County Court Judgment. Once the Attachment of Earnings has been applied for, the courts will issue you an N56 Form (Form for Replying to an Attachment of Earnings Application Statement of Means). You must fill in this form, giving details of your financial circumstances. These include your employer's details. You are required to include your partner's financial circumstances also. You must return this to the court within eight days. It is an offence not to send back the N56 Form or to give false information within the form. If you do not send back the form, the county court bailiffs will serve you with an order to complete. If you still do not return the form then you will be sent a notice of summons to attend a court hearing. At this hearing you will be required to explain why you have not supplied information about your financial circumstances that you were requested to. You must attend this hearing. If you do not attend the hearing, the court can issue a warrant for your arrest and you may be brought to court or even jailed for up to 14 days. To stop our application, we require you to contact the office by 7.00pm today Friday 29th September 2017 on the number below to discuss the options avaliable to you.. Our contact number is 01253 523460 (option 2) and our opening hours are Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 7.00pm & Friday 8.00am to 7.00pm. Note, we are extending are opening hours to give you a final oppurtunity to avoid the Attachment of Earnings. Pretty scary sounding here, mentioning arrest etc. What is the best way to approach this. She does not live in the UK, is not employed in the UK, but we are willing to potentially set up a payment plan, but are wary of giving them much info. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Hello, I was declared bankrupt on 19th May 2017. I had a CCJ from Capquest that predates this by a month or so. The other week I received a letter from the County Court stating Restons have applied for an attachment of earnings for Capquest. I returned the N56 and attached a cover letter explaining the debt was included in my Bankruptcy and included a copy of the bankruptcy order. I sent a letter to Restons with this detail also. Today I received a transfer of proceedings form moving it to my local county court. It states I never returned the N56, which I obviously did. I have spoke to the official receiver and they ahve stated that Capquest got sent the statement for creditors and should be aware of the bankruptcy. They however told me they will not intervene with the court and I should seek legal advice. How do I get this sorted? Do I need to apply for a change of order? The letter states a bailiff will attend to deliver a N61. Should I be concerned? Any help appreciated.
  9. Hi, I'm hoping somebody here may be able to advise me. I have recently become bankrupt at the end of May. The DWP have just sent me a letter claiming an attachment of earnings to cover an old social fund loan. I did include this in my list of debts on the bankruptcy application. Can they still go ahead with the attachment of earnings depsite my bankruptcy? Thanks
  10. hi I received a ccj for a credit debt £450 I offered them £6 a month they have refused that I told them my only income is my state pension , they told me they will get attachment of my state pension can they do this thanks
  11. Hello I'm looking for advise. I live overseas for past 10 years. Yesterday at a friends address in UK where I receive my bank statements a letter arrived looking official. At my request my friend opened it. It is a Notice of Application for Attachments of Earnings Order. Judgement Creditor: Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Limited. In the: Country Court Money Claims Centre. Amount 3,975.28 GB. The Judgement Debtor is under my maiden name and I've since been married, divorced and re-married. I have never heard of this company and no of no debt to them. They are not listed on companies house, but from research it seems they are linked to Robinson Way a DCA. There is no contact telephone number and only instruction to pay Howard Cohen & Co Solicitors, based in Leeds. Again they are not registered on Companies House. The form looks official with case number and reference number. The document is dated 17th May 2017 and says payment required in 8 days of notice or further action including a possible 14 days prison. I am very concerned especially as this is now logged at a friends address, where i have never lived but do get my UK bank statements sent to. Any advise gratefully received.
  12. Due to various bouts of unemployment, low wages and general lack of funds over a prolonged period my local council sneakily slapped an attachment of earnings order on me ( i was asked for a full breakdown of my income and outgoings , and they said they would use it to work out a manageable repayment schedule that would help me to pay off my quite considerable backlog of council tax debt ) .. Unfortunately for them, the company i worked for, as a van driver/courier ,for considerably less than the minimum wage regarded me as self employed .the AofE order couldn't be enforced , without further communication i have now found myself served with 6 onesource bailiffs notices running into thousands of pounds , plus 6 x £235-00 enforcement fees But the original AofE i was issue considerably less than the minimum wage was for only £256.14 . .. i also find it strange that the liability order date is given as 17th june 2010 ... . but the AofE is dated as 15/3/ 2016 ... Any help would be greatly appreciated as i'm now being threatened with schedule 12,section15 TCE 2007 enforcement , as yet i have not engaged with onesource as i am unfortunately out of work again, thanks
  13. Hello, this is my first time posting and I really hope someone can help me. I have got myself into a complete mess with my council tax over the last year or so. I have completely neglected payments as I have simply not had the money to pay. It have now got to the point where my employer has received an attachment of earnings order, I think maybe 2. At first I was OK with this as at least my arrears will now be paid. After thinking about how much will be deducted from my earnings I am very worried that I am going to be left with nothing to live on. If there are 2 orders, 7% of my net income (i assume the deduction will be off my net income after tax and national insurance?) will be deducted twice which would be 34%? This would add up to £520.00. This would leave me with around £1000.00 to live off. My rent is £525.00 i have car finance for £191 plus energy bills, water etc. Once everything has been paid I will have nothing. I am 8 weeks pregnant, I don't want to be so stressed and worried about this. I am worried that I will be unable to afford to put food on my table and put my unborn child's health and risk as well as my own. I am aware this is my own silly fault but I was wondering is there anything i can do about this? Can so much money be deducted at once? Thanks.
  14. Hi There. My wife has just received through the post an attachment of earnings form from the MCOL Business centre. A CCJ was awarded in default as was sent to a previous address. My wife only found out about it when she received a Noddle credit profile change notification. She spoke to Robinson Way who advised it was issued at a previous address. She gave them our new address and interestingly the attachment of earnings form has come through to our current address. Details of the debt: Original creditor was Egg (so suspect any CCA would be "interesting" to say the least) Default was issued in 2012 according to her credit report Original agreement was taken out we think in about 2006. Balance was about 1650 CCJ balance was just over 2.5k (plus now another £110 attachment of earnings fee added) We are convinced the debt is statute barred as my wife is convinced she hasn't paid anything towards this for a long time. I know we need to look at getting this set aside but unfortunately we cannot afford the fee to do so, and we don't fall into the category where we can have the fees waived. Is there any other way around this? Surely they would have records and would know when the last payment was made, so if so then is this not an abuse of court process by submitting the claim? Any advice on next steps would be greatly appreciated.
  15. First I've heard of this, I haven't received anything else regarding this matter, isn't this something that I have to attend court for? if so why wasn't nothing stated nor issued to me? I have to pay £1005.82+£110 fee within 8 days to a company I don't even know about? or even know what money they are trying to get from me? Over the past few years I've been working hard to pay back things i genuinely do owe, and for this to pop up is just annoying.. I work a part time 30 hour a week job, any ideas? Obviously if the debt is true I'll pay, but from how long ago could it go back to?
  16. I have received a letter this morning at my rented address for a notice of application for attachment of earnings order from Cabot Financial (UK) Ltd. I migrated to Australia in 2011 but had to return in Aug 2015 due to visa refusal but although this letter has a case number and application number as well as a judgement creditors reference I actually have no idea what this debt is supposed to be for as this is the first correspondence I have received at this address and I have been here since August 2015. It says unless I pay the judgement creditor within 8 days I must complete the enclosed form of reply including the statement of means and send it to the court office within 8 days after receiving this notice. I'm not sure what this debt is for which is my main concern as there is no reference to it nor what date this judgment was carried out. It says the address for payment is Restons Solicitors Limited Warrington and that's about as much as I know
  17. not sure if am posting in the right place for this but here goes : my local council and myself have been in dispute for the pass 12 months over an over payment they made to me some years agoh the dispute has been about the amount of money i pay back each month to clear the debt, this morning i woke up to find they have enforced a direct earning attachment with my employer dispite the fact that i have made payments to them every month for the last year or 2 without missing a single payment to what i can afford, now they are taking a percentage of my earnings that i can not afford putting me further and further in to debt making it so i can no longer keep up with my other debts theres been no court order and dispite sending them a breakdown of my earning some months ago they have decided that my other debts or outgoings dont matter.
  18. My husband had a debt which was taken to court a CCJ given and an attachment of earnings put in force. The first payment has been taken from his salary BUT he cleared this debt 3 weeks ago in a full and final settlement with the solicitor. How do we get this money back as it is not owed and stop further payments being taken? Solicitors have said courts have been informed but not sent anything to us confirming any of this as of yet
  19. Long story short I bought a car on finance had it for three months and life changed enough that I missed the next payment and would miss further payments. I agreed to them having the car back. the repo men turned up we had a cuppa and they went with the car no bad feeling. Due to family circumstances I moved house very quickly to another town to a farm yard hard to find. I stopped paying into a pension and months later thought they were still taking it to find out it was an ATE £100 they have taken me to court for payment including interest - almost £10,000 for nothing:-x Now my stupid bit: This has been going on for over four years (i have had depression etc and could not fight my way out a wet paper bag) I have called the court for an appeal but I had to do it within 21 days I wonder if I have any way out of this . .. i feel £10,000 for nothing is very unjust Looking forward to some replys ... I already know how stupid this seems:???:
  20. Hope the title makes sense but that's the situation. In detail, the debtor and his partner owe just under £5000 to a private creditor, who obtained a CCJ which took the total to just over £5000 including costs. The people are one self employed, with a partner employed in a minimum wage job. The debt remained unpaid and 3 months later the creditor applied for an Attachment of Earnings order (AEO), against the partner obviously as of course he can't obtain one against someone who is self employed. At a court hearing the judge took into consideration the couple's "tentative" financial situation and awarded the creditor £20 a month via an AEO. The creditor wasn't particularly happy with the low amount but the judge said "tough luck". Since then no paperwork has been received by the couple from the court, nor has the partner's employer received anything to enforce the AEO, and no deductions have been made from her monthly pay in the 2 pay packets she has received since the court hearing around 6 weeks ago. a couple of days ago a Notice of Enforcement was received by the couple from a private London Enforcement Officer. The form is genuine. The details include: "Judgement was entered against you by the claimant (etc)..in XX October 2015. The judgement was subsequently transferred to the High Court for enforcement purposes and a writ of control has been obtained. IMPORTANT: The questions here are: 1. Is there an Attachment of Earnings order in force, since neither debtors nor the partner's employer have received any paperwork from the court? I guess I'm asking is, given that the judge awarded the AEO to the creditor at the court hearing 6-7 weeks ago, can he then reject it without it ever being enforced and pursue enforcement via the bailiffs instead? 2. Can the creditor enforce the debt by asking bailiffs to attend AS WELL AS having an AEO in place? I ask this because it was always my understanding that the existence of the AEO prevented the creditor from pursuing any other action at the same time. - or - Can the creditor still do this against the self employed debtor even though the partner has an AEO filed against them? 3. Are the debtors not entitled to be informed that the case has been moved to the High Court and the AEO amended (if any changes have taken place) prior to the Notice of Enforcement being issued? There may be a couple more points I need clarifying later but at this stage I need to establish the legality of the Notice of Enforcement here before making any moves. Thanks in advance. Sorry for the long post, I've tried to keep it as short as while including the relevant details.
  21. Hi all, hope you can help me out. I am being chased from B&S for council tax for 3 property's (during myself and partners we where moved out due to landlords either selling property's or finding it troublesome, antisocial behaviour or violence, however we are now with the local housing trust as we have a child. Now during those 3 years we have occurred some council tax, some was billed for the entire year, some only for the months we where there. Even before B&S started chasing me, I went to the council and explained the situation, they told me to pay what i could across all the council taxes, so they gave me a bar code for the last few months would chip away at the debt, however the process of bailiffs was automatic and eventually the debt would be passed back to the council. They also told me they would apply for an earnings attachment where they would take a % directly out of my wages to cover council tax and back dated payments, and that has happend and has done for 4 months and it will continue until its paid off? Today b&s have visited with an enforcement notice.... Now I dont want to talk to b&s, infact i want to send some form of letter first calsss recorded giving them no right to access my property and also that the debt is being dealt with the council and their services are not required, from the research ive done their people have no power, and the only people with any say are high court enforcement offices? any help with letters or templates would be great!
  22. I have just received 2 attachments of earnings for old council tax debt. One is for £1070 the other £72.50. My monthly take home pay is usually around £1800 and this month I have been paid £1300. I have been on an online calculator and found out that they should have had £317 for the first order so with this takeb off I would have been paid £1483, even if the entire amount of the second order was deducted I would have been paid £1411.50. I called them and they even said that I shouldn't have paid this much but in a word tough! Is there anything I can do. I was expecting maybe £300 and budgeted accordingly but this has left me very short and if they do the same again next month I don't know how we are going to manage. Surely if the law says 17% for each order thereference must be something I can do? Please help back to work tomorrow and am very worried
  23. Hi, I hope someone can help me Over the years I have got into a lot of debt with council tax mainly because I have moved from job to job, anyway I have a 0 hour contract and usually earn around £350 a week ( when I work) I can then go 2 weeks without any work so I always budget my money to last me in case of no income on future weeks. The council have just placed 2 attachment of earnings on my wages, for CT due from 2006!, which I think allows them to take between 12 and 17 % of my earnings for each order, this will leave me struggling financially as my rent is £130 p.w so I always make sure I keep 2 weeks payments out of 1 weeks wages incase I dont get any work. I am really worried as I wont be able to survive, they also sent 5 other summons I have to bailiffs so I have 5 letters from them also demanding payments of over £2000, I dont know how they expect me to pay them as well as taking money from my wages. I am seriously considering leaving my 0 hour contract job and signing on until I come to an arrangement with them, I really need help
  24. I have had a letter from the DWP stating they they be taking £165.00 from my wages and have informed my employer. The letter from the DWP is very clear when this debt was from nor any details, it just states the amount. I have checked and i have not had any letters from the DWP about any debt or monies outstanding. How do i stop this from happening as it will be listed on credit file. Or can they just do what they went ????? :mad2::mad2::mad2:
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