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  1. Hi. We got a log book loan with Varooma, we fell behind on a couple of payments and it was suggested that we take another to clear the debt. Naively we agreed. The payments were £89 and £102 a month (approx), being made redundant meant we got behind again despite numerous attempts to negotiate a fair plan going forward we have been told again and again that they can't as we are in arrears. The issue is we can't get out of the arrears. We currently pay £150 a month on each but the interest on the arrears means the debt increases every month. I can't not understand what this means though (this info was as if July, I don't have any further updated) Total of instalments now in arrears £156.22 Total amount payable under the agreement £999.50 Total amount you have paid £2,094.27 Outstanding balance including arrears arrears £3,025.52 Less any rebate £2,026.02 Total amount payable by you £999.50 And the other one says Total of instalments in arrears £1,002.50 Total amount payable under the agreement £1,857.50 Total amount that you have paid £2,024.91 Outstanding balance including arrears £1,857.50 Less any rebate allowance £0.00 Total amount payable by you £1,857.50 It confuses me. I've contacted the courts to see if the bill of sale is registered. Do I need to get a statement of everything paid and owed?
  2. Hi everyone, Looking for some good advice as I'm in a stressful situation to say the least, it's taking it's toll on my health now, but I want to work through this and find a solution. I'm currently not in employment, and living with my best friend. We've not long moved here, and I'm guessing through updating my details/driving licence etc, debt companies have found me. My debts are mostly for catalogue companies like Shop Direct, JD Williams, Littlewoods etc. I also have a debt with Lending Stream. These are mostly built up over the last few years, not recently. I currently have a small amount given to me each month, and yesterday I have applied for JSA and hopefully within the next few weeks that will be starting, but not yet confirmed. Obviously if that goes ahead, most/all of the JSA will go to these debts. I don't go out and spend money at all anymore, don't drink or smoke etc, so I'm always keeping living costs as low as possible. I've been on the StepChange website which offered loads of help, and I used their debt remedy tool which gives you a personalised plan on where to go from here. The result was to start a debt management plan. Can anyone recommend for my situation, if this would be a good idea? I'm contacting some of the debt companies (by email only, not phone) and trying to arrange low montly re-payments, but they're not getting back to me yet. It's also a push financially to be trying to offer them all around £15-£20 a month etc. _____________________________________________________________________ The debt companies I'm currently dealing with on behalf of my catalogue debts are - Lowell Portfolio I - Very and Littlewoods Wescot - JD Williams The overall debt for these 3 accounts is approximately £2,000 ____________________________________________________________ Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. What is the minimum you can pay to debt companies, if not employed? Would it be better to carry on contacting them by email myself and trying to arrange something, or setting up a debt plan free with StepChange? Thankyou
  3. I had some issues with my landlord last year (gas safety check had not been done for 2 years plus some repairs needed doing) and he issued me with a section 21. He then took me to court but withdrew the claim for possession because I pointed out that he had not protected my deposit. Rather than protect my deposit he refunded it to me but then agreed for me to stay in the property. All was fine until in January I again asked for the repair work to be done. I have now received a claim for possession from the courts. Unfortunately as I have been on holiday I have only just received it and it needs to be back at the court tomorrow! My question is, is the original section 21 notice invalid because my deposit was not protected when he sent it, or is it valid now because the deposit has now been returned? Thanks in advance for any advice
  4. Had a letter from the Magistrate Court telling me I owe £370 which was sent to me around November time. Did not have a clue what it was for so tried to call the number provided for 7 days straight and not once did I get through to anyone to query the letter. Left it that thinking maybe I'll receive more information soon. Then recieve a letter dated 2nd January 2014 from Marston High Court Enforcement Officers & Certificated Bailiffs which now said I owe £455 (370 fine + 85 fees) and this letter did give me the information that I could not get from the court. It was a ''speeding - exceed 30 mph on a restricted road on 04/02/2010''. If I would of ever been reminded I would of paid the original £60 or £90 whatever it was to save all this hassle. It told me I had 7 days to pay or bailiffs will attend to levy distress and remove goods for a public auction sale with a minimum further cost of £215. Did not get to this letter as I had been away working. I then get a phone call on my lunch break at work from a Marston Bailiff on Friday just gone. He introduced himself and told me he was outside my house (which is my mum's house & she is the only 1 listed on the tenancy agreement). He basically said I had to pay which I replied I cant afford to and I would be willing to pay in installments. The best he could offer me was 1 week to pay half which has now turned into £670 so £335 next week & £335 the following week which I can not afford. He said or the only other option is to get a locksmith out, enter the house and take goods up to the £670 ''owed''. I did mention to him that the only possesions I have at the house are basic needs, clothes, bed, wardrobe etc... no ''luxury goods'' but my mum does have luxury items which she has worked hard for ie. Big tv, stereo system etc... He then replied ''the courts dont care as long as they get their money back'' When I got home there was a big red hand posted letter ''FINAL NOTICE'' telling me I had literally this last chance or more costs will be added. He was ok over the phone but he was pretty stern in telling me its either this or locksmiths. My problems and concerns are can he enter the house with a locksmith even when nobody is in? If they do gain entry can they take my mums goods even though I have told them their not mine? Can they take my bed, clothes and other basic needs? Really stressed out over this as I cannot afford just to pay out £670. Is there any chance I could go to the courts with all my documents and kind of get the fine reduced or put back to its original cost. Really dont know what to do about this and I fear they'll enter the house and I'll come home from work and all my mothers items have been taken. Thanks in advance
  5. Hi everyone, first I apologise if I have posted this in the wrong place. I need some advice..... I have been in receipt of Housing benefit and council tax support since dec 12 when my partner came out of work. I was on maternity leave until may 2012. He started working again on 21st feb this year, he was working away, I stupidly forgot to notify them, and only thought about it when the wrote to me asking for my payslips as my maternity had ended and they had suspended my claim. I sent my payslips without a second thought, but still didn't tell them my partner had started work, I don't want to make excuses but my new baby son has health problems hence my head being all over, he's currently seeing a consultant at the hospital. I then after this got a letter asking for more info they wanted bank statements, well I just paniced as my partners wages have been going in the account. I rang them and told them I wanted my claim ending as my partner had started work and I was returning also, as I didn't want to get into trouble I said he started that week (stupid I know). The next day I rang them back as I realised I could get into serious trouble for this and I didn't want this to happen and is wasn't my intention, I explained how he worked away and my son has been ill and I haven't been thinking straight, he totally sympathized with me and told me not to worry and I'd just receive a bill for the overpayment of benefit. I have rang everyday to see if the have looked into it yet but they haven't. I am sooo scared they r going to think I have lied on purpose to get benefits which is not the case, I have offered to repay everypenny as soon as possible. Will I get in trouble for fraud?? Can anyone give any info on what to do please, thank you in advance xx
  6. Hi, I have a default on my file from arrow global of £955. I sent a 'Prove it' letter about 4/5months ago and they responded saying they have no information on me, that they are looking for it but in the mean time they wont pursue me for money and they are not removing the default. trouble is now i cant get any credit at all. Im thinking of paying them a sum for them to completely remove the default. how would i go about this? what sort of offer shall i make them? are they to be trusted not to chase for the remaining amount? has anyone else done this with arrow? sorry for all the questions
  7. Hi everyone, I am aware there is another older thread in regards to minicredit and that there is a wealth of information contained in it, having just read through, but I am after a bit more help if possible and what steps to take next. I too have made the mistake of using mincredit and defaulting - here is a summery of my original loan, date applied and when it was owed and how much I currently owe today (less than 2 months after defaulting) Order date Amount applied Current balance Due date balance Due date Status 2012-10-24 £100.00 £714.00 2012-11-19 debt collection I have emailed them 3 times using the automated email link on their site and received no response, they have called several times and left voicemails. How do I proceed from here? What would you suggest should I do first and then from then on? This is causing me many a sleepless night, I am astounded that 100 (of which I only got 80!) has turned into 714 in 6/7 weeks! Please help!
  8. Hi, I have an outstanding debt from a home I had with my ex husband, he is now bankrupt so I am responsible. I wrote to them in September advising I had started a new job and was on low wages for the first 3 months and could I set up an agreement after this. The day after sending this letter I received a county court judgement for this. A few days later I received a letter from them in response to my letter advising I would still need to fill out the earnings and expenditure on the county court judgement. I did this offering to pay £20 a month. I received a letter from them dated 21st November stating they had set up a payment plan and sent me a paypoint card to pay. The first installment of £7.02 would be due on 3rd Dec and then £20 every month on the 3rd. I wrote to them advising I had previously said I couldn't afford to pay anything until January and I filled out the income and expenditure as what my wages would be from then. I said that I would pay £27.02 on the 3rd Jan and £20 per month after that. I got no reply but put this down to Christmas post. On 3rd Jan I paid £28 through Paypoint. Today I got a letter from Alexander James Debt Recovery dated 7th Jan stating I have failed to honour the payment arrangement so the agreement has been cancelled and they intend to start court proceedings for an attachment of earnings. I'm very upset at this as I'm sticking to a really tight budget and trying my best to pay everybody and did everything I said I would. I'm basically starting again in life with a new job and still under probation at a very small company and the last thing I want is an attachment of earnings as I feel (although wrong) it could affect trust from the director and also getting a permanent contract. I want to send a letter tomorrow, recorded, can somebody please advise me on how to proceed. Thanks.
  9. I have a loan on default with Cash genie at £104. And Quickquid at £582.75. On the QQ one i had opted to pay £132 on the 1st then £582.75 on the 29th (my next payday) This then changed to the 15th!? Which obviously doesn't help at all! I will pay CG in full on 1/11/12 but how can i arranmge a payment plan with QQ? Paying only the £582.75 I could pay them half and half but the full amount is too much as i have other bills too! Thanks
  10. Hi everybody, I need some advice as I'm tired of being dragged from pillar to post. I have recieved a visit from Rossendale bailiff this morning for the non payment of Council Tax - I was handed a letter at the door (I wasnt aware that he was a bailiff & stupidly let him in). The letter states that it is a bailiff removal letter, magistrates liability order/warrant of executuion for the total sum of £755.47 (GBP). The bailiff (once inside the property) told me that the sum needed to be settled in full and after repeatedly telling him that I cant give him what I havent got he increased his tone of voice and tried to appear aggressive. I told him not to talk to me in that manner to which he walked out of my property. Unbeknown to me that this was a clever little trick to be able to write down goods to be seized! Whilst at the front door he then tried to take my photograph to which I shut the dorr and quickly locked it as I could feel him trying to open it. He then got back into his van and filled in some paperwork for about 10 minutes - I saw him coming back down the drive so I took the envelope from him at the front door - he again stormed off. The second letter was a 'notice of distress' with the following wrote down as inventory- x1 Colour Tv (Flatscreen) x1 Two Seater Sofa x1 Armchair x1 Sky Sat Box The Sum Total is also broken down like this - Client debt & costs outstanding - 755.47 1st Visit fee (Inc) 24.00 Levy Fee (Inc) 43.00 Van Attend/Enforce fee (Inc) 130.00 I explained to the bailiff that I am currently on Statutory Sick Pay - he didnt give a ****! Phoned Rossendale to explain the situation and I was told that as I am classed as vunerable then I need to speak to the council - Newcastle Under Lyme Borough Council - I called them and they told me that as the bailiff hasnt updated the situation on my account then there is nothing further they can do. I currently live in a different area - under Stoke on Trent City Council & I am currently in the process of being awarded full housing beneifit/council tax whilst Im off sick as it is a chronic illness. I am also a single parent to two sons - 9 & 7, the youngest of which is currently going through the process of being statemented for being Autistic. Please advice, on this letter it states that I have 5 days in which to pay the sum in full - no instalments allowed or he will return at HIS convienience to remove goods which I understand he CAN with Force as I allowed him peaceful entry. Furthermore- the sofa isnt even mine yet, its on finance. Is he able to take that? I really dont know who to contact next - tried CAB, apparantly no-one is available to talk Many, many thanks in advance!
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